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Featured: Check to see if your roleplay has been approved! v.3

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Fuyu's Digimon: Sky Colossae is approved in Roleplay Stage!

Razgrey's... RP is denied for now.
I don't really understand what this is, sorry o: Mind sending me a PM and explain how you intend for this "RP/RPG" to work?

SoaPuffball's RP is denied for now,
due to lack of plot. 42 words is too little for most RPs in letting the players know where the RP takes place, who they are going to be, what they will be expected to do, and what this even all is. Try to expand (a lot!), I suggest looking at other RP threads in Roleplay Casting to see what information is nice to have in your opening post (:
EtheralStorm's RP has been moved to the Roleplay Theatre and given a [Help Request] prefix.
You should take a look at other opening posts in Roleplay Casting and see what kind of information and plot usually is necessary for players to know when signing up! I've moved your thread so that others can give you feedback and help you create a nice RP. Please message me if you would rather have your thread deleted and post something completely new~ (:
EtherealStorm's The Iske Region has been denied for now. You clearly have a very good idea of what you want to do but you're not communicating that very well to potential players. You need to tell them more about the layout and lore of your region and explain the actual mechanics of the RP in more detail. I think you'd benefit a lot from checking out more running RPs or some of our guides.

Also, this is by no means a requirement but you might want to not use mechanics routed in competitive battling. Not many RPers are also competitive battlers.
Razgrey's Abnormal Cake Simulator 2 is approved in Roleplay Casting!
But remember that we do have a 100 word minimum limit here... a few words don't make a RP posts here; you might as well RP through instant messaging then. Just a reminder!
Razgrey's IC thread is approved in Roleplay Stage!

Chemist Wooper's RP is pending in Roleplay Casting.
You have a good idea, but this is a pokémon forum. As such, you probably want to describe what kind of world the Lanterns live in and the player would live in so that they don't feel lost if they are new to the franchise you're basing the RP on. You can PM me a new draft of the RP, or post a new thread!
Quto's thread in Roleplay Stage is pending for now.

- ROLEPLAY STAGE: Did you forget the player list? In order to get an In-Character thread approved, you need to provide a player list in the IC or OOC thread with at least 4 accepted players! That can of course include yourself, though.
pls fix (:
AlphaLuxray's Fire Emblem: Flames of War has been denied for now. From what I saw your content was actually absolutely fine but all your bb code was broken which made it really hard to read. Feel free to PM either myself or adventure if you need help clearing that up!
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