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Development: [FR] Inverse Battles


Tiny Umbrella with Lots and Lots of Good
  • 265
    • Seen Feb 24, 2024
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] Inverse Battles

    In XY, there is a new type of battle known as the Inverse Battle. In this mode, type match-ups are reversed- moves that are normally super-effective become ineffective, and moves that are normally resisted or would have no effect become super-effective. I did some poking at the type chart code recently and found that it's actually quite easy to implement these in FR.

    "But that's easy! Just edit the well-documented type chart so every match-up is backwards!"

    That isn't what this does. This hack hijacks the code that reads the type chart to make the game use the inverse of what's there. This means you can use a flag to have hacks with both regular and inverse battles.

    The routine is as follows:

    .align 2
    push {r4, r5, lr}
    mov r4, r0
    mov r0, #0x02
    lsl r0, #0x8
    mov r1, #0x3D
    add r0, r1
    bl FlagCheck
    cmp r0, #0x0
    beq End
    cmp r4, #0x0
    beq SuperEffective
    cmp r4, #0x5
    beq SuperEffective
    cmp r4, #0x14
    beq Ineffective
    b End
    mov r4, #0x14
    b End
    mov r4, #0x5
    ldr r5, .damageAddr
    ldr r0, [r5, #0x0]
    mul r0, r4
    ldr r1, .returnAddr
    bx r1
    ldr r2, .flagAddr
    bx r2
    .align 2
    .returnAddr: .word 0x0801e77d
    .flagAddr: .word 0x0806e6d1
    .damageAddr: .word 0x02023d50
    You can insert it anywhere. To call it, insert 00 49 08 47 at x1E770, followed by a pointer to where you inserted the method + 1. (For example, I inserted the method at x170900- I would put 00 49 08 47 01 09 17 08 at x1E770).

    This code ties the Inverse Battle rules to flag x23D. If flag x23D is set, battles will use the Inverse Battle ruleset- otherwise they will work normally. If you want to use a different flag, you can change it quite easily by adjusting the values on the sixth and eighth lines. Note that in vanilla FireRed, flag x23D is used by the Pokeflute- if that script is still in the game you will want to pick a different one.
    That's fantastic Doesn't!

    A very useful feature for hacks looking for different things!

    You never cease to amaze me!
    This routine just gave me an idea for my hack. Thanks for the routine! I will give you a credit if i will use it ;).
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] Inverse Battles

    In XY, there is a new type of battle known as the Inverse Battle. In this mode, type match-ups are reversed- moves that are normally super-effective become ineffective, and moves that are normally resisted or would have no effect become super-effective. I did some poking at the type chart code recently and found that it's actually quite easy to implement these in FR.

    "But that's easy! Just edit the well-documented type chart so every match-up is backwards!"

    That isn't what this does. This hack hijacks the code that reads the type chart to make the game use the inverse of what's there. This means you can use a flag to have hacks with both regular and inverse battles.

    The routine is as follows:

    .align 2
    push {r4, r5, lr}
    mov r4, r0
    mov r0, #0x02
    lsl r0, #0x8
    mov r1, #0x3D
    add r0, r1
    bl FlagCheck
    cmp r0, #0x0
    beq End
    cmp r4, #0x0
    beq SuperEffective
    cmp r4, #0x5
    beq SuperEffective
    cmp r4, #0x14
    beq Ineffective
    b End
    mov r4, #0x14
    b End
    mov r4, #0x5
    ldr r5, .damageAddr
    ldr r0, [r5, #0x0]
    mul r0, r4
    ldr r1, .returnAddr
    bx r1
    ldr r2, .flagAddr
    bx r2
    .align 2
    .returnAddr: .word 0x0801e77d
    .flagAddr: .word 0x0806e6d1
    .damageAddr: .word 0x02023d50
    You can insert it anywhere. To call it, insert 00 49 08 47 at x1E770, followed by a pointer to where you inserted the method + 1. (For example, I inserted the method at x170900- I would put 00 49 08 47 01 09 17 08 at x1E770).

    This code ties the Inverse Battle rules to flag x23D. If flag x23D is set, battles will use the Inverse Battle ruleset- otherwise they will work normally. If you want to use a different flag, you can change it quite easily by adjusting the values on the sixth and eighth lines. Note that in vanilla FireRed, flag x23D is used by the Pokeflute- if that script is still in the game you will want to pick a different one.

    Why when I use it in a rom, when I use a move that the type is expanded, the game crashed?
    .align 2
    push {r4, r5, lr}
    mov r4, r0
    mov r0, #0x02
    lsl r0, #0x8
    mov r1, #0x3D
    add r0, r1
    bl FlagCheck
    cmp r0, #0x0
    beq End
    cmp r4, #0x0
    beq SuperEffective
    cmp r4, #0x5
    beq SuperEffective
    cmp r4, #0x14
    beq Ineffective
    b End
    mov r4, #0x14
    b End
    mov r4, #0x5
    ldr r5, .damageAddr
    ldr r0, [r5, #0x0]
    mul r0, r4
    ldr r1, .returnAddr
    bx r1
    ldr r2, .flagAddr
    bx r2
    .align 2
    .returnAddr: .word 0x0801e77d
    .flagAddr: .word 0x0806e6d1
    .damageAddr: .word 0x02023d50

    I kinda wanna make this as a tool lol... but I dont know how to compile ASM into hex bytes...

    how would I do that?

    P.S. Amazing work, really cool option for any hack.

    On a completely unrelated note, wouldn't this make a cool hold item... wouldn't know what to call it though lol
    Last edited:
    On a completely unrelated note, wouldn't this make a cool hold item... wouldn't know what to call it though lol

    Like an item that forces the inverse ruleset when a Pokemon that is holding one comes into battle?

    It'd be super cool, but super broken. Put it on all your pure Ice-types. #IceMasterType

    Or giving Normal-type moves unresisted coverage.
    Last edited:
    Like an item that forces the inverse ruleset when a Pokemon that is holding one comes into battle?

    It'd be super cool, but super broken. Put it on all your pure Ice-types. #IceMasterType

    Or giving Normal-type moves unresisted coverage.

    Ud have to only give 1 per game...
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] Inverse Battles

    In XY, there is a new type of battle known as the Inverse Battle. In this mode, type match-ups are reversed- moves that are normally super-effective become ineffective, and moves that are normally resisted or would have no effect become super-effective. I did some poking at the type chart code recently and found that it's actually quite easy to implement these in FR.

    "But that's easy! Just edit the well-documented type chart so every match-up is backwards!"

    That isn't what this does. This hack hijacks the code that reads the type chart to make the game use the inverse of what's there. This means you can use a flag to have hacks with both regular and inverse battles.

    The routine is as follows:

    .align 2
    push {r4, r5, lr}
    mov r4, r0
    mov r0, #0x02
    lsl r0, #0x8
    mov r1, #0x3D
    add r0, r1
    bl FlagCheck
    cmp r0, #0x0
    beq End
    cmp r4, #0x0
    beq SuperEffective
    cmp r4, #0x5
    beq SuperEffective
    cmp r4, #0x14
    beq Ineffective
    b End
    mov r4, #0x14
    b End
    mov r4, #0x5
    ldr r5, .damageAddr
    ldr r0, [r5, #0x0]
    mul r0, r4
    ldr r1, .returnAddr
    bx r1
    ldr r2, .flagAddr
    bx r2
    .align 2
    .returnAddr: .word 0x0801e77d
    .flagAddr: .word 0x0806e6d1
    .damageAddr: .word 0x02023d50
    You can insert it anywhere. To call it, insert 00 49 08 47 at x1E770, followed by a pointer to where you inserted the method + 1. (For example, I inserted the method at x170900- I would put 00 49 08 47 01 09 17 08 at x1E770).

    This code ties the Inverse Battle rules to flag x23D. If flag x23D is set, battles will use the Inverse Battle ruleset- otherwise they will work normally. If you want to use a different flag, you can change it quite easily by adjusting the values on the sixth and eighth lines. Note that in vanilla FireRed, flag x23D is used by the Pokeflute- if that script is still in the game you will want to pick a different one.

    View attachment 73380

    Soo here is the tool I made... if it meets your approval I would like to publish it about the web (it seems to work as prescribed)

    View attachment 73379
    how do i to set in a script the inverse batle?
    someone can show me an expample please?
    i'm not understand so

    setflag 0x23D //turns on inverse battles

    clearflag 0x23D //returns battles to normal

    the flag you set or clear should be the flag you chose, not specifically 23D
    For anyone wanting to know how to make a trainer have an inverse battle with you... here is a detailed script:

    #dynamic 0x725BEF ' any free space
    #org @start
    setflag 0x33D ' the flag you chose
    trainerbattle 0x1 0x[COLOR="Red"][B](battle)[/B][/COLOR] 0x0 @text1 0x[COLOR="Blue"][B](oldtext2)[/B][/COLOR] @clearinverse 
    msgbox 0x[COLOR="DarkOrange"][B](oldwon)[/B][/COLOR]
    callstd MSG_LOCK ' Built-in lock command
    clearflag 0x33D ' the flag you chose
    #org @text1
    = [COLOR="Magenta"][B](old intro text)[/B][/COLOR]\pThis will be an\nINVERSE BATTLE.
    #org @clearinverse
    clearflag 0x33D ' the flag you chose
    It is color coded to the parts that need to be pasted in:
    #org 0x816A63E
    trainerbattle 0x0 0x[COLOR="red"][B]8E[/B][/COLOR] 0x0 0x81911EC 0x[COLOR="Blue"][B]8191237[/B][/COLOR]
    msgbox 0x[COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]819126B[/B][/COLOR] ' You're pretty hot.\n...
    callstd MSG_LOCK ' Built-in lock command
    #org 0x81911EC
    = [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Stop right there, kid!\pYou're ten thousand light-years \nfrom facing BROCK![/B][/COLOR]
    #org 0x8191237
    = Darn!\pLight-years isn't time[.]\nIt measures distance!
    #org 0x819126B
    = You're pretty hot.\n[.]But not as hot as BROCK!

    The example trainer(above) is the trainer in brocks gym, but the same parts can be copied from any trainer.

    trainers using this script will not approach the player, they must be talked too.

    X and Y usually ask the player if they want to continue... this script warns the player but does not let them back out. A simple yes/no script can make that happen. If you can't figure that out, you probably shouldn't be scripting.

    If you are doing this for multiple trainers, you do not need to compile the '@clearinverse' section each time, you can just use the same offset where it is compiled once.
    Managed to port this to EM.

    Replace the addresses at the end with this:

    .returnAddr: .word 0x08046f6d
    .flagAddr: .word 0x0809d791
    .damageAddr: .word 0x020241f0

    Next, put 00 49 08 47 at 0x46f60, followed by the pointer to where you inserted the ASM + 1.

    That's it! I believe flag 0x2CD is used by something in EM as well, so just change the values in the sixth and eighth line if you want a different flag.
    I believe flag 0x2CD is used by something in EM as well, so just change the values in the sixth and eighth line if you want a different flag.

    1. Thanks for the port of this (and of course to you, Doesnt)
    2. Flag 0x2CD appears to be set sometime during the Hall of Fame script. So you probably would like to change that. :P
    Managed to port this to EM.

    Replace the addresses at the end with this:

    .returnAddr: .word 0x08046f6d
    .flagAddr: .word 0x0809d791
    .damageAddr: .word 0x020241f0

    Next, put 00 49 08 47 at 0x46f60, followed by the pointer to where you inserted the ASM + 1.

    That's it! I believe flag 0x2CD is used by something in EM as well, so just change the values in the sixth and eighth line if you want a different flag.

    would you care terrably if I added this to my tool? cedit given of course.