Updates posted as requested.
Thank you, thats better. Now I can comment properly.
I dont like the outline on the Forrest trees, However they somhow fit with the tree
itelf. Also, Please inert a new rock. That type of rock dont belong with a forrest of
those standards. The thinner tree, dont really fit with the forrest tree, only because
It seems the Forrest Big tree is "Way bigger", now the sign.. Seems a little dark
dont you think, or is it me? Cant really comment on that without another person
agreeing with me, however good though. I like those Bug traps, they seem
Natural, goes with the ground tiles.
It looks like the Forrest will be good to play through, however seems kinda Empty..
(From that screen).
Now onto the PIKACHEW, Its a smart thing to do, and I like the sprite you made.
I think if I was a pokemon, I'd eat one :P
I wonder what the Pikachew is for.. >_> *Goes to ask brother*
Please remember im not trying to be harsh in anyway, I plan to do this with
other people's threads too.
Good luck my friend, If you need help Im here!!