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[Showcase] Chura's Art Spam 2023

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 1,460
    Chura's Art Spam 2023

    This thread's going to be my documentation for my yearly challenge. I'll be putting in here my suffering, my scuff, my learnings... but mostly my art. Hopefully I finish my thing gfjkds

    [2/14] Art Studies
    Spoiler: Anime-Style Background Design by Illustrator HayateLuc
    The class that teaches all about Composition and Perspective in designing backgrounds. It's pretty basic and gave just a good jumping point on starting out. I stopped at the composition chapter for now to do more of those before moving on to perspective since I'd wanna nail down composition first before everything else. Something something foundation or whatever.

    He mentioned I'd need to have a solid idea first of all but I didn't, so I asked Sonata and Grey Bidoof for some. For the first two I'll be working on their prompts. Expect a bunch of scuff, and maybe a bit of the same thing. :') Since looking at the first attempt (the only art on here right now)... it's really scuff (sobs)

    Spoiler: The first attempt:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chura's Art Spam 2023

    So.... there were some obvious problems with it. At a glance it's fine, but it doesn't provide enough of an oomph for me. I like the movement characterized by the wheat field's movement, but the attempt at a foreboding perspective didn't turn out right with that kind of composition. Which is why obviously I had to try again. :) Center composition is usually good for backgrounds with symbolic meanings, and while this does have it, with my current ability it's to tricky for me to do it right.

    The second attempt is a safer bet, landscape this time! I tried to work with both the rule of thirds and golden ratio ruling, so it's definitely less scuff as it should be. I can say for certain I improved at trees, but... composition-wise, I already see some thing I did wrong, and hopefully the next pieces would be somewhat better! (sobs again)

    Spoiler: The second attempt:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chura's Art Spam 2023

    Third attempt is actually a commission by Murkmire of his D&D character, Scinniq, an owlin bard who acts very much like a rogue and has the edgiest backstory known to man. That said, the background I did for this was before the class but just generally using the tips I've heard of before in terms of rough thumbnail compositions, so it's definitely skill-level different from the official first and second (so "third" as in I finished this late but it's the official "zeroth"?

    Spoiler: The third attempt:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chura's Art Spam 2023

    While the fourth attempt is still a work-in-progress (and might prove to be a mix of the first and second study so let's see), the fifth is something I made for my personal TTRPG campaign, Golden Glow. I didn't try as hard to make things super pretty, but definitely followed the basic composition guidelines that I barely recalled ahaha. At this point, I still have miles to go but I think I'm prepared to dive into the perspective part of the background piece and move on to the next study!

    Spoiler: The fourth-fifth attempt:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chura's Art Spam 2023

    Well... I lied, I tried to make something using that one with perspective in mind too. This one I feel definitely encapsulates my progress with backgrounds combined with adding characters to it. Even if it's black and white, the goal of making the viewer just stare at the image works and solves a lot of problems I originally had in the previous pieces. Definitely something I'm proud of and am glad to finally make it this far at least!

    Spoiler: The sixth attempt:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chura's Art Spam 2023

    Spoiler: Bonus Study: Texture Spheres
    This is just a note to myself to do this

    [2/12] Monthly Art Pieces
    Spoiler: January: Art Studio Sticky Thumbnails

    Spoiler: January BONUS: Perfume Bottle Character Design
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chura's Art Spam 2023

    Spoiler: February: Dainty Requests
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chura's Art Spam 2023

    Spoiler: February Special: Masumi's Valentine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chura's Art Spam 2023

    Spoiler: March
    Check again for March!

    Last edited:
    You keep calling it scuff but I think the tree lady piece turned out really well. I think I said it already, but it's very vibrant and it feels like something someone would cover in lacquer and use on a phone case which is a cool vibe.
    > "scuff"
    > produces a beautifully rendered piece

    OK. I don't doubt that there's a lot of scuff if you see it at like x10 hi-res zoom when you were actually doing the piece but the final artwork looks great at that resolution.
    It's a vibrant stylized piece, nothing wrong with that.
    thanks both <3 i do have to say the stylization is fine in my eyes as well :) what i'm referring to scuff in this case is the composition of the overall piece, which... can be pretty scuff (glad you like it though) hfjdnks i think without the lady it's fine but with the lady everything just falls apart if you know what i mean

    quick update: added in the main thread the journey to the second piece! i'm labelling it as 1.5 since this is not the intended 2nd piece of the result of the study. the study depicts composition and perspective, and i still need to show the results of the latter.
    thanks both <3 i do have to say the stylization is fine in my eyes as well :) what i'm referring to scuff in this case is the composition of the overall piece, which... can be pretty scuff (glad you like it though) hfjdnks i think without the lady it's fine but with the lady everything just falls apart if you know what i mean

    quick update: added in the main thread the journey to the second piece! i'm labelling it as 1.5 since this is not the intended 2nd piece of the result of the study. the study depicts composition and perspective, and i still need to show the results of the latter.

    The lady is fine smh
    She's just different than you're used to drawing people so it feels off to you.
    Jan update: Third(?) attempt + a January piece I'm actually happy with, now in the main post!
    More specifically I very much love the Galarian Zigzagoon while the rest are mildly passable and hilarious to look at.
    Those icons are really cute, and they look great on the pinned posts! Things that size can be hard to design for, and those nice bold shapes work wonderfully! Love the colors, too.
    Those icons are the cutest things I've ever seen. I love the colors and the shapes <3

    I'm not entirely sure how the lighting on Solosis is working but then again, I don't think anybody knows how to make lighting work on Solosis (Game Freak included), and it's certainly looking great.
    I'm not entirely sure how the lighting on Solosis is working but then again, I don't think anybody knows how to make lighting work on Solosis (Game Freak included), and it's certainly looking great.
    Same tbh but it's a jelly piece so??? It's s o m e t h i n g hksjlfda I'll honestly probably do it for Feb. :')

    On that note, updated the thread with yet another background piece~
    JANUARY CAME CLUTCH with an art piece I absolutely like sbhfdkalk I tried to do something different with my color choices and it's???? super fucking pretty man I'm dead
    Feb update: Added a bit more background pieces in the study, I should be finishing it soon I just... got really lazy hahah
    But also Feb gave me a bunch of stuff I'm actually happy with I wasn't sure which ones I wanted to post tbh, added the event special too with the shoujo piece!
    The monthly art pieces are really looking good, they are my favorites ! Very graphic and i love the colors ! The chibis are cool too tho
    Your art style range is very wide it could have been 4 different artists it wouldn't have surprised me ^^
    🥺 thank you! i used to absolutely hate my lack of consistency in art but now that i've mellowed down gotten some hang of it i realize it's probably a strength (versatility).... ofc it's terrible for social media but :') it's life