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Script: Improved Mementos - Ribbons & Marks [v21.1]

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    Improved Mementos for v21.1
    A mod that improves upon the Ribbon system, as well as including Marks & Titles.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Improved Mementos - Ribbons & Marks [v21.1]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Improved Mementos - Ribbons & Marks [v21.1]

    What's a "Memento"?
    A "Memento" is just the term I chose to refer to both Ribbons and Marks collectively. This isn't an official term, but I'm using it here so I don't have to continuously type out "Ribbons and Marks" as separate entities. So throughout this thread and plugin itself, whenever the word "memento" is used, note that this is just a catch-all term used to refer to both Ribbons and Marks. With that out of the way...

    This plugin modifies how mementos work in Essentials to bring it up to speed with the current generation of games. Specifically, this adds all of the missing Ribbons that have been introduced in Gens 6+ that aren't included in Essentials by default, as well as including all of the Marks that were introduced starting in Gen 8. In addition, all eligible mementos have now been given data for "titles", which can be given to your Pokemon so that it will be displayed when sent out into battle. There are even options to have these titles colorized when displayed, as well as battle animations to showcase the Pokemon's memento when sent out.

    The Ribbons page in the Summary screen has also been overhauled to accommodate these changes. When viewing this page, you will now see all of the data related to each memento, including the specific title that it confers. The selection screen has been completely changed to provide more thorough information, as well better controls while navigating, filtering options, and less lag. Each memento now also have "ranks", which allows you to collapse them in displays if you wish, like how the Contest Memory and Battle Memory Ribbons work in the modern games.

    Note: Unlike the previous iteration of this plugin for v20.1, this plugin no longer relies upon Essentials Deluxe to run. Instead, this plugin now requires my Modular UI Scenes to easily implement the Mementos page in the Summary.

    Plugin Features
    • Adds all of the missing Ribbons from Gens 6+ that aren't included in Essentials by default. Custom sprites for these Ribbons are included.
    • Adds all of the sprites for Ribbons that have been removed from the series at one point or another. For example, the Marine, Land, and Sky Ribbons that were removed after Gen 4, but still have unique sprites related to them.
    • Adds all Marks from Gens 8+, as well as custom sprites for each one.
    • Replicated all of the mechanics related to Mark generation on wild Pokemon. All wild Pokemon you encounter will now have a chance of spawning with a Mark related to the time of day, active weather on the current map, a random personality trait, and more.
    • Includes the Mark Charm key item introduced in SwSh that boosts the likelihood of Pokemon spawning with marks.
    • Adds titles associated with each memento that may be conferred to a Pokemon.
    • Titles will now be displayed in battle if a Pokemon has one set.
    • Includes the ability to set titles on opposing trainer's Pokemon in their PBS data.
    • Includes an intro animation showcasing the Pokemon's memento, as well as the ability to colorize the Pokemon's title so that it pops more in messages.
    • Overhauled the Ribbons page in the Summary to support the various additions made in this plugin. You may now set a Pokemon's title from this page.
    • While viewing mementos in the Summary, you now have options to collapse lower ranked mementos into higher ranked ones, so that only the highest obtained rank of each memento will be displayed. You also have the option of filtering mementos so that only ones of a certain category will be viewable.
    • Coded the memento display much more efficiently, removing all of the lag that the Essentials default page has when scrolling through ribbons.
    • Updated the Ribbons debug menu so that you may now set titles from here as well.
    • Included a new "scale" attribute for Pokemon objects. This allows you to adjust the size value of a Pokemon. This value is needed for obtaining the Mini or Jumbo Marks.
    • Included a new "birthday" attribute for the player. This allows you to set the birthdate of the player. This value is needed for obtaining the Destiny Mark.




    Changelog (v1.0.3)

    Plugin Tutorials

    Last edited:
    Minor Update (v1.0.1)

    • Reconfigured how the graphics for the plugin are stored so that they aren't accidentally deleted for completed projects.
    Minor Update (v1.0.2)
    ***NOTE*** If you already have this plugin installed, you MUST delete your existing plugin files before installing this update. ***NOTE***
    • This plugin now also requires the Deluxe Battle Kit to be installed to integrate battle displays.
    • You can now edit the size and memento of an NPC trainer's Pokemon while using the debug editor tool.
    • You can now use PrefixTitle instead of Title in ribbons.txt PBS. Doing so will have the title associated with this memento appear *before* the Pokemon's name, instead of after.
    • You may now have mementos with titles that aren't fixed, and instead pull their title from a saved variable.
    • Added new icons to indicate Pokemon sizes.
    • Implemented the new Partner Ribbon introduced in the Indigo Disk DLC, as well as a sprite for this new ribbon.
    • Renamed some files for more consistency across plugins which utilize Modular UI Scenes.

    Here's what the new Partner Ribbon looks like in action:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Improved Mementos - Ribbons & Marks [v21.1]
    I am editing an event where I need to set a conditional branch according to whether player's first pokemon has a specific memento. I use $player.party[0].hasMemento?(:SHOCKRIBBON) but the event has no reaction at all. The game does not crash though.
    I am editing an event where I need to set a conditional branch according to whether player's first pokemon has a specific memento. I use $player.party[0].hasMemento?(:SHOCKRIBBON) but the event has no reaction at all. The game does not crash though.
    There is no such thing as :SHOCKRIBBON, it just goes by :SHOCK in the PBS file. None of the vanilla ribbon ID's use "RIBBON" in their ID.
    Excuse me, I encountered an error while loading this plugin. As a beginner, I am unsure how to fix it. Could you please provide guidance on troubleshooting?[PokeCommunity.com] Improved Mementos - Ribbons & Marks [v21.1][PokeCommunity.com] Improved Mementos - Ribbons & Marks [v21.1]
    Excuse me, I encountered an error while loading this plugin. As a beginner, I am unsure how to fix it. Could you please provide guidance on troubleshooting?View attachment 161153View attachment 161154
    You must have updated the plugin from a previous version without first deleting the old files. [001] Compiler no longer exists in the current version of the plugin. Just delete the plugin files and reinstall.