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[Pokémon] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

I'm loving this discussion here!
I also never managed to use Spiritomb in the Gen 4 games because of that requirement but it is definitely an interesting looking Pokemon! Although I do remember people hacking their Spiritombs back in the day with the ability Wonder Guard so they are basically untouchable without any weaknesses.

Maybe one day I'll breed for a competitive one.
Fairy is my favorite type so I can't knock it too hard but it did really ruin the fun of hacked wonder guard Spiritomb haha! I do remember the fun days of using that in a format where hacked Pokémon were allowed.
I like Fairies too, but they really turned into knife into one of my favorite dark/dragon Pokemon Hydreigon with that 4× weakness now. Maybe Hydreigon did need to nerfed somewhat, it was awful to face back in gen 5. Ghetsis in the original Black and White remains the hardest boss I have ever fought in a main series game.

Some of my other favorite dark types like Pangoro though had a much tougher climb having been introduced in the same generation as the fairy typing.

Though I like fairies I never fully understood the logic to some of their resistance and advantages. For instance I would have thought dark moves would be super-effective against fairy, and not the other way around, since fairies are full of light and innocence, and I would think would be very sensitive to a dark force like how the dark ball corrupted the angelic Celebi in the 4th Pokemon movie.
I guess light always conquers the darkness eventually? Idk actually. I guess you could make an argument that Dark types should be strong against fairies(or perhaps both could be strong against each other).

I just wish Dark types were better offensively as a whole. They hit the same thing hard as Ghosts types do and it is sometimes hard to decide which of the two types to use D:
I feel ya, my top 2 favourite Pokémon (Scrafty and Hydreigon) gained a new 4x weakness with the Fairy-type, which made me resent the type a little bit. I do feel Dark should resist Fairy because various Fairies rely on tricks and can be malicious, a trait Dark-types can easily handle.
I like that idea of fairy and dark being super-effective against eachother since the battle between light and darkness is a never-ending struggle.

Interestingly fairies are not always light and good, for instance Mawile is known as the deceiver Pokemon and has monstrous jaws at the back of it's head, and is based on the futakuchi-onna yokai.

The Impidimp line is also known for its slyness and thrives of of negative energy and conflict, and it displays these traits when it is a pure fairy type. Morgrem's dex entries trapping people in the forest, and getting victims to lower their guard and stabbing them with spears in its hair.

The design of Aromatisse draws inspiration from plague doctor masks, so this fairy Pokemon is associated with disease and death.

I think it a makes sense though in a way because fairies are usually tricksters in folklore, stealing things from your house, kidnapping children and replacing them with changelings. Some famous fairies are downright diabolical like Morgan Le Fay from Arthurian legend or Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty, witches really.
On another subject of Dark Pokemon, am I the only one who is really happy so many regional variants get the dark type? I feel like quite a lot of people get upset so many do(and I kinda was initially) but most of them are really cool, particularly Galarian Zigzagoon.
Can I add Umbreon to my list of favourite dark types? I just realized that I had forgotten about it.

Anyways, I'm not big on regional variants, I would rather have Pokémon see new evolutions/just get more new Pokémon. However, there are those regional variants that I love. (Obviously Alolan Ninetales is just SPECTACULAR) But in terms of dark types, I really do love Obstagoon and it's pre-evolutions. Especially as a fan of punk and rock music, their designs are killer.
I was wondering if there are any proud owners of shiny dark types among us? I have just a small but treasured few, Umbreon, Zorua and Greninja, and you could maybe count Gyarados when he megaevolves.

A part of me wants to hunt a shiny absol, it's very dramatic with that crimson coloring and those dark green cat eyes, but I'm a bit of a coward because I once read a creepy pasta about someone who came across a shiny absol they named Blood Moon and met with an unpleasant fate. Absol finds his way into a lot of pokepastas.
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I have a few shiny dark types! I recently caught a shiny Murkrow in GO and have a shiny Sneasel and Umbreon in that game as well. I also have a shiny Vullaby in swsh as well as a few others that are slipping my mind right now.
I have a few Dark-type shinies, Scrafty (was a birthday gift I got 7 years ago), Hydreigon (from a Smogon giveaway), Sableye (also Smogon), Sneasel (unintentional), Yveltal (event), and maybe a few more?
I don't think I have any shiny dark types. If I'm going to be honest, in the 12+ years I've been playing pokemon, I've only owned a handful of shinies. I really love shiny Umbreon, shiny Bisharp, and shiny Zoroark, though!
Lovely to be in the company of so many who admire the light within the dark--the name I just coined for shinies of dark Pokemon. I forgot about how lovely blue Bisharp looks, thanks reminding me Lina.

I hear in Sword and Shield we dark Pokemon lovers get our first dark type gym leader. I won't give away any plot spoilers though. It's about time this magnificent typing was done honor.
Not to spoil anything either but the new Dark leader is one of my favorites ever!
I didn't mind Piers but I much prefer Opal. I suppose I anticipated a tad more from a dark-type gym leader, he just doesn't feel, well, dark enough. He's a bit too reminiscent of Roxie for me. Furthermore, I think Marnie overshadows him.
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I personally have always liked Karen's design concept as well as her team in HGSS. If you aren't properly trained, she can be a real hassle. I'd say she's most likely my favourite.

I do like Grimmsley as well. He has a very sleek and sinister design and I really like his team of Pokémon. While he is quite easy to beat, his design alone makes him a rather memorable character for me. He looks like some sort of petty criminal mastermind to me who works behind the scenes of an organization and is dripping in wealth.

Piers is my least favourite in terms of design. I like his contributions to the story in SwSh though.
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Karen is my personal favorite. She was the original dark trainer and gives one of the most memorable lines in all of Pokémon upon meeting her in the elite 4.
I would probably pick Karen to as the best. She has this chill, sexy, worldly design. As a trainer she is solid and i happen to really like the Pokemon on her team, and it's a more diverse bunch. Then there's her parting words of wisdom.

Much as I love Hoenn as a region I think Sidney's forgettable. Probably my least favorite dark type trainer. His Pokemon are alright. But I just see a regular punk rocker npc. Dialogue didn't stay with me.

Now Grimsley is one I have difficulty placing. He's striking and maybe the most interesting and developed character of the dark users. He's a cynical, aristocrat with addiction in his past. He has such a stylish ambiance, I just love visiting his Gothic, romantic, old world chamber. He's also got I think by far the most powerful team, but that therein lies the problem. I actually struggle with this trainer to the point that it colors my feelings about him. He's really scummy to verse. He and Clay turned me against the Krookodile line. Some folks struggle with Whitney and hate Milktank for it, I never had issues with them--but Krookorook and Krookodile are different stories.

Nanu kinda interests me. It wasn't the fight against him that stood out in this case, but I like his demeanor, I think his face has character and I like the idea of him as this downtrodden policeman whose plotline ties to other characters. It's interesting always to me to see older characters in a prominent role in the story as well. I feel like he still could be further developed though and that there's untapped potential in him to be seen in future games.

I haven't gotten to meet Piers yet. So I can't give my two cents on him yet, but I am looking forward to the day.
In terms of Dark-type masters, I love Grimsley the most, he's classy and stylish but also an absolute wreck with a gambling addiction and even appearing in SM looking so worn out. Him being from Unova and has my favourite Pokémon on his team are definitely bonuses.

I should prolly have the PotM soon since tomorrow is April and April Fool's Day do not fool Dark-types so it's not a joke.
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