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Patch: [FR] BW Summary Screen

  • 27
    • Seen Mar 5, 2022
    This is a Pokemon Summary Screen Base!
    Base Rom-1636 - Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) 1.0

    Last edited by a moderator:
    Is there any way the source code could be made available, please? It's not compatible with my rom and the game crashes every time I try to open my summary screen.
    This is just some of the data on the changes and there is no source code that you can try to see if there is no data above the conflict?

    Thanks for this, it looks quite nice combined with NarenJr's B/W Styled Pok?mon Menu.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] BW Summary Screen

    It'd be nice if you posted which offsets does your patch use though, so people will be able to easily avoid what happened to Noodlewhiz or to repoint stuff if needed.
    Last edited:
    Thanks for this, it looks quite nice combined with NarenJr's B/W Styled Pok?mon Menu.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] BW Summary Screen

    It'd be nice if you posted which offsets does your patch use though, so people will be able to easily avoid what happened to Noodlewhiz or to repoint stuff if needed.

    This patch does not use the new offset, it just replaces the original offset?
    Againsts, I just noticed thanks to some tests brought up in the community's Discord, that your patch doesn't seem to play nicely along the nature-based colored stats.
    I think it'd be nice if you fixed that or at least dropped a warning about it in the main post.
    Last edited:
    Againsts, I just noticed thanks to some tests brought up in the community's Discord, that your patch doesn't seem to play nicely along the nature-based colored stats.
    I think it'd be nice if you fixed that or at least dropped a warning about it in the main post.

    You must first use the patch, then use the Nature-affected stats colouring routines?
    Nature-affected stats colouring routines require minor changes?

    Nature-affected stats colouring routines [FR]:


    This is probably the least efficient way to do this, but it works.

    @ 00 49 08 47 XX XX XX XX at x137134
    ldr r1, [r2]
    ldrb r2,[r1,#4]
    add r2,#0x32  [COLOR="Red"]//add r2, #0x3C[/COLOR]
    lsl r2,r2,#0x18
    lsr r2,r2,#0x18
    push {r0-r3}
    ldr r0, =(0x0203B140)
    ldr r0, [r0]
    ldr r2, =(0x3290)
    add r0, r0, r2
    mov r1, #0
    bl decryptbranch
    bl getnaturebranch
    cmp r0, #1 @ Lonely
    beq red
    cmp r0, #2 @ Brave
    beq red
    cmp r0, #3 @ Adamant
    beq red
    cmp r0, #4 @ Naughty
    beq red
    cmp r0, #5 @ Bold
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #10 @ Timid
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #15 @ Modest
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #20 @ Calm
    beq blue
    ldr r6, blackfont
    b end
    ldr r6, redfont
    b end
    ldr r6, bluefont
    pop {r0-r3}
    ldr r1, =(0x0813713c+1)
    bx r1
    ldr r2, =(0x0803FBE8+1)
    bx r2
    ldr r2, =(0x08042EB4+1)
    bx r2
    .align 2
    blackfont: .word 0x08463FA4 @ In a vanilla FR ROM, this contains: 00 0E 0A 00
    redfont: .word 0x08RRRRRR @ ROM location that contains: 00 01 0A 00
    bluefont: .word 0x08BBBBBB @ ROM location that contains: 00 07 0A 00

    @ 00 49 08 47 XX XX XX XX at x137158
    ldr r1, [r2]
    ldrb r2,[r1,#6]
    add r2,#0x32 [COLOR="Red"]//add r2, #0x3C[/COLOR]
    lsl r2,r2,#0x18
    lsr r2,r2,#0x18
    push {r0-r3}
    ldr r0, =(0x0203B140)
    ldr r0, [r0]
    ldr r2, =(0x3290)
    add r0, r0, r2
    mov r1, #0
    bl decryptbranch
    bl getnaturebranch
    cmp r0, #1 @ Lonely
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #5 @ Nold
    beq red
    cmp r0, #7 @ Relaxed
    beq red
    cmp r0, #8 @ Impish
    beq red
    cmp r0, #9 @ Lax
    beq red
    cmp r0, #11 @ Hasty
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #16 @ Mild
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #21 @ Gentle
    beq blue
    ldr r6, blackfont
    b end
    ldr r6, redfont
    b end
    ldr r6, bluefont
    pop {r0-r3}
    ldr r1, =(0x08137162+1)
    bx r1
    ldr r2, =(0x0803FBE8+1)
    bx r2
    ldr r2, =(0x08042EB4+1)
    bx r2
    .align 2
    blackfont: .word 0x08463FA4 @ In a vanilla FR ROM, this contains: 00 0E 0A 00
    redfont: .word 0x08RRRRRR @ ROM location that contains: 00 01 0A 00
    bluefont: .word 0x08BBBBBB @ ROM location that contains: 00 07 0A 00

    Special Attack:
    @ 00 49 08 47 XX XX XX XX at x13717C
    mov r2,r8
    ldr r1, [r2]
    ldrb r2,[r1,#8]
    add r2,#0x32  [COLOR="Red"]//add r2, #0x3C[/COLOR]
    lsl r2,r2,#0x18
    lsr r2,r2,#0x18
    push {r0-r3}
    ldr r0, =(0x0203B140)
    ldr r0, [r0]
    ldr r2, =(0x3290)
    add r0, r0, r2
    mov r1, #0
    bl decryptbranch
    bl getnaturebranch
    cmp r0, #3 @ Adamant
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #8 @ Impish
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #13 @ Jolly
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #15 @ Modest
    beq red
    cmp r0, #16 @ Mild
    beq red
    cmp r0, #17 @ Quiet
    beq red
    cmp r0, #19 @ Rash
    beq red
    cmp r0, #23 @ Careful
    beq blue
    ldr r6, blackfont
    b end
    ldr r6, redfont
    b end
    ldr r6, bluefont
    pop {r0-r3}
    ldr r1, =(0x08137188+1)
    bx r1
    ldr r2, =(0x0803FBE8+1)
    bx r2
    ldr r2, =(0x08042EB4+1)
    bx r2
    .align 2
    blackfont: .word 0x08463FA4 @ In a vanilla FR ROM, this contains: 00 0E 0A 00
    redfont: .word 0x08RRRRRR @ ROM location that contains: 00 01 0A 00
    bluefont: .word 0x08BBBBBB @ ROM location that contains: 00 07 0A 00

    Special Defense:
    @ 00 49 08 47 XX XX XX XX at x1371A4
    ldr r1, [r2]
    ldrb r2,[r1,#0xA]
    add r2,#0x32  [COLOR="Red"]//add r2, #0x3C[/COLOR]
    lsl r2,r2,#0x18
    lsr r2,r2,#0x18
    push {r0-r3}
    ldr r0, =(0x0203B140)
    ldr r0, [r0]
    ldr r2, =(0x3290)
    add r0, r0, r2
    mov r1, #0
    bl decryptbranch
    bl getnaturebranch
    cmp r0, #4 @ Naughty
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #9 @ Lax
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #14 @ Naive
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #19 @ Rash
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #20 @ Calm
    beq red
    cmp r0, #21 @ Gentle
    beq red
    cmp r0, #22 @ Sassy
    beq red
    cmp r0, #23 @ Careful
    beq red
    ldr r6, blackfont
    b end
    ldr r6, redfont
    b end
    ldr r6, bluefont
    pop {r0-r3}
    ldr r1, =(0x081371AE+1)
    bx r1
    ldr r2, =(0x0803FBE8+1)
    bx r2
    ldr r2, =(0x08042EB4+1)
    bx r2
    .align 2
    blackfont: .word 0x08463FA4 @ In a vanilla FR ROM, this contains: 00 0E 0A 00
    redfont: .word 0x08RRRRRR @ ROM location that contains: 00 01 0A 00
    bluefont: .word 0x08BBBBBB @ ROM location that contains: 00 07 0A 00

    @ 00 49 08 47 XX XX XX XX at x1371C8
    mov r2,r8
    ldr r1, [r2]
    ldrb r2,[r1,#0xC]
    add r2,#0x32  [COLOR="Red"]//add r2, #0x3C[/COLOR]
    lsl r2,r2,#0x18
    lsr r2,r2,#0x18
    push {r0-r3}
    ldr r0, =(0x0203B140)
    ldr r0, [r0]
    ldr r2, =(0x3290)
    add r0, r0, r2
    mov r1, #0
    bl decryptbranch
    bl getnaturebranch
    cmp r0, #2 @ Brave
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #7 @ Relaxed
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #10 @ Timid
    beq red
    cmp r0, #11 @ Hasty
    beq red
    cmp r0, #13 @ Jolly
    beq red
    cmp r0, #14 @ Naive
    beq red
    cmp r0, #17 @ Quiet
    beq blue
    cmp r0, #22 @ Sassy
    beq blue
    ldr r6, blackfont
    b end
    ldr r6, redfont
    b end
    ldr r6, bluefont
    pop {r0-r3}
    ldr r1, =(0x081371d4+1)
    bx r1
    ldr r2, =(0x0803FBE8+1)
    bx r2
    ldr r2, =(0x08042EB4+1)
    bx r2
    .align 2
    blackfont: .word 0x08463FA4 @ In a vanilla FR ROM, this contains: 00 0E 0A 00
    redfont: .word 0x08RRRRRR @ ROM location that contains: 00 01 0A 00
    bluefont: .word 0x08BBBBBB @ ROM location that contains: 00 07 0A 00

    Reverting the font colour back to black:
    @ 00 49 08 47 XX XX XX XX at 081371F0
    ldr r1, [r2]
    ldrb r2,[r1,#0xE]
    add r2,#0xF  [COLOR="Red"]//add r2, #2[/COLOR]
    lsl r2,r2,#0x18
    lsr r2,r2,#0x18
    ldr r6, blackfont
    ldr r1, =(0x081371FA+1)
    bx r1
    .align 2
    blackfont: .word 0x08463FA4 @ In a vanilla FR ROM, this contains: 00 0E 0A 00

    where XX XX XX XX is the location of each routine +1.

    This colours the stat increased by the Pok?mon's nature red, and the stat that is decreased blue.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] BW Summary Screen
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] BW Summary Screen

    Edit: Updated 23/12/2015, the old routines had a few errors that I forgot to update after making changes to my ROM. I've also confirmed what bluefont should be in a vanilla ROM. Enjoy!
    Last edited:
    Thanks for this, it looks quite nice combined with NarenJr's B/W Styled Pok?mon Menu.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] BW Summary Screen

    It'd be nice if you posted which offsets does your patch use though, so people will be able to easily avoid what happened to Noodlewhiz or to repoint stuff if needed.

    Can you please give me a download link for the B/W styled Pokemon menu?

    I can't seem to find a working link anywhere, I would really appreciate it.
    You must first use the patch, then use the Nature-affected stats colouring routines?
    Nature-affected stats colouring routines require minor changes?

    Checked, I quickly applied TL's Quick Enhancer Tool's nature-based colored stats code and it doesn't crash anymore.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] BW Summary Screen

    I guess it's not a reliable way of implementing the code though, considering that you told me through the community's Discord that by implementing it following your instructions, that ugly "205" isn't there just like it should be.
    Anyways, Thanks dude :)!​
    Last edited:
    Can you please give me a download link for the B/W styled Pokemon menu?

    I can't seem to find a working link anywhere, I would really appreciate it.

    Sorry, I promised "Nisarg" not to give it to other people?You can ask "Nisarg" or "Delta231" for the Pokemon Selection Screen patch?
    Hey, i think this crashes with the iv display as well...

    If you apply the patch, and then implement the IV Display thing afterwards, everything's working fine.
    I personally applied the patch, then the nature-based colored stats and then the IV Display and you just need to fix its X & Y Coords, otherwise it'll look like this by default:
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] BW Summary Screen
    This patch demands the update to the IV display routine with its X/Y position to work properly.

    Which is done in the below routine

    The update to this routine gives such result:
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] BW Summary Screen

    Inserting the routine is just like the original one as in this post
    Last edited:
    Hey, i think this crashes with the iv display as well...
    Maybe, against, u should be on github and put the code there so it can be improved by other coders...
    And as for the selection screen, he was talking about narenjr's patch...
    Cuz patch has always been a no-go for everyone, well at least for me...
    Thanks tho ^^
    no, he was most certainly talking about againsts' selection screen, naren's is just a reskinning of the default.
    although asking againsts to not give it to other people is rather low and honestly a prevention in progress. i don't know what you were going for, a unique feature in your hack, maybe? whatever it is, keeping it private as againsts' invention is just very irking and honestly i can't believe you'd do that

    just my 2 cents
    We as the community should move forward and firstly stop creating patches, and secondly share the source code. The screen looks nice but the patch format is really limiting, given how it relies on things like pokemon base stat table which could be changed along with other custom routines such as nature colored stats and IV display.

    And honestly what's the point of keeping it private if you share the patch anyway, lol.
    We as the community should move forward and firstly stop creating patches, and secondly share the source code. The screen looks nice but the patch format is really limiting, given how it relies on things like pokemon base stat table which could be changed along with other custom routines such as nature colored stats and IV display.
    And honestly what's the point of keeping it private if you share the patch anyway, lol.

    Coming straight to the point,
    This is not any C or ASM code work,
    just editing the Tilemap and secondarily changing the X and Y pos of the things to be displayed.
    So it is not any source code at all. ~_~
    amazing job!

    one thing bugs me, though.
    The "EXP. POINTS" and "NEXT LV." were removed.
    what happens is that without this text you can't really see what the values 204 and 32 (in the example) stand for. Is there any way to bring them back? thanks!
    amazing job!

    one thing bugs me, though.
    The "EXP. POINTS" and "NEXT LV." were removed.
    what happens is that without this text you can't really see what the values 204 and 32 (in the example) stand for. Is there any way to bring them back? thanks!

    There is not enough place to put this