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It's Rhyme Time!

  • 19,142
    Just thought of this! Let's all play the poetry game, and the rules are pretty simple:

    • User A will write one sentence/stanza in their post. It can literally be about anything and everything, so make sure to be creative! If y'all wanna follow through with a storyline, be my guest as well! But let's see how crazy we can get :p
    • User B will write another sentence/stanza, but it has to be so that the end rhymes with User A's post
    • If the word is hard to rhyme, you're free to use the closest rhyme possible that you can think of (month > millionth > seventh > heaven for example)
    • Once we reach 4 stanzas with the same rhyme, the next user to post can start over with a completely new syllable to rhyme. They can also chose to keep the original rhyme, but the next 3 users should follow through before being able to change the rhyme again

    Here's hoping I explained that right, here's an example!

    User 1 said:
    Hello, how do you do?
    User 2 said:
    I'm fine, how about you?
    User 3 said:
    Splendid as well, that statement is true!
    User 4 said:
    Not a single thing in this world can make me blue!
    User 5 said:
    How can I be blue, when today I am red?
    User 6 said:
    Why are you red? Why not orange instead?
    User 7 said:
    You guys keep talking whilst I make my bed
    User 8 said:
    Yes you go do that you sleepy head!

    and so on!

    Alrighty, I hope this doesn't get buried! Let's start it all off with:

    Tis but a wonderful day!
    Last edited:
    Will the mountains be as pretty?

    It's recommended that each stanza ends in the syllables a, e, i, o, or u so that the next user can rhyme easier, but I'm not too strict on this really eheh]

    So have an open syllable? Relying on orthography to mean sound in English is usually not the best idea. For example, "leave" ends with a consonant sound (is closed), while "through" ends with a vowel sound (is open)
    Just as pretty as my dear kitty!
    How I long to be clever and witty...

    So have an open syllable? Relying on orthography to mean sound in English is usually not the best idea. For example, "leave" ends with a consonant sound (is closed), while "through" ends with a vowel sound (is open)

    yeah true...might have to remove that rule or something. was just worried someone might use some hard-to-rhyme word like month or orange. will need to revise.