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[PKMN FULL] Darker than it Seems [OOC]


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    Darker Than It Seems


    In the wonderful world of Pokemon, everything is just perfect isn't it? Trainers and Pokemon live in harmony, disasters caused by legendaries are somehow fixed, and the people who want to use their power for evil can never obtain those legendaries. Generally, things come out rather positive in the end.​
    The Pokemon world you love and care for, is much darker than it seems. People steal from Pokemarts to help feed their families because they lack the money to buy food. People raid and destroy houses and stores for the fun of it. People kill other people with their Pokemon because they can, And what do the cops have to say about this? Nothing, Do you know why? It's because more cops are bribed and blackmailed by criminals to standby and watch, or to actually involve themselves in crimes than the cops who aren't. Factors like these have always been around and only the insane can believe anything will ever be changed, because of this, people have been getting away with far more sinister deeds.


    The most infamous incident that occurred in Kanto; was the Rocket Bio Crisis. Team Rocket has been researching Pokemon and child development, and has tried to implement Pokemon genes to infant humans in hopes of creating a human capable of Pokemon power. There have been many failures which lead to the death of people and Pokemon, but success was imminent. Eventually, they have succeeded in creating humans with Pokemon power in which they planned to use for world domination. Though, the success was short lived, as the people quickly broke out of the rocket hideout at young ages. Several of these people have scattered through the Kanto region, and that, has caught the media's attention. Soon, Public information of these modified humans has been displayed throughout Kanto, and given the name: Hybrids
    Years have passed since the incident and though the existence of the Hybrids have been revealed, most of the world has alienated them due to their unique capabilities, and will do whatever it takes, to exterminate them.

    What has happened in the RP so far.​



    age: (16+)
    Personality: (At least 1 Paragraph)
    (If you cannot provide a picture, Create 1 or more Paragraphs to describe your character's appearance)
    Hybrid Trainer typing: (1 or 2; No Ghost. May have up to 3 as you grow. May be changed as well.)
    Hybrid Trainer Ability: (1 or 2. May increase 1-2 times as you grow. *No weather or Legendary ability*(Excluding Pressure)*)
    Hybrid Trainer Moveset: (Start with Up to 4-6 and you may have as many as you want through character development)

    Pokemon team: (Minimum 1, Maximum 6; No Legendaries)
    Attack execution: (Explanation in Spoiler)
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    Name: Arryn

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Albeit her appearance depicts her as innocent and naive, Arryn is quite strong-willed and more than ready to call someone out on their crap. She's not mean or cruel but will do what she needs to to survive. As history has proven, she is not quick to trust anyone. Arryn is also very impulsive and acts on will rather than think things through and make a plan.

    Without her shard, Arryn sees the beauty in doing the unthinkable and becoming cold to those around her; she adopts a different sort of attitude.

    Appearance:Arryn has many of scars from countless battles. She has a tattoo on her hip of a snowflake - call her sentimental - which always stays covered up unless reaching for something, stretching, ect.
    Hybrid Trainer typing: Ice, Dark

    Hybrid Trainer Ability: Adaptability, Rattled

    Hybrid Trainer Moveset: Ice Shard, Frost Breath, Sing, Taunt

    Pokemon team: Absol,
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

    Attack execution: Arryn has a crystallised shard of ice that stays in her back shorts pocket. The shard is a tether of sorts that keeps her temper under control, the shard was constructed by her and a friend in Celadon City.

    She has the ability to materialise ice daggers which she uses to fight with most of the time.

    Arryn mainly sticks to using quick thinking and her speed when it comes to fighting those that are much more powerful than she is.

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    Name: Arryn

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Everything is all good with your sign up submission, I'll add you to the members list! Also, I'm glad you're looking forward to the plot, I hope your ready, because this RP will be a crazy ride :)
    This looks interesting. I'll try something new, see if I like it.

    Name: Rex Dart

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Rex wants nothing more than to live a simple life: play with his friends, eat whenever and whatever he wants, sleep out under the stars. Unfortunately, the world is far too dark for such a simple dream. There is too much corruption and evil in the world, so he does what he can to stop it. He's generally a jolly guy, who enjoys having fun, and he considers fighting evil to be necessary. He also finds fighting lots of fun, and throws himself into the fray with an honest smile on his face.

    Appearance: A massively muscled mountain of a man, standing 7' 4" with black hair, hazel eyes, and tanish skin. His usual attire consists of a gray shirt, black pants, black combat boots, and a leather jacket.


    Hybrid Trainer typing: Fighting/Dragon

    Hybrid Trainer Ability: Defiant, Technician

    Hybrid Trainer Moveset: Dragon Breath, Bulk Up, Arm Thrust, Storm Throw, Flamethrower, Superpower

    Pokemon team: Tyrantrum
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]
    , Hawlucha
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]
    , Blaziken
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

    Attack execution: Primarily a Fighting type, he fights with grapples and strong punches. He has the heart of a Dragon, and can tap into his Ki to power himself up, which manifests as a cobalt colored aura. He can exhale a stream of Ki energy, though using it leaves him with heartburn.

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    Haven't done an RP for at least a year now, but I figured I'd give it another shot. Hope this SU is good :D

    Name: Darren

    age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Darren is typically a quiet guy who tends to keep to himself. Though he has a general hatred for the world he's in, primarily due to people shunning him for being a hybrid, he still feels a need to help people in need and recklessly throws himself in harms way to help them. He has no problem breaking the law if he finds a good reason for doing so. Darren also never backs down from a fight, even if he's going to lose, which has landed him in quite a bit of trouble in the past.

    Appearance: Darren is slightly tan with a medium build, brown eyes, medium length black hair, and stands at about 5'10". He almost always wears jeans and a t-shirt with a black jacket that has a white image of a rayquaza's silhouette on the back.

    Hybrid Trainer typing: Dark and Fire

    Hybrid Trainer Ability: Synchronize and Defiant

    Hybrid Trainer Moveset: Night Slash, Fire Punch, Will-O-Wisp, and Shadow Ball

    Pokemon team: Houndoom, Aerodactyl, Arbok, Honedge

    Attack execution: Darren keeps a katana sheathed on his back that he channels dark energy through when using Night Slash. When using Shadow Ball, Darren holds his hands as if they were ready to catch a baseball and lets energy build up into a ball that he shoots at the target. Will-O-Wisp is also formed in his hands and I'm pretty sure fire punch doesn't need much explanation.
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    Name: Tulip
    age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Tulip is flirtatious, Outgoing, Passionate, Energetic, sometimes a little lustful and "touchy". She's a little boy crazy and is a total sweetheart who just wants to make friends.Sometimes shes a little too energetic and will make decisions without thinking them through. However she will get manipulative and snarky if she is upset. She loves bad boys and Tsundere guys who are strong and pretty manly.


    Hybrid Trainer typing: Fairy & Grass
    Hybrid Trainer Ability: Cute Charm & Fairy Aura
    Hybrid Trainer Moveset: Light of Ruin, Moonblast, Solarbeam, Giga Drain
    Pokemon team:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

    Attack execution:

    Moonblast- Says, "Selene lend me your power!" , then makes swirls with her pointer finger collecting the moons energy then fires a blast of moon energy
    Solarbeam- She places her finger tips twords the sky until they starting glowing then like lazers of light she shoots them out of her fingers.
    Giga Drain- Says, "I-im no match for you... my attraction for you is just....its just too strong!" , she then uses her cute charm to attract the foe, then walks to them and kisses them seemingly passionately but slowly she sucks the energy and life out of the foe, and finishing saying "Goodnight Sugar."
    Attract- Tulip creates glowing, pink arrows & shoots them at the opponent. If they make contact, the opponent falls head over heels in love with Tulip.
    She also has a Magic wand that looks like a rose. The petals open to reveal an amazing, and beautiful stone, she has no idea what it does though.
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