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Foreshadows of Hoenn [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] Foreshadows of Hoenn [IC]


"We might as well get used to this lifestyle," Zepheros replied with a sigh, knowing that living in the middle of a gigantic warfare wouldn't be much fun for anyone. "And...secrets? That's what I'm trying to find out, really."

Just then, Lordus approached them and called for Aurora before eyeing Zeph carefully with an indescribable expression on his face. Now what was that for? "You, too, if you fancy."

"I'll be scouting ahead, apparently. Adam's orders, so might as well follow my cousins in flight," said the Staraptor with a small shrug of his wings. "Plus, I'll have to keep an eye on that little Rufflet of mine... responsibilities, heh. Now if you'd excuse me..."

Zeph lifted himself into the air and darted back towards his apprentice and the new friend, Galeno, landing between the two with anticipation glowing in his eyes. "We're leaving. Patriot, come with me, we're scouting ahead. Now. Galeno, I'll meet you at the battlefield then...hopefully still alive when we do."

Patting Patriot on the back with one of his wings, the bird of prey soared up high and glided in circles, waiting for his 'sidekick' to follow. It wouldn't take too long for the birds to arrive...he'd just hope that there's no ambushes on the way. That would mean absolute trouble.

General Mikkelson
Slateport City

Mikkelson entered the Capital Building of the HR, and looked around for the stairs to his office. Mikkelson had used the office once before, preferring to visit the front as opposed to sitting in the office, a trip to the camps would be in order, Mikkelson thought to himself. Mikkelson found the simple room, with a desk, a few chairs, a window, an escape route, and most importantly, a gun safe. Mikkelson sat down at the desk, and pulled out the most recent map of the region, and studied it. Mikkelson studied in specific the City of Sootopolis, which was the centre of Pokemon conflict. Mikkelson noticed three islands surrounding the contested city, each with a pokemon settlement on it. Hmm..., Mikkelson thought to himself, they seem to value this place quite very much, wouldn't it suck if something happened to it. Mikkelson also noted that no tribe of pokemon held control over Sootopolis. Despite that fact, Mikkelson knew that an attack like that too early would be disastrous, as would an attack that was too late. Locking down Slateport was key right now, then securing the local area before making a risky attack. Just then, Mikkelson heard the phone ring. Mikkelson picked it up, it was an officer from the front lines.

" General, it is Staff Sergant Ellis from Echo point," the phone voiced.

Mikkelson knew only a little bit about Echo Point, other than it is a outpost on the coast to the west of Slateport, and that it was vastly undermanned.

" Yes, what is it Ellis," Mikkelson replied.

" Well, Sir, one of our teams saw a group of Pokemon mobilizing to the northwest of our position, an estimated group of 50-100 Pokemon," Ellis reported.

" Did you engage them," Mikkelson asked.

" No sir, we are outmatched, we only have 30 men out here," Ellis answered.

" Well, if you see anymore group that are estimated to be smaller than 75 pokemon, engage them, I repeat, engage them," Mikkelson ordered.

" Yes sir, but can we get more soldiers out here," Ellis pleaded.

" I will grant them to you, although I can't spare many troops to a outpost way out there," Mikkelson reasoned with the Staff Sergeant.

Mikkelson hung up the phone, then searched his paperwork for any spare detachments to send out to Echo Point. He flipped through the paperwork, found a small recon unit under Sergeant Victor Jackson, and found a phone number to contact the unit. Mikkelson picked up the phone, dialled the number and waited for an answer.

" Umm.. hello," Sergeant Jackson inquired.

" Hello Sergeant, it is General Mikkelson. I am sending you and your unit out to Echo point, you will be reporting to Staff Sergeant Ellis, is that clear," Mikkelson told Sergeant Jackson.

" Yes Sir," Jackson replied.

Mikkelson hung up the phone, then continued to study the map, curious for what the next move would be. Just then, someone bursted into the room. Mikkelson looked at the guy, obviously tired, and said,

" Don't you know how to knock?"

" I'm sorry sir, but I was told to tell you that Nicolas, or what ever his name is, is executing a scouting mission to the old camp where Grahams was murdered, took a Lt. and some mercenary with him," the guy replied.

" Ok, is that all, I got s*** to do," Mikkelson retorted.

" That is it," the guy stated, as he left the office.

Mikkelson shook his head, then returned to study the map.

(Note: Humans not on the scouting mission, if you want to be part of the unit sent to Echo point, that is fine with me)
Nicolas finally arrived at the entrance and told them to move out. Jacob looked over at the man and said with an amused smile, "Awww I was hoping we could go in a loud, roaring, smoke bellowing truck." Before starting off down the road he looked himself over one more time ensuring he was real to leave. His strange attire mostly hid his lightweight flexible armor that was useful to deflect blade attacks and small arms fire. The shoulder and belt rigging helped hold his heavy duty backpack he had been wearing since he got off the aircraft, his mostly hidden katana that rested between his back and the back pack, and two canteens on his right hip. The unique design of this rigging system allowed him to attach either his back pack or a parachute to it as well as offering a quick release system for both if the need presented itself. Making sure everything was in place he was satisfied and began to leave the safety of the city. He didn't need to check his bag as he had packed it the night before.

Inside the medium sized pack was several ammo clips, a small tripod for his rifle for extreme range shots, a set of NVGs, a woodland camouflage poncho, 2 woodland camouflage tarps, several feet of 550 cord, a combat first aid kit, water purifying kit, several high calorie nutrient bars that were suppose to taste like chocolate but really tasted like crap, a few candy bars to follow after the terrible tasting nutrient bars, and lastly two spare sets of socks. He had carefully packed the bag to get the maximum use out of it. The purpose was to give him enough supplies to work in the field for a few days if needed, while reducing weigh and bulk. While he likely didn't need these supplies for this mission he preferred to be prepared. He might act lazy and goofy at times when it came to execution of his missions he took things very seriously.

When Jacob stepped out on the road heading into the unknown, his amused smile and general relaxed facial expressions melted away revealing a focused expression of a professional. He stopped for a moment and pulled out his "map" (it was the same as Nicolas') that he had stuffed in his hidden shoulder strap pocket. Looking back at the city they were leaving, he quickly made a comparison of distance between the exit of the city and the airfield. He then took his fingers and "pitched" the distance before walking is fingers toward the pokemon city they were going toward. By doing this he got a very rough idea of the distance between the two points. Looking back up the road he noticed he was getting left behind.

Jacob did not like using the road: too open, too exposed, and likely it would be used by the Pokemon the closer they got to the city. So instead of taking the road, Jacob slipped into the forest to the right of the path. Putting some distance from the road allowed him to use the foliage and growth to hide his movement and reduce the chance he would be spotted. Despite all his equipment and his large 6 foot frame, Jacob moved with complete silence as he stalked through the forest. His every step was counted and carefully placed to reduce noise and prevent his detection. This did slow him down making it so he was constantly behind the other two, but he was able to keep them in sight most of the time with the assistance of his rifle's scope and his own keen eye. If the other two got into trouble he could easily provide fire support from an area of concealment.

Carefully observing his surroundings Jacob noted the eerie silence that came from the lack of life in this forest. With all the Pokemon avoiding the humans, this area of the woods was left almost lifeless. The wind would occasionally break the silence with the rustling of leaves, but other than that it was silent. Jacob could only imagine this strange lifelessness would only increase once the war started. In his mind it would be periods of explosions, screams, and other sounds of war followed by a deathly silence. He was used to the normal everyday noise of life, and this silence left him uneasy.

As the Mercenary walked through the forest he also began to wonder just how barbaric or primitive the Pokemon were. Were they mostly just creatures with some strange sense of survival instinct and lacked true intelligence beyond that, or were they just as intelligent as humans? His understanding of them was limited since he had spent his entire life dealing with humans, and had never really paid much attention to Pokemon other than the random ones he had passed by or the ones he had to kill to get to this target. He knew the names of a few of them and the capabilities of even fewer. He would likely soon find out the answer. Refocusing on the task at hand he carefully watched for any movement other than the other two humans and the occasional windblown leaves.
Damien Pierce
Slateport city Northern exit

Damien was playing with his pistol when Jacob started talking again.

"Impatient already? I'm guessing assassination wasn't one of your strong points," Jacob started but paused and looked around, "Why be so rushed? For all we know we could be going to our deaths so why hurry there. Just enjoy…"

Damien laughed at that. "I'm not too afraid of the woodland creatures nibbling at my ankles, Jacob. Anyways, you're with an experienced Delta Op, I wouldn't be too worried of getting killed..."

Damien relaxed on the grass as the Generals speech played over the loudspeakers, trying to ignore it.

Jacob was obviously annoyed by the speech playing. Damien on the other hand, didn't really mind it. He just blocked it out...

It was soon over, the speakers quiet at last. Jacob looked at him all serious and began to mock the general.

"You heard the man we need to kill the Conans and take back this land we just found, but we obviously deserve since we found it just laying out here in the middle of the ocean. Finders keepers you know." Jacob paused a sec and went back to his normal voice, "Well it sounds like your commander has no intention of stopping even when we find and punish the ones who killed your brother and the others."

Damien started talking serious, "I'm sure they'll stop when we get what we started it for. If not... Well, no, I'm sure he will come to his senses..."

Damien left the conversation off there and closed his eyes.

"Wake me when Nick gets here, please."

Damien fell asleep.

He was woken up 20ish minutes later to see Nick had finally arrived. He hopped to his feet and walked towards Nick. Nick walked towards them shrugging and talking.

"Hi, sorry for being a bit late, got stuck by some people asking about something. But that's not important for now."

He pulled out a map and put it on the ground. He pointed to a road to the north of the HR settlement. He began briefing them, "Clarke already knows about this, so I'll go ahead with briefing you about the mission. See this road here? We're supposed to see what it holds. Before the attack on Grahams camp, it was empty, but after the attack, I have a bit of a reason to assume that this road is now bustling with activity, from the Pokemon from this place here," He pointed at the settlement, "And we have to see what this road leads to. We will continue on until we reach the settle, but we will NOT engage in any sort of fighting. The orders are clear, only observe. Shooting should be the absolute last resort. Is that clear? Good."

Damien got up in sync with Nick who began barking orders again.

"Alright, let's move out! We're going out on foot."

About time they got moving.

"Yes sir!" Damien responded to Nick, starting to jog towards the exit with his rifle in hand.
Sigil Casus and Turnip
Slateport City

Turnip waited, wincing, eyes closed, for Nicolas to turn around and barrage him with various questions and insults. He dared himself to open one eye for half a second and...

Nothing came. Nicolas had shrugged it off and walked off. LEVEL UP! SNEAK SKILL LEVEL 100!
Eh, maybe. Or maybe Nicolas was impervious to back slams and quickly muttered speech. Turnip was, of course, completely exaggerating in the first place. Any contact whilst sneaking feels like getting hit by a wrecking ball.

Well, Turnip thought, either Nicholas Cage here is ignoring me, or I'm just awesome. I'm obliged to go for the second option. Still, with the slight possibility the former is true, I might have a really good reason to be following him. The sniper rifles are still over there, too - sneak away!

If he had a dollar for each time he'd been assaulted in that costume, by accident or otherwise, Sigil would have been the richest man on Earth. He remembered a rather... unfortunate event that involved a Gallade, but he shook it off.

Sigil exited the shed, swinging the door violently on its hinge as he took his suit case. The tall, thin man took one look at Turnip trying to sneak and frowned.

"Oh look, it's the guy who can't tell a Gardevior from a man in a suit." He chuckles to himself. To be fair though, he thought, I do have a rather feminine figure...
He approached, his face turning to one of confusion. "The hell are you DOING?" He asked, keeping his suitcase close and adjusting his bald wig.

Turnip bolted upright, "BUP! Bloody hell. Sneak skill level 100 my ass... Uh, well, I was, uh..."

The tall man rolled his eyes. Great, he IS a loony...
Turnip thought for a moment, trying to come up with the most devious lie ever conceived by man...

"Nah, screw it. I was following Nicolas. He was acting suspiciously and I wanted some answers on this war thing."

"Aw, I see... you wanted to-" Sigil found himself cut off by intercom speakers. He silenced himself as he heard the supposedly inspiring words coming to an end.

Turnip was suddenly attentive, and listened out for a bit.

"Oh, would you listen to that. That incessant political drone's stopped." He clicked his gloved fingers, "Ah! That general guy, he could well have some answers. Could give me clearance for a good sniper rifle, too."

Sigil looked shocked, "Why on Earth would you want to kill these wonderful creatures? They are an evolutionary miracle! Pokémon that work, think, and speak like man!" He gazed into the distance as he imagined the Pokémon's culture and history.

"Well, yeah, I'm no-"

"-Think of how much we could learn from and teach these miraculous marvels! Imagine the sheer potential we have of learning the true psyche of these mysterious creatures without depending on telekinesis!"

"Telekinesis? That's moving stuff wi-"

"-Why, with any luck, we may encounter and discover the breeding capabilities of these amazing creatures!" He gushed on and on about how amazing this discovery was, nearly forgetting about the war for a moment. "...Er... I mean, boo Pokémon! They killed a man!" He said, adjusting himself.

Turnip was annoyed, but the comment at the end made him laugh, so he let the rant slide.
"Haha, I see where you're going there, but... are you sure you're not just a little bit too pro-Pokémon? Especially to be fighting on this side of the war. Personally, I'm still undecided on it, that's why I'm wanting answers. My reasons for being here are a little different, anyway. The sniper rifle is just... because I like sniper rifles, not because I particularly want to kill any of these Pokémon." Turnip explained. He didn't want to get into detail with this guy. That said, whoever this person was had already blabbed a load of anti-war heresy to him, so no reason to be too enclosed. Turnip began to walk off, towards the centre of Slateport.
"If I'm honest, a lot of my favourites are third ge- wait, wha- disregard that. Are you coming or not? By the way, the name's Turnip - and before you answer... shut up."

The man followed. "Well, yeah... but they're only letting soldiers and spies into this place and when you're like I am about Pokémon it just gets me all... giddy! The name is Sigil, by the way. I am here as an... investigator, so I can get up close and personal with these magnificent creatures without having to kill or wound them first. I just go amongst them, learn what they know and report back. If they die it's not directly on my head and I learn more about them! It's the perfect arrangement!"

Hmm, Turnip thought to himself, seems a little... I can't quite put a word to it. Traitorous, maybe? Although he isn't really on their side. Odd, for sure.

The tall man took a whiff of the sea breeze again. "So, I need to ask you a favour, guy I just met."
Now there was a dilemma. Should Turnip trust Sigil - a strange, possibly insane, probably deceptive spy?

Hell yeah, I should! What do you even know, anyway? Pssht, questioning my judgement...

"Alright, fire away. I don't think it's too far to that Central Command Base of Super Amazing Military Army Operations. That's what they call it, right?"

Sigil shrugged. "You got me, but I need some help. As you saw before, I specialize in disguises, but I do it a bit too... well. I remember getting poached once while dressed as an Arcanine... but regardless. Me getting shot would be in no-one's best interests and I need to figure out an arrangement that will allow me to send reports to and fro from the Pokémon camps without being killed by either side. I doubt that paper masks will work on these Pokémon like they did the baby Pokémon back at home..."

"And cardboard masks won't do, huh?"

Sigil nods. "Pokémon are much more intelligent than we give them credit for, I once attended a chess tourney. The winner was a prize-winning Kingler."

"Heh, sure sounds like you've got up to a lot in the past. Well, I for one won't be shooting anything unless I get good reason to, and for me at the moment, that's up to this Mikkelson guy - unless self defence comes into it. You'd probably want to talk to the General, too, though. Get something official like a recognisable badge for the HR to reduce the chances of... you know."

Come to think of it, Turnip didn't mind Sigil. Either that, or he should be specifically worried about him. Despite being a spy - a naturally deceptive profession - he didn't seem to be hiding anything much at all, and seemed surprisingly honest about pretty much everything. The only problem for Turnip was if he wasn't being honest, because it meant that Sigil wasn't only being deceptive, but he was bloody good at it too.
Sigil liked Turnip, he was a simple man, but a good man otherwise. He was also very truthful - he liked that in someone. He reminded him a bit of a Growlithe once. Good men always reminded him of Pokémon. He made a mental note to talk to this odd fellow again, even just to thank him.

They didn't have much time to dwell on their thoughts, though. There it was. In front of them, the headquarters of the HR. Quite imposing indeed - for a tent. Well, a tent with a building behind it anyway - one of the first in Slateport. The tent gave the area a sort of ramshackle impressiveness to it that inspired the thought of a noble underdog - the rebellions of old fighting for liberation from an oppressive lord. Whether those thoughts would be true or not remained to be seen. The large building itself was truly a sight to behold, kind of obvious though... maybe one of the smaller tents were really the base of operations... not THE smallest one though. Lord knows a single bullet whizzing through the air would kill or wound everyone in that cramped thing. Maybe that shed would do. Perfect place for hiding, it was.

Turnip paid no heed to any of these images. He passed them by, just another location - it was what was inside that was important.

"So, do you know where this General is?" Sigil asked.

"To be honest, no, but I don't think that'll be a problem."

Turnip had continued walking, but was stopped by a guard.
He looked him over; Corporal, about 5'9'', looking slightly nervous. The safety on his rifle was on, and yet his finger was on the trigger. New posting, Turnip guessed.

The guard, it seemed, had managed to get himself together enough to say something; "You're not allowed past here, what do you want?"

Sigil rolled his eyes. "Me and my companion have found out vital, need-to-know information. We have learned that a man at this camp is a spy..." He said, sizing up the guard. "The entirety of this camp is at stake. Do you know how likely it is that the spy has already gotten past you and is on his way to kill another of our leaders? In fact..." He looked at the guard seriously. "I do believe that that is him, just over there!" He pointed into a vague direction of the forest. "Go! Go get him before he strikes!"

The guard dashed to the side, rifle up, safety still on. Clearly a rookie - all of the decent soldiers who weren't of political importance were most likely out on the field.

Turnip watched the guard run off frantically for a little while before moving on inside, beckoning for Sigil to follow. He stopped outside one of the tent's exits - the entrance to the main building. Unmanned, surprisingly enough. First day of war, though, it wasn't really surprising - all things considered.

Turnip and Sigil moved towards the doors, but stopped just before as some guy came bursting through them. He took a quick glance in the two's direction, but didn't elaborate on that as he continued onwards and out of the tent.

"Alrighty then." Turnip commented. Sigil smiled, happy at his own success. Oh sure, the two of them were likely to be punished for sending a man on a wild goose chase, but by the time the rookie reports back Sigil would more than likely be safe in a Pokémon camp.

They pressed on into the building, through the doors. Quite a modern building, sleek and stylish. Compact, yet efficient. A few doors over here and a few over there, all presumably leading to small rooms where important people met to discuss things. There were stairs to the right of them, and a smoothly polished reception desk in front of them, that - unfortunately for the two - had a couple of receptionists behind it. That man before wasn't a problem, but they might be. That said, they didn't have much authority, so they probably wouldn't be arrogant about any power they had, for sure.

Sigil smiled, adjusting himself, "Hello ladies..." He said, leaning to them. They didn't seem to be interested. Sigil tried to walk past them.

"No sir, you aren't allowed up there." One said, not looking up from the desk.

"But we have to use the restroom."

The woman turned to him and gave him the angriest glare she could possibly muster.

Sigil backed away, pondering something. "Well ma'am... can we have an appointment?"

"Do you have one?"

"One what?"

"An appointment."

"I need an appointment to get an appointment? Because I talked to the General and he said to meet him here."

"The general has no appointments." She said, bluntly.

"Because he knew we were supposed to talk."

"Do you have the proper forms?"

"They said that YOU had the proper forms."

"But do you?"

"Do you?"

"Sir, I asked first, and I told you, I do, now do you? Because if you do not I'm afraid you will have to leave until you DO!"

Sigil slammed his hands on the desk. The woman, now thoroughly confused, needed some time to think this out while her companion, not exactly as bright as her associate, took over.

"Do you have an appointment?" Sigil asked before she said anything.


"Do you have an appointment? Because I cannot speak to you further without an appointment."


"Madame, please! Do you or do you not have an appointment to see me and my associate, because we are VERY busy men!"

"No bu-"

"I thought so! Now will you leave me and my associate alone?"

The woman was now confused as well, and Sigil took this opportunity to head up the stairs while they were busy trying to sort this out, motioning for Turnip to follow.

Turnip laughed once they were out of earshot, "Hah, you're really damn good at this, aren't you?"

"Oh, you pick up a few things when you have to deal with bureaucracy all the time. All it takes is a bit of confusion."

They reached the top of the stairs - a corridor with a window at the end, two office rooms to the left and right. A guard stood outside one - Mikkelson's, Turnip guessed.
The guard stood at about 6 feet, holding the standard AK-47 with an EOTech sight. Turnip spotted the private ranking on his shoulder, although the soldier did seem fairly confident in his guard duties. Turnip had some fun watching Sigil going to town with his spy abilities, and now he wanted a try.

"My turn." He whispered.

"Go ahead." Sigil said, waiting to see how similar he and his new friend were.

The guard spoke, "State your name, rank, and business. The General doesn't want to see anyone as of now unless it is of vital importance."

Confident enough, and he seems to know his stuff. Still a private, though. Goodness knows how that other guard made corporal... Maybe if I...

Turnip put on a mock drill-sergeant's voice, which naturally meant he was shouting.
All the time.


"He's not bluffing sir! He's trained in several martial arts! I've seen him kill a raging Tauros with his hands bound!" Sigil added.

Turnip noted his own success, with a little help from Sigil, of course. Well, there's shellshock if I've never seen it before.

"Oh, uh, no, sir! Just go on through, I'm sure it's important."

Turnip was barely repressing laughter, "Good." He walked opened the door, walking inside, "Now maybe you'll think twice before questioning the authority of a fellow private."

"Wait, what the hell?"

It was too late for the guard to stop them, though. The two were already inside, standing right in front of General Mikkelson's desk.[/QUOTE]
Tray & Kip
Mauville City

It took the Pokemon from Caerulus Tribe about half an hour to reach Mauville after their journey from Lavaridge. With every Pokemon accounted for, Tray slipped out of the leadership role, dragging Adam along with him to a corner far from the group of excited Pokemon wondering what the meeting would be about. He took out some herbs from his back and chewed on them, helping him relax his nerves before the big meet.

"So, you remember everything?" Tray muttered, looking down at the leaves rather than at Adam's eyes. Silence for a long time. Adam had been unusually silent throughout the day, rather than being his loud mouthed, inspirational speech yelling self.

"...Yes. But..." Adam paused. His voice sounded weak, almost as if he was dying. "I'm not sure about this. I am pretty positive we can solve this without those... those heretics help. We don't need any weak watery punks on our side. We can win this war, with our brute strength we can counter anything the humans throw at us! Even those sticks that rain death or those flying objects in the sky,"

"No, we cannot, and you know it. Recon plays an equally important role in War Adam, and you know it better than anyone, specially after you sent in ol' Quinn in," Quinn. Former member of the Caerulus tribe, sent into the Ruber on an impractical suicide mission as a spy. Rose in the ranks, until he was Aecor's personal secretary himself. Executed publicly when his true nature was revealed, and it sure as hell led to some outrage in the Caerulus camps during that time 15 years ago. Extremely sad, but Quinn did end up sending some important intel about Aecor's war tricks during his time. "You know we need what they have, we have the advantage of land, we need that of sea as well" This time it was Adamantius's turn to look down. He would never admit it, but he knew it was true. Finally, he looked up, with a new look of dedication in his eyes, the old fire was finally back in him. He had made his decision, and he was ready for the meeting to start. Now it was only time to wait for the Ruber Tribe to arrive.

The Ruber Tribe arrived a little later. The distance between Mossdeep and Mauville did justify their delay, but they still got there pretty earlier than expected. They really knew how to to handle the currents.

"Sir, are well prepared?" Kip asked. This was his first official mission alongside the very leader, and he could feel jitters kicking in. Aecor smiled at Kip, trying to get him to cam down.

"We are ready to get started, Kip, just remember what to do when anything goes wrong. And don't worry, we have covered all angles," Aecor replied in his gentle soothing voice. "Remember, our objective here is simple, get Caerulus to beg for our support," And there Kip saw it, the faint twinkle in his eyes. The true nature of the old leader was reflected in his last statement, the one who wanted power no matter what, no matter how gentle, calm and kind he seemed to his Tribe. He had always been a master negotiator and manipulator and could do anything to get power in his hands. Kip recognized this dark side very well.

"Yes.. sir. Everything is ready." He addressed the Pokemon along with him. "Let's move out!"

The group moved as one, towards the center of town as directed by their letter, and found a large group of Pokemon already there. The Caerulus Tribe had already arrived well before them, as expected, and were prepared for the meeting to finally get underway. Their was a loud buzz in the town, created by both Caerulus and Ruber Tribe members, and also the local residents of the town. The two leaders walked out towards each other, and started each other in the eye, trying to find a single shred of doubt or weakness within the other, an old habit that the two had formed over their feuds across the years. The whole town was deathly silent now, not even a single whisper. The atmosphere was quietly electric expecting anything to happen any moment.


"Adamantius, I obviously see you have been in good health." Aecor smiled. An early mind game, looking to see whether Adamantius would react to this comment, but not even a twitch. He was, after all, a seasoned veteran.

"Ah, why yes I have been, thanks for asking. So, shall we get this underway?"

"Before we start, Adam-"

"That's Adamantius to you, Aecor," Adam almost growled, but Aecor ignored him.

"I would like to move the location of this meeting, you see, I dislike being right in the middle of a Caerulus outpost," Aecor smiled. His tone would seem like a request normally, but it had something in it that made it seem like an order.

Adam had expected this though, and himself smiled while responding, "Ah yes, of course, how about we move out of town, say, towards the human settlement itself?" There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice to throw Aecor off balance a bit, but he knew what was about to come beforehand.

"Why yes, that'd be wonderful." Both the leaders nodded, and signaled to each of their tribes to start moving towards the south of town. Both knew exactly what was about to go down right now. A fierce negotiation.

"Adam, I hope you know what you're doing," Tray whispered with a bit of worry. This was not planned, but Adam had obviously expected this.

"I would be more concerned about something else, Trevalyn. Look at that Weavile beside Aecor, that nervous puny thing," Trevalyn looked at that direction, and it suddenly hit him.

"H-Holy crap? Is that... Quinn!? No, wait, too young to be him, oughta be his son..." Obviously he was shocked. Quinn had never once mentioned in his reports conceiving a kid, but the striking resemblance between the two was impossible to ignore. There was no other possibility, he was some sort of relative of Quinn.

"Let's keep a close eye on him, shall we?" Adam said, with his cocky smile. He sure was glad to be back in familiar territory.

"Well, this seems like a good spot." Aecor said, snapping Adam out of his conversation. Adam turned around with his old grace, and walked towards him. They had come quite some way out of town but it didn't worry Adam. He was prepared.

"So, let's begin shall we?" Aecor said, sporting the same cocky smile as Adam. Adam took a deep breath, prepared to say what Trevalyn had drilled into his mind a hundred times. But when he opened his eyes, everything changed in an instance.

Adam saw the overconfident gleam in Aecor. Aecor knew he was about to ask for help, and was prepared with his well thought out terms. It felt as if the war had already been lost even before it had begun. He looked down at the ground, feeling the stares of a hundred Pokemon burn into his back. All the Pokemon expected something great from him, and he finally made up his mind. He was not about to disappoint.

"We... refuse to ask for your help. This meeting was called to tell you that before we take any action against the humans, you'll be the first ones to go down."


Route 110

The trip was going smoothly, like planned. Nicolas hadn't expected any trouble until he at least hit Route 103, the place of the burnt camps and bad memories. Until that place, the road had been declared clear and it was only north of that which needed some really looking out. Jacob trailed along with them from the forest, keeping an eye out for potential threats. Nick laughed. "Doesn't he know there'd be a greater threat in the forest where the Pokemon loom?"

He more or less ignored that though, and kept walking, taking in everything of note, flowers, plants, food, slightest movement, potential camp locations, and rather reluctantly, good places to attack and defend from. He wasn't at all one who wanted to fight. He had been hired in Kanto for the purpose of peaceful occupation, but all that had gone to hell since Grahams's death. He'd been thrust into a middle of a war, and he felt awkward himself being in middle of all these gun toting mercs.

"Well, this is the place, keep an eye out from now on," Nick yelled, getting his team's attention. They had finally hit the proper scouting location and the mission was underway. it hadn't been long since they'd walked though, when they stumbled into a whole group of soldiers marching straight towards their goal.

"Hey, you, stop!" Nick yelled, getting in the way of the troops. "What the hell do you think you are doing here?"

"Sir, General Mikkelson sent us to Point Echo! There has been reported increase in Pokemon activity in that area!" Some random guy in the troop answered. Nicolas looked at him with mock amusement.

"Oh yeah? Well, get your ass back to your camp, me and my team will handle this situation," Nicolas said.

"But, sir-"

"Didn't you hear the man? Get the **** outta here!" Clarke yelled, quickly pointing his gun at the troop.

"Hey! What the hell? Put the gun back, Clarke, for god's sake!" Nicolas yelled at him with horror. He had heard Clarke was said to be a bit extreme, but reliable in a fight. Clarke glared at the troop, then at Nick, then put the gun back reluctantly. "Good, now that that's solved, off you go!" The troops marched back. Disobeying a direct order from the General himself. "Way to go..."

He motioned for his men to move once again, and heard some sort of voices in the distance. He raised his hand, telling his unit to stop and wait for him. He quietly stalked towards the location of the noise, and was greeted with the sight of about a hundred Pokemon, gathered all around two Pokemon. One was a Kingdra, and the other some unknown native Pokemon. "Adamantius and Aecor?"

He quickly jumped behind some cover, and ordered the others to do the same. "Damn... That's a lotta Pokemon. Shouldn't have sent those troops away," Clarke whispered beside Nicolas.

"It was too large a group. We're here to observe, not attack, don't forget the purpose of this mission," Nicolas replied, trying hard to listen to the conversation below.

"You know, we should just off a buncha them right here, right now, save us a lot of misery for later,"

"Will you shut the **** up and let me work here?" Nicolas snapped, immediately shutting Clarke up. He could pick up a few words form the meeting, and it seemed like Adamantius was speaking.

"...you'll be the first ones to go down."

"Sounds serious..."
Sigil Casus
Forest between Mauville and Slateport

Sigil left camp, a badge in hand and headed into the forest, smiling brightly as he twirled the suitcase. He could only imagine the new discoveries he would find behind the lines as a Pokemon. As he rode to Mauville he tried to start up a song, but unfortunately, none of the other men in the jeep were in the same mood. Before they arrived at the camp, Sigil leaped out and ducked into the forest.
That is where he began to put on the costume. He opens his suitcase and takes off his bald wig, replacing it with the wig that came with the Gardevior costume. He slips off his shoes and pants, revealing his thin, almost feminine legs as he slips into a white dress and tights. Removing his shirt he puts on the white, skin-tight cloth about his body and slips on long, white gloves. He finished with a large, plastic spike. He mumbles, adjusting the dress and wig. Applying his white make-up, stroke by stroke, being careful as to not cover his eyelashes or get any on the gloves. He inserted the red contact lenses, making sure not to poke himself in the eye.
He moved elegantly, like a real Gardevior would. He took deep breaths, letting himself repeat his thoughts over and over again. "I am a Gardevior... I am a Gardevior... I am a delicate, beautiful creature that is selfless and caring." He breathed in, and out, in, and out.
When he opened his eyes, he was a Gardevior. A beautiful, elegant creature that was selfless and caring. In his own mind, at least.
He entered Mauville for the first time, and quite possibly the last.
Jacob King
Outskirts of Mauville

Jacob silently moved through the forest when he suddenly heard Nick's voice yelling at someone. He had been moving forward several feet then stopping for a second to listen before moving again. However Nick's random outburst changed his speed as he tried to create distance from the loud mouthed idiot. Wasn't their objective to avoid conflict? Yelling would do nothing more than attract the attention of everything within hearing range. Jacob shook his head as he moved along solo. This was one reason he worked alone, he didn't have to worry about someone else doing something incredibly stupid and getting him in a bad situation. If that idiot was going to announce their position to the world Jacob had no choice than to put more distance in between them, especially considering how close they were to the Pokemon city. He picked was still silent in his movement but he was slightly less cautious as he quickly put distance between the noise maker Nick and himself.

It wasn't long before he discovered the outskirts of the city, taking a quick look he saw there was a very large number of Pokemon gathering there. 'Are they preparing an offensive?' thought Jacob as he maneuvered around the outlying forest, staying far enough inside the tree line where to be impossible to pick out from the foliage from the pokemon inside the city, who thankfully were too focused on each other to even look in his direction. After a minute of walking around he found a fallen tree where the roots had created a rather nice ditch. Surrounding this fallen behemoth was various smaller bushes and trees that mostly hid the ditch from view.

Grabbing a few leafy branches and some other flora he crawled inside the ditch, as the only real way to get in without ruining the cover was to crawl under some upturned roots. Positioning the acquired branches chaotically around the top and entrance, Jacob enhanced natural hiding spot. This spot was beyond perfect for hiding out clearly lady luck was on his side right now. Once inside his holdout point he detached his backpack and pulled out his camouflaged poncho and put it on as well as his tarps which he used one to cover more of his body and the other was draped over his bag. After rubbing some dirt on his skin and insuring none of the metal on him was shiny, Jacob was done. His position would be unlikely to be discovered until someone was right on top of him. At that distance it would be easy for Jacob to dispatch the target with his pistol before they could figure out he was there.

Once he was concealed Jacob lifted his sniped rifle up to his cheek, making sure the barrel didn't poke out of his excellent concealment, and he looked down the scope. He had a view where he was able to see a good number of Pokemon, many of which had their backs mostly turned to him. He had actually maneuvered himself close to the area where the Ruber tribe had initially entered in from. He finally was able to trace what most of the Pokemon were looking at: two different Pokemon who seemed to be having a conversation. From what he could see there was division in the Pokemon's ranks from how they were in two separate groups and the looks they were giving each other. 'I wonder if the HR knows that the Pokemon are not fully united… I really need to get more information before jump in the middle of a war zone,' thought Jacob rolling his eyes at himself.

He then saw movement out of the corner of his eye from the south. It was a lone Pokemon moving toward the city. It was very human like and Jacob's gut told him something wasn't right about this one… either way it wasn't as important it as the other Pokemon so he refocused his scope on the two that all the others were staring at.
Shadow Norborn
Mauville City

Shadow watched the seas as they sped by... Shadow stood upon the shell of their blastoise teammate,Juggernaut... he stood strong and tall, his Ice Fang Necklace shining in the ocean spray, he was mentally preparing for any potential battle that could come.

The group landed at Mauville City, in good time... the other tribe was already there and waiting. Shadow stood with his team in silence. the group for the meeting moved so did everybody else... then the leader of the Caerulus Tribe made the most shocking statement...
"We... refuse to ask for your help. This meeting was called to tell you that before we take any action against the humans, you'll be the first ones to go down."

Shadow leaned over to Disaster and the rest of his team, "prepare for battle... attack on my mark" The team dispersed, hiding themselves in various places and using their camouflage cloaks to remain hidden. Shadow stayed where he was... he shook his head in disappointment... "well that's disappointing" he said out loud hopping for other's to hear... Shadow mentally prepped himself for battle... thinking about launching a shadow ball at the Caerulus Tribe leader... and potentially singling him out for his teammates... he looked at Aecor for the final decision... a slight movement of a nod or a particular lower of the head would tell him to attack. Shadow remained patient now waiting for any kind of signal from his tribe leader.
Lordus Rivendare
Lavaridge - Mauville

Aurora got in his way. He stopped. "Who knows?" She was saying, "I've stuck around you this long already. Who says I won't still be around in the future? Unless…..you plan on killing me or something?"

Lordus's dark blue stared examined her for a few moments. He decided Aurora knew full well he couldn't bring himself to harm her... he thought himself weak for that. This should not have ever happened. I should've ignored her... but when they reunited after all these years, it wasn't exactly the same. When they first met, they were children. Now, adults. And he didn't believe adults of the opposite gender and the same egg group would stay friends, or rivals forever. The urge was too strong. "No," he said, finally, his expression tightening. He rubbed his bandaged left wrist, his hands needed to be busy somehow. "Believe it or not, you're the last person I would gladly behead." That should do for her.
Aurora ~ Lavaridge/Mauville
Aurora giggled once his answer graced her ears. She could help but smile once again at him. "I thought so, hehe." Her slender body moved in a wave like pattern as she turned from Lordus and flew a few feet ahead of him. She soon stopped and coiled her body, looking back at him to ensure he was following. Aurora flying around him every once in a while as the two reunited with the group. "Looks like it going to get serious now…." She whispered to Lordus and stopped her childish actions. The readiness to attack, as well as some rage, was evident on her face.
Sigil Casus

Sigil took a deep breath and entered the crowd.
"Excuse me, pardon me, don't mind me..." He said in an emasculate voice, slowly making his way to the center, attempting to discover what all this was about. He watched the discussion, making out points and counterpoints in the arguments, making mental notes as it raged on to investigate certain Pokemon and locations. He kept on his toes however, it was only a matter of time before this powder-keg would go up.
Lordus Rivendare
Past Mauville

"I thought so, hehe." He watched her fly away like a wave in the sea; some time passed, with Lordus scratching the hilts of his swords. Once they were at the side of Mauville, he glanced at the square to see it empty. Only a few Pokemon were moving south. The meeting was moved, he thought, before Aurora suddenly stopped and coiled her body. He could hear voices from the woods nearby, but there weren't only voices. The tension of quickened heartbeats unsettled him.

"Looks like it going to get serious now…."Aurora whispered and Lordus stopped besides her. He put his right hand behind her head, surprisingly gently, as if to quiet her down. His bandaged hand rested on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it out.

"Calm, now," he said in response. Adamantius voice reached his ears.

"We... refuse to ask for your help. This meeting was called to tell you that before we take any action against the humans, you'll be the first ones to go down."

"That's rich," Lordus barked raspy laughter, although it wasn't as loud as it usually was. "Adam's bloody bold, and here I was, thinking we're supposed to be humble."

His eyes searched for his foes, among the trees. There he was, Aecor, a Kingdra. Some of the dragon's flames and a blade thrust right through his chest would do for him. Should anything go wrong, he would be ready, like his partner next to him.
Aurora ~ Lava/Mau
Aurora felt a gentle hand rest on the back of her head. The unexpectedness of it shocked her out of her rage filled thoughts. "Calm, now." Lordus's soft words reached her ears. These words and the gesture acted like an antidote for Aurora as she let out a long, deep, calming breath. Normally it was her who calmed down Lordus not the other way around. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she turned away slightly from her partner in an attempt to hide her blush.

"We... refuse to ask for your help. This meeting was called to tell you that before we take any action against the humans, you'll be the first ones to go down." Adam's voice rang out in the silence.

"That's rich," Lordus chuckled. "Adam's bloody bold, and here I was, thinking we're supposed to be humble."

Aurora was also surprised at the boldness of their leader. She didn't expect him to make such an acquisition. A sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head in disagreement. "I can't believe I am going to say this……but we don't need to be fighting the Ruber Tribe right now. We have a more pressing enemy waiting for all of us." Aurora crinkled up her face in disgust as if those words were the foulest thing she had ever tasted.
General Mikkelson
Slateport City

General Mikkelson studied the map of known Hoenn for a while, thinking of what needs to be done. Mikkelson, although against his logic, focused on the center of pokemon interest. An invasion was impossible, but it continued to catch Mikkelson's eye. It is too risky, Mikkelson had to tell himself multiple times. Mikkelson noticed the coffee maker in the office, something he forgot about. With no hesitation, Mikkelson got up out of his desk and set up the coffee maker, filling up the filter, putting water in the pot and turning the apparatus on. Seeing the on light on the coffee maker, Mikkelson returned to his desk. Seconds after Mikkelson sat down, he heard some shouting outside, then a private walked in after the shouting. Mikkelson looked at the private, and wondered how the hell he got in. Mystified, Mikkelson pulled out a cigar case, and grabbed a cigar. Mikkelson lit it, and then set the case and lighter out in a way to present it to the private.

" You smoke," Mikkelson asked the private.

Just then, the phone rang.

" Whatever you want will have to wait, I gotta pick this up," Mikkelson told the private.

" Hello," Mikkelson said into the phone.

" Sir, it is Sergeant Jackson. On our way to Echo Point, we were interrupted by that "Nicolas" person, and he ordered us to return to Slateport, against your wishes," Sergeant Jackson blurted to Mikkelson.

" Hmm..., ok follow those orders, but get every unit patrolling the city to keep an eye out for the return of Nicolas, and once he reaches Slateport, bring him to me," Mikkelson ordered Sergeant Jackson, adding to the confusion of the Sergeant.

" ..Yes Sir," Sergeant Jackson replied without hesitation, then Sergeant Jackson hung up.

Mikkelson turned his attention to the private in the room and asked,

" Now that that's dealt with, what is it that you need?"
Slateport City

Surprisingly enough for Turnip, Sigil had just left the second they had access to Mikkelson's office. He was sad to see the man go, of course, but he'd probably see him again sometime. Turnip guessed Sigil hadn't really had anything important to ask of Mikkelson, although to be honest his reasons for leaving weren't something Turnip thought he should be concerned about.

He looked at Mikkelson; the middle-aged man was pulling a cigar from its case and began to light it. Frankly, Turnip couldn't stand the things. He thought of pulling out a weapon and firing a few shots off, just to give the General a taste of his own medicine by making him uncomfortable as well. He decided against it, of course - that generally wouldn't be such a good idea...

He was about to speak, when Mikkelson spoke first.

"You smoke," Turnip noticed the case and lighter had been moved closer to him. As disgusting as it was to him, he knew it was a polite gesture.

"No, thank you, Sir." I don't really feel like destroying my lungs anytime soon.

Turnip would have started speaking again, but the phone rang just in time to stop him. Bloody annoyances, delays; it was a wonder why that guard outside hadn't come back in here. Maybe something else had occupied him - Sigil, maybe.
Turnip was interested in the content of the phone conversation. Had Nicholas Cage been in some kind of trouble, then? Hmm. At any rate, he was coming back here, so even if Turnip couldn't get any answers out of the General, he might be able to get them out of Nicolas.

"Now that that's dealt with," Mikkelson said, "what is it that you need?"

Turnip thought of sugar-coating his demands, but then thought against it. Better just to let the truth out and be done with it.

"Justification, Sir. I need to know why we're at war. I need solid facts and hard evidence that this is a good cause to be fighting for - not that this Grahams' death was just an excuse for a domination campaign. Any war causes the loss of innocent lives, and I will not have their blood on my hands - and I'll try and make damn sure it's not on anyone else's, either. Humans and Pokémon alike. Sir."

Turnip paused for a little while to let the statement sink in. This could either be really good, mediocre, or really, really bad.

"And, uh, if you could get me clearance for a good sniper rifle, too, then that'd be great, thanks."
Penance Malum - The Meeting

As Penance swam along with the rest of his tribe he just had a feeling that everything was going to go so horribly wrong. Okay... he had to trust Aecor a bit, and he did have some respect for the Kingdra, but at the same time this was far from his specialty! It was like... having a electric type in charge of putting out fires. Even though the electric type knew well enough to use a bucket to go out and fetch water, it didn't mean he would be the best pokemon for the job! Okay... now he was getting tensed up again. He didn't want to know who Aecor had elected to stand in for his own presence... but whoever it was... well, he hoped they knew well enough not to jump about all excitedly screaming that they came up with the plan. Maybe it was a mistake he made? Was there some plan that hadn't gone smoothly? Of course there were, but most of them had low casualties and Aecor knew he was doing his best. Maybe it was his personality? Did he need to cut down on how many plans he issued? Change it from ten to nine perhaps?

Penance wanted to swim up to Aecor to asked him personally, to find out why he had been excluded from this, yet fear kept him in check. This was the guy who publicly murdered a spy in front of the whole tribe, granted he didn't think asking such a question would merit a similar response, but still if he asked a question that wasn't supposed to be asked then he could find himself on the wrong side of Aecor.

Alicia... here is what will happen if things go south, forget about porting back for now. Okay... several things could happen. The Caerulus Tribe could be striking up this meeting to simply laugh at us and then kill use quickly. Think about it, with only the humans and us fighting them they would want to kill at least one of their enemy forces to try and even the playing field for themselves, that's worst case scenario and least likely to happen. The Caerulus Tribe could also be looking for help to fight the humans which is the best scenario to go for, in that case nothing bad happens and we just have to work with those lesser pokemon for a time. There could also be a simple truce. Both Tribes attack the humans in their own ways but leave each other alone until the humans are dead, not really teaming up but still getting rid of one annoyance.

Now during this meeting several variables could happen. The humans could find us with one of those flying things they have and try to kill us, they could also send their soldiers in too. There could be a natural disaster that happens, or even some of those strange pokemon that oppose the fighting between our tribes could come and attempt to kill both tribes in one go. Here is what we do, fight in such a case. Number on priority is to defend Aecor, he's the morale for our tribe, if he ever goes down then hope is lost for many of us. If we do get into a fight with Caerulus, aim right for Adamantius, if we take him down well the war becomes that much easier. Remember... wait for Aecor or Admantius to give an order for the soldier to fight. If you cold snap Admantius' neck with your powers that would work well. Just keep your eyes on him, and if you see soldiers start to fire or such, kill him. I know you haven't done anything like this before, but if that does happen... if we do end up going to war then we have to do what needs to be done. Do not lose sight of Adamantius, even lift him into the air if you must! Now... if we end up losing badly, if our forces are being crushed by anyone you port out, get back to our base and warn whoever is left there, you hear me? Don't spend time looking for me, just get up and go. Now... you understand all of that?

Penance stopped his psychic communication there as the group arrived. Remember Alicia, be ready. He reminded her gently as he finally ceased communication and watched as the two leaders began to talk. So far so good... there were no soldiers attacking, no threats being hurled, just two tribe meeting in peace. Though the call for both tribes to head south put the Golduck on edge. He forced himself to stay calm as he moved with the tribe, keeping a steady eye on Adamantus as they moved. Finally, it seemed the negotiation was going down... and it just had to be the worst case scenario didn't it!?

A call for war? In a way Penance wanted to call to Alicia, to tell her to snap the Aggron's neck. Hm... Maybe that wouldn't be so effective. Aggron were tough... perhaps it should instead be a stun? No, even better! If war broke out she could push right into his mind and see exactly what plans he had, who his trusted inner circle was, all sorts of secrets!

Alicia, don't snap the neck, I want you to head into his mind if we do end up fighting here and try and get as much information as you can! Find out about those he trusts, what they are planning, anything! I am not sure if you could snap his neck so just go for digging for information in-

His mind stopped as he laid his eyes on the Blaziken that was always near the Aggron.

Better plan just came in, listen up, things start happening, see that Blaziken near Adamantius? I am making my way over to you, keep your eyes on him, seems that he could be important figure to the Aggron... when things go down, we will port over to him, grab him and port to some location, anywhere but if you can make it over to an island that will be fine. We'll knock him out, disable him or something and from there I'll tell you what to do next. Do not lose your sight on that Blaziken, you hear?

He moved about in the crowd, heading to where he saw Alicia. If this fight went down things would become... interesting.
*bulbagarden.net image removed*Alicia – South of Mauville

Alicia had her eyes focused dead ahead of her during majority of their travel to Mauville, focusing on the mental conversation she had with Penance. His constant fuzzing over the details and his plans both made her rather uneasy of what might happen, and at the same time it comforted her to know that he was taking everything into consideration of what might happen. Worrying and comforting at the same time. It made Alicia snicker quietly to herself before replying.

Right, I get it. We need to make sure that if the Caerulus tribe attacks, we have an edge in the war. Even if I still think it's completely insane for us to be warring now that the humans are here, but… we have to defend ourselves, I suppose.

She didn't feel confident in the very least at the idea of having to try and snap someone's neck. Especially if that someone was as big as Adamantius. Taking a breath to calm herself down, she managed to snap back to reality as the group arrived in Mauville, and soon moved south from the town. Alicia stayed within the group of Pokémon, one hand resting on the bag at her side, the other simply hanging at her side as she watched the negotiations unfold.

However, before they even got started, it seemed, they broke down and Alicia felt a shiver move up her spine. It was going to come to blows, or at least, most likely. The Pokémon on either side seemed to be bracing themselves for an order to attack, which made Alicia just a little bit flustered, though her focus moved back to Adamantius as she was instructed. Her gaze turned to Penance as he contacted her mentally, her brows raising as she looked towards where he was, slowly making his way towards her.

Her gaze turned to the Blaziken by Adamantius' side and she swallowed a little down, dearly hoping that nothing bad could happen, although… to be quite honest, a lot of things could go very, very bad with the plans laid out in front of them. As she was told, though, she kept her eyes on the Blaziken, doing her best to quell the uncomfortable feelings of wanting to simply get out of this place, where the air was suddenly heavy with mumbling and anger directed to the other group.

… Right.

Damien Pierce
Road to Mauville and Mauville outskirts

Damien was jogging along the road, with his rifle in hand. He had let himself trail behind Nick a bit, he didn't really feel like talking to Nick right now... Instead he thought about what they might find... would it be only a few pokies there, or hundreds upon thousands? He put the thought out of his head and jogged up along side Nick and Clarke. Nick said something about Jacob running in the forest being more dangerous. Damien just shrugged.

When they had get up to the camp (former camp) Damien felt his rage boil up again. No matter how much he tried, He couldn't get the feeling to go away. He was ready to shoot at whatever he was presented with. The chance had presented itself quickly, though not the way he had wanted. Nick ordered them to hold position as he and clarke went over to a unit of soldiers. The next thing he knew, Clarke had pulled a gun on one of the soldiers. Damien raised his rifle and silently pointed it at Clarke. If Clarke fired, he wouldn't hesitate to defend the soldiers. The HR didn't need officials who shot there own grunts, which was ironic judging what he was ready to do.

Clarke lowered his gun. Damien had a sigh of relief and lowered his as well. He stood at a more relaxed stance and acted like nothing had ever happened. When Nick motioned for him to follow, he continued his jog.

They soon arrived to their objective. Jacob was already gone when Nick signaled them to take cover. Damien did so, but soon went into the forest and jogged around the settlement till he came upon a patch of rocks. His camo would work best here, so he laid down after putting his army green backpack behind a large rock.

He aimed down his scope, quietly whispering "So what are you up to..." to himself. He scanned around the settlement and found who it seemed all of the pokemon were listening too. Wouldn't it be so easy to just off them right now... but he had orders. He observed, trying to listen in on what was being said.
Nathan - Day 1

Dear diary,
Hi my name is Nathan, and I'm a monferno of the Caerulus tribe.
I wasn't really listening to what the Pikachu family were saying to each other, probably because they were whispering, but it sounded odd. They didn't usually talk without me so I went to see what was going on. Turns out they were talking in the other room to a poliwhirl... a police agent! I hoped they were not talking about me, because if they found out... well I'd be in big trouble, but I can't make assumptions can I, but then again I didn't want to make a scene of myself. I kept cool and walked over to them asking what was up, but they turned to me and frowned. They spoke, and said "You... lied to us? You aren't from our tribe? But, we cared for you." The mother was starting to panic. It was amazing to see how she reacted, having knowing me so well. I knew I was no longer welcome here just from the look on her face, and poliwhirl was also one hesitant pokémon, not letting me past without a fight. I didn't fight, I went through the back of the tree trunk, jumping off the edge, forgetting how high I was. I started to panic at first, but then I realised that I'm a monkey pokémon. I reached the ground and am now hiding in bush hiding now. I've got my diary though, so I should be able to document everything as I go along day by day. I hope I return home safely.