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[PKMN FULL] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

Don't worry. We have been moving slower than we use to anyways. You aren't the only one who doesn't post for more than a day at a time. Usually I try to end my posts so if people want to do something else they can if for some reason I am gone for a few days without being able to tell you all.
Heya guys and gals. I know we were talking about changing our character to real actors. I couldn't think of one, but finally I have. He is in character, but it matches my own character better. It is a little blurry so forgive me for that. I'll see if I can find a better one later.

Is this a thing we're doing now? I know the perfect actor for Rex!


Haha it isn't required, but Tulip Zatanna suggested it lol.

And that guy matches Rex perfectly.

Hey guys, my last post opened up a lot of questions and so will Tulip's next post (probably), but it is all set up for later on and what we have been planning for this chapter of the RP.

We also needed to get Tulip out of the picture before she left for 3 weeks so we didn't have to control her.

Also, yes I know it is Yin-Yang :P that was a typo.
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(Just a btw Orchid is not her own character she is Tulip. Just isnt haha.)
Name: Orchid
age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Orchid is lustful,sadistic, wicked, and rude. She loves to torture people and is very sexual in everything she does. Her words can be like knives and she will not stop until she gets what she wants. She doesnt play by the rules and will do anything to please Archie and the men above her.
[PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

Hybrid Trainer typing: Poison, Grass, Fairy
Hybrid Trainer Ability: Toxic Boost
Hybrid Trainer Moveset: Frenzy Plant, Light of Ruin, Gunk Shot, Final Smash, Perish Song, Draining kiss
Pokemon team: Unknown
Attack execution:

Orchid is a witch some of the things she can do as a witch are:
Pain Illusion
Some spells
(Anything Orchid does as a witch will start to lose affect after she leaves.)
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Ok decided to try RPing again... this RP seemed a little less strict and looser than the others so seemed like a good place to start. Decided to go with a very different character than I have ever done: a supporting role character (and a female). Heavily based off a character from an old game (never said I was original).

Name: Lydia Doe
Age: 27
Gender: Female

Mysterious and alien, Lydia does not relate to the world like most humans. Her mannerisms are often considered odd and wild. She has a deep connection to nature and sees all life as part of a whole, and she regularly talks to wild pokemon (who strangely seem at ease around her) and plants. She does not like the act of Pokemon training and will often prevent trainers from capturing pokemon or has even freed pokemon which has given her a criminal profile.

Due to her strange ways, she is an outcast of society and is viewed as a crazy feral woman. This prevents others from truly understanding Lydia. Considering she is also a Hybrid and has illegally freed other people's pokemon, she is often hunted causing her to pull away from human society further. Lydia is warm and caring toward all life. She likes to believe in and support others she meets, and is normally friendly. She refrains from harming others, and will only do it to protect someone else. Even when she does fight, she always aims to disable or disarm an opponent instead of kill.

Due to a complete lack of a formal education, Lydia is unable to do most mathematics, and doesn't have an understanding of many things normal kids take for granted as common knowledge. She is lacks knowledge of even the most common technology baffles her. This makes others believe she is unintelligent and her being mute has not helped. She is an intelligent woman who understands natural world around her in ways no normal human can. She has overcome her mute disability thanks to her psychic abilities granting her the ability to speak to others telepathically. Her "voice" when telepathically communicating is an enchanting soft tone that has an echo to it. Lydia has problems communicating with Dark types because she uses her psychic abilities to talk to others. When communicating with dark types her voice is weaker and its draining to her. This has caused her to develop a cautious paranioa toward dark type pokemon and hybrids. She also has the ability to feel others emotions if she is allowed to. This has granted her the ability to understand pokemon easier than normal humans. It can appear at times she can completely understand what they are saying.

Lydia is often seen in one of two ways: levitating several feet off the ground in a sitting lotus position meditating, or running around the forest enjoying her life. These runs are about having fun leaping around carefree, displaying her high levels of agility and speed. Often she will race with various pokemon around the forest or challenge herself to some made up challenge.

Her true last name is unknown to her and there are no public records of her or possible parents.



She stands five feet and five inches tall and has a stick thin frame due to her active lifestyle. Lydia's purple hair flows just below her shoulders, and is crudely cut. She wears a strange set of clothing: A yellow long sleeve shirt, a short skirt, and tights underneath the skirt (since her favorite meditation position doesn't work well with skirts), all of which are decorated in custom purple whimsical designs that dance around her clothes at random and often break off to form little spirals. Lydia does not wear any footwear and moves around barefoot. She does not apply make up, wear make up, or shave her legs and armpits. She smells of the forest: a mix of earth, grass, and flowers.

Hybrid Trainer typing: Psychic, ??? (Most will think Fairy but she keeps her second typing secret)
Hybrid Trainer Ability: Levitate, Telepathy
Hybrid Trainer Moveset: Calm Mind, Teleport, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand
Pokemon team: Lydia lacks Pokemon in the normal sense, but sometimes wild pokemon will come to her aid.

The only pokemon that consistently follows her around is a Fletchling she has named Valin. Valin only knows growl, peck, and quick attack.

Attack execution:

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Hi! Gray let me know to accept you into the RP, so welcome! Jump in whenever you feel like it. We're a little fast-paced, but I'm excited to meet your character and get to know her more (: she sounds very interesting!
Thank you I hope I can role play her well. I'm usual character is a militaristic bad *** so a pure support nature lover is a huge shift for me, but I wanted something different.

OK I will do some more reading... Sounds like from Icylce's last post you all are very close to a forest, which helps as Lydia is a bit of a hermit at the start. I plan to post in a couple of hours from this message as I have other things to d and a thread to read a bit more on (I have read the last couple of pages but feel like I need to read a little more).

So reading through Shadow is in a forest outside a suburb I'm guessing (where the house Arryn is located). I have two ideas so far for having them meet up. I'm going to use this if I am incorrect let me know and I will change my post.

Also made some minor changes to her appearance section as her very long hair did not make sense for her as it would catch on branches and bushes as she traveled through the forest.
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I got to say stingray, you are roleplaying that character well. I actually had to think a bit before I replied because I wasn't sure how to correctly reply.

Most of the time I can come up with something off the top of my head. A few times I have had to figure out what to say.
I liked reading the conversation you two had. I like the feeling and emotion. Gray doesn't like anyone, but he's very aware, so if he meets Lydia, Just know he'll have no intention of being nice xD
Thanks. I sometimes struggle with emotion when it comes to writing. So i am hoping that some up coming posts show it well.

I think my best emotional writing was a short story I did for a video game, and I actually made someone cry reading it.
Emotion can be tough but sometimes everything just works out and things just flow well. Other times I'm stumbling to figure out how a character would react and getting it down properly. I have RPed in MMOs before in the past and that makes things harder as there are artificial time constraints and you cannot sit there and think about what your going to write for a while.

@Grey honestly I would not be surprised if Lydia doesn't make friends with any of the other Hybrids. She is kind but she has very strong beliefs that are the opposite of normal society. She has no doubt in her mind she is right and others are wrong. Pokemon training in her mind is evil (if you could not tell by now), and she will try to get others to abandon it.

@Icylce going to use some of the things Shadow said to get Lydia to join the group (IE that Rocket will hunt her and destroy the forest). When I get the time I'll write a post where she makes this decision.
Yeah I know what you mean. I have RPed only in WoW. But it usually is pretty easy to keep up, but sometimes it can be hard.

Just save some of the forest :p I need some of it for later.
No its not going to be destroyed any time soon unless people want to do it (IE more than just me) for the story. Just she will decide to leave so her living doesn't lead to it being destroyed.