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Spinoff/Mobile Is anyone playing Pokémon Sleep?

  • 41,842
    I've been playing it since its release and surprisingly am still fairly into it. Pretty much always have the tracker going each night, and napping during the day (the game, not me haha) when it's a good idea to as well. Who else is playing this one - or are you not interested?
    I'm not playing it because I assumed sharing a bed with someone and listening to YouTube videos as I sleep would mean it wouldn't be able to track my sleep properly. I'm not entirely sure if that's the case anymore, but I think I sorta just fell out of interest with it once enough time passed since the release. It seems cool though, I know a couple friends who play it and one isn't even a big Pokemon fan, it's nice to see.
    I played Sleep when it came out with an intention of doing a 'Nuzlocke' of it; After getting the obligatory stuff, the random mons I would get I would Pkhex those random mons into a base game and the play the game using them with the nuzlocke rules. That ended up being rejected when I figured I could get all the mons I got in Sleep in HGSS as well, so I nuzlocked SoulSiver instead.
    Used to play it since release but I stopped playing it over a month ago due to my phone just being not the greatest and I felt it was a culprit for my lateness. Also, I feel the gameplay felt a bit stale as in you spend a week to build up Snorlax only for it to reset the next week.
    Never played it. I have more than enough of Pokémon on my phone with Go. Plus I'd hate having to turn my phone on while I'm sleeping. And I also hate Snorlax.
    I'm not playing it because I assumed sharing a bed with someone and listening to YouTube videos as I sleep would mean it wouldn't be able to track my sleep properly. I'm not entirely sure if that's the case anymore, but I think I sorta just fell out of interest with it once enough time passed since the release. It seems cool though, I know a couple friends who play it and one isn't even a big Pokemon fan, it's nice to see.
    Yeah I sleep next to someone too, it definitely won't track properly but I play it more for the Pokémon aspect than anything. I still am progressing well and he is doing quite well too. Only issue is the lack of bed space with two people means we have to put the GO Plus+ at our feet and hope they're not knocked over, or if using a mobile phone I'd have to put it under my pillow. Which is not ideal since it gets warm there. :s
    I wished to play it, but I don't sleep much, ≈4-5 hours in a day. Hence I am not playing it. I am not interested in tracking the sleep as I can count them easily on fingers, so need for external assistance for it!!

    Plus I feel Pokémon GO to be best enough Pokémon game for mobile....