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~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*

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  • 6,452
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    Darkness Falls
    A Dark Type Pokemon Club!
    Welcome to the Dark Type Club where all those dark type lovers
    can discuss the darkest Pokemon type made!​

    — All Pokecommunity Rules Apply
    — No spamming nor trolling. Please avoid making negative comments.
    — Do your best to be active in the club. Enjoy and have fun!

    Sign up form:
    Reason you love dark types:
    3 partner Pokemon (dex numbers appreciated):
    Answer any current or past topic:
    Would you like quote notifications (simply put you will be notified by use of quote when there is a new topic):

    Current Topics
    — Sun and Moon has been discussed a lot around the forum. So for this new gen with obvious new pokemon what type of new dark types would you guys like to see? Are there any type combinations you are looking forward to? Is there any animal or real life thing that youd like to see as a new dark type?
    Current Pokemon of the Week: On Pause
    Current Pokemon Showcase: Also On Pause
    Current Move of the Week: 404: Error

    Past Topics
    Past Bi-Monthly Showcases:
    *image removed*vs. *image removed* *image removed*vs. *image removed**image removed*vs. *image removed**image removed*vs. *image removed**image removed*vs. *image removed*

    Past Featured Pokemon of the Week:

    *image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed*

    Past Discussions:

    Which dark type gym leader/elite four member is your favorite?
    What is your all time favorite dark type and why?
    Which dark types (in your opinion) are underrated and you would like to see more of in the games? & which dark types do you feel are overused?
    What is your favorite secondary typing for a Dark-type?
    As of 6th gen Fairy-type is now super effective against Dark types while Steel loses it's resistances against Dark along with Ghost. What are your thoughts on all of the changes? How do you think it will affect the Dark type and all dark type pokemon competitively?Will it improve it or make it worse?
    Do you think there should be a starter Pokemon that's part Dark? If you do which of the three starter types you think would work best with a Dark typing? If not, explain why.
    What Dark type Pokemon do you think should have an evolution, another evolution or a pre-evolution?
    Which Generation of Pokemon do you think introduced the best Dark types so far?
    If you could have any Dark-type in real life which one would you have and why?
    If you could make any (existing/current) Pokemon part Dark what would it be and why?
    If there would ever be a Dark-Type gym and gym leader, what theme do you think would fit it?
    What other types that have not been paired with dark types do you hope to see or expect to see?
    What would your competitive team be, if you could only use Dark types and sub-types?
    Change a pokemons dex description to something that in your eyes fits it better?
    Where you happy with all the new dark types in gen 6? Did you expect Yveltal to be Dark/Flying? How do you feel about Yveltal being weak to Xerneas?
    Do Dark-type moves seem more weak to you than other types? Is there enough variety among the moves? Is there a certain move that you usually always use when using a Dark-type?
    Do you always use a dark type on your ingame team? Is it a necessity to always have one? If you dont what type do you use instead of dark or is there a poke you use thats not a dark type but can learn dark type moves?
    Which Dark type is the most evil looking in your opinion? Why?
    Which Generation of Pokemon do you think introduced the best Dark types so far?

    Past Moves of the Week:

    Dark Pulse, Crunch

    Dark Type Pokemon
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    *image removed*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    *image removed*


    Dedenne (Dedenne1) *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Wiicked *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Hikamaru *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Aslan *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Peitharchia *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    MurderKode *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Archy *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Zinnia *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    *Han (Lycanthropy) *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Sven *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    FeaXy *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Umbr30n *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    DarkPoke001 *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Pendraflare *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Duckface *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Google 2.0 *image removed*
    Briv *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    RedWolf98 *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Mithel_Celestia *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    TwilightBlade *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    NinjaAiden *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Mariomaniac432 *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    JatinGupta *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    milk! *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Inti *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Laguna *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    The Ghost of You Know Who*image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Raiimeister *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    ColeFresh *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Darth Sorcerer (VillageofDragons) *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    DarkSkys *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    LegendaryGaming *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Rico (「sarcasm) *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    LRachelR5 *image removed**image removed**image removed*
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    Thief *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Noa (Noa-Tan) *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Pancham Cutie *image removed* *image removed* *image removed*
    Prof Chaos *image removed* *image removed* *image removed*
    Mudkip!!! *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    WindriderShiva *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Lord Grizz *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    TheRusty *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Sun *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Kaneki!!! *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    AkioMoto *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Gilles de Rais *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    LexAnarchy *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    eonoflegend *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Pj Navia *image removed**image removed**image removed*
    Rabbles the BInx *image removed**image removed**image removed*

    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    ~Thanks to TwilightBlade and Google2.0 for these awesome userbars for our club!

    CSS by TwilightBlade.

    Last edited:
    This looks really good!

    Username: Wiicked
    Reason you love dark types: They generally are gold battlers and look really cool
    3 partner pokemon: Weavile, Houndoom, Greninja

    What is your all time favorite dark type and why?

    Yikes, this is tough. Tyranitar, Sneasel/Weavile, and Houndoom have all been favorites of mine for a long time. Guess I'll just say all three :P Greninja is really cool in Smash Bros. so that's why I chose it as a partner.
    I was about to respond but Wicked accidentally closed the thread... oh well at least he's reopened it now. Sometimes mods make mistakes ya'know.

    Username: Hikamaru
    Reason you love Dark-types: They have awesome designs and fun playstyles both in-game and competitively.
    3 partner Pokemon: Greninja, Stunky, Inkay

    What is your all time favorite Dark-type and why?
    Greninja, who happens to be my fave Kalos starter! I love the ninja theme with Froakie's evolution line and while it started off as a not-so-fave from me, it became a fave over time thanks to badass portrayal. I also love how fun Greninja is to use competitively as well with the awesome Protean ability because it gets STAB on every attack it uses, making it hard to counter.

    Which Dark-type gym leader/elite four member is your favorite?
    Well, there's still no Dark Gym Leaders so I guess it's just the Elite Four we're stuck with. My fave by the way is Grimsley from Unova's Elite Four. I love how cool his design is, and his backstory as a gambler also sorta reflects his battling style as well.
    This looks really good!

    Username: Wiicked
    Reason you love dark types: They generally are gold battlers and look really cool
    3 partner pokemon: Weavile, Houndoom, Greninja

    What is your all time favorite dark type and why?

    Yikes, this is tough. Tyranitar, Sneasel/Weavile, and Houndoom have all been favorites of mine for a long time. Guess I'll just say all three :P Greninja is really cool in Smash Bros. so that's why I chose it as a partner.

    Welcome first new member to the club!
    Real shocker there lol
    Anyways in smash bros i gotta say Greninja is great (not just because he takes me out and hes my mortal enemy on there) and with protean its actually pretty great :)
    Houndoom ive always loved and its mega design is awesome in my opinion! Tyranitar is a great pokemon good design and poweful ive never had it on one of my teams though its another pokemon i fear in competitive battling though haha! Anyways welcome to the club Wiicked and thanks for approving it and unlocking it!lol :)
    Oh and thanks for the compliment on the looks i love the pictures (thanks for fixing tht btw) and idk i did a lot of work on this is word for this week and then got to work today trying to get all the animations in! Haha

    I was about to respond but Wicked accidentally closed this thread... oh well at least he's reopened it now. Sometimes mods make mistakes ya'know.

    Username: Hikamaru
    Reason you love Dark-types: They have awesome designs and fun playstyles both in-game and competitively.
    3 partner Pokemon: Greninja, Stunky, Inkay

    What is your all time favorite Dark-type and why?
    Greninja, who happens to be my fave Kalos starter! I love the ninja theme with Froakie's evolution line and while it started off as a not-so-fave from me, it became a fave over time thanks to badass portrayal. I also love how fun Greninja is to use competitively as well with the awesome Protean ability because it gets STAB on every attack it uses, making it hard to counter.

    Which Dark-type gym leader/elite four member is your favorite?
    Well, there's still no Dark Gym Leaders so I guess it's just the Elite Four we're stuck with. My fave by the way is Grimsley from Unova's Elite Four. I love how cool his design is, and his backstory as a gambler also sorta reflects his battling style as well.

    lol mods make mistakes sometimes hahabut electronics are usually to blame....
    Anyways welcome Hikamaru! Greninja is great haha who doesnt like him? Lol
    Oh cool u answered both topics!
    Grimsly is my favorite too i have a lot of quotes from him and images hes kind of my idol haha.
    Anyways welcome enjoy the club and i anticipated u joining lol :)
    Username: Aslan

    Reason you love dark types: Just say the word 'dark type' and you'll already feel cool saying it. I think the main appeal from dark types is how they're almost the villainous side of the series while still have great designs, concepts and ideas behind them. Gamefreak also didn't do the thing where the villains or darkest looking characters didn't match up to their appearance by making each one of them as strong as the other types vs making them ridiculously weak. Some of my attachment also comes from the fact that my first favourite pokemon was a dark type. Since then, I've began exploring all the different options that I can use in games and grew to love all the designs behind the coolest type of the game. :D

    3 partner pokemon: Houndour, Poochyena and Umbreon

    What is your all time favorite dark type and why?

    Before I start, reader discretion is advised to those who can't handle a huge asdfghjkl; rant that's about to come with the following answer. So here goes.

    My favourite dark type of all time is Houndoom. Hands down, no contestion, every other dark type can get the hell out. Why? If you look at some of my partner choices and my current favourite pokemon, Arcanine, you can probably put two and two together to figure out that I love canine pokemon in particular.

    Remember how I also said that my old favourite pokemon was a dark type? Ding ding, it was Houndoom. It was my first MVP of any pokemon game and to this day remains my highest leveled team member of all time. We've come a long way together. The only survivor of my terrible nicknames from Platinum, my star playe when I was new to the series, if the quote of a dog being a man's best friend applied to pokemon, I'd believe it in a heartbeat.

    To this day, Houndoom still remains one of my favourites. Although it's no longer top dog, we've made some memories together and I'll always remember showing it off to my friends and saying things like "OH MY GOD THIS IS SO COOL" to quote the crazy fangirl of myself in the past and present. Thanks Houndoom. <3

    Which dark type gym leader/elite four member is your favorite?

    Hmm, having a bit of a mindblank on who the dark type specialists actually were. I liked Grimsley since he was an intrguing character but that's the only one who I find memorable.

    I also like Karen for her quote about "strong pokemon and weak pokemon". Her design's rather eh but I'll give her personality a thumbs up.
    Username: Aslan

    Reason you love dark types: Just say the word 'dark type' and you'll already feel cool saying it. I think the main appeal from dark types is how they're almost the villainous side of the series while still have great designs, concepts and ideas behind them. Gamefreak also didn't do the thing where the villains or darkest looking characters didn't match up to their appearance by making each one of them as strong as the other types vs making them ridiculously weak. Some of my attachment also comes from the fact that my first favourite pokemon was a dark type. Since then, I've began exploring all the different options that I can use in games and grew to love all the designs behind the coolest type of the game. :D

    3 partner pokemon: Houndour, Poochyena and Umbreon

    What is your all time favorite dark type and why?

    Before I start, reader discretion is advised to those who can't handle a huge asdfghjkl; rant that's about to come with the following answer. So here goes.

    My favourite dark type of all time is Houndoom. Hands down, no contestion, every other dark type can get the hell out. Why? If you look at some of my partner choices and my current favourite pokemon, Arcanine, you can probably put two and two together to figure out that I love canine pokemon in particular.

    Remember how I also said that my old favourite pokemon was a dark type? Ding ding, it was Houndoom. It was my first MVP of any pokemon game and to this day remains my highest leveled team member of all time. We've come a long way together. The only survivor of my terrible nicknames from Platinum, my star playe when I was new to the series, if the quote of a dog being a man's best friend applied to pokemon, I'd believe it in a heartbeat.

    To this day, Houndoom still remains one of my favourites. Although it's no longer top dog, we've made some memories together and I'll always remember showing it off to my friends and saying things like "OH MY GOD THIS IS SO COOL" to quote the crazy fangirl of myself in the past and present. Thanks Houndoom. <3

    Which dark type gym leader/elite four member is your favorite?

    Hmm, having a bit of a mindblank on who the dark type specialists actually were. I liked Grimsley since he was an intrguing character but that's the only one who I find memorable.

    I also like Karen for her quote about "strong pokemon and weak pokemon". Her design's rather eh but I'll give her personality a thumbs up.

    Welcome to the club Aslan!
    Ok someone likes Houndoom lol ya Houndoom is extremely great its not my fav but its definately one of them and probably my go2 in Johto! Karen is ehhhhh in my opinion she wasnt hard to battle her appearance confuses me alittle and she doesn't seem like a dark type trainer by her looks thats why i love grimsley hes so soo..... Deep......
    Anyways hope u enjoy the club!
    Username: Peitharchia.
    Reason you love dark types: There are many Pokémon out there I like that are categorized in this type group, and I would love to help share love for them!
    3 partner pokemon: Zorua, Zoroark, Absol.

    What is your all time favorite dark type and why?
    There is a lot, really! Where do I begin? Haha.

    First and foremost, for me, would likely have to be Zoroark. Although its design does resemble Lucario slightly, which some had called it to be unoriginal when it was first introduced, I loved it, and still do. Plus, it also has a one-of-a-kind ability, which allows it to disguise itself as your last party member.

    Second favorite is Absol. This has a very fierce-looking, which I strongly admire; it suits it quite well, if you ask me! When it cones to battling, it might not be that great, but it does get better once it mega-evolves. I've used it a few times, and it's rather decent!

    Few of my other favorites are Darkrai, Umbreon, and Mightyena.
    Username: Peitharchia.
    Reason you love dark types: There are many Pokémon out there I like that are categorized in this type group, and I would love to help share love for them!
    3 partner pokemon: Zorua, Zoroark, Absol.

    What is your all time favorite dark type and why?
    There is a lot, really! Where do I begin? Haha.

    First and foremost, for me, would likely have to be Zoroark. Although its design does resemble Lucario slightly, which some had called it to be unoriginal when it was first introduced, I loved it, and still do. Plus, it also has a one-of-a-kind ability, which allows it to disguise itself as your last party member.

    Second favorite is Absol. This has a very fierce-looking, which I strongly admire; it suits it quite well, if you ask me! When it cones to battling, it might not be that great, but it does get better once it mega-evolves. I've used it a few times, and it's rather decent!

    Few of my other favorites are Darkrai, Umbreon, and Mightyena.

    He stole Zoroark and absol from me....lol
    Anyways welcome to the club Peitharchia!
    Zoroark admittedly was one of the things that pushed me towards dark types i really liked it and zorua too! I like the ability too and in the movie how cunning they are. Absol is a great pokemon although originally in RSE didnt have a great moveset is now a pretty powerful pokemon which i actually plan to discuss later on.

    I will make a new topic in idk a day or 2 i wanna still discuss this topic and get the club started still lol. Oh and if this wasnt clear you may choose Megas as partners as well theyre under a different spoiler because i used their art rather than animation because its cooler and not all have animations yes XD.
    Edit: Members list is up to date :D
    Nother Edit: Question would you guys like a weekly featured pokemon which we can discuss on that day? Ex. Every friday or so id post a dark type like zoroark and we'd discuss like dislike ability moveset pros cons design color stuff like that :)
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    Name: Murderkode
    Reason for liking dark types:Copmetive Rules epic type combos on 2 type darks 5 epic megas.

    3 partners:Tyranitar Sharpedo Mightyena
    Name: Murderkode
    Reason for liking dark types:Copmetive Rules epic type combos on 2 type darks 5 epic megas.

    3 partners:Tyranitar Sharpedo Mightyena

    Welcome to the Club MurderKode!
    Haha ikr theres a good amount of Megas for dark types atleast more than most :D
    I hope u enjoy your time here! ^^
    Username: Archer99

    Reason you love dark types: Ugh, There's lots of them. But I'm going to say I love how they're the bad guys, But at the same time they can be the good ones. If you know what I mean

    3 partner pokemon:
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*

    What is your all time favorite dark type and why?

    Absol. I just love that pokemon, He looks so good, and cold. But at the same time, Looks like a really kind one if you can earn his respect.

    Tyranitar is great as well, The desert lord. Good luck against it.

    Weavile, I love it as well. Strong and fast, Do you want more?. Oh, His looks are great!

    Hydreigon, It haves two of my favorite types. And IT'S THE HYDRA!, Get ready to wreck things!!.

    PS: I love that Grimsley pic!
    Hey archer! Welcome to the club!
    Haha ya ik what u mean good and bad :)
    Tyranitar i never got into like i thought i wanna use him in battle but never really did :/
    Weavile is great an ice ninja with a dark side!
    Hydreigon has dual weakness to fairy type but hes still awesome and powerful!
    Wow thanks i love grimsley hes like my idol and the picture was irresistible!
    I'll add u to the members list now :)

    PS:Everyone feel free to answer the other topic if you wish!
    For me Grimsley is my favorite dark type trainers hes my idol he has a great backstory he has a good look and hes got the best quotes! And favorite dark type is Zoroark great design power ability and in the movie how she acts plus zorua is great and cute :)
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    Awesome, a Dark type club. <3

    Username: MidnightCombat
    Reason you love Dark types: They are so diverse and unique. Also, it's the only type that I love all the Pokemon in, meaning I don't hate any Dark types!
    3 partner Pokemon: Scrafty, Hydreigon and Houndoom
    Answer any current topic: I'll answer them both~

    Scrafty is my favourite Dark type (and favourite Pokemon, heh) because it was such an interesting Pokemon in terms of both competitive play and design. I hated it at first but using it in my White play-through I loved it~ Not to mention it looks adorable while looking cool. I did write a wall of text about it in the favourite Unova Pokemon thread on how it went from being one of my least favourite to favourite.

    And Grimsley is also my favourite E4 member because I too like his personality, his design is nice and he uses a Scrafty~ <3

    For the featured Pokemon, I'd love that!
    Awesome, a Dark type club. <3

    Username: MidnightCombat
    Reason you love Dark types: They are so diverse and unique. Also, it's the only type that I love all the Pokemon in, meaning I don't hate any Dark types!
    3 partner Pokemon: Scrafty, Hydreigon and Houndoom
    Answer any current topic: I'll answer them both~

    Scrafty is my favourite Dark type (and favourite Pokemon, heh) because it was such an interesting Pokemon in terms of both competitive play and design. I hated it at first but using it in my White play-through I loved it~ Not to mention it looks adorable while looking cool. I did write a wall of text about it in the favourite Unova Pokemon thread on how it went from being one of my least favourite to favourite.

    And Grimsley is also my favourite E4 member because I too like his personality, his design is nice and he uses a Scrafty~ <3

    For the featured Pokemon, I'd love that!

    Wow cool you answered everything lol!
    Anyways i never used Scrafty but i love its typing actually i used it once in a short white 2 playthrough and it was pretty powerful! Hydreigon and Houndoom are also great picks.
    Just i cant explain it but grimsley is great in my mind (hes actually the star of my next topic coming idk tommarow? Haha
    Also featured pokemon ill probably do since it seems like a good idea and i already found some great art! Hope u enjoy the club and i hope to see u here when its Scrafty week! Haha
    Thanks for accepting!
    Yeah, Scrafty is powerful when used right and it sadly got nerfed due to the presence of Fairies, powerful birds and Fighting types. But, it doesn't stop me from loving it~ <3

    And I'm looking forward to how you do the featured Pokemon and I will definitely show up for Scrafty week if I'm not busy. A note in advance, expect some fangirling. :P

    And nice to see the Grimsley love! He's my overall favourite E4 member and the second and third happen to be Karen and Sidney, lol. I do wish we got a Dark type gym though, would be epic if it were a coliseum with minimum lighting.

    Featured Dark Type Of the Week!
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*

    "Zoroark, The Illusion Fox Pokémon. It protects its pack by tricking its opponents. It can protect its den by creating a massive illusion of the landscape. Unity amongst its packs is strong."

    Yep. Zoroark! One of my personal favorites and for many other people!
    Zoroark Makes his Debut in Black and White and is first seen on N's team when you face him in his castle. Although he was not obtainable in the wild you could first interact with him by having the 3 legendary dog events. You may also find him in Black and white 2 as one of the previous Team plasma sage gives you N's Zorua. In 6th gen we finally have zoroark obtainable in the Pokemon Village and on route 20 in the wild.

    Here i will go in depth on pics, stats, design, and a lot of other things so take a look!

    Arts and design:




    Ok so after arts i thought id do overall statistics
    Statistics, Ability, Moveset and Such:

    Discussion questions:
    1) make your own feel free please!
    2) What is your opinion on his overall look?
    3) Would you give him a mega?
    4) Thoughts on Competitive use/his great ability?
    5) Do you overall like, love, or hate him?
    6) Any other changes you would add to him?

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    Zoroark is actually a nice looking Pokemon! I haven't used it much competitively but it is really unique with Illusion. As for a Mega, probably not since it will kind of break its disguise despite its stats being below average.

    Featured Dark Type Of the Week!
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*

    "Zoroark, The Illusion Fox Pokémon. It protects its pack by tricking its opponents. It can protect its den by creating a massive illusion of the landscape. Unity amongst its packs is strong."

    Yep. Zoroark! One of my personal favorites and for many other people!
    Zoroark Makes his Debut in Black and White and is first seen on N's team when you face him in his castle. Although he was not obtainable in the wild you could first interact with him by having the 3 legendary dog events. You may also find him in Black and white 2 as one of the previous Team plasma sage gives you N's Zorua. In 6th gen we finally have zoroark obtainable in the Pokemon Village and on route 20 in the wild.

    Here i will go in depth on pics, stats, design, and a lot of other things so take a look!

    Arts and design:




    Ok so after arts i thought id do overall statistics
    Statistics, Ability, Moveset and Such:

    Discussion questions:
    1) make your own feel free please!
    2) What is your opinion on his overall look?
    3) Would you give him a mega?
    4) Thoughts on Competitive use/his great ability?
    5) Do you overall like, love, or hate him?
    6) Any other changes you would add to him?

    This is impressive! Honestly, I've never used one, but I do like how it looks. I'd like to use one before I judge it any further. It's definitely one of the better Pokémon from Gen V though.
    Zoroark's overall concept is what makes it one of the more interesting dark types. As a shapeshifter, it's different from Ditto in the way that it disguises itself as an ally before entering battle while Ditto has to show its true form before transforming into a replica of the enemy. So out of the two with similar ideas behind them, Zoroark is easily my preferred shape shifter despite Ditto's usefulness elsewhere.

    Design-wise, I like how its appearance links to its concept. The best way that I can describe it is that it has a shady and mistrusting look, suggesting that it decieves and tricks other trainers. With the design matching the idea, aesthetics wise, I really like the long fur and its proud stance. I'm not normally a fan of the black/red combo (they're not nice together okay ;v;) but they actually blended pretty well on Zoroark. The black used its in design also helps it to camouflage into the night which would probably be important for an illusionist.

    Would I give him a mega? Looking at his current stats, he's not that bad and would fare pretty well without one. However with most powerful pokemon being granted new forms, M-Zoroark would definitely be one of my priorities. In design, every aspect of him could become either wilder or sleeker. His eyes might change colour or he could increase in size with sharper and longer claws. Honestly, as long as they make Zoroark intimidating, I don't mind what they do with the new form. As for the stat boosts, they should solely be focused on attack and speed. It's not a meatshield so I don't think the extra bulk would help too much. Correct me if I'm wrong on that one though.

    Thoughts on his ability? I think I covered that one a few times but in competitive, it can be used for some smart plays here and there. Not really sure on anythig else that could be mentioned about it.

    I also remember a theory about the relationship between N and Zoroark. The theory goes roughly along the lines of 'n is a zoroark in disguise' because of the similarities in design. I think its also been proven that Zoroark can transform into people though its speaking ability is unknown to me. Anyone know if it can actually talk properly? And thoughts on this idea?

    Overall, I like Zoroark as a whole. It's interesting, different and a really nice pokemon to have in the franchise. I can't say I've ever used one but apparently there was still a lot to say, judging by the huge wall of text above. Apologies for any eyeballs that burnt out reading that too. ;~;

    But yeah Zoroark's cool if you skipped all the way down to the last few sentences. Also a kudos to Dedenne for taking the time and effort to put all the information together! It was a really nice post. <3
    Username: H.A.N.
    Reason you love dark types: Most of the dark Pokémon are great Pokémon. Their evilness makes them of good use for antagonists. Most dark Pokémon make good sweepers with high offense and speed. In the Trading Card Game their moves often can have nasty side effects.
    Three partner pokemon: Houndoom, Tyranitar, Absol

    What are your favorite dark type Pokémon and why?
    I like a lot of them, almost all of them. I'll just mention my partner Pokémon here.
    Firstly Houndoom, which has high special attack and is maybe the only dark Pokémon from Gen II/III which can make a good use of the special dark type moves. Most other dark Pokémon excel at their attack.
    Secondly, Tyranitar, which isn't only a cool rampaging dinosaur, but also got an unique ability in Gen III, as the only non-legendary Pokémon with a weather causing ability. It is terribly strong with Dragon Dance in its moveset.
    Thirdly I mention Absol, which is to me a typical dark Pokémon, preferring offense over defense. Also it has cool legends in being the disaster Pokémon.
    This is impressive! Honestly, I've never used one, but I do like how it looks. I'd like to use one before I judge it any further. It's definitely one of the better Pokémon from Gen V though.
    I really <3 him i think gen. 5 is underrated bisharp is pretty good too but zoroark is one of my overall favorite dark types :)
    Zoroark's overall concept is what makes it one of the more interesting dark types. As a shapeshifter, it's different from Ditto in the way that it disguises itself as an ally before entering battle while Ditto has to show its true form before transforming into a replica of the enemy. So out of the two with similar ideas behind them, Zoroark is easily my preferred shape shifter despite Ditto's usefulness elsewhere.

    Design-wise, I like how its appearance links to its concept. The best way that I can describe it is that it has a shady and mistrusting look, suggesting that it decieves and tricks other trainers. With the design matching the idea, aesthetics wise, I really like the long fur and its proud stance. I'm not normally a fan of the black/red combo (they're not nice together okay ;v;) but they actually blended pretty well on Zoroark. The black used its in design also helps it to camouflage into the night which would probably be important for an illusionist.

    Would I give him a mega? Looking at his current stats, he's not that bad and would fare pretty well without one. However with most powerful pokemon being granted new forms, M-Zoroark would definitely be one of my priorities. In design, every aspect of him could become either wilder or sleeker. His eyes might change colour or he could increase in size with sharper and longer claws. Honestly, as long as they make Zoroark intimidating, I don't mind what they do with the new form. As for the stat boosts, they should solely be focused on attack and speed. It's not a meatshield so I don't think the extra bulk would help too much. Correct me if I'm wrong on that one though.

    Thoughts on his ability? I think I covered that one a few times but in competitive, it can be used for some smart plays here and there. Not really sure on anythig else that could be mentioned about it.

    I also remember a theory about the relationship between N and Zoroark. The theory goes roughly along the lines of 'n is a zoroark in disguise' because of the similarities in design. I think its also been proven that Zoroark can transform into people though its speaking ability is unknown to me. Anyone know if it can actually talk properly? And thoughts on this idea?

    Overall, I like Zoroark as a whole. It's interesting, different and a really nice pokemon to have in the franchise. I can't say I've ever used one but apparently there was still a lot to say, judging by the huge wall of text above. Apologies for any eyeballs that burnt out reading that too. ;~;

    But yeah Zoroark's cool if you skipped all the way down to the last few sentences. Also a kudos to Dedenne for taking the time and effort to put all the information together! It was a really nice post. <3
    Firstly thank u for taking time to share your opinion very in depth!
    Ya i would pick zoroark over ditto any day even if ditto is kind of useful....
    Yes the theory is widely discussed and zoroark is proven to be able to shift into humans along woth zorua. I think it would benefit from the mega if they just upped his stats a little bit im pretty sure he could use alittle more defense but not a ton just enough to make it harder to one hit KO him nothing tanky. The extra SpAtk would help to id love to see him with that.
    Im thinking of what his mega would look like im gonna look on dev and google and edit in a pic of what he may look like :)
    THANK U! I really did try hard on this and it took awhile plus my browser refreshed so i had to redo the entire thing! Haha but that wont get me down and i plan to on all future featured dark types and i hope to get a little bigger response i will put all my efforts into this club while continuing to be active in other clubs and forums :)

    Username: H.A.N.
    Reason you love dark types: Most of the dark Pokémon are great Pokémon. Their evilness makes them of good use for antagonists. Most dark Pokémon make good sweepers with high offense and speed. In the Trading Card Game their moves often can have nasty side effects.
    Three partner pokemon: Houndoom, Tyranitar, Absol

    What are your favorite dark type Pokémon and why?
    I like a lot of them, almost all of them. I'll just mention my partner Pokémon here.
    Firstly Houndoom, which has high special attack and is maybe the only dark Pokémon from Gen II/III which can make a good use of the special dark type moves. Most other dark Pokémon excel at their attack.
    Secondly, Tyranitar, which isn't only a cool rampaging dinosaur, but also got an unique ability in Gen III, as the only non-legendary Pokémon with a weather causing ability. It is terribly strong with Dragon Dance in its moveset.
    Thirdly I mention Absol, which is to me a typical dark Pokémon, preferring offense over defense. Also it has cool legends in being the disaster Pokémon.
    Welcome to the club H.A.N.! I hope to see u around the club and enjoy the club!

    Zoroark, I love how it looks. And for competitive, I used it once. It's a glass cannon, But after Nasty Plot is a beast and it's not going to leave without leaving a hole on the other team.

    Thats really true he is a glass cannon! Pretty much in competitive sometimes he can be one hit ok thats why i put focus sash on mine so i get a nasty plot in and then take out any pokemon slower than me! :)

    Edit: Found some Megas less detail but i like them the best :)
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*

    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Darkness Falls~ *Dark Type Pokemon Fan Club*
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