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[Pokémon] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

I was wondering since it's April Fool's Day and dark Pokemon are often mischievous and crafty, who is the biggest trickster of all the dark Pokemon?

Some of the Pokemon I would say are in the running for that honor would be Hoopa or Impidimp. A lot of dark Pokemon are actually gentle and only misunderstood. Some do use deception but do so as a defense mechanism from opponents. There a dark Pokemon who are aggressive and kill other Pokemon, yet even they are often hunting for food rather than pleasure. A lion isn't particularly impish for stalking a gazelle, it's doing what it has to do to stay fed.

Hoopa unbound (as well as confined) and Impidimp are interesting cases though because they just seem to live off of chaos and turning things upside down. I don't see any reason why they would have to steal your things. Malamar is another one who seemingly does stuff like possess others just because it can :P
Sableye is probably the most iconic trickster dark Pokémon. He's so sneaky and cunning and even has Prankster as an ability!
I love Sableye. I have fond memories of wrecking Norman's team in Emerald with mine. Slaking and Vigoroth have only 1 attacking move that can affect you, faint attack, which is just 60 base power and in gen 3 it's a special move, so he's pretty much walled. Linoone and Spinda don't have any coverage moves and can't hit at at all.

I think Sableye's shiny is amazing, especially his mega. It's so cool how he swaps a ruby for an emerald. Prankster is also a great ability, and he has all the utility options to make use of it.

As much as I like him I try not to think too hard about some of his pokedex entries. His Ruby one makes him sound more demonic than trickster. I hope this story that people of the Hoenn region whisper about him is incorrect, "SABLEYE lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these POKéMON are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness."

The key word is thought to *bites nails* so maybe they thought wrong? I hope my little ghost is just a quirky jewel thief.
I have a shiny Sableye in swsh and I love him so much. I wish megas were in the game so I could mega evolve him but hopefully they return at some point so I can see how my baby looks all shiny and mega evolved. For the time being though I plan on training him and letting him sit in my sword copy.
I just rewatched the rise of Darkrai. It is still my favorite pokemon movie. I just love the music like Darkrai's organ theme and especially the ravishing Oracion. It's really a beautiful story, and it appeals to me as someone who loves art, artifacts and inventions. I wonder if Godey the architect of the space time towers was based on the modern architect Gaudi. I suspect his muse Alicia was based on Alice Liddel and her friendship with Lewis Carrol which served as the inspiration for his Alice's Adventures Wonderland books. Anyway I think this movie is really imaginative. I love how they blur the boundaries between when something real is happening and when it's a nightmare. I think it's funny and surreal, i love the pompous baron Alberto. It's also gets really dramatic and emotional the final battle between Darkrai with Dialga and Palkia.

Since in the movies Darkrai is misunderstood it brought me back to a theory about Darkrai and the Strange House I was introduced to a few years ago. I think this video by poketuber ovi is really interesting, and I believe Darkrai may have had a different role in the main series games then it could appear at a glance that feels more like the Darkrai of the movies.

I think Ovi is a really underrated youtuber. He has theories about the Pokemon series you don't hear every day, and they are very well supported. He reminds me of a more concise version of Lockstin & Gnoggin.
I have such fond memories of hacking in the Darkrai event back in gen 4. I was sadly unable to do the event legitimately so I had to take it into my own hands. I agree that it's such a cool Mythical Pokémon. I hope it's incorporated well into the eventual dppt remakes!
Whoops, I nearly forgot about Dark-type Pokemon of the month!

It's Grimmsnarl!

A recent addition to the series, this Bulk Up Pokemon is capable of using his own hair as muscles to enhance his strength, even overwhelming Machamp! He can also wrap around foes with his hair a lot like tentacles. He is also one of the few Galarian Pokemon capable of Gigantamaxing, able to make holes in Galar's terrain and jump over the tallest building thanks to extra hair strength.

What are your thoughts on Grimmsnarl and his pre-evolutions? Is he a good debut to our first Dark/Fairy-type? Do you like how he's a Male only Pokemon?​
I love Grimmsnarl! The sort of counterpart thing he has going on with Hatterene is really cool honestly. He has a really amazing typing, design, and shiny color. I also think his gmax is one of the best in the game.

I think a lot of my love for him was using him in the Mewtwo raids. He was really good in those!
I really love Grimmsnarl. He looks terrifying and I love it! I was initially unimpressed with Impdimp but I misjudged the little guy and I can honestly say that I love the entire evolutionary family. Grimmsnarl is one of my favourite newly introduced generation 8 pokemon for sure!

As much as I love the cutesy fairy types, I love that a fairy type can be mischievous too. As well as the fact that trolls are such an integral part of English/Celtic folklore, I love pokemon designs that have historical roots or are based on mythology.
I was talking with my group chat yesterday about how cool of a move Feint Attack is in the anime and it got me thinking about how the Dark type has a lot of really good moves in general, with my personal favorite being Nasty Plot.

What is your favorite Dark move?
I still love me some Sucker Punch as my all-time favorite dark move tho. I really need that with my favorite dark Pokemon being Absol. Brilliant physical attacking power, but it's not fast unless it's in it's mega form, and it can't afford to go last with its low defenses. So my fondness for sucker punch is still there. It's my lifeline, and does good damage.

To pick something different though that I don't think I have mentioned yet, taunt is a really underrated and important move. Like sucker punch it may require some prediction, but this move is able to solve a lot of my problems. Trick Room teams can really devastate me, so taunt is the medication that can save me from a heart attack when I see some really slow Pokemon leading like Slowbro or Musharna that is likely to carry something like this. And it's a useful move against so many situations like dragon dancers trying to set up on you, blocking status conditions like sleep/paralysis than can cost you precious turns. It's even helpful for catching pokemon, when hunting say ghosts like spiritomb or gastly that are likely to carry something horrible that might kill themselves like curse or memento, this is when you carry this move!


If you were going to invent your own dark move what would it do, and what pokemon would carry it?
Username: Nogardrysa
Favourite Dark-type(s): Hydreigon
Other dark types I like are Zoroark, Absol, Mightyena, Umbreon and Houndoom.

Yay, dark types are pretty cool.

Also, to answer the question, I would invent a move like Eclipse. The effect would be preventing moves like Sunny day and Solar Beam for two or three turns. Maybe then power up some other move like Lunar Beam..?
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Username: Nogardrysa
Favourite Dark-type(s): Hydreigon
Other dark types I like are Zoroark, Absol, Mightyena, Umbreon and Houndoom.

Yay, dark types are pretty cool.

Also, to answer the question, I would invent a move like Eclipse. The effect would be preventing moves like Sunny day and Solar Beam for two or three turns. Maybe then power up some other move like Lunar Beam..?
Welcome to the shadows!

As for new Dark-type moves, pretty much what Nogardrysa said but I would make Eclipse just like a weather condition, which powers up Dark-type moves, so Sunny Day can replace it and it will be for 5 turns (8 turns with a Night Rock) as well as weaken Solar Beam. Pokemon like Umbreon and Houndoom I'd say can learn them.

Since the month of June is coming up (a.k.a. my birthday month), I was thinking of breeding some competitive Dark-type Pokemon, cloning them, and then gifting them to you guys. Are there any Pokemon in particular you all would be interested in?
Since the month of June is coming up (a.k.a. my birthday month), I was thinking of breeding some competitive Dark-type Pokemon, cloning them, and then gifting them to you guys. Are there any Pokemon in particular you all would be interested in?

YES!!!!!! Gimme!

If you have any spiritomb I think that would be a rare one some folks don't have. Sableye could also be fun.

What a generous gift to your brothers and sisters of the dark! Happy early birthday.
YES!!!!!! Gimme!

If you have any spiritomb I think that would be a rare one some folks don't have. Sableye could also be fun.

What a generous gift to your brothers and sisters of the dark! Happy early birthday.
Thank you for the early wishes!

While I don't have a competitive Spiritomb on hand, I should be able to breed for one since I have a few regular ones (just have to find an HA as the parent). I can certainly get Sableye too!

Alrighty, I was thinking of giving away the following then:
-Moon Ball HA Scraggy (I should have a few 5IV spitbacks but if not I can breed for it, can go for a 0 Speed for Trick Room too)
-Love Ball Vullaby (will have to catch this first)
-Spiritomb (unsure of ball but will check my Bank; hoping to find HA since Infiltrator is useful)
-HA Sableye (I think it's in Friend Ball, will check again)
-Moon Ball Eevee (to evolve into Umbreon!)
-Safari Ball HP Grass Houndour
-Safari Ball Skorupi
-HA Purrloin (can be helpful in Gen 8 since it's unobtainable there)
-Shiny Silvally-Dark (from Event; might have different movesets per Gen)
-Shiny Yveltal (Event)

This will most likely be a Gen 7 giveaway but I can also do this for Gen 8 (for the Pokémon in the game and I can probably throw in G-max Grimmsnarl). I can probably throw in more but I think this should be plenty.
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Wow, that's a glorious list of pokemon from hidden abilities to shinies to legendaries, special events, cool balls. We're so lucky!!!

Would you be willing to trade me the shiny Yvetal event? He's such an underrated Pokemon. Everybody likes Xerneas, and so do I but I think Yvetal's just as awesome. I like the whole Aura trio.
Ohh I like the idea for the move.

As for the giveaways thanks, but I don't have a Switch so don't worry about me.

As for other questions: my reason for liking the dark Pokémon I like is because their design seems appealing to me. I like Hydreigon's colors and the design. It looks cool and intimidating. I like the dark type dog Pokémon because they look sleek and powerful. I like Zoroark's colors and design and ability for illusions. And I love Umbreon's gold rings as well as the design. I used Umbreon before and it was good and a nice teammate.

I don't find Grimmsnarl as appealing, but I could appreciate the lore behind it. And my favorite Dark-type move is Dark Pulse. It seems strong and the concept is interesting.
I would love Houndour!

I have cancelled my Nintendo subscription and therefore cannot trade in generation 8. I would easily be able to trade in generation 7, however! Thank you again for this, you're incredibly generous. ^-^

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

In terms of my favourite dark type move, it's Dark Pulse! I love the way it is animated both in games and in the pokemon anime. It is a wonderful move and a multitude of different pokemon can learn it.
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Welcome to the month of June! First, let's have the Dark-type's PotM:

It's Scrafty!

With my birthday coming soon, it should be no surprise this month features my personal favourite Pokemon, the Hoodlum Pokemon Scrafty! This crafty Dark/Fighting-type is capable of breaking even concrete from Conkeldurr despite its kicks being normally half-hearted. While its demeanor is seen as rude and viewed as an aggressive ruffian, it has a gentle heart and cares deeply about its friends, family, and territory, which it protects and lives there all its life. It normally lives with other Scrafty and leadership is determined by the biggest crest, the bigger it is the more respect it gets. It can also spew acid and taunts its opponents with it.

What is your opinion on Scrafty (as well as Scraggy)? Did you use it in any playthroughs and how was it?

And now the event that's most anticipated:

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
It's time for the Dark-type giveaway!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

I am feeling mighty generous during my birthday month so I'm going to give all you members of the shadows some free Dark-type Pokemon, all bred, soft reset, and cloned by yours truly! Here is the list of all these Pokemon I'm offering for this month:

Spoiler: Gen 7 only
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Infiltrator
Adamant nature
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
- Spite
- Shadow Sneak
- Pain Split
- Foul Play

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
@ Houndoominite
Ability: Flash Fire
Timid nature
IVs: 31/20/31/30/31/31 (Hidden Power Grass)
- Leer
- Ember
- Nasty Plot

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
@ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 32 HP / 6 Def / 232 SpAtk / 240 Spe
Modest nature
IVs: 31/4/31/29/31/HT
- Oblivion Wing
- U-turn
- Dark Pulse
- Foul Play

Spoiler: For both Gen 7 and 8
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/0
Brave nature
- Drain Punch
- Quick Guard
- Fake Out
- Ice Punch
(can teach it Knock Off > Ice Punch if you want this for Gen 8 as it's transfer only.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Prankster
Careful nature
IVs: 31/31/31/16/31/31
- Leer
- Scratch
- Recover
- Toxic

(Toxic is transfer only for Gen 8.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Battle Armor
Jolly nature
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
- Bite
- Poison Sting
- Leer
- Aqua Tail

(Aqua Tail is transfer only for Gen 8.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
@ Dark Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Jolly nature
IVs: 31/31/HT/4/HT/31
- Multi-Attack
- Parting Shot
- Defog
- Pursuit / Flame Charge

(if this is for Gen 8, it will come with Flame Charge as Pursuit has been axed. Flame Charge and Defog are both transfer only moves for Gen 8.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Overcoat
Impish nature
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/31
- Steel Wing
- Roost
- Foul Play
- Knock Off

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Prankster
Timid nature
IVs: 31/8/31/31/31/31
- Scratch
- Encore
- Foul Play

(HA is impossible to find in Gen 8 without transfer.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Adaptability
Calm nature
IVs: 31/21/31/31/31/31
- Heal Bell
- Tackle
- Toxic
- Wish

To evolve into Umbreon. Heal Bell and Toxic are transfer only moves.

Spoiler: Gen 8 only
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Gluttony
Adamant nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
-Tail Whip
-Parting Shot

The limit you can get is 3 Pokemon so please choose wisely! After you've selected your Pokemon, we shall organize a trade (and may need to exchange Friend Codes if it's for Gen 7). Enjoy!

Welcome to the month of June!

And now the event that's most anticipated:

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
It's time for the Dark-type giveaway!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

I am feeling mighty generous during my birthday month so I'm going to give all you members of the shadows some free Dark-type Pokemon, all bred, soft reset, and cloned by yours truly! Here is the list of all these Pokemon I'm offering for this month:

Spoiler: Gen 7 only
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Infiltrator
Adamant nature
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
- Spite
- Shadow Sneak
- Pain Split
- Foul Play

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
@ Houndoominite
Ability: Flash Fire
Timid nature
IVs: 31/20/31/30/31/31 (Hidden Power Grass)
- Leer
- Ember
- Nasty Plot

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
@ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 32 HP / 6 Def / 232 SpAtk / 240 Spe
Modest nature
IVs: 31/4/31/29/31/HT
- Oblivion Wing
- U-turn
- Dark Pulse
- Foul Play

Spoiler: For both Gen 7 and 8
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/0
Brave nature
- Drain Punch
- Quick Guard
- Fake Out
- Ice Punch
(can teach it Knock Off > Ice Punch if you want this for Gen 8 as it's transfer only.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Prankster
Careful nature
IVs: 31/31/31/16/31/31
- Leer
- Scratch
- Recover
- Toxic

(Toxic is transfer only for Gen 8.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Battle Armor
Jolly nature
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
- Bite
- Poison Sting
- Leer
- Aqua Tail

(Aqua Tail is transfer only for Gen 8.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
@ Dark Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Jolly nature
IVs: 31/31/HT/4/HT/31
- Multi-Attack
- Parting Shot
- Defog
- Pursuit / Flame Charge

(if this is for Gen 8, it will come with Flame Charge as Pursuit has been axed. Flame Charge and Defog are both transfer only moves for Gen 8.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Overcoat
Impish nature
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/31
- Steel Wing
- Roost
- Foul Play
- Knock Off

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Prankster
Timid nature
IVs: 31/8/31/31/31/31
- Scratch
- Encore
- Foul Play

(HA is impossible to find in Gen 8 without transfer.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Adaptability
Calm nature
IVs: 31/21/31/31/31/31
- Heal Bell
- Tackle
- Toxic
- Wish

To evolve into Umbreon. Heal Bell and Toxic are transfer only moves.

Spoiler: Gen 8 only
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!
[PokeCommunity.com] Lunar Eclipse: A Dark-type Pokemon Fanclub!

Ability: Gluttony
Adamant nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
-Tail Whip
-Parting Shot

The limit you can get is 3 Pokemon so please choose wisely! After you've selected your Pokemon, we shall organize a trade (and may need to exchange Friend Codes if it's for Gen 7). Enjoy!


Yvetal for me pretty please! Our friend codes are registered already from the Dragon Ascent giveaway. My ign is still Sam. A lot of these are tempting, but I'm just going to take 1 for now instead of 3 to make sure everybody gets some first. I will make myself use self- control.

Gorgeous css by the way, and wonderful Pokemon selection. You really worked hard to breed these. I'm super-psyched that your birthday is just in a couple of days. /Hugs

I hope it's a good b-day! You deserve it.