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One film for a year challenge. (Suggest your favorites).

After a long decision, I've decided that I will start watching movie shorts on top of feature films. Not only for the sake of my sanity, but I feel there are things I am missing out on if I only limit myself to long movies.

I felt at first this was 'cheating', but that was a silly thought.
I watched Deadpool yesterday and Rim of the World today.

Deadpool was great.

Rim of the World was so terrible that it was good. I knew I was watching something awful but still enjoyed it. @Starlight asked if I had planned to rank movies. In terms of quality, this would be the lowest.
Changed title to "one film for a year" instead of movie. More fitting.

Sticking to shorts for a bit until I recharge.
Have you watched any really good shorts yet? They're not always easy to find recommendations for.

The Present (2020) on Netflix was really good. Although the Pixar shorts are worth checking out.

I'm going to include any Documentary series that I watch on here too. Those are films too, and honestly, longer than shorts. So why not count them? I'll just specify the episodes I watch that day. This is going to become more of a log though. As long as I keep it daily, then it's fine.

There are a couple of documentaries I really want to check out. (All Quiet on the Set, and the OVW wrestling documentary). I haven't gotten around to them because of the movies. I feel like these movies shouldn't be a hindrance to other stuff I want to check out. So I'm going to include documentaries as part of this.
This is a great idea. I'll be sure to come back and drop some recommendations later.

And still going strong in April. Has adjusted to include shorts and multi episode documentaries too.

Basically to not drive myself insane trying to watch a feature film every day. Because I would reach 9PM on a busy day and be like "damn, I have to watch a movie now". Nothing will make you hate them more. Shorts are a godsend.

On another note, it's the end of March. So recapping. The only movies I thought were weak this month were: Orion and the Dark and Godzilla Raids Again. Everything else was at least passable.
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I've divided them up for you a bit

Live Action Movies

Animated Movies

Animated Shorts

Documentary Films

Documentaries (Multi-episode)

I tried to keep it to ten or less for each grouping. You've probably seen some of these before, but that's fine. Always happy to throw more suggestions at you if need be too.
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@gimmepie thank you! out of those listed I have already seen Inside Out, Jurassic Park, Spiderverse, and If Anything Happens I love You.

On another note, this week I watched The Hunger Games franchise. It's a fine series. My only problem is Gale. He's a blank canvas of a character with the personality of a wet napkin. He exists to create a divided love interest for the protagonists, but they failed to do anything with him outside of this. He vacuums the life out of his scenes. (it's not the actors fault). But definitely one of the worst characters I have ever seen. Especially for such a well built franchise that has such an interesting world.
annnnd the hunger games series is finished. (besides the prequel, whenever i get around to it).

I think the first movie is the best. The sequels steadily depart from what made it interesting. The third film devolves into bland action war trope movie. (and good god they just had to make it two different full length films).

The acting was top notch throughout the series. I couldn't get enough of it. But the main protagonist girl (katniss) has the most absurd and hilarious plot armor. She takes a bomb point blank and gets set on fire, and just wakes back up in the hospital like everything is fine.
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I've embarked on watching all the Quentin Tarantino movies. Two left to go.

I'd rank them from best to worst (or most enjoyed to least enjoyed)

Pulp Fiction
The Hateful Eight
Reservoir Dogs
Django Unchanied
Kill Bill Volume 2
Kill Bill Volume 1
Inglorious Bastards
Death Proof.

Pulp Fiction and Hateful Eight are neck and neck. I loved both.

I watched your recommendation of Treasure Planet today. Thank you for suggesting it. It was a beautiful looking movie and it was awesome seeing a Disney villain who wasn't one note or pure evil. I really enjoyed that aspect of it.
I'm 6 months through. Although for the first time since I began this, I'm finally feeling a little burned out. Many days I feel like just turning on a short and getting it over with.

I feel inclined to push through the fatigue at the moment. I'm happy with the movies I've gotten to see and learn from doing this. It's been quite an experience and something I ultimately feel happy that I managed to stay committed towards for so long.
If you want to see a good silent film, I highly recommend Nosferatu.

An old silent horror movie from the 1920s may not be your cup of tea, but you might like it.
If you want to see a good silent film, I highly recommend Nosferatu.

An old silent horror movie from the 1920s may not be your cup of tea, but you might like it.

Yeah, I haven't really checked out any silent films yet. Aside from the old Mickey Mouse shorts.

But sure, sounds pretty fun. Thanks.
If you want to see a good silent film, I highly recommend Nosferatu.

An old silent horror movie from the 1920s may not be your cup of tea, but you might like it.
Seconding this!

So much of the genre was influenced by this film. I highly recommend watching it at least once.
I think July was a good time to put an end to this.

Quite honestly - I think that it frees up more of my hobbies and stuff that I want to personally do. I started reading The Hobbit yesterday. I couldn't bring myself to do it when I was trying to get through a film every day. It'll also free me to pick chess back up.

I don't regret any of it. I was able to learn about so many movies and actors. But it did reach the point that it felt I was filling a quota.

I'm not going to stop watching movies. I'll still use this thread as a resource for things to watch. I'll enjoy them much more if I start taking breaks between watches. That's what's most important. And I think it's worth sacrificing this for.

I did let this sink in for a few days, and overall feels much more freeing and liberating.

thanks everybody.