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Event: Off-Topic's Marathon in a Month Challenge! [2020]

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First post updated!!!
Alrighty I got more fun running around with Pokemon Go and my Fit Bit with 34.1 miles. So ready to break my legs off with all the running around I do at work.

is that 34.1 miles total, or in addition to your previous number?
Headed out earlier today for my run and did a couple of laps of the moor, so i'm probably short-changing myself a little by saying 5 miles, but without actually using an app to accurately measure the distance, it's my best guesstimate (i'm also not including the distance i've walked with the dogs this morning, seems cheaty!). Nearly there!

Daily total: 5 miles
October total (so far): 96/100 miles
For what it's worth I managed around 3 miles yesterday before I had to stop. No run tonight, so that's me all done for October!

Daily total: 3 miles
October total: 103.5 miles
Unfortunately for me life happened, so while I was able to get past 100 miles (finished with 149 miles!), a lot of my time was spent sitting around this month. Hopefully next year will be better and I can be up around 200 miles again.

For what it's worth I managed around 3 miles yesterday before I had to stop. No run tonight, so that's me all done for October!

Daily total: 3 miles
October total: 103.5 miles
Woot!! Congrats on meeting your goal of 100 miles mikey!!
I know this is a little late update, but I did 63 miles in October.
All good - you still managed to exceed your goal by 13 miles!! Good job, Janp!!
Unfortunately for me life happened, so while I was able to get past 100 miles (finished with 149 miles!), a lot of my time was spent sitting around this month. Hopefully next year will be better and I can be up around 200 miles again.

OMG but going over your goal by 49 miles is impressive!!!

I've updated the first post, but I'm also reaching out to people who posted just to see about their numbers for the month before I give out the badge \o/
I have 28.45 with Fit Bit for the end of the month. I don't know what Pokemon Go told me...I was mostly half asleep by then. xD

If I went by just my Fit Bit I should have 72 miles all together for the month. I was adding Fit Bit and Pokemon Go so I think I was pretty much doubling with the two. So I'll go with my Fit Bit.
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Helloo it slipped my mind to update! I got really sick for a week in October and spent a lot of time recovering from that but somehow still managed to hit my goal - during the rest of Oct I did:

- 25km hike
- 8.8km run
- 8.1km run
- 8.85km run
- 8.85km run
- 20km hike
- 5.5km run
- 8km bike
- 1.6km run
- 3km run
- 3km run
- 3km run

Took a lot of rest days and also definitely could tell I was trying to recover at the end but I'm happy I made it - with the 10.1km before I think the total is 110.8km or 68.848 miles so we did it! Didn't count normal walking or days where I did other exercise where you can't measure the distance. Am happy it worked out despite definitely resting a lot this month :D
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