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[PKMN FULL] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

This is the current timeline of most main events that have happened so far. I tried to incorporate the most important ones.

Darker Than It Seems... Timeline.

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I am updating the OOC with information!​

The Pokerus Arc
This is absolutely happening. It's taking some time because while we move fast in real life, the RP days are incredibly slow. I think we have, actually, just reached the fourth/fifth day ahaha.

For those that are curious to know about what this will entail, you can refer to this post. When this is happening is up to debate because again, the RP days move quite slow. While it has already started (Archie kidnapping Tulip, brainwashing her, ect) the main point of this arc is yet to come.​

The Galactic Arc
Details are still being finalised - we also don't want to spoil anything too soon!​

The Legendary Arc

Third Typing
For those unaware, achieving a third typing is entirely possible. It has been done so with Tulip (as Orchid, gaining the Poison type) and Jason (gaining the Electric type after the Joint Post with Gray). Others are currently working towards this, myself included.

If you don't necessarily want a third type, you are able to swap a type out. This can happen through 'unlocking' the type such as through battle, realisation, an emotional event, ect or through more extreme measures, such as what Tulip went through. Experimentation, that sort of thing. Rocket will be the ones to do that to you, however.

In addition, 4/6 move-set will only be offered for those starting in the RP. With the types growing and the fact that it's hard to stick to just a few moves, we can use as many moves as we can unlock. Through development, however. Don't go mental xD​

Combination Attacks
This was just discussed, literally an hour ago, as Zatanna and I had quite a conversation inbetween writing our Joint Post. Gray gave it the thumbs up, so here it is!

The idea is, essentially, creating a whole new move. For example: Arryn creating a shard of Ice - Gray can add Electricity to that for an extra powerful attack by touching, shooting it through his palm, various methods. It can happen quickly for battling purposes!

Also, for two characters with the same type, you can create a 2x stronger attack. Example: Jason and Tulip could create a powerful Grass attack by combining their efforts.

But there is a learning curve to making this types of attacks. We can't be too OP and to be realistic, it takes time to control and use these types of abilities, especially when we are making completely new moves from scratch. Practice makes perfect and it makes for a fun training session.

If you want to be the one to discover this, send me a PM and we can work out the details! (:​

Team Rocket
If you want to be sided with Team Rocket, whether as a Grunt, another person of importance or a Hybrid, you can do so! We have a pretty sizeable list of current Rocket characters such as:


But hey! We're always looking for more recruits and if you need a break from your current character, if nothing is happening or you're stuck, having a second to fall back on is always fun.

Also, since it is a 'secondary' character, we've decided to up the ante a little. There will be some missions or tasks for Rocket members to complete (if you choose to do so). There will be, via intercom, someone such as Giovanni, Cyrus, Maxie, Ghetsis, or Archie with a task to complete. The difficulty will vary with whom is giving the order.

If you want your character to have one, send me a PM and I'll make it happen!​

If I have not made something clear and you have questions, please ask. And if you have any suggestions, they are most definitely welcome! This information will be added to the first post, with Gray's (: Continue to look there for updates if you don't feel like flicking through the OOC thread to find this!

Hey, shatteredxfrost! Thanks for updating the OOC thread for us! I am going to be PM'ing you about a new mission for Jack as well as work toward Deacon getting a third, Steel type down in the future of the Roleplay (I won't tell how he gets it though, that'll be a surprise :P) Thank you for taking the time to post about all the new things that have been happening in the roleplay as well. I really appreciate it.

@Icyice: And thank YOU for posting the timeline of the roleplay. I currently haven't read the previous 30 pages of the IC thread, so this will definitely help me catch up. Thank you. :D
Hey, shatteredxfrost! Thanks for updating the OOC thread for us! I am going to be PM'ing you about a new mission for Jack as well as work toward Deacon getting a third, Steel type down in the future of the Roleplay (I won't tell how he gets it though, that'll be a surprise :P) Thank you for taking the time to post about all the new things that have been happening in the roleplay as well. I really appreciate it.

@Icyice: And thank YOU for posting the timeline of the roleplay. I currently haven't read the previous 30 pages of the IC thread, so this will definitely help me catch up. Thank you. :D

No problem at all! Would love to discuss it with you. Send me a PM whenever.

Indeed, IcyIce did a great job :D
Here is an updated version of Shadow with today's events.

Name: Shadow 2.0
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: No longer worries about losing control. No longer totally hates Team Rocket. Shadow can now easily talk to at least hybrids after changing. Everything else remains the same.

Hybrid Trainer typing: Fighting and Fire
Hybrid Trainer Ability: Immunity and Flash Fire
Hybrid Trainer Moveset:
Sacred Sword, Aura Sphere, Fire Punch, Flame Rush, Fusion Flare and Blue Flare (Cannot use Blue Flare completely yet. In the process of training.)

Hey guys, we have added a shipping poll in the IC. This will not confirm anything and is mainly for fun for us and those who may be reading the IC. Enjoy!

I will be updating the Timeline throughout the IC. I will post a different one for that IC day once an IC day ends. That usually takes a month, probably longer once school and things start back. If you have any questions, please let us know and we will answer as soon as possible. Thanks.
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All sorry I'm out of town for a few days and forgot to post that. You are welcome to bunny Lydia along. For now you could say she was trying to figure out how to help Arryn but was stopped by the flames... also She will likely just start healing Arryn right away due to her wounds. I'll post as soon as I can.
No worries. Shadow, Arryn, Deacon and Lydia are all in the same place. Shadow has stopped most of the bleeding, but Arryn probably still needs to be healed.

I had forgotten that you probably wanted to react to the bubble. But everything happened quickly.
Can I just say how happy I am that Maddox is the one fetching us? I love Furret so much! Not sure if I got his personality right, but I based it off one of my pet ferrets.
Rain, very very well done with Val. Your use of Normal Typing and Protean and all of the Different type attacks were an excellent combo.

I enjoyed your post very much Rex. I can totally see Rex doing something like that lol.

We have 1 more JP currently planned and things should calm down for a bit. At least until later on in the IC day. (Maybe)

I think we all can agree that a filler day is needed which I think is what we have planned after the current IC day. However, don't quote me 100% on that.
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Hey, you guys still accepting applications?

We are accepting applications again! 2 more spots to be filled before applications are closed. This is because one member dropped out and I guess Gray felt like we needed another as well. Apply away! :)
Sweet! I'll start working on my SU. One slight issue might be that I am moving next Monday, then leaving on a 5 day camping trip the next Wednesday. How fast do you guys move with this?
Sweet! I'll start working on my SU. One slight issue might be that I am moving next Monday, then leaving on a 5 day camping trip the next Wednesday. How fast do you guys move with this?

That will be fine to be inactive for a couple days, thanks for giving us a heads up! We move pretty fast, faster than other roleplays, but it's super easy to catch up if you remember what page you last read. There's also a timeline for the story of the roleplay that Icyice made above. Check it out to catch up on what's happened in the roleplay. :)
As stated, it does move pretty fast, but we are now entering a calm era in the RP, I think.... So it shouldn't be moving as fast. But we still move pretty fast. I will try to keep the timeline up to date.
Name: Delysia

age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: When people first meet Delysia, she comes off as cold or uncaring, and doesn't talk with others unless she has to. Despite a relatively negative first impression, she is actually a very passionate and emotional person, but dues to growing up as a hybrid she has trust issues, and is reluctant to let anybody get close to her. Due to bottling all of her emotions up like this, she has a tendency to have an emotional meltdown every once in a while, which in the past has resulted in people's deaths due to her powers. She hates being a hybrid because of this, and is even afraid of her own powers at times.

Although she comes off as cold, once she gets to know someone, she opens up quite a bit to them, and will go to great lengths to keep their friendship. Others have abused this in the past however, only adding to her trust issues. But those that she calls friends she will defend wholeheartedly. Despite having few friends and being bad at keeping them, she practically lives off other people praising her, or even just a "good job". She is an extreme people pleaser.

Appearance: Delysia has short cropped black hair which falls down to about her cheekbones. Her hair is almost always cut unevenly, and she always cuts it herself with a knife that she always carries with her. She has bright green eyes which are always darting from place to place, either searching for danger or for something to eat or steal. Her face could be described as almost elfish in shape, with small dainty lips and nose, along with a slightly pointed chin, and small round ears. Everything about her is generally small, as she only stands to about 5'4". She wears old dark colored jeans and heavy black boots that go about halfway up her calves. For a top she wears a t-shirt with a dark grey patched up hoodie over the top of it, although she has always wanted a leather jacket. She has a scar running down her back from her left shoulder to almost her right hip.

She has a small blue backpack that she keeps all her stuff in, from her knife and hatchet to other things like changes of clothes and toothbrush (what's a girl without hygiene after all). She can usually be found riding around on whatever bike she stole, much to the sadness of little children everywhere, or even a motorcycle if she can get her hands on one.

Hybrid Trainer typing: Fighting/Poison

Hybrid Trainer Ability: Rough Skin

Hybrid Trainer Moveset: Cross Chop, Close Combat, Reversal, Poison Sting, Toxic Spikes

Pokemon team: Hitmonchan, Riolu, Roselia

Attack execution: Cross Chop: Delysia slashes in an X pattern with her two blades, her knife and her hatchet.
Close Combat: Delysia chargers towards her opponent with no regard for her own safety, and beats them down with a flurry of blows from her fists, feet, and blades.
Reversal: She allows herself to be hit, but does so in a way that mitigates her damage and leaves her in a position to take advantage of her opponent's opening.
Poison Sting: She spits on her blades, covering them with her toxic saliva, then slices her opponent.
Toxic Spikes: Reaches into her backpack and throws out spikes she poisoned beforehand. Both hurts to step on, and can poison.

There we go! Let me know if you see any problems or things that you think can be improved.

I'll let Gray know about it. Looks good to me, but he has to approve.

For everyone else, we are in a state of calming down at the moment. I am going to let everyone talk if they want.

Z wants to have a convo with Shattered. So I guess we will wait for that. I guess I will wait a Real Life Day. before going to the forest.