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FireRed hack: Mirage Of Tales: The Ages Of Faith [ ALL PROLOGUES RELEASED ]

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  • 1,309
    • She/Her
    • Seen Nov 24, 2023
    //Under Construction
    (old thread just keeping this for the screenshots/memories tbh)
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    This is nicely refreshing! I actually love how you are bringing back standards from "classic RPGs", such as royalty, medieval setting, etc... Your tilesets are also pretty unique which is rather pleasant :D
    Overall, you seem to have quite a lot of ambition! Good luck with that!
    Loved your first hack, hope this one goes more smoothly for you. Really looking forward to it.
    New Mirage of Tales hack?

    I loved the last one, so this one's sure to be good. It certainly looks good!
    Heck yeah. A new MOT hack is coming! I'm so happy you've decided to come back to the hacking scene! Anyways good luck with the hack and I'll be sure to look out for that beta. :)
    So excited For an new MOT hack i loved the first one and the Choice system made it feel like more of an rpg i play when im waiting for more pokemon. also know you have my full support because you are great at this
    I see you got it posted here eh? I've watched your other hack since. But now here's the new, well.. I'll call it new since you just posted it but not that blah. Honestly, I love the idea. Making a hack that base on your interest and making it possible just look at it go! Medieval time setting is pretty interesting as well. It's like back-to-school again. Aside Pokemon, have you gotten some of the names related to real life king and queens? I wanna know more. Well, good luck on this!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Mirage Of Tales: The Ages Of Faith [ ALL PROLOGUES RELEASED ]

    Can't wait to ride this lizard dragon and walk
    If you are looking for a beta tester I am willing and have the free time to test it for any glitches.
    This looks really cool. The themes and everything are all really interesting. I love the riding pokemon feature.

    I'm also interested in beta testing, if you don't mind.

    btw, the html needs a finishing thing for the Georgia font in your post.
    Yesssssssssssssss I love the way this hack looks. Good luck, I can't wait to try it out! I love the theme and the screens. Great job from what I've seen.
    The hack looks very nice from what I can see so far, I'm liking the monarchy aspects with the king and queen, and prince and princess. The theme overall with the monarchy and religion playing a part in the world feels, I suppose Arthurian in nature. The tiles look nice and fit pretty well and nothing I can see at first glance to nitpick about so all good as of now. I wish you the best of luck and can't wait to try this when it comes out.
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