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PC, I have an announcement to make.


[color=#95b4d4]ユービーゼロイチ パラサイト[/color]
  • 8,875
    Ladies and gentlemen, I'm just gonna state the obvious; we have a doppelganger in our midst.

    I, as a poster who respects creative integrity and intellectual property, I am disgusted at how much you have copied my userbase. From the avatar, to the postbit, do you not have any value or respect for originality?

    You're a laughing stock. It's cheesy, it's disgusting, I personally found it absolutely artistically atrocious. I am embarrassed to be sitting here, in your presence, having to even to even dignify you with an answer of my opinion.

    I'm gonna say it. It's disgusting. You make me sick. It's absolutely disgusting, you have no identity. I can't stand it. I'm ashamed to be here.

    click before somebody takes this too seriously
    Thank God for Harley Quinn because I was so lost 5 minutes ago.

    He did it better than your tiny size=1 font.
    I almost burst into a fit of laughter right in the middle of class the moment I read the first sentence xD
    Ladies and gentlemen, I'm just gonna state the obvious; we have a doppelganger in our midst.

    I, as a poster who respects creative integrity and intellectual property, I am disgusted at how much you have copied my userbase. From the avatar, to the postbit, do you not have any value or respect for originality?

    You're a laughing stock. It's cheesy, it's disgusting, I personally found it absolutely artistically atrocious. I am embarrassed to be sitting here, in your presence, having to even to even dignify you with an answer of my opinion.

    I'm gonna say it. It's disgusting. You make me sick. It's absolutely disgusting, you have no identity. I can't stand it. I'm ashamed to be here.