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Last time I checked, it was summer


S P A R K of madness
  • 8,401
    [ this blog is intended to reflect on the actions of a bunch of MSN/Skype baboons, bare with me - it's also a chain to X-626's blog entry]

    Can I ask something? Why is everyone's mood in a freaking knot lately? Wait, no, not lately, since the start of late May. I thought this was supposed to last June, everyone would get their crappy moods, disagreements, and what not out of their system and the upcoming months would be awesome. Boy was I wrong.

    Here's a bunch of people with their own box of chocolates, we'll call them imperfections for now. Every single day is a ticking time bomb, one spark, one tiny tiny TINY disagreement starts WW3. What the hell is up with you guys, seriously. o_O I'm trying so hard to ignore all the mess that perks up around every corner. It's not only a mood killer, but it gets annoying after a few times. I've been somewhat annoyed since mid-June... now I'm just sick of waking up to it... every single day. It's to the point were one of the main reasons I'm looking forward to my three weeks off is escaping you crazy fools throwing food at each other over the computer screen. This war that's gone on for the past month or so marked quite a bit of firsts, it was the first time I ever talked to Malyka trying to patch up some wounds and got snapped at. That doesn't happen, it just doesn't. And she's not the only one where that's happened.

    Again, it's summer (for some of you), a time known for relaxation and fun. You all are (supposedly) friends. Can't you all just shut up and get along? You couldn't last one day, that's sad, it really is. Is that asking too much from a bunch of friends I A) used to look up to for how they handled themselves and B) think really know how to take care of business. (in a fine manner without erupting like a volcano)

    Do you realize the consequences of your constant bickering does to the people in the middle? Like Francer, Mika, Signomi, myself and the bystanders that really hang out with you all for the joy-filled moments and awesome experiences. What happened? Was there a "no fun" cult created? Did all of you just decide to flip a switch and ATTACK people you enjoy the company of at the slightest movement?

    It's daily war, and I'm tired of it. Learn to accept criticism, imperfections, that you have adversity in life and have to take care of it, or honestly, shut up. I do care that some of you are having a rough life right now, but it's one thing to talk about real life stress and another to start a two-day cat fight. If you are experiencing such stress, get off the computer and fix it yourself, immediately or gradually, because coming online and dishing out your acute anger that was supposed to be directed at relatives and what not at your online buddies is bull, and you should know that. It's okay to vent, it's okay to look to your friends for advice on how to deal with something, but it's not okay to start the same crap and ruin everybody's mood.

    There have been slight improvements in some areas, at least from what I noticed, but the severe negatives are shutting their spotlight down.

    If you encounter troubles with your friend (which happens, but certainly not at the frequency of the past month) then calm down and go take a breather. Say "ya'know so-so, I don't want to get into this" and chill out. Go meditate, go read a book, go do something to get yourself out of that messy mood. I do that, and it's why I'm usually happy as a fish-eatin' bear when I'm online, because I can usually handle what's going on. And if I can't, I seek help from my close friends.

    When I log on MSN or skype, I log on to enjoy chatting with my friends, not to bicker with them, or worse, watch them bicker in front of me.

    Have a nice day.

    PS. Please, please do not start some flame war in comments here, I'll just delete them. If you can't keep a level-head and press the submit button with a easy-going attitude, don't comment.
    BB finally let it out. Thank God. :D

    I really don't know what to say, Ryan. I feel the same way. I wasn't even in this stuff until a certain someone was brought up, which just really set me off.
    Anyway, as I am a part of this, I would like to apologize. You're right, summer should be spent relaxing and having fun, not bickering and arguing.

    Anyway, yea. I apologize :x
    ty ryan. <3; still wish I could get the courage to post this sort of thing.
    So...you are basically getting tired of people bringing their problems into seeds and causing fights because of it?

    Forci said:
    So...you are basically getting tired of people bringing their problems into seeds and causing fights because of it?

    For this long of a time, yes. I don't see why people always have to start, we're friends, why do we always have to find some silly way of getting into some war of a chat?

    Someone will think I'm infatuated with you. D:

    BeachBoy;bt16186 said:
    For this long of a time, yes. I don't see why people always have to start, we're friends, why do we always have to find some silly way of getting into some war of a chat?

    Besides how naturally horrible this past month has been with the media?

    That would be because conflict is human nature.

    Or, alternatively, just consider that every person vents in his or her own way. Some can do so without affecting others, and others cannot.
    Last edited:
    it's also a chain to X-626's blog entry
    Yay, I was mentioned!

    Anyway, in all seriousness...
    I completely agree with you, Ryan. It's getting pretty pathetic. I wasn't even involved, and ended up losing a few "friends" over it (I think they know they are). I'm rather ticked off because of it. I go online to enjoy myself as well, but that's been impossible here lately.
    Do you realize the consequences of your constant bickering does to the people in the middle? Like Francer, Mika, Signomi, myself and the bystanders that really hang out with you all for the joy-filled moments and awesome experiences. What happened? Was there a "no fun" cult created? Did all of you just decide to flip a switch and ATTACK people you enjoy the company of at the slightest movement?
    You also speak the truth here. I know quite a few people who were affected, and they were completely innocent.

    I don't really know what to think about all of this anymore. It's annoying. Summer's almost over, and it's been nothing but crap.
    Ryab, you're amazing for making this blog. It's sad, but arguments like this happen all the time. Usually, they don't escalate to include as many people as this one apparently has, but I assure you, this is nothing out of the norm.

    We haven't been as close-knit, no Sweater pun intended, since the beginning of 2009. The group is falling into two sub-groups, and there really isn't anything we can do about it. What we're seeing is the result of us trying to mend the groups back into one; an obvious failing effort.

    Personally, I haven't, and won't, take a stance on this. I've been in conversations with both opposing sides, and it's possible to stay neutral. Just ignore the fights that break out until the eventual separation occurs.

    It's sad, but that's all I can see happening at this point.
    Sadly, I too had to watch my friends tear each other apart here on PC, MSN, and on Skype. It really isn't a plesent sight to see. I go on vacation and the first thing I hear when I ask Adam about what happened on PC was that there was more drama, and I am very sick of it. I took me a while to realize that it too will affect me. I do agree with a lot in your blog here, but I can only hope it would only help to end the daily bickering and drama. It's very hard being in the middle of this war since i am friends with the people on both sides of the case. It's very hard to do something that doesn't upset the other. I do fear that if we don't solve this soon, this seperation between our little friendship group will be separated with no way of reconsiling. I really care about this issue and want it to end. I've been in these Nica convos since 2007, and I'm not ready to watch all the friendships we bulit up to crumble at this point. Seriously, I'm using my phone to write this just to state my point. I want this drama to end before it is too late. I really hope some people read this blog entry.
    lol klippy.

    Rainbows should lighten up the mood.

    But yeah, people argue all the time. It's nature, but this is just pathetic. It's been going on for what? Two and a half months now. What the hell, people? ;o;
    @ Lornami: that is so awesome XD

    @ Forci: How do I reply to that... Look, all I'm trying to say is there used to be a group of people that had fun together without worries, now it's WW3, and I wish that wasn't the case. I just want a small group of my friends (who used to get along great) to stop fighting all the time, that's the entire reason I made this blog. I respect your opinion, comment, but I'm just not going to dive that far with you into this. =/

    @ X: I... agree. thanks X

    @ Larry: I would hope that doesn't happen but who really knows at this point. Maybe some even look forward to that...

    @ Wish: thanks for dishing this out on your phone (sorry if it costs money! XD) but yeah, good point

    @ Klippo: you unpredictable goof. XD
    You suck, Beach Boy, why are you such a jerk?!!!! xD Don't be angry, Beach Boy, it's stupid. people just like freaking out and it sucks but it can't be stopped. Indeed, though, it is annoying when people are so uptight and paranoid. :/ ¿Maybe I crossed out too many things here?
    BeachBoy said:
    @ Forci: How do I reply to that... Look, all I'm trying to say is there used to be a group of people that had fun together without worries, now it's WW3, and I wish that wasn't the case. I just want a small group of my friends (who used to get along great) to stop fighting all the time, that's the entire reason I made this blog. I respect your opinion, comment, but I'm just not going to dive that far with you into this. =/

    ...Alright, all I was trying to say here is that fighting is a common part of everyday life, in groups both large and small, and that it is not unusual for even tight-knit groups to dive into arguments. If you already got that, then just ignore the rest, as most of it was just late-night rantings.