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Hearthstone Tournament [Round Robin!]


L E G E N D of
  • 16,405
    Welcome heroes of Azeroth!

    The Tournament has begun! View the bracketing here!

    We are in ROUND 1. You have until Jan 12th to complete your battle against your Round One opponent.

    You seem to have stumbled into the Ruins of Lordaeron where the greatest warriors in all the known universe are gathering for an epic showdown to decide who is truly the best.

    Do you have what it takes to battle against your fellow men, women, and gnomes of Azeroth and become the champion? If so, this is the tournament for you! We invite any and all competitors to bring their best cards to this epic test of wills. In order to compete, you'll need to fill out this form:

    Battle.net Name:
    Hero Used:
    Skill Level: (1 - 5)

    Once you've posted with that information, you can begin training for what is to come.

    Sign-ups will end after sixteen competitors have signed up (first-come, first-serve) OR when the moon cycle reaches the ninth day of January, one week from today. Dates for each round will be announced upon the close of sign-ups.

    If you know nothing of Hearthstone, it's a free collectible card game made by Blizzard and it's one of the best games of 2014. It's available for free on Blizzard's website and it's insanely addictive. Head over to our discussion thread about the game to chat with your fellow members about it!

    Happy carding!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Hearthstone Tournament [Round Robin!]
    Last edited:
    Battle.net Name: zeffy#1212
    Hero Used: Mage
    Skill Level: 1

    i was coerced into this by klippy
    Battle.net Name: marz#1452
    Hero Used: Hunter
    Skill Level: 1
    Battle.net Name: Griffinbane#1156
    Hero Used: Shaman (and Cleric, and Mage, and Druid...)
    Skill Level: What? (I'm serious.) Okay, fine... 3?
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    Battle.net Name: Slayr231#1597
    Hero Used: Paladin
    Skill Level: (1 - 5): -16

    I've played nine games so far and won one of them, so I have no clue why I'm here, haha.
    Sure why not! I enjoy this game from time to time.

    Battle.net Name: BossBattleE#1204
    Hero Used: Jaina Proudmoore (also Garrosh Hellscream from time to time)
    Skill Level: 1 (this is the lowest right? I'm pretty bad at this game lol)
    Battle.net Name: ariaoffate#1125
    Hero Used: usually Mage
    Skill Level: 1

    I really need to play Hearthstone more. I enjoy it but I don't play it much and I'm not that great at it, so I probably won't make it very far, haha.
    Okay folks! We're gonna have to do this Round Robin style. :) We've got too few players to do a fair bracket and Round Robin is hella fun, so I hope you guys enjoy trying this a different way!

    Here's how this is gonna go! Everyone will compete in TEN rounds of the tournament, battling each other contestant that signed up, though total there are eleven rounds. So each person will not compete in one round of the eleven. We will determine a winner based on how many total wins a person has with the maximum number of wins possible being ten. If there is a tie, we will have a final sudden death match to determine a winner.

    For each round, you may choose to battle the other person one time or best of three. It's up to you all to decide which way you want to play.

    SO...our first round match-ups are located here:

    PC Hearthstone Tourney! (I forgot to properly name everyone, but just ask if you can't figure out who you're facing)

    Let's say...you have until the 12th to complete the first round. I don't want this to take too long, but I know we're all busy so try to get your matches done promptly! We can get this ball rolling much faster if we get on it soon. :D

    I know the bracket looks very crazy, but just work with it and it'll make sense! Haha.

    Enjoy your first matches and post in here when they are complete! Thanks everyone!
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    I just realized something that never came up. What about battling folks that are outside our region? Because traditionally there's the NA region, Asia region, Ocean region, etc. and in all of the other games, you cannot play with people that are outside your region. I'm guessing it's the same with Hearthstone since it uses the same servers...

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    Since we haven't really gotten any results so far, I'll extend this until the 13th or so. If your battle partner does not respond by then, you'll win the round by default. Just post here to let me know you've at least tried.
    Neither Glake or BossBattleE have logged on in about a week, so for those competing against them this week (myself and Nolafus), there is a bye to the next round. We only have Zeffy v. Griffin to finish Round 1. Everyone else may proceed to Round 2 and set up their next matches. :)

    Sorry everyone. :( I went ahead and removed Glake and the other fellow from the tournament completely. This actually shortens the amount of time this'll take, but the shuffle has changed who is battling who. Please view the new bracket here and, once again, I'm sorry.

    EDIT: Just realized that the first round is exactly the same as the previous one. So if you reported your scores to me once, don't worry about re-submitting or re-battling.

    Try to get this new round completed within a few days time. I won't force you to go quickly, but if your partner is uncooperative, just let me know.
