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I am kinda bored so I'd like to do this again ~just for fun ^^

Username: AoTora
Game: FireRed Omega

"He arose in three days." Dodrio
"A season of giving."
"Eggcellent!" Will do one in-game trade for this one ^^
"Roses are red." Meganium :3
"The gift that keeps on giving." Persian
"Here comes Peter Cottontail!" Plusle or Minun - whatever I find first ^_^

Gifts available in this hack: Starters (Smoochum, Elekid and Magby), all first three gen starters, eevee (Can evolve into espeon and umbreon aswell) and hitmonlee/hitmonchan ^^
AoTora, a Water-type is always a great addition to any team, so I'll give you a cute Water starter: Mudkip :)
Short update on my progress:

Update #4 on Volt White 2.

  • Talked with Drayden at his house in Opelucid City and activated the Team Plasma freezing scene.
  • Defeated the Grunts and Zinzolin, then headed to Humilau City.
  • After training up on Route 22, I challenged the gym.
  • Marlon is tough since he leads with Drizzle Politoed and has a nicely constructed team, so it took a few tries to defeat him.
  • I am now saved on Route 22.

Team Coney:

"He arose in three days."
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Trinido the Lonely Dodrio, ♂ - L62 @ Leftovers
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Return, Drill Run, Fly, Tri Attack

"Here comes Peter Cottontail!"
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Basil Stag the Hardy Lopunny, ♂ - L67 @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Limber
Moves: Return, Ice Punch, Jump Kick, Cut

"The gift that keeps on giving."
[PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs

Givter the Gentle Simipour, ♀ - L61 @ Rawst Berry
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Surf, Water Spout, Natural Gift, Grass Knot

"Roses are red."
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Synni the Mild Sunflora, ♀ - L63 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Giga Drain, Searing Shot, Petal Dance, Earth Power

"A season of giving."
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Stergif the Jolly Emboar, ♀ - L62 @ Leftovers
Ability: Adaptability
Moves: Drain Punch, Cross Chop, Flare Blitz, Strength

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Gengar the Timid Gengar, ♂ - L64 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Thunder

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Alright, when last we left off, we'd just defeated Roark for the Coal Badge. At least, I think so. So how far does Update #2 bring us? Well, the short of it is, we gathered three more teammates (making 5), and we just got our third badge from Fantina. Progress, yo! :D The tl;dr details are inside:

The team so far:
Here's the second update! : )
Also, I've realized that it's basically impossible to get a Doduo before the Elite 4...oops! Just goes to show how long it's been since I've played Pearl. I've decided to go with a Vespiquen instead, as that's the only possibility at this point.

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Name: Daiya
Game: Pearl
Time: 9:38
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The Second Gym, Gardenia:
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Hearthome Surprises

The Third Gym, Maylene:
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The Challegg Crew:
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Heh, finally completed... I only had problem on Victory Road, but after all, this was fun :)

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Also, here is team:

Alyssa || Emerald
Mauville City
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Took out Flannery easily thanks to Tierno and that was that. I put a Soothe Bell on Shaun for while and biked back and forth in front of the Daycare so I could check his happiness and have him evolve like immediately. Then I gave him Exp Share, finished off all the trainers I had left, then went to Norman and took out one of his gym trainers. Which was a struggle. So I hung out in the Mirage Tower to avoid the sandstorm and ran all my useble 'mon's PP down the toilet before Shaun was at an equal level with them. And then popped him in front and used him to take down almost every Pokémon in the gym. I love my Wobbuffet now ngl. <3 Taught Tierno Surf and let him forget Water Gun. Calem hit level 33 and I was obliged to replace Tackle with Helping Hand, ew. Did the New Mauville thing, hit up the Berry Master's place, and went back to Mauville for healsies. Next time: to Fortree!

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[PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs

Name: Sketch
LVL: 34
Moves: Take Down|Bide|Mud Shot|Surf
Role: "A season of giving." (given by waveguidebuizel)

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Name: Makit
Moves: Rock Tomb|Strength|Bulk Up|Vital Throw
Role: "Eggcellent!" (In game trade)

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Name: Crayola
LVL: 32
Moves: Absorb|Acid|PoisonPowder|Sleep Powder
Role: "Roses are red" (Vileplume - Moonlight)

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Name: Paper
LVL: 30
Moves: Fly|Steel Wing|Arial Ace|Sing
Role: "The gift that keeps on giving." (Natural Gift)

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Name: Pastels
LVL: 30
Moves: Strength|Rollout|Surf|Water Gun
Role: "Here comes Peter Cottontail!"

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Name: Draw
LVL: 32
Moves: Shock Wave|Toxic|Supersonic|Thunder Wave
Role: "He arose in three days."

NOTE: Sorry if I havent been posting for days! Its because I have so many exams and projects this month... But now im free so no need to worry :)

STUPID ME! I just realized that Swablu doesn't know Natural Gift in Gen 3!! What should I do!?!?!
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STUPID ME! I just realized that Swablu doesn't know Natural Gift in Gen 3!! What should I do!?!?!
Well, if you are able to trade (i.e. signed up the first day of the challenge), maybe you can trade it to Emerald and learn Mimic (Probably won't be allowed though :(). Otherwise you will probably have to switch it out for someone else. You could also have it learn Refresh, and switch out your Gloom for a Pokemon that can learn a gifting move. That way you keep your Flyer.

Also, if Mirror Move counts as a gifting move, you can have it learn that instead of Natural Gift.

Syd, your thoughts on this conundrum?
Well, if you are able to trade (i.e. signed up the first day of the challenge), maybe you can trade it to Emerald and learn Mimic (Probably won't be allowed though :(). Otherwise you will probably have to switch it out for someone else. You could also have it learn Refresh, and switch out your Gloom for a Pokemon that can learn a gifting move. That way you keep your Flyer.

Also, if Mirror Move counts as a gifting move, you can have it learn that instead of Natural Gift.

Syd, your thoughts on this conundrum?

I hope Return is counts as a gift move....
I'll let you have Mirror Move, since you weren't aware. It's not a huge deal, so don't sweat it!

I'm gonna update the list on Saturday since I have the day off. Anyway, I just got my second badge and I'm about to do Pokewood bleh. :( Not a pretty update because I'm just feeling lazy but here:

Aquacorde / Azurill f lv. 20 (still need to find a Nugget til I get the Lucky Egg)
Water Gun | Bubblebeam | Slam | Charm

LilJz / Porygon 2 lv. 18
Thunderbolt | Ice Beam | Psybeam | Recover

WarriorCat / Servine m lv. 17 (I tried SRing for female, sorry!)
Leaf Tornado | Vine Whip | Tackle | Growth

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[PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs

Name: Sketch
LVL: 36
Moves: Take Down|Bide|Mud Shot|Surf
Role: "A season of giving." (given by waveguidebuizel)

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Name: Makit
Moves: Rock Tomb|Strength|Bulk Up|Vital Throw
Role: "Eggcellent!" (In game trade)

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Name: Crayola
LVL: 37
Moves: Giga Drain|Acid|Moonlight|Sleep Powder
Role: "Roses are red" (Vileplume - Moonlight)

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Name: Paper
LVL: 33
Moves: Fly|Steel Wing|Arial Ace|Sing
Role: "The gift that keeps on giving." (Mirror Move)

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Name: Pastels
LVL: 36
Moves: Strength|Rollout|Surf|Water Gun
Role: "Here comes Peter Cottontail!"

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Name: Draw
LVL: 35
Moves: Thunderbolt|Toxic|Supersonic|Thunder Wave
Role: "He arose in three days."
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Challeggs #3 [#1 #2]

PKMN Trainer Bunny
SoulSilver | 02595
Location: Goldenrod City

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Badge Case
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Aquamarine ♀ Lv. 32
< here comes peter cottontail >
@ Nugget
Impish and a little quick tempered
Huge Power
Strength | Surf
Aqua Ring | Iron Tail

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Fabergé ♂ Lv. 30
< eggcellent >
@ Twisted Spoon
Calm, good perseverance
Serene Grace
Extrasensory | Encore
Wish | Yawn

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Mars ♂ Lv. 30
< a season of giving >
@ Charcoal
Naive and somewhat of a clown
Flame Wheel | Fire Blast
Defense Curl | Quick Attack

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Ēostre ♀ Lv. 28
< roses are red >
@ Miracle Seed
Bashful and capable of taking hits
Mega Drain| Sleep Powder
Acid | PoisonPowder

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Daffodil ♀ Lv. 26
< the gift that keeps on giving >
@ Silk Scarf
Naughty and thoroughly cunning
Bite | Fury Swipes
Fake Out | Screech

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Jellybeans Lv. 24
< he arose in three days >
@ Magnet
Sassy and mischievous
Charge Beam | Supersonic
Sonic Boom | Thunder Wave


Metronome Log - last one, since I had Fab forget the move :(

Alyssa || Emerald
Fortree City
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So I spent the day with my boys and Caleb was watching my playthrough and directing me half the time lmao. Ventured up to the Weather Institute and beat up Team Aqua. Got a Castform which Caleb named Nimbus, got the Mystic Water from it and gave it to Tierno. Beat up Brendan, then surfed downriver and picked up a Leaf Stone for later use. Wandered through Fortree and beyond to meet up with Steven and get the Devon Scope. Apparently he saw my true power through a battle with a level 30 Kecleon, idk. Kept going toward Lilycove, sneaking past trainers. Stopped in the Safari Zone only to be reminded that I needed a PokéBlock Case. Kept going all the way into Lilycove, picked up the case, and then.... got coerced into doing contests by Caleb lmao. Failed miserably in the Smart category (zero points. at all. I hate that category) and kicked ass in the Beauty category. Then actually went back to the Safari Zone to find a Doduo. Got one pretty quick and I named him Brian because Caleb was insisting on calling him Doodoo, then ran about aimlessly for a while. Picked up an Oddish that got named named Spud and a Rhyhorn named Unicorn♂. Went back to beating up trainers for Brian's sake. Got done with them all after a while, then moved on to the trainers and Aquas at Mt Pyre who were... much easier than the trainers lining the paths between Fortree and Lilycove. Then I went back to Lilycove because I had forgotten about the Move Deleter (lol) and replaced Trevor's Cut with Strength. Aaaand then meandered back to Fortree and started in on the gym trainers. Not looking forward to Winona lmao.
Update #2

Challenged Whitney and wasn't strong enough, so went to National Park and caught myself a Sunkern
Grinded them until they were strong enough to defeat Whitney's Miltank
Advanced until Ecruteak city where I met Bill at the Pokemon Center
I backtracked until Goldrenrod city to see Bill and get Eevee from him
Went back to Ecruteak City to go to the Brass Tower where I met Morty, Eusine and faced my rival and won
Saw Suicune for the first time
Went to challenge Ecruteak gym and defeated Morty
Proceeded to Route 38 and captured Meowth after 15 minutes of searching
Since it was a Tuesday, I went to the Bug Catching contest and caught a Butterfree with full HP which got me 1st place in the contest and won a Sun Stone
Went to the Dance Theater and defeated all the Kimono Girls and received Surf HM from the old man

Badges Obtained:
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Current Pokemon Team:

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Meowth♀, "The gift that keeps on giving."
Level 23
Moveset: Pay Day, Growl, Bite & Headbutt

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Eevee♂, "A season of giving."
Level 24
Moveset: Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Mud-Slap & Growl

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Smoochum♀, "Eggcellent!"
Level 26
Moveset: Confusion, Sing, Sweet Kiss & Ice Punch

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Sunkern♀, "Roses are red."
Level 22
Moveset: Flash, Growth, Mega Drain & Sunny Day

PS: Isn't my team just too adorable? :3 ♥
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Trainer Kaja

Badges: Zephyr, Hive, Plain, Fog, Glacier, Storm, Mineral, Rising, L
Gul, the flower;
Meganium, male, lv.58, king's rock,
-Attacks: Strength, synthesis, body slam, razor leaf
-Notes: "Gul" Means "flower, rose" in Persian and Urdu."

Prosepi, the eggcellent;
Raichu, female, lv.58, pink bow,
-Attacks: Thunderbolt, light screen, dizzy punch, headbutt
-Notes: Name from "Prosepina"; Means "to emerge" in Latin

Tri, the arisen;
Magneton, /, lv.58, magnet,
-Attacks: Thundershock, lock-on, zap cannon, tri-attack

Ilkay, the rabbit;
Azumarill, female, lv.63, nugget,
-Attacks: surf, waterfall, defence curl, rollout
-Notes: Name means "new moon" in Turkish, derived from ilk "first" and ay "moon"
- We're replacing one of the HMs with Ice Punch again when we can, that was mostly so we could get to the league

Dahnanjay, the giver;
Persian, male, lv.59, amulet coin,
-Attacks: Slash, bite, screech, pay day
-Notes: Means "winning wealth" in Sanskrit.

SHUCKIE, the gift
Shuckle, female, lv.60, quick claw/exp.share,
-Attacks: Constrict, sandstorm, wrap, safeguard
-Notes: huh, return has a decent amount of PP, we could give her that over constrict, right?


Krakl, the HM-using krabby

Aberash, the SHINY ZUBAT, YEAH!;
SHINY ZUBAT, female, lv.13, -, -
-Notes: Means "giving off light" in Amharic. Probably.
- But I can't USE her, which is a shame. Because we have to use Shuckie.

Shiny tentacool, F
name is something about shinging in chinese

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Name: Sketch
LVL: 40
Moves: Take Down|Ice Beam|Earthquake|Surf
Role: "A season of giving." (given by waveguidebuizel)

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Name: Makit
Moves: Rock Tomb|Strength|Bulk Up|Brick Break
Role: "Eggcellent!" (In game trade)

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Name: Crayola
LVL: 40
Moves: Giga Drain|Sludge Bomb|Moonlight|Sleep Powder
Role: "Roses are red" (Vileplume - Moonlight)

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Name: Paper
LVL: 40
Moves: Fly|Dragon Breath|Dragon Dance|Sing
Role: "The gift that keeps on giving." (Mirror Move)

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Name: Pastels
LVL: 37
Moves: Strength|Waterfall|Surf|Hyper Beam
Role: "Here comes Peter Cottontail!"

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Name: Draw
LVL: 40
Moves: Thunderbolt|Toxic|Supersonic|Thunder Wave
Role: "He arose in three days."

NOTE: Im currently at Victory Road training to LVL 60, if you can suggest any training spots or moves for my team that would be great! Thanks in advance :)
LilJz, your team is so cute omg. I suggest getting your sprites from Bulbapedia though so they don't have the white background. :3

Anyway, Azurill just evolved and the other night, my egg hatched! Turned out to be Zorua, so that's good considering my gift wasn't Zorua...lol. I named him Necrum, and I also caught Petilil whose name is Orianna. Grinding before I go to the next gym since I have a predominantly Bug-weak team. I'll post a pretty update after that. I've just been super lazy lately...could you tell? :P
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