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[Pokémon] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

I'm currently playing pokemon Emerald. I caught a Sableye because I had good memories of using this pokemon when I first played the game all those years ago. I remember that he walled Norman, and this is a gym battle that is often difficult for players. I am using Sableye again, and he has proven himself useful at some important points. This time it was Brawly he shut down. I am mid game now and Tate and Liza aren't far away, so my dark ghost could be useful there.

I am in Fortreee city at the moment and just caught an Absol, which is my all time favorite dark pokemon. I definitely love it's design even better, and I'm debating what to do because I like both Absol and Sableye, and won't be doing a mono run this time, so it's one or the other, and I'm trying to figure out which pokemon I should keep. Decisions, decisions!

I think Sableye has the better typing, ghost and dark dual type is amazing defensively. It gives it 3 different immunities, normal, fighting, psychic, resistance to poison and no weaknesses in gen 3. It's stats are all relatively low however as downside, so it's rather limited, no mega. But I do have Night Shade to get around it barely being able to pinch it's opponents, and it has some interesting utility options like fake out and confuse ray when I am feeling mischievous. Fake out has been especially good to me in doubles. I'm also thinking about putting the toxic tm on it.

Absol's stats are a mixed bag too, but it has one extremely good stat, a massive attack that I can do a lot of damage with, and boost even higher with sword's dance. I don't have to be as gimmicky as I do with sableye. I am free to just attack, and can just outright k.o many things if I time it correctly. Dark is special in gen 3, which means he can't use stab because Absol is a physical attacker, but I am almost to Mt Pyre, and can put shadow ball on it since ghost is physical, and hit all the same pokemon that would be weak to dark moves like psychic types and ghosts. He might also be a good Return user oncd we develop a bond.

I still need to take some caution with Abs because it's fragile, and can't take a hit, so it is always do or die with this pokemon. But I have a lot of experience using, so I can usually judge how to manuever it. I have used Absol in Emerald specifically before as well, and he has made an imortant difference for me against Tate and Liza. I think he will would be the best option I have right now against Phoebe late game as a pure dark type and wallbreaker.

I like Sableye and Absol, and am not sure who to choose as my dark type on this run.
feelin like joining!

Name: Roni
Fave Dark types: Umbreon, Skuntank, Spiritomb, Hydreigon, Morpeko, Galarian Moltres

and this was a question from months ago, but eh let's answer it.

Have you considered/done a Pokémon challenge/playthrough using a Dark-type?
i'm not the type to do challenges all that often, so it hasn't really crossed my mind to do any monotype runs like this. i struggle with even the basic nuzlocke! i'd imagine tho that having an all Dark type team win the Pokemon League would seem pretty sweet!

I like Sableye and Absol, and am not sure who to choose as my dark type on this run.
from the details given, i would've instantly chosen Absol due to my favored playstyle of hit hard and fast, but this is the gen before the Physical/Special split so i believe Sableye would be the better option for me. i've been trying to learn how to use annoying mons more anyway, so it's good practice heh. just sharing my 2 cents :p
I thought this section could use a well-awaited revival!

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

In light of a plethora of new Pokemon games announced, is anyone anticipating which dark types will make an appearance in Shining Diamond/Brilliant Pearl/Pokemon Legends: Arceus? Are there any pokemon you would like to see in these games?
To the answer the topic question...

Gen 4 introduced many new dark type
Pokemon and Team Galactic made use of a whole bunch them, so there are some signature trainer Pokemon that have got to be in the game like the Honchcrow and Weavile that Cyrus uses, and the Skunktank that Mars has.

I really look forward to underground exploration, it's such a unique part of the Sinnoh region, and obviously obtaining Spiritomb. I have said before, but Spiritomb is one of the most interesting, mysterious and underrated dark types. I love it's lore about the 108 spirits that made it, and think it will be cool to go on the side quest to find it, and maybe even add some new innovations to the process of obtaining it and give it more prominence in the game, expanding on this Pokemon's story and history. I almost see it as a mini mystery dungeon plot.

This might be getting too greedy, but what would really put the icing on the cake is if there was some additional story content that you could access through regular game play involving Darkrai like Oras did with Deoxys in the Delta episode, instead of just keeping it an exclusive event Pokemon.