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Favourite Shiny Pokemon?


The Whole Constellation
  • 2,142
    Simple. What is your favourite Shiny form of a Pokémon, and why? Have you actually caught that shiny or are you hunting it still?

    My favourite Shiny is... Gyarados. It looks awesome enough to have made it a crucial Shiny in the Johto games - and sure, probably everybody has caught the one at the Lake of Rage, but that doesn't make it less awesome to catch a random one or evolve one from a Shiny Magikarp (itself another favourite Shiny of mine), like I did. Plus, red is my favourite color and I find Gyarados to be pretty much the only good shiny of that color.

    Other favourites of mine are the Cyndaquil line, the (Johtonian) Sneasel line, the Venonat line, Kantonian Meowth, Suicune, the Gulpin line, the Cacnea line, the Stunky line, the Espurr line, the Litten line and Mimikyu. And while I've caught lots of shinies, out of all my favourites, I've only caught/hatched the Magikarp line, the J-Sneasel line and the Cyndaquil line, though I have been hunting for Shiny Venonat as well.
    The Jangmo-o and Goomy lines got great shinies. I already shiny bred the Jangmo-o line, but the goomy line is on my to do list lol
    There's also Umbreon, which I haven't gotten around to yet despite having already shiny bred multiple Eevee's =p
    I love Weavile, Vaporeon, and Altaria's shiny forms. They're so cute!
    I don't have a favorite shiny, but a favorite shiny color. If your shiny is pink, blue, or gold, then I'm more than likely to lean towards those over other colors. One of my favorite Pokemon, Vulpix has a gold shiny and I love it.
    Hm. Knows fairly few shinies. Generally likes black or darker shinies, if anything. Finds some gold and purple shinies pleasing too, when used sparingly. Some good ones:

    - Alolan Raichu. Contrasts very strongly. Appreciates that next to the washed-out colors of the normal version. Calls this one the best, probably.

    - Charizard. Retained enough color besides black to shine, so to speak. Prefers black shinies like this over shinies like Palossand and Haxorus.

    - Greninja. Suits a ninja. Kept a ruby red tongue scarf and some white accents.

    - Chesnaught. Hatched a shiny Chespin by chance. (Never got around to training and evolving it.) Knows it for that reason. Replaced a lot of tan with darker green. Likes the dark brown next to the tan on its arms.

    - Rayquaza. Complements the red and gold better with black than green. Fades away too much with green.
    Anything pink! So Jumpluff, Furret, Aipom, Mareep, etc. Bonus points if it's a brighter/more pastel pink like Jumpluff. <3 I have all of these except Aipom fortunately. Also reaaally love the bright yellow ones, especially in their sprite forms. Think Altaria and Latias. So pretty.

    While I don't care much for Charizard or Greninja, gotta say their shinies do look really cool.
    Aesthically, Corsola would probably be my favorite. Just looking at it makes me happy! And yes, I fished one up in VC Gold! I also enjoy Shiny Tyrogue (pre-3DS, anyway). I've chained one before, but I'm still wanting to get it at full odds.

    My favorite as in "most cherished" I believe would have to be my full-odds Shiny Mothim from HGSS, my most intensive Shiny hunt ever. Or my completely random Shiny Flareon from X.

    Other notable Shinies: Sneasel, Dragonair, Porygon2, Furret, Nidoran-M, Dunsparce, Mew, Gallade, Yanma, Jumpluff, Venomoth, Midday Lycanroc, Luxio, Eevee (GSC), Zangoose, Magneton, Lapras, Vaporeon, Spheal, Vanillite, Mudkip, Glameow, and Lanturn

    - - -

    UPDATE: Got my full-odds Tyrogue!
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    I have.......a lot, but some of the biggest favorites are:
    Giratina - One, it looks awesome. Two, I like how the colors are inverted in a way (gold where grey was on the original, silver where gold was and red replaced with blue). Third...I don't know, it just somehow makes it look even more eerie and extradimensional than the original.
    Darkrai - They made the dark super-edgy nightmare Pokemon pink and purple and somehow it works. In fact, I find this color scheme more fitting than the original - it looks more dreamlike.
    Minior - Eeeee I already love black shinies but the addition of the little rainbow chunks puts it over the edge!!
    Zorua & Zoroark - Can't decide which I like more, they're both such beautiful color combinations!!
    Whimsicott - Another great color combination.
    Blacephalon - The dark blue with the lights reminds me of a beautiful city at night *_*
    Cacnea & Cacturne - Love autumn colors. Weirdly enough these are the only two grass Pokemon I can think of that have autumnal shinies?
    Beedrill & Mega Beedrill - Underrated one, but the green and blue go so well!!
    Staraptor - Another underrated shiny, and I'm biased because I already love this Pokemon, but that blue crest is...pristine.
    Mega Gardevoir - I loved the blue on the base form already, the black dress was just the best decision. (I sorta wish it was in the non-shiny mega form as well.)
    Come to think of it, I only have Beedrill and Minior 😅
    My favorite shiny is Spheal, the magenta is really cool on this Pokemon.
    Merged your thread with an older one. Covered the same topic. (Do not worry about it too much. Required going back a few pages to find. Posts mainly to notify what happened to your thread, as well as explain to future posters why some people posted twice.)
    While I'm not surprised, still sad there wasn't a single mention of shiny Azumarill yet so far.

    While that's my favorite, I like anything that is wildly different from the original colors (yes, even the green ones).
    I like shiny Scizor because it is how I would imagine a steel and bug type to actually look like. Shiny Azumarill is also a good one because it relates to the whole Pikablue speculation before gen 2's release. I'm surprised no one mentioned shiny Umberon, Manectric, Volcarona, or Dedenne yet. Those four are worth mentioning in my opinion.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?

    Shiny Boldore and Gigalith are some of my favorites; not only is violet and teal a great color scheme, but the more colorful crystals really sell to you that shiny Boldore and Gigalith are more "valuable" than normal ones.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?

    Shoutouts to Cetitan; its color scheme made me actively Masuda-method for it because it's just so good. It looks like an orca!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?

    Crimson and light blue is an amazing color scheme as well (just ask Porygon), and I'm an absolute sucker for differently colored tongues as seen in Obstagoon.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?

    Green and purple is another one of my favorites, and the Budew line just looks so good with it; the black rose is cool too.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?

    I don't care what anyone says about neon green. It's a highly underrated color, and I'm sad it's mostly limited to shinies, but Ursaring's is a favorite of mine because of it! Sadly it doesn't keep this as an Ursaluna.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Favourite Shiny Pokemon?

    I love how vibrant shiny Toedscruel is, especially its blue "mouth."
    My current favourite shiny Pokemon is a Shiny Stufful (which becomes orange, and resembles a red panda)!
    Shining Ho-oH has always been a favorite of mine. It is the definition of a Shining Pokemon and is Gold just like the game it is the mascot for, as well as autumn in color which I closely associate Pokemon GSC and HGSS with. Charizard is also pretty far up there with that Black/Red color combination it has. I also have a special place for Shiny Ponyta/Rapidash because it was my first ever Shiny Pokemon I ever got.