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[EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)

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Trainer 781

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    Emerald Battle Engine Upgrade

    Greetings! It's been a while since JPAN's engine and the Physical/Special Split defined Fire Red hacking.
    MrDollSteak's patch then became one of the most frequently used patches on Pokecommunity.
    Then came Touched's Mega Evolution implementation that introduced us to C hacking, which has since been promoted by FBI.
    With this in mind I present to you what I think is the next revolution in the Rom hacking scene.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)

    Battle Features


    Mega Evolution, Form Changes and Configuration


    Additional Features





    Planned Features


    Installation Instructions


    Bug Reporting and Suggestions


    Contribution Instructions


    This engine is available for anyone to use, just make sure that if you do, give proper credit by linking to this page.


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    Given that Touched has created Mega Evolution that works so well, have you considered adding it to your engine? Frankly, I think that Mega Evolution is integral to Pokemon now.
    Given that Touched has created Mega Evolution that works so well, have you considered adding it to your engine? Frankly, I think that Mega Evolution is integral to Pokemon now.

    See the 'features to implement' section. It is definitely part of the plan.
    See the 'features to implement' section. It is definitely part of the plan.

    Fantastic! Kudos to you for making this engine! I look forward to seeing it completed.
    Right now I'm using KristianAngel's Rombase for my hack. It's almost done, but there are some abilities (such as mold breaker) which just don't work.
    Whoa there! This is going to be huge! I look forward to your releases!

    Will this also feature Pokémons from Gen. 4 onwards and use Chaos Rush and MrDollSteak sprites and icons?

    You might want to hear my idea for a "Soaring in the sky" or not?
    Gosh this almost makes me want to scrap everything I've worked on with FR and go back to EM...
    Join the #EM team {XD}

    I'll probably make an EM hack after I finish most of my FR hack. I was initially going to make an EM hack but then I went to FR because of the ease of making new Pokemon.

    Couple questions. What Icon are you using for the Fairy type? Are you using a contest type or did you manage to change it so you could add on to the image?
    Is it possible to create new abilities before applying your changes? Such as making new abilities similar to Pixilate, Refrigerate, and Aerilate? I would be planning on making new types and would like to be able to make new ate abilities for all the types, even if I wouldn't use them all.
    Couple questions. What Icon are you using for the Fairy type? Are you using a contest type or did you manage to change it so you could add on to the image?
    Is it possible to create new abilities before applying your changes? Such as making new abilities similar to Pixilate, Refrigerate, and Aerilate? I would be planning on making new types and would like to be able to make new ate abilities for all the types, even if I wouldn't use them all.

    Fairy Type icon is probably the same as in Dollsteak's patch.
    You can create new abilities but after the changes.
    Also making new -ate abilities should be much easier with our engine, take a look at function set_attacking_move_type in the 'bsstartattack.c' file to see what I mean.
    This is truly amazing but I can't help feeling that I've wasted a lot of time doing these things myself now that they are easily available. I had to port a few items just recently from FireRed which took a while.

    Oh well, I guess I learned stuff along the way and that's what counts(just kidding, feelsbadman).
    Gosh this almost makes me want to scrap everything I've worked on with FR and go back to EM...
    Join the #EM team {XD}
    don't you dare encourage this </3
    so um
    this is, like, awesome, so happy to see it getting somewhere! this definitely revolutionizes the hacking scene; the simple ease with which one can introduce new things compared to how it used to be and i've been trying to implement focus sash for 2 days now, and still haven't figured out how to remove the item using asm

    my first thoughts are of wanting to port to #FR (by replacing all of the addresses in all of the relevant files), but this was made for emerald and i feel like that would be defacing its name

    so i'll ask anyways <3
    Fairy Type icon is probably the same as in Dollsteak's patch.
    You can create new abilities but after the changes.
    Also making new -ate abilities should be much easier with our engine, take a look at function set_attacking_move_type in the 'bsstartattack.c' file to see what I mean.

    I don't know about Dollsteak's patch. When I was working on my EM hack I used the contest type spaces. I'm not sure if they did the same or managed to add new types behind the contest types. I just looked at the thread and I was surprised that he was able to add the fairy type to the end.
    What do you mean "after the changes"? I was talking about before putting all the files or data into the EM rom. That way instead of backtracking and moving stuff around, I can add new things and then put in the stuff.
    I managed to be able to add more -ate abilities in the ASM provided by Mr. DS (I think) before I put them into my FR hack. I just copied how the code was and put the other types in.
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    my first thoughts are of wanting to port to #FR (by replacing all of the addresses in all of the relevant files), but this was made for emerald and i feel like that would be defacing its name
    Actually the porting work will not be just replacing offsets. The 'same' functions in FR & EM sometimes have DIFFERENT formats. You can go and see Pokemon_XY's partial (and abandoned) port of kleenexfeu's old base HERE. The routines of mega in rombase.asm will show you everything (He has correctly found the return addresses and you can see the functions there).

    I guess the base is still a WIP one, so the firered port may not be available recently.(?)
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    I'm not sure what's happened, but I installed as per the instructions and it has messed up my rom. Looking at the details on my existing save, it has corrupted all the pokemon into glitches or eggs.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [EM] Battle Engine Upgrade (On Halt, Will undergo reboot!)

    Starting a new game just freezes the game when I select the Pokemon from the bag. Does it not work with progressing hacks?
    I'm not sure what's happened, but I installed as per the instructions and it has messed up my rom. Looking at the details on my existing save, it has corrupted all the pokemon into glitches or eggs.

    Starting a new game just freezes the game when I select the Pokemon from the bag. Does it not work with progressing hacks?

    It does work on progressing hacks. See the OP under 'additional features'
    Additional Features:
    - no more Pokemon data encryption(requires you to start a new game or erase all your owned Pokemon)
    If you don't want it, delete the 'negates pokemon encryption' part in the 'bytereplacement' file
    The file can opened by any text editor.
    OK, the pokemon don't seem to be warped but if I enter the summary screen it resets the game. Am I best scrapping my hack and just using this from a fresh rom?
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