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Make your avatars meet!

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Hey, aren't you those two Panchams we've met before?
Pancham #1 - Umm.....I think so. You look familiar, although I could've swore you had longer hair.
Pancham #2 - And I could've swore you had a Fennekin instead of a Braixen and you only had one Pokemon with you.
Pancham #1 - Hey, I'm starting to remember now.
Pancham #2 - Me too.
Pancham #1 + Pancham #2 - We remember who you are now.
Well i'm not so sure what you mean by summoning them, mysterious woman. I just capture them in these balls and make them fight for me.
They even love me for doing so, wich is kinda weird.
*Pulls up to drive through*
Yes, I'll have everything. Don't worry, I'll be able to digest all of your wonderful cuisine in a matter of seconds.
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