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    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs

    the easter challenge

    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs

    Unfortunately, even though the name has eggs in the title, there's only one egg involved. That being said, welcome to the March 2014 event! Sure has been a while, hasn't it? As it's been said, this challenge is the Easter challenge, and the first one we've had at that. Although you won't be searching for eggs or swapping them endlessly, you will be going through your respective games with an Easter-oriented team. Without further ado, let's hop to it! I'm all about the bad puns tonight.​

    1. "He arose in three days."
    For this Pokemon, you will need to use a Pokemon that is either made up of three Pokemon or can learn Tri-Attack. It must keep it, as well. If you use a Pokemon made of three that can learn Tri-Attack, you must still keep it. Note: This is the only aspect of the challenge that matches with religious themes, and it's not meant to push the Christian faith onto you. If you feel uncomfortable with this, we can work something else out for you! I myself am not very religious though and I don't feel like it will step on anyone's toes, but to each their own.

    2. "A season of giving."
    Gift Pokemon are great! And while normally, you would get to pick your own, a gift isn't really a surprise if you already know what it will be. So for this gift, another challenger will choose for you, provided that you've selected a game. For those that will assign gifts, please be mindful of the participant's chosen game! Also, this does include starters and fossils, so choose wisely, givers! Note: The gift you assign MUST be an actual in-game gift in the participant's chosen game. This would be something like Eevee in Gold or Fennekin in X.

    3. "Eggcellent!"
    Wouldn't be Easter without eggs, right? For this, you can use any in-game egg received Pokemon you'd like. If the eggs in your game are awful and terrible, you may head out to Trade Corner and see if someone will breed you an egg there, or ask a local friend. No friends? ...Ouch. But no really, if I've made an oversight and there's a game with no in-game egg and you're unable to trade, go ahead and use a Pokemon from an in-game trade! ...It had to have hatched from an egg at some point, right?

    4. "Roses are red."
    Easter means spring (right?) and with that means loads of flowers blooming! You guessed it. You're using a flower-based Pokemon. However, it must know at least one healing move. Whether it's for HP or status restore, it's gotta cure something!

    5. "The gift that keeps on giving."
    And giving, and giving...this Pokemon must have access to a move that is a gesture of giving. What are those moves? Bestow, Fling (violent, yeah, but it works!), Present, Helping Hand (bless you), Natural Gift, Pay Day, Heal Pulse, and Happy Hour are the moves we're looking for here. You only need one, so make sure you pick something that benefits your team! Hopefully I didn't miss any of the moves.

    6. "Here comes Peter Cottontail!"
    An even bigger requirement than eggs, Easter definitely needs a bunny! Your bun bun must always be at least two levels higher than the second highest level member of your party. It must always carry the Lucky Egg as well. If your game doesn't have a Lucky Egg or you're going a period without it, give it a Nugget. :) Bunny Pokemon include Azumarill, Plusle, Minun, Lopunny, Victini, Audino, Diggersby, and Carbink. You're also open to Buneary and Bunnelby, if you're feeling daring!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    This challenge is for all games, except RBY and FRLG due to lack of rabbits and eggs.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    Hacking and trading is not allowed, however you are allowed to have an egg traded in and if you aren't able to get an in-game egg or one from a trade, you can perform an in-game trade. If you need an evolution item that is post-game only, you are allowed to hack or trade it in. Just make note if you do any of these exceptions.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    HM slaves are allowed.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    In XY, Exp Share must be off and Pokemon cannot gain more than two hearts in Amie. Mega Stones are not allowed.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    No legendaries allowed, with the exception of Victini as an Easter Bunny.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    Challenge ends after Red (GSC), Steven (RS), Wallace (E), Cynthia (DPPt), Ghetsis (BW), Iris (BW2), or AZ (XY).

    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs

    In honor of my 6th PC anniversary, I'm posting this a day early (on said PCversary, of course). If you sign up today, you will be allowed one of the following:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    You may hack or trade in one of your Pokemon, disregarding rule #2, however it cannot be your gift or egg Pokemon.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challeggs
    You may pick your gift instead of having another person do so.

    To get one of these options, all you have to do is sign up on February 28, Central Time (GMT -6). If you sign up during this time and would not like to utilize the bonus for signing up, please make note in your sign up!

    Bonus is over!

    Sign-up form
    Username: Everlark
    Game: White 2
    Definitely making use of my bonus and I'll be trading in something. Not sure what yet, but I haven't figured my team out anyway. Also, I will be naming party members after the first five people that sign up. 6th party member is reserved to be named for Necrum. Just thought I'd have a bit of fun with names~

    As per usual, there's an emblem, yadda yadda, you know the drill. ;) Event ends on whatever the last day of March is eeeee heee heee.



    i'm "accidentally" posting this an hour before it's actually the 28th cause altaria's gotta sleep!
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    Username: Aquacorde
    Game: Emerald

    I'm gonna go ahead and pick my gift because wow I have some major doubts about the team I managed to come up with and I'm gonna need a reliable backup. ^^;

    1. Dodrio
    2. Blaziken
    3. Wobbuffet urgh
    4. Vileplume Cabbage <3
    5. Volbeat idk man helping hand
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    I'm going to try to be more active again, so here I am. :)

    Username: WarriorCat
    Game: Y

    1. "He arose in three days." - Dodrio (with Tri-Attack)
    2. "A season of giving." - Whatever the next challenger gives me
    3. "Eggcellent!" - No in-game eggs and can't trade (connection problems with 3ds), so I'll do the Farfetch'd trade in Santalune.
    4. "Roses are red." - Vileplume (with Moonlight)
    5. "The gift that keeps on giving." - Don't know yet
    6. "Here comes Peter Cottontail!" - Azumarill
    Finally I got the challenge I wanted for so long! <3

    Username: LilJz
    Game: Crystal

    "He arose in three days." Dodrio
    "A season of giving." Flareon/Jolteon
    "Eggcellent!" Whatever I'm getting in the Mystery Egg
    "Roses are red." Sunflora
    "The gift that keeps on giving." Meowth
    "Here comes Peter Cottontail!" Azumarill

    Question, if I'm playing Gen II, do I HAVE to search for a Lucky Egg or I can just make my Pokemon hold a Nugget? Since searching for a Chansey PLUS holding a Lucky Egg is quite tedious.
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    Username:Dementia (too lazy to add crosses x.x)
    Game: Crystal

    Lilly, your gift is Shuckle

    I'm gonna hack in a Porygon because I'm too lazy to wait until Celadon to buy one .-.
    Imma use the Randomizer to change my starter into Porygon and Imma remove trade evolutions as well, since I'll be playing on my phone and can't really trade to evolve x.x.

    Is that against the rules? x.x

    Planned team:

    • "He arose in three days."- Porygon2 (Porygon if removing trade evolutions via the Randomizer is against the rules)
    • "A season of giving."- Espeon
    • "Eggcellent!"- Whatever's in the Mystery Egg, hopefully a shiny >_>
    • "Roses are red."- Bellossom with Moonlight.
    • "The gift that keeps on giving."- Delibird
    • "Here comes Peter Cottontail!"- Azumarill
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    Username: Jdthebud (go with Jd, Syd..)
    Game: Blaze Black 2

    Dementia, your gift is...Espeon!

    He arose in three days."- Dodrio (too bad Tri-Attack is special...)
    "A season of giving."- Emboar
    "Eggcellent!"- In-game trade, for Gengar, since the Happiny egg is postgame :(
    "Roses are red."- Sunflora, Synthesis.
    "The gift that keeps on giving."- Simipour, Natural Gift
    "Here comes Peter Cottontail!"- Lopunny
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    Name: AngelicPikachu
    Game: Y

    JD Ur Gift is Emboar...nice you get a starter good luck bud

    1-"He arose in three days." Dodrio
    2- "A season of giving." Lucario
    3- "Eggcellent!" (unknown yet, hopefully it's something pretty :P like WC no in game eggs)
    4-"Roses are red." Roserade with Giga Drain
    5- "The gift that keeps on giving." Meowstic - Helping Hand (yay for Heart Scales)
    6- "Here comes Peter Cottontail!" Azumarill

    No Bonus being used :)
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    Yay, I always enjoy the event challenges! ^-^ Maybe this'll help me get back into my unfinished ones.

    Username: waveguidebuizel
    Game: Platinum

    Gotta give 4th gen some love! Also, I'm not planning on using the bonus.

    AngelicPikachu, take Raichu. :)

    My semi-planned team:
    • "He arose in three days" - probably Magnezone with Tri Attack
    • "A season of giving" - dunno, you tell me
    • "Eggcelent" - Togekiss
    • "Roses are red" - Roserade with Synthesis?
    • The gift that keeps on giving" - not sure, but probably something I feel like training with Natural Gift
    • "Here comes Peter Cottontail" - Lopunny
    Your Pokemon is Gallade. Congratulations (:
    Username: Puddle
    Game: Emerald
    He Arose in Three Days - Dodrio
    A Season of Giving - Torchic
    Eggcelent - Since I really don't feel like trying to train a Wobbuffet. I'm going to make an in-game trade at the beginning. Ralts for Seedot.
    So I'll be using Shiftry.
    Roses Are Red - Vileplume
    A Gift that Keeps on Giving - Plusle/Minun (Whichever one I see first)
    Here Comes Peter Cottontail - Azumarill.
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    Your Pokemon is Gallade. Congratulations (:

    Ralts isn't a gift in Platinum. :( These have to be in-game gift Pokemon. Buizel, take Piplup as your gift.

    Could someone assign me one as well? Playing White 2. n__n Also, looks like my team is Necrum, Aquacorde, WarriorCat, LilJz, Dementia, and JD. This should be fun. :) -goes back to sleep- I'll pick Pokemon later. :P
    Ill do this on emerald
    Breloom/Oddish (I'd preferably use Breloom as a flower, but if I cant use him ill use Oddish and his line)

    Ralts isn't a gift in Platinum. :( These have to be in-game gift Pokemon. Buizel, take Piplup as your gift.

    Could someone assign me one as well? Playing White 2. n__n Also, looks like my team is Necrum, Aquacorde, WarriorCat, LilJz, Dementia, and JD. This should be fun. :) -goes back to sleep- I'll pick Pokemon later. :P

    i'll give you Snivy :)
    Breloom counts as a mushroom, I'm afraid. :( Also, where did Eevee come from? For those of you using the bonus for signing up today, you do need to let me know when you sign up which one you're using, and if you're trading/hacking in a party member, it must suit one of the slots. Thanks!
    Breloom counts as a mushroom, I'm afraid. :( Also, where did Eevee come from? For those of you using the bonus for signing up today, you do need to let me know when you sign up which one you're using, and if you're trading/hacking in a party member, it must suit one of the slots. Thanks!

    Okay, I'll use Oddish, and Eevee is going to have helping hand on it at the end
    Oh okay, gotcha! That's what I figured, but just had to make sure. :) My team is going to be the following:

    Porygon-2 (for my bonus, and Tri-Attack), Serperior, (my sister is going to trade me an egg), Lilligant, Altaria, and Azumarill. Seems pretty Eastery, lol. Not a fan of two pure Grass types, but I'll manage.
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    Username: tobyjoey
    Game: Y
    1. Magnezone
    2. I will be waiting :)
    3. In game trade for Steelix
    4. I would like to use Venusaur with Synthesis, but if I can't, Roserade with Synthesis.
    5. Gallade with Heal Pulse
    6. Diggersby

    I am not planning on using any bonus rules. Unless I am missing it, it doesn't seem like anyone has chosen a pokemon for Puddle. So, you can have a Blaziken, Puddle.
    Not sure if you'll consider this as a repost, but just in case you haven't seen my first post.

    Question, if I'm playing Gen II, do I HAVE to search for a Lucky Egg or I can just make my Pokemon hold a Nugget? Since searching for a Chansey PLUS holding a Lucky Egg is quite tedious.
    I don't believe I get a Pikachu gift anywhere in the game of Y, I think it has to be a pokemon you recieve as a gift...so if someone would be so kind plz sorry WaveGuideBuizel!

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