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[Showcase] Dill's Doodles

  • 443
    Hey There!

    So I'm not the best at drawing but over lock down I've been drawing a lot and I've only recently started to draw and colour digitally. I'm taking part in this 30 Day Pokemon Challenge (has anyone else done it/taken part? ): https://www.deviantart.com/supernerdmel/art/30-Day-Challenge-280191554 .

    So Day 1 is "Draw yourself as a Pokemon trainer":


    Now I know I have me as a Pokemon trainer in my sig but I've not updated the outfit since Pokemon X. So I decided I needed an upgrade 😁. The jumper is actually my favourite jumper that I own and my hair is now lighter in colour. And yes that's Dill's pokeball I'm holding.

    Well I hope you like it. It's my first time drawing and colouring digitally 😅. And I don't usually draw people.
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    good stuff Dill! and hey thanks for introducing me to that art challenge. i might just try that out myself when i get a drawing tab soon~
    good stuff Dill! and hey thanks for introducing me to that art challenge. i might just try that out myself when i get a drawing tab soon~

    Thanks so so much Roni! That means a lot to me. I hardly ever draw humans/chibis so this was a bit of a task. And I'd love to see what you come up with for the challenge 😁.

    Day 2: My favourite pokemon of all time:


    I'm sure you saw this coming 😂. So for this challenge I was inspired by Joshua Dunlop's work (If you haven't seen his art I DEFINITELY recommend it: Joshua Dunlop. I'm going to try and base the pokemon I choose on real life animals (some are impossible to do that with but I'm going to give it a whirl with most of them). So for today's challenge I've based Dill on an American alligator (one of my favourite animals). Refs were used but I really enjoyed drawing this one.
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    You say you recently started drawing digitally, but you must've been drawing for a while on other mediums right? No way that's your first drawing ever!

    Also, you should definitely share the other days! It's super fun to follow art challenges and more often than not they definitely show improvement!

    I'm prolly never doing a challenge ever again tho. They tend to be too stressful for me cuz after like a week or so I don't really care anymore but have to do it nonetheless.
    You say you recently started drawing digitally, but you must've been drawing for a while on other mediums right? No way that's your first drawing ever!

    Also, you should definitely share the other days! It's super fun to follow art challenges and more often than not they definitely show improvement!

    I'm prolly never doing a challenge ever again tho. They tend to be too stressful for me cuz after like a week or so I don't really care anymore but have to do it nonetheless.

    Oh yes sorry. I've been drawing traditionally for a long time but decided to try digitally 😅. Sorry should have said. This is my first time drawing digitally but not my first time drawing 😅😅. And I intend to share each day as I'm already having fun with this challenge 😂. But I get what you mean about art challenges. I tried to take on three last October but only managed to finish one. At least with this one there's no time limit and you can do it whenever you want (Not like the monthly ones where you have to draw everyday 😖 ).
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    I love your drawings there pretty good for digital drawings, if you first started off with traditional drawing. Keep up the great work~!
    Thanks so much all! It really means a lot to me <33. Sorry for the delay in doing Day 3. Had a busy day yesterday. Anyway!!

    Day 3: Your favourite first gen pokemon:


    He's number one!! Haha! I absolutely adore Bulbasaur <33. He's a mix of my two favourite things, plants and frogs. How can you not love him!? I based Bulbasaur on a whites tree frog. I was originally going to base it on a pacman frog but I thought a whites tree frog would look better.
    Aw! I love how you really brought back the frog design into Bulbasaur. I feel like so many people forget the inspiration for it was a toad and it's nice to see it represented as such and not just some nebulous flower-lizard. The only real critique I'd like to offer is to not be afraid of shading! It's a tough part of art to figure out but I promise the work it well worth the pay off. It'll bring an entire new dimension to your drawings. If there's any tips I can give you about shading and highlighting don't hesitate to ask!

    Keep posting and keep sharing -- I'm excited to see what you do next. :)
    Aw! I love how you really brought back the frog design into Bulbasaur. I feel like so many people forget the inspiration for it was a toad and it's nice to see it represented as such and not just some nebulous flower-lizard. The only real critique I'd like to offer is to not be afraid of shading! It's a tough part of art to figure out but I promise the work it well worth the pay off. It'll bring an entire new dimension to your drawings. If there's any tips I can give you about shading and highlighting don't hesitate to ask!

    Keep posting and keep sharing -- I'm excited to see what you do next. :)

    Thanks so much!!! I'd love to do shading but I have no idea where to start so any help or tips would really be appreciated <3. Im new to digital art 😅
    Sorry for the delay and double post.

    Day 4: The Pokemon that looks ugliest to you:


    Why you do this gamefreak!? Persian was fine!! Alolan Persian just looks like the design team got laser. Ugh! Big thanks to Fairy for the shading tips, I just did a bit of airbrush shading so not to over do it.
    Keep it up Dill, before you know it you'll see dramatic improvement in your art. Anytime you feel like you need a critique, don't hesitate to ask. That's how we all learned. (。'▽'。)♡

    Also, biggest tip of all: always use references!
    Hey Dill, I've just started trying to do digital artwork myself and it's so hard, so kudos to putting it out there! Like Fairy said, I really love the frog elements in Bulbasaur. I also think your facial design for Alolan Persian is far better than the actual one

    Also I may well try that challenge, thanks for bringing it to my attention!
    Keep it up Dill, before you know it you'll see dramatic improvement in your art. Anytime you feel like you need a critique, don't hesitate to ask. That's how we all learned. (。'▽'。)♡

    Also, biggest tip of all: always use references!

    Hey Dill, I've just started trying to do digital artwork myself and it's so hard, so kudos to putting it out there! Like Fairy said, I really love the frog elements in Bulbasaur. I also think your facial design for Alolan Persian is far better than the actual one

    Also I may well try that challenge, thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    Thank you both so much!! I've had a look at your work CS and it's fantastic!! Well done! And thanks Fairy! I do often use refs but I always worry about "tracing". I don't trace but I'm worried I'll get criticised for it by using refs. It really is catch 22.

    Anyhoo! Sorry for the delay! I've not been 100% lately so had to put my drawing on hold for a bit. But here is Day 5: A Pokemon so adorable it hurts:


    Guess you saw this coming 😂. Baby Dill is too cute! I based him on a baby alligator because they make my heart melt <3. I tried a bit of shading but didn't want to go over the top with it 😅. Please let me know what you think.
    Thank you both so much!! I've had a look at your work CS and it's fantastic!! Well done! And thanks Fairy! I do often use refs but I always worry about "tracing". I don't trace but I'm worried I'll get criticised for it by using refs. It really is catch 22.

    Anyhoo! Sorry for the delay! I've not been 100% lately so had to put my drawing on hold for a bit. But here is Day 5: A Pokemon so adorable it hurts:


    Guess you saw this coming 😂. Baby Dill is too cute! I based him on a baby alligator because they make my heart melt <3. I tried a bit of shading but didn't want to go over the top with it 😅. Please let me know what you think.

    Eyyy I think it's great and thank you for checking out my work! Similar to Bulbasaur, I love how you incorporate different biology-based elements into your drawings of different Pokémon, I know it never would have occurred to me to make Bulbasaur look more frog-like (even though the Chinese name is literally 'miracle seed frog') or Totodile to look more like an alligator on all fours. It almost looks a bit like a fusion of Sandile and Totodile!

    With shading, something that helps me is to picture where the light source is, so maybe directly above or from the top right. It helps to inform which parts I shade darker and also which parts I make lighter more consistently so it looks a bit more realistic (as realistic as a Pokémon can, anyway). It definitely makes sense though not to want to go too overboard with shading though, because once you start it can be hard to tell when to stop!
    Thanks for the tip Sky! I'm still trying to get my head round the shading 😅. And yeh I've been inspired by Josh Dunlop's work. If you havent seen it I definitely recommend checking it out.

    Also, sorry for the delay in posting. I've been so caught up with MHR that I haven't turned my laptop on in over a week 😅. But here's something a bit different


    Just a quick doodle I did last night. Hope you all had a lovely Easter and that Kula Ya Ku (aka Egbert) didn't steal your eggs!
    Thanks for the tip Sky! I'm still trying to get my head round the shading 😅. And yeh I've been inspired by Josh Dunlop's work. If you havent seen it I definitely recommend checking it out.

    Also, sorry for the delay in posting. I've been so caught up with MHR that I haven't turned my laptop on in over a week 😅. But here's something a bit different


    Just a quick doodle I did last night. Hope you all had a lovely Easter and that Kula Ya Ku (aka Egbert) didn't steal your eggs!

    I love it! Always good to get some variety into your drawings
    I love it! Always good to get some variety into your drawings

    Thanks! To be honest I don't often draw pokemon 😅
    Something about your drawings makes me want to pat their heads. You have a quirky style that makes them feel really cute.

    Thanks! Though watch out for their teeth 😂

    Sorry for the radio silence. Been so busy renovating that I've not had much time to sit down and doodle. Anyway! Day 6 is draw your top three starters:






    Your top 3 starter choices are so good, and those pics are too cute <3 I'm also happy with that MHR pic, it's making me want to play tonight!! You're definitely a varied artist, I wish I had the drive to draw as many different creatures as you haha
    Your top 3 starter choices are so good, and those pics are too cute <3 I'm also happy with that MHR pic, it's making me want to play tonight!! You're definitely a varied artist, I wish I had the drive to draw as many different creatures as you haha

    Thanks so much Sheep! <3. Ohh where are you up to in MHR? TBH I haven't played it in a while but last I checked I'm on HR7 Quests. Ugh Rajang! 😩.

    Anyway sorry I keep forgetting to upload *flails*.

    Day 7: A Pokemon that would terrify you in real life:


    Yeh.....Clowns somewhat creep me out, especially after Pennywise. So I had to give Mr Mime a Pennywise outfit. Surely I'm not the only one who wouldn't like to come across one of these while walking home from work in the dark. I struggled with this one and the shading was making me crazy! Maybe it's a Mr Mime curse!!! D=