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Kyledove's Official Sinnoh tileset project

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I agree with disturbed. The older tiles are so hard to find... It would be so cool to know "you can use everything on this sheet and nothing else" because when I do find other tiles of yours I can never tell whether I can youse them or not. antway lets hope that this never haappens again and try to put this all behind us.
Kyledove never posted his Private tiles on PC.
Which makes what Waudby and the others did Illegal.
They were never showcased here, only on DA
Look guys, it's nice to see all your support for Kyledove, I'm sure he appreciates it, but any further discussion would just lead to more drama. If you want to discuss the morals concerning pixel art theft then take it to the Spriters Showcase/Discussion thread, otherwise you should only be posting here to critique Kyledove's tiles.
I love your tiles. They are great. The gym is the best. I only wish I had enough tileset space for it :P
Kyledove, your tiles are awesome!
you are the best tile creator ever and i think your low saturation idea is great.
I really need you to make a full set of the Pokemon Platinum Battle frontier tiles or a
full set of the diamond and pearl battle tower tiles.
Thanx, Cubuole
Micheal Jackson says...
come here, little boy.
hay kyle id just like to thank you before i found your tiles i was always terrible at making tiles coming up with ideas and stuff but cus of you iv started creating my own tiles and a wide range of them which your game inspired and iv enen started work on incorperating them and some of the tiles in this thread into a pokemon flash game that iv began working on for a flash animation breaf for collage but without you non of this would have been possible your a massive inspiration kyle massive i cant wait to see the game you have amazing maping skills as well they look natural and just amazing thanks again kyle thanks so much
Kyledove, your tiles are awesome!
you are the best tile creator ever and i think your low saturation idea is great.
I really need you to make a full set of the Pokemon Platinum Battle frontier tiles or a
full set of the diamond and pearl battle tower tiles.
Thanx, Cubuole


You NEED him to make a full set of Battle Frontier tiles? Why, so you can re-create the same old Battle Frontier with the same old tiles? Way to be original! And besides, making requests in these threads is very much against the rules.

"Best" tile artist ever? The term "best" is a very subjective concept. Yes, he is a really good tile artist. However, so are Alistair, Saurav, Wichu, and the rising star WelseyFG. Can any of them be described as "best?" Can any of the professional tile artists that work on games be considered "best?" I don't see how.

You NEED him to make a full set of Battle Frontier tiles? Why, so you can re-create the same old Battle Frontier with the same old tiles? Way to be original! And besides, making requests in these threads is very much against the rules.

"Best" tile artist ever? The term "best" is a very subjective concept. Yes, he is a really good tile artist. However, so are Alistair, Saurav, Wichu, and the rising star WelseyFG. Can any of them be described as "best?" Can any of the professional tile artists that work on games be considered "best?" I don't see how.
It's not that annoying, InMooseWeTrust. He rights a line of a good amount of words, and then spaces it a bit more than most people, which I think makes it a little easier to read in my opinion. Also, I understand what Cubuole is saying when he says that Kyledove is the best tile creator ever. He may not be the best (he wasn't stating that it was a fact), but he's possibly the best that I've seen.
That was his opinion, and that's my opinion as well.

Yeah, I would love to see some Battle Frontier tiles added to this project, but I understand that you're busy with your MMORPG and all, and your life. I also understand that the Battle Frontier tiles are huge, and they could take a while. I just can't wait to see whatever's coming next from you, even if it has nothing to with this project. Good luck!
^o^ Fantastic overworld sprites! I've been looking for some of those. You don't plan to do front & back poses for all of them, do you?

As far as credit goes...here's something strange. I've been using your grass path, sand, and street tiles in my personal mapping experiments without realizing they were yours. I found them in the Autotiles folder of one of those pokestarter kits I picked up, and I thought they were official D/P tiles. I don't think there were any obvious indications otherwise.
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