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Spinoff/Mobile PokéCommunity Friend Codes Mega Thread

Forum Name: IcyIce
Go Name: IceShadow3317
Go: 8859 1825 4451

So a lot of people I have added haven't been very active. So I decided to add more people! Feel free to add me! I'd love raid invites more than anything since I don't have a huge raid community where I live, I usually have to solo everything.

I send gifts when I can, but I will send gifts to those close to friendship level or active people more. :D
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Forum name: RadEmpoleon
GO name: RadEmpoleon
4571 7470 0145

I'm getting much better at checking! I check at least once a day now. I will send you gifts!

I haven't been on here in a while but I just got back into PokémonGO and want some friends on there, so here we go:

Forum Name: Whiz
GO Name: Whizvin
GO Code: 9475 0958 0124
If Whiz accepts I'll need two more friends to get to the next stage of the Celebi quest!
Forum Name: Fracaway
GO Name: Grome95
GO: 3556 9074 4166

Hi guys! Feel free to add me if you need friends to play 😃
I'm usually active on Pokémon GO (level 44). From time to time I try to send gifts to all my friends. I say this because I am from Spain and someone may be interested in Vivillon from my region. Also, tomorrow for example is the GO Tour of Hoenn and I'll probably do a lot of raids of Primal Groudon and Kyogre, so I'll be able to invite people remotely.
Forum Name: Fracaway
GO Name: Grome95
GO: 3556 9074 4166

Added you! KiddContact - Garden.
Already got Kyogre and Groudon and I only have enough remote raid passes for 1 of each, but if you get Deoxys Defence or Speed please invite!
1449 4606 9771

so many of the research tasks im catching up on require adding people z_z
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Forum Name: Muumaji
GO Name: NotGenghisKhan
Code: 9571 9004 5810

Hey everyone, looking for people to send/receive gifts for quests. Feel free to add me.
Forum Name: Muumaji
GO Name: NotGenghisKhan
Code: 9571 9004 5810

Hey everyone, looking for people to send/receive gifts for quests. Feel free to add me.
Sure, I will add you!
Forum Name: Phanshaw345
GO Name: AlphaDeltaPi345
Code: 4527 8761 3568

By the way, anyone who sees this code may add me! I need friends...
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I don't know how active this still is, but I recently got back into pokemon go after discovering I have easy access on a daily basis to a nearby gym and pokestops, so I'm able to give daily gifts (and don't require them back). I had a massive friend list that I recently pared down according to who I really haven't seen around anymore before I stopped playing for a bit (got tired of combing through for people to gift this past month who are never on or have years-old gifts from me unaccepted). If it matters to you my area is NY USA for pokemon eggs.

Go name: Saronai
Code 8703 8568 2650
I figured I'd share my Pokémon Go friend code since I recently got back into the game. I have been playing daily and will send gifts daily.

Go name: RadEmpoleon
Code: 4571 7470 0415