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Little things that annoy you...

• Pedestrians and Cyclist crossing the light on red. I almost hit two cyclist and a pedestrian that way. In my mind "That's what the red light is for, if cars have to wait, so should pedestrians and cyclist"
I don't understand. If pedestrians don't cross when it's red when then do they cross. ._.; They can't cross when the light is green that's when the cars are moving and no doubt they will get hit. Unless I'm reading this all wrong.

Anyways, when people mistake what I'm saying for something else. Happens to me all the time and it's the worst.
- People trying to talk to me when I'm on the phone or trying to tell me what to say to someone I'm talking to on the phone.

- People who walk, drive or do anything more slowly than I do.

- People talking while the television is on. Pet hate.
What- When something of mine is moved by someone else.
Why- I can't find it when I need it!

What- When ice freezes my car windows.
Why- I have to waste time and energy scraping it off!

What- When I constantly sneeze.
Why- It makes me feel terrible and sometimes hurts! ._.

There is more, but these are currently annoying me the most. ^^;
People that think they are big. Also when people don't show me enough respect, which is a big thing to me. (Treat people how you want to be treated yourself)
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I'll just name 5 for now.. but there are way more :p

1. A$$hole drivers - they annoy me in general, but one thing in particular that I really hate is when I signal to try and change lanes and then the other person speeds up so I can't get over. Especially when I'm trying to make an important turn or something.

2. Invasion of personal space - please back up, I don't know you like that.


4. People who talk too loudly for no reason. It's def cool to have a personality and life sure isn't a library, but WHY IS YOU HOLLERIN? The annoyance level goes up especially early in the morning or when people do this on the phone (usually happens in public)

5. When someone stares at me. This is something that has always annoyed me..why are you all in my face? It's really hard for me to ignore lol
1. Waiting, whether it's in line at the fast food place or on the phone. I don't like having my time wasted.

2. Error messages. Yeah, those things are evil.

3. Messages like "Loading" or "Waiting for *site*" or that spinning circle icon that indicates my internet connection is being a pain yet again.

4. Hitting the wrong button on things like phones, keyboards, or remote controls.

5. People who don't use their turn signals or can't stay in their lane or hold up traffic.
I don't understand. If pedestrians don't cross when it's red when then do they cross. ._.; They can't cross when the light is green that's when the cars are moving and no doubt they will get hit. Unless I'm reading this all wrong.

I think they mean when the walk light is red. With the red hand up, as opposed to the walk sign. But usually in the average intersection the walk signs run parallel to the green light so if the road is like a + and the vertical road has the green light, you're free to walk along the vertical road, crossing over the horizontal road. So you would be walking with the green light. Idk if I explained that well >_o

Little things that annoy me:

-When I have to wait a long time for a person, since I try to go out of my way to be early to everything so a long time is even longer, haha.
-The smell of mint/root beer.
-Shirts that are slightly too short.
Little things that annoy me are such as things taking up my space. While I'm sitting at a desk or a table and doing some written work, I absolutely must have my space. If something touches me and gets in the way when I'm writing, I get instantly annoyed and try to toss/shove the offending thing away out of reach and out of sight (if it's alright to toss it, of course).

Another thing that annoys me is people not completely shutting my door while leaving my room, especially when I asked politely with a 'please'. I do not consider closing the door without hearing that reassuring *click* as 'closing the door'. What part of 'closing the door' do you not understand, people who do not close the door?!

Also while walking, people that walk slowly in front of me annoy me quite a bit. I'm usually a fast walker. I would try to get around that slow walker, only to bump into another slow walker. It seriously annoys me to no end. ><

Oh, and just one more. I'm quite ticklish, so I get annoyed when people touch me in places where I'm ticklish, either intentionally or unintentionally. This happened quite often with my mother, and she got cross at me for being annoyed. This is me! I can't help it that I'm annoyed at her for touching me at my ticklish places! But yet, she doesn't understand. *sigh*

There sure are other things, but these are it for now.
I really don't like it when people drop hints. Just ask me outright, it's a lot less annoying to deal with. v v; That and I haaate when I'm walking quickly to get somewhere and someone else is walking near me at around the same speed, kind of awkward haha. Hard to outwalk them and annoying to slow down and wait for them to get further past me.

Being asked "how are you?" is also kind of bothersome, since I always say either "good" or "same as usual."

Oh oh and I hate when my parents don't turn off their computer before going to bed. I can't sleep with the computer downstairs still on. xD;
I don't understand. If pedestrians don't cross when it's red when then do they cross. ._.; They can't cross when the light is green that's when the cars are moving and no doubt they will get hit. Unless I'm reading this all wrong.

When the light turns green, its green for pedestrians and cyclist too, cars that want to turn would wait until pedestrian/cyclist crosses. What annoys me is when they cross on red, I (driving a car) has the green light, the pedestrian/cyclist decides to cross without looking.
My biggest pet peeve is people who don't say thank you. For example, if I hold a door open for someone, most people do at least give some kind of gratitude, but I reserve the hatred of a thousand suns for those who just walk past me as if I was nothing after doing so. There are worse things in life to be annoyed over (global famine, war, disease etc.) but none make me quite so physically angry as ungrateful people who can't say two words (or even one word - 'thanks' - IT'S NOT THAT HARD, PEOPLE!) after I do something nice for them.
My biggest pet peeve is people who don't say thank you. For example, if I hold a door open for someone, most people do at least give some kind of gratitude, but I reserve the hatred of a thousand suns for those who just walk past me as if I was nothing after doing so. There are worse things in life to be annoyed over (global famine, war, disease etc.) but none make me quite so physically angry as ungrateful people who can't say two words (or even one word - 'thanks' - IT'S NOT THAT HARD, PEOPLE!) after I do something nice for them.

You must love me then because I gave you a "thank you very much" when you grabbed a menu for me at that restaurant, while we were at the expo. Stepped my game the hell up, son!

Getting Blue Shelled in Mario Kart when you're practically leading the whole race and pretty much deserve to win. SO UNJUSTIFIED IT'S RIDICULOUS! Just getting Blue Shelled in general actually. Like Cat Dog said though, there far more severe things in life to get frustrated at but Blue Shells sprang to mind so I'll roll with that.
People staring at me. I like hate sitting in pretty much any row in a classroom that's not the back. Even if they're not staring at you, the thought of someone just staring at the back of my head makes me uncomfortable.

Oh and people talking to me when I'm trying to sleep. There's a reason I say I'm going to bed, and it's because I'm going to bed. ;P
You really want an answer to this question? From the reigning King of All Complainers, the Tsar of Sarcastic Questions, the Führer of First-world Problems? Very well, then. You were warned though.

Torrents not having the album artwork in them, the names of the songs in the torrents not being the correct names/incorrectly spelled, torrents that aren't massive that take forever to load, cute boys that don't talk to me, boys that don't talk to me, boys, people that quit halfway through a conversation without saying anything, people who ask for someone to talk to them but then ignore me when I offer, Katy Perry, Katy Perry's existence, Born This Way, vegans who stress their opinion that we meat eaters are sick and evil godless creatures, people who can't see it from the vegan's point of view, shaving repeatedly over one spot because it won't go away, boys, Boyz II Men, people who don't ask me how my day was when I ask how theirs went, people who don't say hello back when I say hi to them, people who feel the need to talk to me when I have made it quite clear I don't want to see them/feel them/sense their presence in the vicinity of me and my work station, customers at work, extremely stupid customers at work, people who send on errands to find items that the store just doesn't have in stock, Rihanna, people who feel the need to say "you guys only care because they're dead :////" when a famous person dies when it is quite clear that some people care because they were genuinely impacted by that person in some way throughout their life, people in general, wooden seats that are too low or too high, boys, people who dislike Boys by Britney Spears, people who don't like Britney Spears, people who are overly critical of Britney without knowing anything of what she has gone through in the last decade, not being able to drive, being too scared to learn how to drive, being annoyed at not knowing how to drive before remembering that I can just carpool, use a taxi or abuse the public transport system for the rest of my life, wearing my retainer, losing my retainer, spending hours looking for my retainer, cleaning my retainer, cleaning my retainer again after it falling out of my mouth during my sleep, drool on my retainer, just everything about retainers in general, being reminded of how bad my braces experience was, being reminded of anything I don't want to remember, psychiatrists, having to see a psychiatrist, medication, taking medication, being zoned out as a result of my medication, being interrupted as I'm writing a post, being interrupted when I'm writing a really long post, being interrupted in general, Girl, Interrupted starring Winona Ryder, Winona Ryder, everything about Winona Ryder, shoplifters, shoplifters that dare to steal from the store I work in, people who get offended by Merry Christmas, people who make a huge deal about Christmas and give it a negative outlook, people who can't just enjoy the happy season, Americans, arrogant Americans, Americans who still believe America is the best country in the world, HAVING TO TYPE SOMETHING OUT YET AGAIN BECAUSE I HIT THE WRONG GODDAMN BUTTON, Taylor Swift, boys, the fact that my mother is extremely incapable of raising children and really shouldn't have had them in the first place, the fact that she can't get off her ass for even five minutes and help me with raising her own kids, the fact that she can't recognise that she is a mother and as a mother she is therefore obligated to help with the raising of her own children LET ALONE FOUR, the fact that I am exhausted always, coming home and only being allowed to rest for five seconds because there's always a new drama at home, the fact that after I think I've finally done all my work for the day I get interrupted and I have to do more work, the fact that I don't get to really relax until 8pm, sitting down and thinking I've finally done all my work for the day and then realizing that I haven't, people who dare to be mean to my sister, having to call parents and yell at them for a) not teaching their kids that being mean to fragile little girls is wrong and b) that their child is a jackass, people who don't understand just how much I love my sister, alcohol bottles being littered everywhere, asshats who save over my save file in a game, Demyx, Xemnas' final battle, Atlantica in KH2, bad posters, people who don't realize that they're bad posters, people who get extremely ****** after being offered a bit of advice on their posting, or anything for that matter, boys, cute boys, the fact that I haven't had a boyfriend since May, the fact that I try and try to get a boyfriend or at least a fun male companion but fail because either they hate my personality or my looks (90% of the time it's my looks), my looks, my height, the fact that i am 6'6, people who complain about being too tall when they're like 6'1, not having the right clothes for an occaison because they're lost in the cosmos that is my room or that they're in the laundry, Shining Raichu, clothes that make me feel fat even though I'm not, the fact that I have to wear size XL clothes because of my height and my shoulders, my shoulders, generally everything about my body, my bone skinny arms, people who are extremely arrogant because they are good looking or they believe that they are goodlooking, people who spam pictures of themselves, people who constantly give these people encouragement to spam pictures of themselves even though they are ugly as hell (not naming names), people with no personality, boys, cute boys, things that lag, the fact that things cost money, not having enough money, New Zealand, living in New Zealand, New Zealand culture, New Zealand politics, New Zealand celebrities, New Zealand society, New Zealand cinema, Anna Paquin, gaps, the fact that I have an ever-so slight gap, my nose, Tom Cruise, "as long as it's not rap or country", Lindsay Lohan, the Lindsay Lohan fanbase, that picture of Lindsay Lohan asleep in the car, Paris Hilton, very annoying gays, twinks, really cocky gays, gays that encourage/fit every single stereotype about being gay, short people, short people with an attitude, boys, cute boys, Shining Raichu, the sun, being in heat, not being in the cold, people who dare to call me out on my bitterness without having a single clue as to why I am so bitter, ignorant pricks, the swear filter on PokeCommunity.com, Katy Perry, Katy Perry's existence, people who spoil things for me, waiting for food, not being able to cook my own food, people who make a big deal about MOTY, people who try to ruin MOTY for others, smartasses who vote for themselves in MOTY, most forums on PokeCommunity.com, the fact that not enough people post in General Entertainment, my internet disconnecting and signing me out of IRC, people who hate Harley Quinn, people who hate things without explaining why, boys, cute boys.
When people try to talk to me while I have earphones in. Especially if it's a song I like and I can't rewind it.

When people get mad at me for no reason or accuse me of something (and don't believe me when I deny it).

When people find out that I'm Dyslexic and and assume that I can't read. A guy I'm friends with did that once. I punched him and he doesn't question my ability to read anymore. n_n"

I was reading the other ones and was reminded by Sassy Milkshake's post of another one.

When a guy in my History class stares at me. It's not easy to focus on what the teacher is saying when I can feel his gaze burning into me. :T When I've seen him recently, he's been very....friendly.
Those girls in the hallway who giggle so loudly. Those girls in the hallway who walk so slowly. Those girls on Facebook who do a horrible duck face. Those boys and girls who think they're better than everyone just because they're popular. Those boys who think they can get all the girls. Those girls who flirt with millions of boys in just two minutes. Those people who pretend they're emo. Those Facebook girls who show off their body 'unintentionally.' Those people who use lots of hearts, asterisks, emoticons and symbols in just a single sentence. Those popular girls who wear lots of makeup. Those pretty girls who made all the wrong choices in life. Those people who like to prove me wrong. Those people who disagree with everything I say or do. Those girls in class who don't listen at all to the teachers -- disrespectful. Those people who pretend they're this and that when they're really not. Those people who think we're best friends but I've never met them. Those teachers that tell us to be quiet when we're not making any noise. Those people who drag me to all their problems. Those people who ask for favors all the time. Those people who post every single thing on their Facebook. Those people who like their own statuses. Those people who are in an on and off relationship -- just break up already. Those useless advertisements in a website. Those YouTube videos who promise 'no surveys' but there really is one. Those channels that need to be paid for. Those people who wear high heels to be taller -- accept your height, shorty. Those people who borrow money from you and never return it. Those people who make promises but never keep them. Those girls who take pictures of themselves with crocodile tears. Those girls who put 'I'm so ugly' or 'I hate this pic' in picture captions -- you just want everyone to tell you you're beautiful. Those people who copy everything I do. Those people who think their life is harder when it's not. Those Public-Display-of-Affection people. Those cockroaches that fly -- you're not a butterfly. Those people who don't say thank you to me. Those people who bump me and don't say sorry. Those people who cut in line. Those things that need to be paid -- ain't nobody got money for that. Those wannabes. Those know-it-all's. Those guys who insult femininity. Those guys who disagree with my religious beliefs -- you have your own religion, thank you. Those people who wear jackets when it's a thousand degrees outside. Those extremely hot days that make me want to die. Those extremely cold days that make me want to die. Those horrible shows that are still on air -- face it, television's going downhill. Those Disney people who got rid of old shows like 'That's So Raven.' Those drama queens.

Not as long as Harlequin's, 'cause you know how lazy I can get.
-When people ask for one of my pens. No. I'm not giving you a pen. I only have 3. You won't even give it back, so I'll only have 2. I haven't got an endless supply like most people. I'm a relaxed person but that is just really annoying, get your own pen.

-People who accidentally prove themselves right, when they had no idea they were right. That's unfair, you didn't know your answer was correct but you gloat and say you did. Go away, don't speak to me.

-Being really late for something and having to give an excuse why. "Sorry, traffic was very bad today."
-When people borrow things of mine without asking, I will probably let someone borrow something if they ask first.
-People that leave lights on all night- seriously I cant sleep I see a light on my sisters tend to do this.
- When people ask me if I want more food when I already have a plateful
- When people slam doors or yell- I hate loud noises