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[Showcase] Kory's oc Drawings Thread


Silence is Purple
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    Hello, in wake of my fanfiction almost being ready to become public, I have drawn one of my 44 ocs and his weapon.

    I plan to draw more of my ocs in the future and will update when I do. But, for now, here's some of the stuff I've drawn for him by hand. I also hand draw other things as well, but don't feel like posting them as they're drawings of Kaeya. But, if I do, I might change the name of this thread to "Kory's Genshin drawings."

    Anyway, these are various attempts to draw my oc with my own two hands. I admit I'm not very good.

    This is Siorc.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread
    This is the first time I attempted to draw him, although, I don't remember when I drew it. I can't draw "realistically" what have you, so it's kinda chibi... to summarize, this is his uniform in the fanfiction, or how I want people to picture it.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread
    & This is my second attempt at when I drew him. I was looking at female Liyue clothes, and modified it to be purple because it's his image color. This is also me trying to get the hang of drawing him.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread
    This was me drawing Siorc in an au of sorts outside Genshin where he's a Mew Mew. I based his outfit off of Mew Ichigo. I'm a big fan of Tokyo Mew franchise, and it coming back inspired me to try to draw him as one of them, but modified to be his image color.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread
    This was a more recent au I attempted to draw where Siorc is a puella magi. I based it off of Madoka's outfit, but took Siorc's eye colors to incorporate them into his outfit.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread
    And this is the most recent thing I've drawn of him specifically with his fashion sense in mind. I recently wrote something of Siorc liking feminine silky blouses, and decided I wanted to draw that. Although, I was too lazy to draw his glasses, so I didn't.

    And as for some other ones I drew that aren't in a human form, as well as a weapon for him that I drew yesterday.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread
    This is a drawing I drew of Siorc as a Chikorita with his facial features on the Pokemon. I'm not very good at quadruped Pokemon, so this was an honestly difficult thing to draw.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread
    & This is a custom claymore I drew for him the other day. I have a post about it on my Twitter on how it'd work in Genshin that maybe I'll attach later.

    If I feel like it, I'll post more when I draw more of him. But, we'll see.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is one of my other ocs, Yinlong.

    They're a panda chimera, and their name means "silver dragon" hence the silver hair.

    I still don't think I'm good at drawing, so this probably doesn't look that great. I'm sorry.
    Haha, is anyone even looking at this thread? (No, probably not) but, new drawing today.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    I drew Siorc in a knee dress/sun dress. I also attached a poem to it in alt text, which you can read in the original tweet by clicking "alt" and it'll pop up the poem in the alt text.

    I used the basis of this dress on This dress I found on google while looking up sundresses. I typed in "cherry dress" and this result came up. For source on the shoes, here it is, something similar to this, but I don't remember what the exact source I used to draw the shoes on the side.

    By the way, for Siorc's hyena limbs, I use The Spotted Hyena from Kenomo Friends as a basis, but color him after brown spotted hyenas.

    I'm sorry if the elbows look terrible, I don't know how to draw elbows, or backsides.
    I think your pictures are cute! :3

    And don't worry about your drawing skills. Keep drawing and you'll inadvertently get better. You're also already using references for stuff so that's good.

    Other than that: being able to express yourself through art is an important factor. And I think you're doing that pretty well! :)
    I'm going to try to draw something new every Tuesday, if I have the energy.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Hase. Siorc's younger sister. Well, I hope that comes through in this drawing. She's in the Wangshen Funeral Parlor attire, for those curious.

    I'm going to try to draw more of my ocs as I look through their picrews.
    Sorry I'm only posting one drawing at a time, I only draw /one drawing at a time/, lol.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Naofa. It is from Khaenri'ah. I have a poem about it in the fanfiction forums! Look for "Ripping Out Those Green Harp Strings" for more information about this character.

    I don't have much to say because I already wrote a long ass word vomit about its lore today, lol.

    More to come!
    Incoming big update! I drew Siorc all week for shark week!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Siorc's temporary Inazuman uniform. Spoiler: it does not survive. Rip

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    I then drew him in Sailor Moon's outfit, but purple and green.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Siorc in the Aozora Jumping Heart outfit, but purple & badly drawn.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    Drew him as Ene as well, but you guessed it: purple again.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    I saw a dress on Google but added flowers to the skirt/train to liven it up. Not purple for a change lol.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    That's my oc Parisa she's from Sumeru.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Siorc in May (OR/AS) attire, but green bc why not?

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    & Finally, I drew my oc wearing the non-binary colors.

    ...I hope these don't look too bad. I'm sorry my drawings aren't consistent in size & shape.
    I hope people are actually looking in here aha

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    Hello, this is Liath. I'm proud of this drawing tbh
    Hello. Boys, girls, enbys, agenders and chimeras.

    It is Tuesday!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    I finally drew my mtf oc, Loba! She's wearing an African dress(?), but I'll link the source later. This was pretty difficult for me to convey. I hope she looks like any other girl and her skin isn't too light for a poc. Natlan is based off of Indigenous America, Spain and West Africa, btw. Which is pretty evident with the one character we do know of: Iansan which is apparently a Yoruba name.

    Anyway, if anyone happens to stumble upon this drawing, I hope she looks okay. I'm scared of upsetting people with poc characters not being... you know "correct" people get heated over skin color online.
    I really like her design! :3

    If you want a tip in regards on how to improve your use of colored pencils: try layering.
    Fill an area with a color by making pencil strokes that go only up and down and when you're done go over the area again with your colored pencil but this time alternate left and right. You can also do that with diagonal lines, circular movements, etc. Every time you go over that area you add another layer of color so it gets more powerful.
    If you're feeling really experimental you can, after you're done with the first couple layers, even switch to a different colored pencil.

    It's really useful when you're trying to create highlights and such, as well! :D
    It's Tuesday.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Siorc as a Pretty Cure. I put a lot of effort into this dress to try and make it look nice. It borrows from Cure Coral & the purple cure from Star Twinkle.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    & This is Gris. I drew her on a Friday evening because I wanted to draw braids to look like braids.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    Here's this week's entry to drawing Tuesday, by the way. This is Linggui. He's an otter who works for the Adventurer's Guild. He has a twin brother. He's trans btw. (these twins stole each other's birth genders lol /joke)

    Btw did you know white crayons actually color things in and it's not invisible on paper? Amazing!
    I guess I draw on Fridays, too, lol.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is my me Sumeru ocs, Waiola Hakimi. With Sumeru out, I can finally write her, so I suppose I'm drawing her to celebrate that. References once again are the Adventurer's Guild, but colored black and brown instead.

    As usual, the ears and tail are referenced from Kenomo Friends. This is my go to moe gijinka source, tbh.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    I drew Siorc on Miku day, so he's in Miku's clothing. some random person on Twitter was rude to me on this art, though, I don't know what beef he had, but his account name's display name was "siorc" so I can only assume they were offended my oc's name is Siorc.

    Oh, well.

    I will likely be continuing to draw on Tuesday and Fridays unless someone really upsets me.
    Okay, I have a big update today since I haven't felt like updating this in a few days.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Tegne Afstand. He's a ram (an adult male sheep) chimera. If anyone read "A Magical Tree Brough my Demon Drawing to Life!" you may recognize that name. I have since recycled him into a chimera oc because I didn't want him to go to waste.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Lewod Ingne, or Leah. They're yet another one of my mtf ocs. And another Ingne. I used colored pencils so you can tell them apart from Siorc.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread
    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    And here's Savon Bulles. I decided to draw two designs for her because I wasn't sure how she should look. She's a sea lion. Today I learned about Selkies, though, but she's still a sea lion chimera. If anyone comes into this thread, I'd like to know which of her two designs looks better? I'm unsure which one looks best. I suppose she can transform both ways, though, but yeah, I'd like to know which one looks better.

    More drawings coming every Tuesday and Friday it's a routine now.
    I like her first design better, tbh. I think it's also partly because drawing a bigger tail on a somewhat skinny character is kinda hard to pull off.
    @Megan, I figured the full tail looked better when drawing it.

    Okay. It's been two weeks. Next drawing dump.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    I decided to draw Siorc in a Sanrio dress I saw on Hot Topic, but wanted Kuromi on it, too. This is the result. I think it's cute. I'll link sources but this is my inspiration for the dress and earrings . I took inspiration! But took it in my own direction.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Varg Ingne. Siorc's cousin in the underground mines. This is a guy, by the way. He just looks outwardly female.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    & This is Siorc in overalls. He's not cosplaying the minions. But, he looks like he is. Coincidence, I promise.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    & This is Strix. I drew this particular drawing today. I wish I had more green crayons. I found some other crayons but the colors aren't labeled. It's annoying, so I stuck with Crayola.

    & That's it for this update. I'll be drawing more of my ocs, but I'm currently looking for suggestions on feminine stuff to draw Siorc in. If anyone has any ideas to suggest, please feel free to help me out. But nothing that exposes the stomach or chest.
    Here to drop my weekly drawing update. I drew four more things, and experimented, a little.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    On Tuesday, I drew Siorc in Hilda's Mega Diancie dress from Pokemon Masters EX because I simply just couldn't pass it up, it's everything feminine in one dress that I think he'd definitely wear. But, I made his freckles too big, oops.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    And this is Rys, my bobcat oc from Snezhnaya. I had to google "Russian coats" for this one since...did you know there's no female Snezhnaya npcs in Genshin that aren't Fatui? So, I had to do something myself to make her an outfit from inspiration on Google.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    I experimented with markers for Siorc, but the dress came out pretty terrible, honestly. I had to switch markers on his hair halfway through. I don't know if I'll do markers again, I honestly feel like they do provide much more fluid color, but they're harder to color with since they can bleed through your paper if you're not careful.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    Now, this one, I am particularly proud of. This is Krysi, my other Snezhnaya non Fatui oc. She's a rat, as you can see, and I referenced Kemono friends, Yuki Sohma's rat form and this winter coat to draw her. I had a lot of fun drawing her and her tiny rat form in dolls clothes. I think she came out really good.

    I plan to draw maybe Kaiser's family next. We'll see.
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    Well, tbh, I don't have too much to say, except I need to learn how to draw wings.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Raven. I wish his falcon wings were symmetrical, but I messed up because of many factors. But, I still think he looks at least decent in some way. By my average drawing capabilities, anyway.

    I switched to colored pencils for now, btw.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    This is Robin. The wings also came out kind of poorly, but all I can truly do is practice & get better at them... Sorry if this photo is awful. My camera doesn't like me.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    It's October, and you know what that means? I have valid excuses to draw Siorc in Halloween costumes. This is an outfit from an otokonoko group, Cure2tron. I basically drew Siorc in Miley's outfit, but modified it a bit because I didn't like how someone was lifting his skirt (Miley) in the original artwork.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kory's oc Drawings Thread

    And this is Kaiser. He's a drag queen. Hos outfit is Ru Paul's met gala outfit, and his eyelashes are penguin crests. I might eventually try drawing long painted fingernails. Maybe I'll do it on another one of my ocs, though. Come to think of it, I have never tried drawing long fingernails. Thar would be fun.