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Event: Off-Topic's Marathon in a Month Challenge! [2020]

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Daily total: 6 miles
Week 1 total: 28.1 miles
October total so far: 28.1/100 miles
Phone's died so I couldn't track my distance today, but I ran my usual route, so i'll just add 4.5 miles to my total.

Daily total: 4.5 miles
Weekly total so far: 4.5 miles
October total so far: 32.6 miles
Slightly curtailed run today, will do a more substantial one tomorrow with my day off

Daily total: 4.1 miles
Weekly total so far: 13.1 miles
October total so far: 41.2/100 miles
I'm up to 30.34 with Pokemon Go and wearing my Fit Bit again. I blame work and having to run all over the store several times a day. xD
So.. dilemma. Just used calcmaps.com to try and calculate how far I ran today, and this was the result:

But each time i've ran the exact same route, Google Fit has said it was around 4.5 miles. I wouldn't mind if it was a case of just a half mile or so either way, but 4.5 and 8.2 are very different totals lol. Not really sure on which to trust here, but for what it's worth, the distance between my starting point and the furthest point is around 2.7 miles as the crow flies (and obviously that's just in one direction, not there and back).

What do you think, guys? Should I keep my total as is and just start adding 8 miles to it each time i've ran, or add up the totals of each of my previous runs using this new total? It's annoying as i'm 12 days into this, although I guess it could've been worse, and I could have realised once the month was almost over haha
So.. dilemma. Just used calcmaps.com to try and calculate how far I ran today, and this was the result:

But each time i've ran the exact same route, Google Fit has said it was around 4.5 miles. I wouldn't mind if it was a case of just a half mile or so either way, but 4.5 and 8.2 are very different totals lol. Not really sure on which to trust here, but for what it's worth, the distance between my starting point and the furthest point is around 2.7 miles as the crow flies (and obviously that's just in one direction, not there and back).

What do you think, guys? Should I keep my total as is and just start adding 8 miles to it each time i've ran, or add up the totals of each of my previous runs using this new total? It's annoying as i'm 12 days into this, although I guess it could've been worse, and I could have realised once the month was almost over haha

like I said on discord, I def think you should try a diff app or something. That's such a huge discrepancy!

I updated the first post! I had a pretty good week last week, despite missing two days due to storms and my ride yesterday being cut short due to a flat tire @_@
k, so I definitely think it's closer to 4.5 and not 8 lol, so that's what i'll be going with from now on! :D

Daily total: 4 miles
October total so far: 49.8/100 miles
Did some sprints tonight, and didn't die in the process! I'd call that progress :P

Also pretty pleased to have hit the 50 miles mark at the halfway stage, decent going.

Daily total: 4.9 miles
October total: 54.7/100 miles
No sprints tonight, but I did take a little detour (and then get a little bit lost on the way around, ha), so i've pretty comfortably hit 5 miles tonight. Add those to the distance I walked to the shops and back this afternoon, and it's been a very productive day!

Daily total: 5 miles
October total (so far): 59.7/100 miles
I'm still doing a combo of my Fit Bit and Pokémon Go so I'm think my numbers are overlapping but I've got 36.88 for this week. I just know I'm doing a hell of a lot more running around dye to not having very many people at work and we get crazy busy. This past week I've been getting over 10k in steps each day during the week which is something I don't normally get unless its a busy weekend.
Forgot to update yesterday, but did a slightly curtailed run due to having to take an alternate route because of roadworks, but I was back on it today. A solid 8.5 miles over the two days.

Daily total: 4.5 miles
October total so far: 68.2/100 miles
Alrighty I got more fun running around with Pokemon Go and my Fit Bit with 34.1 miles. So ready to break my legs off with all the running around I do at work.
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