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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Username: Nodog438
Color: Yellow
Game: Crystal
Ultimate: Nuh-uh

Update 1:
Did beginning stuff, blablabla
Picked Totodile because his evos are part-yellow
Catched DAPULSE(Weedle, now Beedrill)
Beat Falkner
Recieved egg
Togepi becomes a HM slave
Beat Team Rocket in the well
Beat rival for 2nd time
Beat Bugsy
Catched Sandshrew(part slave)
Went to Goldenrod
Recieved Odd Egg
Igglybuff hatches, after speeding up the game on VBA
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Username: Nodog438
Color: Yellow
Game: Crystal
Ultimate: Nuh-uh

Update 1:
Did beginning stuff, blablabla
Picked Totodile because his evos are part-yellow
Catched DAPULSE(Weedle, now Beedrill)
Beat Falkner
Recieved egg
Togepi becomes a HM slave
Beat Team Rocket in the well
Beat rival for 2nd time
Beat Bugsy
Catched Sandshrew(part slave)
Went to Goldenrod
Recieved Odd Egg
Igglybuff hatches, after speeding up the game on VBA

Not sure if you're following the rules here exactly, but the only Pokemon on your team that qualifies as Yellow is Beedrill and Sandshrew. We are following the official Pokedex color, if you go back to the OP you can find a Pokemon list by color. We aren't subjectively picking Pokemon that have yellow colors in their sprites.

and now for an update:

Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Pink).

Update #2 on White.
  • Beat Cheren and met Alder, then crossed the bridge to Driftveil City.
  • Cleared out the Cold Storage, then defeated Clay at the gym.
  • Went through Chargestone Cave, and when Dreamer learned Psychic, I evolved her with a Moon Stone into Musharna!
  • Scaled the Celestial Tower, then defeated Skyla at the Mistralton City gym.
  • Beat Cheren again, then got Surf from Alder.
  • Caught my third team member, Alomomola, at Driftveil City.
  • Trained her up on all the water routes and unlocked areas with Surf.
  • Moving on from Mistralton City, I went through Twist Mountain to Icirrus City.
  • Took on the gym and defeated Brycen easily with Alomomola.
  • Team Plasma showed up again, and I beat them up in the Dragonspiral Tower and Relic Castle.
  • Made my way to Opelucid City, where I defeated Iris with Amanda.
  • Wen through Route 10 and Victory Road without much trouble and arrived at the Pokemon League.
  • Did a little moveset editing, then took on the Elite Four.
  • Everyone contributed to taking them down (no solos at all, actually), with Alomomola garnering MVP honors.
  • Several cutscenes later, I defeated N and Ghetsis with difficulty (Max Revives were used shamelessly), and the credits rolled.
  • Back home, I realized that I forgot to name Alomomola, so I jetted over to the Name Rater and named her Valentine.
  • I am saved in Castelia City.

Team Pink:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Valentine the Careful Alomomola, ♀ - L60 @ Damp Rock
Ability: Hydration
Moves: Waterfall, Wake-Up Slap, Return, Rain Dance
Elite Four 1 MVP, Ghetsis MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dreamer the Rash Musharna, ♀ - L59 @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psybeam, Nightmare, Hypnosis, Future Sight
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Amanda the Bashful Audino, ♀ - L58 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Regenerator
Moves: Double-Edge, Work Up, Wild Charge, Last Resort

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Oshawott - Cut, Surf
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Throh - Strength
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Woobat - Flash, Fly

Phew, I'm fully done with my White challenge now. As I expected, the postgame was a bit more difficult and required some grinding for my team, but it wasn't impossible. Everyone was around Lv 67 after the postgame, and then I just used some Rare Candies on Aspiras to get him to Lv 70, where he learned Bug Buzz. That's why he's a bit higher levelled than the rest of the team.

Nevertheless, I got up for a second round against the Elite Four, and then had a pretty tedious and challenging fight with Alder. Lots of Revives and Hyper Potions were used, but at least I beat him.

Hall of Fame:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Garibay the Beartic, Lv 67 (♂)
Item: Soft Sand
Strenght, Bulldoze, Brine, Icicle Crash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mugler the Amoonguss, Lv 68 (♂)
Item: Miracle Seed
Energy Ball, Spore, Toxic, Sludge Bomb

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Primadonna the Jellicent, Lv 68 (♀)
Item: Spell Tag
Scald, Shadow Ball, Surf, Psychic

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Aspiras the Volcarona, Lv 73 (♂)
Item: Brightpowder
Bug Buzz, Flamethrower, Quiver Dance, Will-O-Wisp
Update for my Mono Color Blue Challenge

Username: Suicune™
Color: Yellow
Game: (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Pearl, Black)
Ultimate: Yes
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Username: WeightyWillBill
Color: Green
Game: Red, Crystal, Sapphire, Platinum, White (or white 2)
Ultimate: obvi.
Finished my Mono Color Blue challenge!


I'll post the pic later.

I'll do the green one this time lol :P ( I love this challenge, it's fun)

Username: LilJz1234
Color: Green
Game: FireRed
Ultimate: Nope
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Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Pink).

Final Update (#3) on White.
  • Postgame time, here we go.
  • First I caught Pacific the Clamperl, then used an Evo Editor to evolve him into Gorebyss!
  • Then I grabbed a male Budew in White Forest, got it to evolve all the way into Roserade, retaught it Weather Ball, then bred it with a female Cherrim I got on Route 12.
  • Out hatched Sakura the Cherubi, with Weather Ball as an Egg move.
  • Killed a L50 Audino with my L1 Sakura, and it grew all the way to L29 :cool: and evolved into Cherrim!
  • Now that my team was complete, I began exploring the eastern part of Unova, training my team up as I went.
  • Encountered Kyurem in the Giant Chasm and killed it.
  • Defeated Cheren in Victory Road.
  • Defeated Morimoto in Castelia City.
  • Defeated Cynthia after a long battle in Undella Town.
  • Got my team to L73 with Rare Candies, and it was time to face the Elite Four again.
  • Everyone contributed in taking them down, with Sakura being the MVP.
  • Finally I took on the Champion, Alder. Here's the video and play-by-play of the fight:



Hall of Fame:

Team Pink:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Valentine the Careful Alomomola, ♀ - L74 @ Damp Rock
Ability: Hydration
Moves: Waterfall, Toxic, Return, Rain Dance
Final Stats: 390/154/149/74/100/130
Elite Four 1 MVP, Ghetsis MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pacific the Sassy Gorebyss, ♂ - L75 @ Mystic Water
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam, Shell Smash
Final Stats: 230/148/167/227/163/90
Cynthia MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dreamer the Rash Musharna, ♀ - L74 @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psychic, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind
Final Stats: 299/95/144/233/150/79
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Amanda the Bashful Audino, ♀ - L75 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Regenerator
Moves: Double-Edge, Flamethrower, Wild Charge, Last Resort
Final Stats: 281/149/159/113/159/111
Alder MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sakura the Rash Cherrim, ♂ - L75 @ Heat Rock
Ability: Flower Gift
Moves: Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Weather Ball, Morning Sun
Final Stats: 216/101/123/222/123/167
Elite Four 2 MVP

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zekrom - Fly, Strength, Flash, Cut

'Kay, I decided to start a Green challenge. I've already done LeafGreen, and I'm currently working on HeartGold. My other games will be Emerald, Pearl and Black 2. I'll give an update on LeafGreen soon.
Start of Ultimate Monocolor Challenge #5 - Black.

Time to start a Black monocolor! Going with FireRed first, which will also be a Snorlax solo run, so it should be over pretty quickly.

Update #1 on FireRed.

Name: Black
Starter: Snorlax

  • Hacked in a L2 Snorlax as my starter and named him Grumpy.
  • Beat Blue with the help of a Potion.
  • Grinded my way to Pewter City and lost against Brock.
  • Grinded some more, got to L13 when Grumpy learned Belly Drum, then beat Brock pretty easily with it and Headbutt.
  • Made my way through Mt. Moon without much trouble and reached Cerulean City.
  • Challenged the gym right away and beat Misty.
  • Did Nugget Bridge and saved Bill, then headed down to Vermilion City.
  • Went through the S.S. Anne and got Cut.
  • Defeated Lt. Surge easily with Secret Power.
  • Got the Flash HM, then went through Rock Tunnel to Lavender Town.
  • Zipped over to Celadon City and the Dept Store, where I bought some vitamins.
  • Picked up the Fly HM, then cleared out the Team Rocket Hideout.
  • Challenged the gym and defeated Erika easily with Body Slam.
  • Flew back to Lavender Town and scaled Pokemon Tower to save Mr. Fuji.
  • Got the Poke Flute, woke both Snorlax up, then went down Cycling Road to Fushia City.
  • Got the Surf and Strength HMs, then saved inside the gym.

Team Black:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Grumpy the Hardy Snorlax, ♂ - L45 @ Cleanse Tag
Ability: Immunity
Moves: Secret Power, Rock Slide, Brick Break, Body Slam

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ch'Ding/Farfetch'd - Cut, Fly
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Vaporeon - Surf
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cubone - Strength

So, here's my update about LeafGreen. I started off by picking Bulbasaur and naming him Slaigh. I soloed with him all the way until the Nugget Bridge area, which really wasn't difficult, since the two first gyms are weak against Grass-types. Anyway, beside Nugget Bridge, I caught a Bellsprout that I named Salim. I trained him up a bit before moving on, and then I just breezed through the game. Only using two Pokémon made it easy since they were both high-levelled, but their same weaknesses had their bad points too.

Hall of Fame:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Slaigh the Venusaur, Lv 72 (♂)
Item: None
SolarBeam, Earthquake, Leech Seed, Toxic

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Salim the Victreebel, Lv 71 (♂)
Item: Quick Claw
Giga Drain, Sunny Day, Return, Sleep Powder
Hey jd is it okay if I only use a Scyther and Venusaur in my Green challenge on Pokemon Red? I know Bellsprout is in this generation, but it's not available on Red.

Anyways, my update is as follows;
  • Picked Bulbasaur and named him DINO because
  • Smothered Brock
  • Made it through the Rocket Area in Mt Moon without a problem
  • Beat Misty and my rival at Nuget Bridge
  • Made it to the S.S Anne where I got the HM for cut
  • Won against Lt. Surge
  • Got through Rock Tunnel and paved my way to Celadon
  • Decided to beat the Rockets and get past Snorlax
  • Got to Fuschia City where I immediately went to the Safari Zone
  • After MUCH bad luck and MANY hours of gameplay I finally caught a Scyther and named him Hamlet
  • Now, I am training to take on Erika.


And the team so far:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

DINO the Venusaur
Lvl. 50
- Body Slam
- Poisonpowder
- Leech Seed
- Razor Leaf

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

HAMLET the Syther
Lvl. 35
- Quick Attack
- Leer
- Swords Dance
- Slash​

Currently training Hamlet and omg all he knows are normal-typed moves! It's okay because every.single.attack is a critical hit lol. Right now, he's my favorite.
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Black).

Final Update (#2) on FireRed.
  • The Fuschia Gym wasn't too hard, and Koga was a breeze.
  • Went to Sliph Co. and defeated Blue and Giovanni.
  • Challenged the Saffron Gym and beat Sabrina without too much trouble.
  • Surfed from Pallet Town to Cinnbar Island.
  • Got the Secret Key and beat the gym. Blaine put up a serious fight with Fire Blast though.
  • Bill showed up, and took me to the Sevii Islands.
  • Did the first quest, then hightailed it back to the mainland.
  • Flew to Viridian City and went into the newly opened gym.
  • Beat all the trainers, then took on Giovanni, who was barely defeated.
  • Taught Grumpy Earthquake, then defeated Blue on Route 22.
  • Went through Victory Road and took on the Elite Four.
  • Lorelei was pretty easy with Rock Slide and Body Slam.
  • Bruno was hard as heck, Grumpy needed several missed Cross Chops from Machamp to survive.
  • Agatha was so annoying with her Gengars, Grumpy only had Rock slide to hurt them.
  • Lance was tough as well because of Gyarados' Intimidate lowering Grumpy's Attack.
  • Finally it was time for the Champion, Blue. Here's the video and play-by-play of the battle:



Hall of Fame:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Team Black (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Grumpy the Hardy Snorlax, ♂ - L66 @ Leftovers
Ability: Immunity
Moves: Body Slam, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Hyper Beam
Final Stats: 312/175/155/96/160/74

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ch'Ding/Farfetch'd - Cut, Fly
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Meowth - Flash, Dig
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lapras - Strength, Surf

time for an update xD
started FireRed


I'm playing Far Cry 3 xD so this could be a little slow xD
Update for my Mono Color Green run

Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Black).

Moving on to Johto, playing on HeartGold.

Update #1 on HeartGold.

Name: Black
Rival: Silver
Starter: Cyndaquil

  • Played the game until I reached Violet City, then caught Blackie the Unown (B) in the Ruins of Alph, with a Rock-type Hidden Power.
  • Blackie barely beat Falkner because Pidgeotto kept using Roost.
  • Moved on through Union Cave to Azalea Town and cleared out the Slowpoke Well by beating Proton.
  • Defeated Silver with the help of a couple Super Potions, as Croconaw had Bite.
  • Bugsy was easy with Blackie's Hidden Power Rock.
  • Went through Ilex Forest, grabbing the Cut HM, and arrived in Goldenrod City.
  • Took on the gym. Barely beat Whitney thanks to a few Fresh Waters and Miltank using Rollout at the end, preventing any healing.
  • Avoided as many trainers I could on the way to Ecruteak City, talked to Bill, then went back to Goldenrod.
  • Got Kuro the Eevee from Bill.
  • After tons of Bike riding, a couple haircuts and some vitamins, and a couple levels gained, Kuro evolved into Umbreon!
  • Proceeded to beat all the trainers I had skipped before to train Kuro up.
  • Got the Surf and Strength HMs, explored the Burned Tower, beat Silver, and released the legendary dogs.
  • Took on the gym, which was very easy with Kuro's Dark typing and Pursuit.
  • Continued on to Olivine City, scaled Glitter Lighthouse, then Surfed to Cianwood City to get the SecretPotion.
  • Surfed back to Olivine and healed Amphy, then Surfed to Cianwood again after getting a call from Baoba, the Safari Warden.
  • Went to the Safari Zone, where I caught Boss the Murkrow.
  • Trained her up on the trainers I skipped on the way there and around the Whirl Islands.
  • Challenged the gym, and swept through all the trainers and Chuck with Boss' Wing Attack and Pluck.
  • Got the Fly HM, taught it to Boss, then flew to Olivine, where I challenged Jasmine in the gym, who was tough as usual. Kuro easily dispatched both Magnemite with Dig, but Steelix took him out. Boss survived an Iron Tail and finished it with Night Shade.
  • Realized I forgot to beat Eusine, so I sicced Kuro on him.
  • Did some exploring with Surf, then saved in Olivine City.

Team Black:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Boss the Sassy Murkrow, ♀ - L37 @ Shell Bell
Ability: Super Luck
Moves: Pluck, Faint Attack, Fly, Night Shade
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kuro the Relaxed Umbreon, ♂ - L37 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Return, Faint Attack, Dig, Confuse Ray
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Blackie the Lax Unown (B) - L26
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Hidden Power (Rock)

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wooper - Flash, Surf
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sandshrew - Rock Smash, Cut, Strength

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Username: BlueShellBeast
Color: Yellow
Games: Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Platinum, Black 2
Ultimate: Yes

Pokemon Monocolor Yellow Update #1: Pokemon Blue Defeated
Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Platinum, Black 2

Enjoying my snow day, I raced to finish the first leg of the challenge. Luckily, the Pokemon Blue variety allowed me to pick and chose between quite a few Yellow Pokemon (And, unluckily for Sparky the Raichu, he had to be boxed in order for me to have a fire type on the team). Without much resistance, my Pokemon were able to blast through the Indigo League.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Final Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pokemon Monocolor Yellow Update #2: Pokemon Silver Defeated
Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Platinum, Black 2

I mostly got to use the same Pokemon from last time, minus two swap outs with Gen 2 Pokemon. Luckily, the next 3 Gens should give me some different options... Other than that, I was happily surprised that I beat all of the game without grinding. I wasn't really expecting it, but it works for me!

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Final Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

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