I have had an intense time of it recently, and my household is in need of prayers. I was thinking as a Christian Clubhouse we could pray for one another in times of need. I would be happy to make a prayer for someone else too if you are at a difficult place in life, and pay it forward.
In November my mother had a neck and spinal surgery. 4 discs in her neck were herniated, and if she didn't have the surgery it could potentially lead to paralysis or even death. A truck driver wasn't looking where he was going and backed into her at a storage center when I was a little girl, and it disabled her. She's had pain and other medical complications ever since.
She came out of the recent surgery well as far as we know right now. The surgeons had to cut inside of her neck, and insert some plates inside of this region of her body kinda like a brace. She woke up from the surgery, and not everyone does, especially older patients with underlying health conditions. She breathes fine, the scar across her neck is healing nicely, she is able to turn her head and look from side to side okay, and her legs are looking good-- sometimes this kind of spinal surgery gives people mobility problems, but that didn't happen here. She is not having problems swallowing food as often as she did when she was first released from the hospital. So that is all good. She sees physical therapists weekly, and they see a lot of improvement. So I am feeling optimistic about her recovery at least. However, my mom has told me that sometimes the plates they put In your body for this kind of surgery don't take well, and it takes more time to know exactly how successful the surgery has been.In some cases It is necessary to perform surgery again. So she is worried understandably, because she is still facing some issues, she doesn't have full mobility back in both of her arms, and she still has pain, though it is way reduced in her shoulder region from what she says it was before her surgery. However, so far the doctors say that what she has reported is still in the normal range. She has recovering to do, and the time of this healing process can take several months, so this doesn't necessarily mean she needs to have corrective surgery on her spine again. Only time will tell.
Unfortunately, this isn't the only potential surgery she may need.When she was admitted to the hospital this fall they found a large growth on her pituitary gland. I thank the heavens that it was not a malignant tumor. However, even though it is benign because of it's size and placement it might still need to be removed. Where the tumor is located will place pressure on her optic nerves if it continues to grow, and could cause blindness. The neurosurgeons would have to do another type of surgery where they cut into her nose to remove the tumor. The doctors want to give my mom time to recover from her surgery last year, but this autumn they will look to see if the tumor has grown any bigger, and decide whether an operation is necessary.
I know my mom is scared, and so am I. if someone could send my family some prays for good health I would really be extremely grateful. Love you all. <3