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Help Thread: Official Cloning Thread


Reach for my hand~
  • 971

    Clone Thread Rules

    • Trade Corner rules apply.
    • No cloning of hacked Pokémon is allowed.
    • Only an official Cloner may carry out Clone Requests.
    • You may only post Clone Requests or applications in this thread. Questions can be PMed to mods or asked in the Daily Chit-Chat thread.
    • You may only request up to five clones in total over a one week period.
    • You must have permission from the OT to clone their Pokémon, especially if the Pokémon was obtained from a Giveaway.
    • Use the forms below to submit a Clone Request/Cloner application.
    • Remember, you may ping a Cloner in the #pokemon-trading channel using @Cloner to have your request processed on Discord instead. Please supply the same details as shown in the form below.

    IMPORTANT! Cloning and Pokemon Home

    With the advent of cloning now being available in Generation 8 (Sword and Shield), there is one very firm piece of advice to keep in mind:

    DO NOT place any clones into Pokemon Home if that Pokemon has been in Pokemon Home before! Game Freak has recently updated Pokemon Home to add a unique tracker to a Pokemon when it is first uploaded to Home. When the service detects two or more Pokemon with the same tracker, it may delete the clones and possibly the original Pokemon as well! Be very mindful of the Pokemon you add to Home and what you do with clones of said Pokemon. Clones from previous generations and clones on the game cartridges themselves appear to be fine for now (as of April 2020). Be diligent and do your research before risky transfers!

    Clone Request Application

    Fill out the following form for Clone Requests:
    Pokémon You Want Cloned:
    Copies (not including original):
    In-Game Name:
    FC (3DS games only):
    Timezone (or availability):
    Gen (3DS/Switch):

    Example request:
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Celebi, Dialga
    Copies (not including original): 2 Celebi, 1 Dialga
    In-Game Name: Firebolt
    FC: 1248-1234-1212
    Timezone (or availability): GMT +9, all day weekends
    Gen (3DS/Switch): 3DS

    Official Cloner Application

    If you wish to become an official Cloner and don't have any infractions for trading hacked Pokémon, you may fill out the following form and post it to this thread:
    PC Username:
    Discord Username (include number tag):
    Cloning Method:
    In-Game Name:
    FC (required for 3DS games only):
    Timezone (or availability):
    Gen You Can Clone (3DS/Switch):

    Example application:
    PC Username: Firebolt
    Discord Username (include number tag): Firebolt#1234
    Cloning Method: PKHeX
    In-Game Name: Firebolt
    FC: 1248-1234-1212
    Timezone (or availability): GMT +9, all day weekends and evenings on weekdays
    Gen You Can Clone (3DS/Switch): 3DS

    Acceptance is not guaranteed, but if you are an active member of Trade Corner and are in a generally good light within the community, then your application will certainly have more weight when considering candidates.

    Official Cloners (@Cloner)

    GEN 8 (Switch)
    • Meluvia - @Meluvia#1436 (IGN: Meluvia) - Sundays only

    GEN 6 AND 7 (3DS)
    • Firebolt - @Firebolt#1792 (IGN: Norris, FC: 5327 - 1652 - 0643) - Weekends
    • Janp - @Janp#1785 (IGN: Janp, FC: 3840 - 9171 - 5049)
    Last edited:
    PC Username:Calzone407
    Discord Username (include number tag):Calzone407 #1040
    Cloning Method: PKSM
    In-Game Name: Calan
    FC: 5172-6410-6630
    Timezone (or availability): CST
    Gen You Can Clone (6/7): 7
    Last edited:
    Pokemon I want cloned: Jirachi
    Number of clones: 4 or 5
    In game name: Ezra
    FC: 0405-2307-0705
    Available: Central Standard Time 8am-3pm or 11pm-2am (GMT 2pm-9pm or 5am-8am
    Gen: 6
    Pokemon I want cloned: Jirachi
    Number of clones: 4 or 5
    In game name: Ezra
    FC: 0405-2307-0705
    Available: Central Standard Time 8am-3pm or 11pm-2am (GMT 2pm-9pm or 5am-8am
    Gen: 6
    I added you. I should be available tomorrow between 5pm-9pm, so just ping me either here on forum or on Discord when you're ready. My FC and Discord name is in the 1st post.
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Mew
    Copies (not including original): 6
    In-Game Name: Dee
    FC: 2853-3603-6794
    Timezone (or availability): Central, 8pm-5am
    Gen (6/7): 6

    Sorry I'm new to the forum and don't know how to post yet
    Last edited:
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Mew
    Copies (not including original): 6
    In-Game Name: Dee
    FC: 2853-3603-6794
    Timezone (or availability): Central, 8pm-5am
    Gen (6/7): 6

    Sorry I'm new to the forum and don't know how to post yet

    Sure thing! Add my FC and PM me when you're free (and hopefully I'll be on at the same time).
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Solgaleo, Poipole, Type: Null, Cosmog
    Copies (not including original):1 of each
    In-Game Name:Jack
    Timezone (or availability): AEST, available around 1pm till 7pm
    Gen (6/7):7
    If possible, could I also receive a clone of Marshadow and one of Zeraora? I see you have those in your trade list.
    My discord is The Angry Scientist#2425, feel free to message me there when ready.
    Last edited:
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Solgaleo, Poipole, Type: Null, Cosmog
    Copies (not including original):1 of each
    In-Game Name:Jack
    Timezone (or availability): AEST, available around 1pm till 7pm
    Gen (6/7):7
    If possible, could I also receive a clone of Marshadow and one of Zeraora? I see you have those in your trade list.
    My discord is The Angry Scientist#2425, feel free to message me there when ready.

    I can do the clones for you and your other request this time. This thread is only meant for cloning services, so other trade requests aren't allowed.
    Oh, sorry I didn't know about that. I'm on now if you are free. I also sent a Discord friend request, so DM me there when you are ready.
    Last edited:
    Pokemon I want cloned: Mew
    Cloned (not including original): 1
    In-game name: epic
    FC: 1221-2051-9416
    Available: Pacific Daylight Time
    9:00 am - 1:00 pm, monday - friday
    Gen: 6
    Pokemon I want cloned: Mew
    Cloned (not including original): 1
    In-game name: epic
    FC: 1221-2051-9416
    Available: Pacific Daylight Time
    9:00 am - 1:00 pm, monday - friday
    Gen: 6

    I can do this! Best time for me would be 9 AM PDT, probably not much later though as it would be pretty late for me at that point. PM me around that time when you're ready!
    Pokémon I Want Cloned: ★ Gardevoir, ★ Lopunny, ★ Greninja, ★ Scolipede, ★ Aegislash, ★ Whimsicott, ★ White Florges (obviously not all of them, just whichever you want)
    Copies (not including original): 2-3, up to you
    In-Game Name: Mawile
    FC: 0216-0797-3569
    Timezone (or availability): EDT, typically the afternoon/night
    Gen 6
    Pokémon I Want Cloned: ★ Gardevoir, ★ Lopunny, ★ Greninja, ★ Scolipede, ★ Aegislash, ★ Whimsicott, ★ White Florges (obviously not all of them, just whichever you want)
    Copies (not including original): 2-3, up to you
    In-Game Name: Mawile
    FC: 0216-0797-3569
    Timezone (or availability): EDT, typically the afternoon/night
    Gen 6

    I've got you. I can clone all 7 Pokemon and make 3 copies + original. You'll need 21 fodder Pokemon to trade back once I'm done cloning (not including the collateral I'd send you at the start).
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Lugia, suicune, Arceus and Darkrai
    Copies (not including original):1
    In-Game Name: Dalton
    Timezone (or availability): Central Time zone
    Gen (6/7): 7
    Last edited:
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Lugia, suicune, Arceus and Darkrai
    Copies (not including original):1
    In-Game Name: Dalton
    FC:in sig
    Timezone (or availability): Central Time zone
    Gen (6/7): 7

    I can help you with this as well, though I can't seem to find your FC anywhere.
    I've got you. I can clone all 7 Pokemon and make 3 copies + original. You'll need 21 fodder Pokemon to trade back once I'm done cloning (not including the collateral I'd send you at the start).
    great! can i have your fc?
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Lugia, suicune, Arceus and Darkrai
    Copies (not including original):1
    In-Game Name: Dalton
    Timezone (or availability): Central Time zone
    Gen (6/7): 7
    Pokémon You Want Cloned: Lugia, suicune, Arceus and Darkrai
    Copies (not including original):1
    In-Game Name: Dalton
    Timezone (or availability): Central Time zone
    Gen (6/7): 7

    Sweet, roughly 10PM CST and after is usually a good time to trade for me!

    great! can i have your fc?
    I missed you by a short bit, but hopefully tomorrow I should be on before!
    Pokémon You Want Colned: Arceus
    Copies (not including original):2
    In-game Name: Melody
    Timezone (or availability): Central Daylight Time 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
    Gen (6/7): 7
    Pokémon You Want Colned: Arceus
    Copies (not including original):2
    In-game Name: Melody
    Timezone (or availability): Central Daylight Time 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
    Gen (6/7): 7

    Can do! 9 PM tomorrow is a good time for me.