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Alright then well ill get this done when i can and if i cant whatever I rather not have to check this every couple minutes just to see the lack of fun :/
I'm trying to add that pinch of sugar into a sea of salt, so no lack of trying to make things fun from my side at least :P

You know what, I'm gonna up the ante here

NeonJelly13, DyingWillFlareon, Espeonica & AlolaMaster all four of u can compete in the Challenge as well. If one of u gets the Highest Score u will not only be Safe from Elimination for this Round, but the Next Round as well (even if u don't, not to worry, u'll be safe for this Round anyways, coz u already earned it), while all the rest of the unsafe Members right now, will all be in the Danger Zone for this Round.

Pika Pika :chu:
Sounds great to me!

I find his challenge fun and shall be on it right away Chu!

Yaaay! : >

I'll post my scores tomorrow (before time limit of course).

See you all soon then! :)


May the best player win! :3

P.S., I'm not really good at games. But I'll give this one a good shot! >: D dun dun dun...


@AlolaMaster: I tried. But it resulted in a triple post on an earlier page (in this thread), but it's all fine for now.

Because this has got to do with my own laggy net anyway. So, nvm... Haha Xp
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Just wanted to quickly point out that I have eye problems so the less sleep I get the more painful say the next day is. Seven years ago I stayed up as late as I could and no problems.

And tbf I thought creative question meant like 'The dog sat on the log. But where was the duck'? I suck at problem solving so that's why I voted no but I'm all for other types of creative. Like this...

... And hopefully a Pokémon battle at some point?

(but yeah wasn't meaning to start anything, just wanted the challenge to be extended so I could have a chance)
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I suck at this game.

edit: beat my score slightly
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We should reallllly do a pokemon battle tournament on showdown :D
It's literally the only reason I picked Steel lol

(cuz monotype)
1. AlolaMaster (Komala) - 22,828

, Caite-chan, Cakesu, Dedenne1, Espeonica, DyingWillFlareon, Forever, GreenLegend56, Master Snowy, NeonJelly13 & Your Everyday Ghost

I wish I could participate, but my laptop can't load the game...
Okay drop me a VM/PM, let's see if we can work out why.

So he's one person again?
Yep, he is, coz having him as two entities, will give him a distinct advantage. Applying simple maths, there are a total of 11 players in the game right now, each having a 1/11 chance of winning. But since NeonJelly13 is two entities, his chances of winning increase to 2/12 or to be more precise 1/6.
Applying science, Neon is a colorless, odorless, inert, monatomic gas under standard conditions, with about two-thirds the density of air & forms no uncharged chemical compounds. It is also lighter than air, causing it to escape even from Earth's atmosphere.
Jelly is a clear or translucent fruit-flavoured dessert made by warming & then cooling a liquid containing gelatin or a similar setting agent in a mould or dish so that it sets into a semi-solid, somewhat elastic mass.
These definitions clearly suggest that NoenJelly13 can adapt himself to different environments & thus has a much greater chance of escaping Elimination than the others, especially if counted as separate entities.
Also, if he splits into three entities - Neon, Jelly & 13, his chances of winning increase to 15/13 (1 (Neon) + 1 (Jelly) + 13 = 15), which is more than 100%, giving him a very unfair advantage over the others.

... And hopefully a Pokémon battle at some point?
We should reallllly do a pokemon battle tournament on showdown :D
If only we all knew about Pokémon Showdown...or something else.
Ghost answered the question. Even I'm not too familiar with it.

I'd request u all to maintain ONE POST for ur scores & keep editing it. I will keep checking for score updates, but it wud be good if u drop me a VM, every time u edit ur Score, coz I might miss it.

Also, very important, check the Group Chat, I have a topic on there, participate & let me know.

Pika Pika :chu:
Oh, yeah, Chu. There was this one question I wanted to ask you but you never answered due to the festivities in your country:

"Do any of your sisters like Pokémon?"
LEGENDCHU - Highest so far, not declaring yet, keep guessing ;)
Dedenne1 - 26,156
AlolaMaster (Komala) - 25,488
Forever - ????

Caite-chan, Cakesu, Espeonica, DyingWillFlareon, GreenLegend56, Master Snowy, NeonJelly13 & Your Everyday Ghost

Oh, yeah, Chu. There was this one question I wanted to ask you but you never answered due to the festivities in your country:

"Do any of your sisters like Pokémon?"
Nah, they don't, but my cousin brothers do, they're crazy about Pokemon Go.

Just a dodgy score.. lol I'm doomed :c But I gotta get it in before bed so w/e.
Forever, that's password protected, can't open it! -_-

The rest of u guys, u need to get going here!

Pika Pika :chu:
OH. I was supposed to play it? Alright! As soon as I film for personal purposes, sleep, and go to school.
@forever use a hosting service like imgur which allows for public viewing :3 and it's pretty easy to use compared to others.
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I can't even find the link for the group chat anymore and I'm not about to go through 200+ pages to find it.