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FireRed hack: FireRed 649 Patch

Hack save routine for extra saveable space? Would break compatibility with flashcarts

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Glory To Arstotzka
  • 736
    • Seen Jan 28, 2018
    This is not a hack. You cannot catch all 649 Pokémon just using my patch. It is a BASE for hackers to create hacks with.

    However, as it is still an early alpha, you may only test the base, not base a hack on it. If I see any hacks based on it, I will request their removal!

    This is a thread for the posting of bugs/issues related to the named patch above. Needless to say, the links to the patch will also be kept below.

    This patch is a MASSIVE overhaul of a lot of FireRed's code which opens up many possibilities related to some of the things introduced in generations later than generation III.

    Current Released Version: Alpha 3

    Included in this patch:

    Extended Pokédex - All Pokémon currently available (as of 22/11/2011) are included in the patch - cries, sprites and all.
    New Moves - All moves currently available are included.
    New Abilities - All abilities currently available are included.
    Extra TMs - Added 45 new and extra TMs. Changed all TMs to match Gen V's set.
    Formes - Yes, that's right. Formes are possible using this patch.
    Extra Items - Added an extra 300 items to the game. No more worrying about replacing existing items!
    Extra Direct Music Tracks - OK, not strictly part of the extension. But nice to have anyway, no? Now have 12 direct tracks available instead of the standard measly 5.
    Random Double Wild Battles - There will be a chance of any grass location to randomly produce a double wild battle. This can be increased or decreased in likelihood or stopped altogether if wanted.
    Proper Regional Pokédexes - The ability to create and use a custom regional Pokédex on FireRed. Included in this is the ability to have new generation Pokémon evolve without needing the National Pokédex.
    New Physical/Special Split - Avoids the pitfalls of the older system by simply replacing one small part of the existing system, instead of the whole thing.
    Black/White Experience Gain System - That's right. I've added the experience gain formula from Pokémon Black/White to my ROM. I don't even force you to use it, if you don't want to! It's deactivatable/activatable with the simple setting of a flag.
    Decapitalisation - The ROM doesn't shout at you any more!
    Hidden Abilities - It is possible to define a condition within your ROM which will give any Pokémon caught which meet this condition their hidden ability.

    Known Bug List:

    Last but not least; The link to it:
    Basic Alpha 3 ips: Discontinued due to people reporting fixed bugs
    Live Beta Patch: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24219056/649 Patch LB.ips
    std.rbh: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24219056/std.rbh
    stditems.rbh: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24219056/stditems.rbh
    stdpoke.rbh: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24219056/stdpoke.rbh
    INI: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24219056/roms.ini
    This INI is for PGE, but it should contain most (if not all) of the relevant pointers/data.

    Please note that while this live beta is based on the same system as LC, I will not maintain a Live Log. It's far too much effort on top of making the basic patch itself.

    How to change Rotom's Forme:

    How Basculin Works:

    How Burmy Works:

    To deactivate the BW Exp System (but still have Exp Gain), simply set flag 0x8D0. To disable Exp Gain altogether, set flag 0x8D1.

    Flag 0x8D1 takes precedence, so if you set flag 0x8D1, you won't get any experience from either exp system. If you set flag 0x8D0, the game willl revert to its standard Gen 1-4 exp system. If you clear both flags, the game will use my new BW Exp System.

    Myself (Jambo51) - Creater/Owner of the patch.
    LinkandZelda - For listening to me spout absolute rubbish, for keeping me focussed when my mind wandered and most importantly, for urging me to keep going when I hit a game killing bug. He was also indirectly responsible for the addition of a couple of other little things, by asking me for help with LC.
    Diegoisawesome - For being insanely patient with me while I developed this.
    NintendoBoyDX - For finding a list of potential limiters for me to check (among other things).
    Gamer2020 - For his wonderful PGE tool, and for listening to me talking absolute rubbish about my ideas for the patch, and for explaining how the addition of new moves worked.
    knizz - His guidance led me to the finding of the seen/caught flags, a major (if invisible) part of this hack and a lot of my knowledge is built on knizz's discoveries.
    HackMew - His short, but very sweet, tutorial on ASM, as well as all the other wonderful things he's achieved/released since (and before as well) I came to PC. I've always strived to be a bit like HackMew. His small hack to make the field effects of Magma Armour/Flame Body work is included too, so credit to HackMew for the routine.
    JPAN - Most of my routines are built in the same style as JPAN's because it was what I looked at to gain a comprehension of the code. A few of my routines are extensions of his in many ways. For the save block hack as well - without it, this patch could not exist.
    Prime_Dialga - For his wonderful DNS tool, and for letting me include it in the patch as standard.
    WesleyFG, ChaosRush, Miyuki, Ingrid, Icy and Wiznatts - For the 4th and 5th Generation sprites included in the upcoming version of the hack. Thanks guys! The new sprites look so much better!
    dudedude1 / Speedster and link12552 - For inserting the footprints for me!
    Darthatron - For working out how to show the category images, and for sharing that code. Also for sharing the physical/special split code. Thanks man!
    crowlover - For finding so many little bugs and issues and reporting them to me. Helped massively!
    LCCoolJ95 - All the movesets and TM/HM Learnsets
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    The link to the patch isn't working.

    Sorry, I ballsed up the copying of the link. Fixed now.

    Wow! This is big step in advanced hacking!
    Jambo, once again, you did oustanding job!
    I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this patch.

    Thanks, and you're welcome. Remember, though, that I don't want people to make hacks based on this yet. It's too buggy to allow this, and if I let people make hacks, it would pick up a bad reputation because of the existing bugs.

    I hope you understand. :)
    Hey Jambo. I'm sad to say I won't be able to do the footprints. I've was able to find the offset of the first footprint but it would take a while to find an offset for every single one. Also, I would have no way of checking if the footprints worked because I can't have the pokemon appear in an area with A-Map. If you have the offsets for each footprint I may still be able to do it. I will still try and get all the Pokemon movesets insert though. Keep up the good progress.
    Thanks, and you're welcome. Remember, though, that I don't want people to make hacks based on this yet. It's too buggy to allow this, and if I let people make hacks, it would pick up a bad reputation because of the existing bugs.

    I hope you understand. :)
    Yeah, I know what you mean =)
    I'm sure you will perfect this in no time ;)
    I'm wishin' you the best of luck =)
    Hey Jambo. I'm sad to say I won't be able to do the footprints. I've was able to find the offset of the first footprint but it would take a while to find an offset for every single one. Also, I would have no way of checking if the footprints worked because I can't have the pokemon appear in an area with A-Map. If you have the offsets for each footprint I may still be able to do it. I will still try and get all the Pokemon movesets insert though. Keep up the good progress.

    If you want to check them, open the memory viewer in VBA, and go to 0x0203E000.

    Then change the next 164 bytes in that memory location to 0xFFs. This should fill out your Pokédex, allowing you to see the footprints. Also, just overwrite the existing footprints. Stick them in National Dex order, starting with Turtwig in Bulbasaur's slot (and so on) and I can easily copy and paste them into the main ROM if you provide me with the ROM when you're done.

    Also, a huge thanks for doing it in the first place.
    If you want to check them, open the memory viewer in VBA, and go to 0x0203E000.

    Then change the next 164 bytes in that memory location to 0xFFs. This should fill out your Pokédex, allowing you to see the footprints. Also, just overwrite the existing footprints. Stick them in National Dex order, starting with Turtwig in Bulbasaur's slot (and so on) and I can easily copy and paste them into the main ROM if you provide me with the ROM when you're done.

    Also, a huge thanks for doing it in the first place.
    This helps a lot. I'll easily be able to get it done now. I'll start ASAP.
    It's finally released, I can't wait to try it now and I'll post bugs I find.
    This will probably make people do more advanced hacking now the pokemon up to date are already in it xDD
    I will keep my eye on this. Once this is perfected it can rock the hacking world back to its glory days. this is history in the making. I'll be rooting for you.

    Good Luck and all the best.
    This is mindblowing, simply mindblowing. I (and I imagine a great many others) will be following this with great interest. Just fantastic, keep up the good work.
    I think I will wait till it is finished because it's kinda lulzy at the moment.

    What on earth do you mean by "lulzy"?

    I will keep my eye on this. Once this is perfected it can rock the hacking world back to its glory days. this is history in the making. I'll be rooting for you.

    Good Luck and all the best.

    I doubt it, somehow. But we can live in hope.

    This is mindblowing, simply mindblowing. I (and I imagine a great many others) will be following this with great interest. Just fantastic, keep up the good work.


    good luck with this is a big step forward in advance generation hacking!
    i hope that all bugs will be fixed ^__^

    There are very few actual bugs with the patch. Most "bugs" are actually caused by missing data.
    Buggy, of course. X.X Made a octillary with transform appear on route 1. XD

    Buggy, of course. X.X Made a octillary with transform appear on route 1. XD
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    Hehe, that's actually not a bug. I did it for testing purposes.

    Wrote in a way for Rotom to change formes now. There's a routine which you pass the slot ID in var 0x8004 (using the select Pokemon special), and the forme ID in var 0x8005 by setting it in the calling script.

    It then calculates if the Pokemon is a Rotom, and if it is, changes its forme to the one you specified and recalculates the stats accordingly.

    To change Rotom back to its normal forme, simply call its current forme again, and the code will revert it back to normal forme.
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    They are XSE headers. They let you put something like PKMN_TURTWIG or ITEM_DAWNSTONE rather than having to remember their hex codes off the top of your head when creating a script with the patch.
    I'm rather confused. Other than the octilery and shuckles on route 1, I don't see anything different.
    I'm rather confused. Other than the octilery and shuckles on route 1, I don't see anything different.

    This isn't a traditional ROM Hack. It's a base for hackers to use which contains a bunch of stuff from gens 4 and 5. Please read the first post in future.
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