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Hack Series: Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2


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    Pokémon Blaze Black 2 | Pokémon Volt White 2
    Base Game: Pokémon Black 2 | Pokémon White 2
    Current Version: 1.1
    Last Updated: 11th November, 2012
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2

    → Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. The usual rules with my hacks apply; the main feature is that all 649 Pokémon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their rosters changed in order to maintain a much harder challenge than the original game, as well as having an increased variety of opponents to fight. There's also a large amount of alternative features these hacks offer, which range from differences to the Pokémon themselves to the presence of a couple new TMs. If I'm not mistaken, these are also the first Black 2 and White 2 hacks on offer.

    → Additionally, the two versions only differ in terms of their aesthetic differences, such as the appearance of Opelucid City, the title screen, etcetera. So basically, just pick whichever colour takes your fancy!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2
    Specific Features

    → The wild Pokémon have been edited in each and every area of the game. Most areas now contain at least 8 Pokémon species, and in most cases, more! You'll be able to attain a complete PokéDex within the limits of the game itself, and the majority of Pokémon are available no later than the seventh badge, meaning you can form basically any team you want! There's a couple legendaries that you can't get until after the Elite Four, but aside from that...

    → The rosters of almost all of the trainers in the game have been edited. The exception to this at present are the Dome trainers, as they aren't really necessary and there's no proper trainer editing tool available for B2W2 yet. This has also raised the level curve of the game, meaning you can expect to beat the first round of the Elite Four somewhere in the 70s levelwise. Most notably Gym Leaders, your rival and the Elite Four have all been made significantly tougher. Gym Leaders will also have differing Pokémon amounts depending on the mode you play; Normal Mode will have them with anywhere from 3 to 5 Pokémon, whereas Challenge Mode will pit you against a full team of six. The Elite Four and Champion also hold some surprises in Challenge Mode...

    → There's been a large number of edits to Pokémon. These can include the level up moves they learn, the abilities they get, their compatibility with Move Tutors and TMs, and even their base stats. There's a document included that will tell you all you need to know. This also makes Dream World abilities significantly easier to obtain. However, if this particular point doesn't appeal to you, the Vanilla version of the hack cuts it out.

    → Some attacks have also been edited, for example the Pledge moves having 100 base power or Cut now being a Grass-type move. This is also removed from the Vanilla version of the hack.

    → There's also been some changes to evolutions. The majority of these involve editing the trade evolutions; in most cases you will now simply be able to 'Use' the item like an evolution stone - for example, using a Magmarizer on a Magmar to evolve it - to do what you would normally need to trade for. For those who evolve by trade but don't need an item, a new item called the Covenant Ore has been introduced and is available in several places through the game; it works like an evolutionary stone, so you're still able to evolve them at any time. Leafeon and Glaceon are now obtainable through new items known as the Woodland Ore and Frozen Ore, to get around their areas being postgame. Shelmet and Karrablast instead follow a Mantyke routine where the other needs to be in the party for them to evolve. Finally, some of the Unovian Pokémon such as Scraggy, Mienfoo and Larvesta have had reductions to their evolution levels to make them more usable in comparison to the older species.

    → Items that you receive and find lying in the field have been changed considerably - this is generally done in order to bring almost all TMs available before the Elite Four are defeated. Notable changes include much earlier Flamethrower and Thunderbolt TMs, and even an Earthquake TM as early as the fifth gym! Doesn't quite beat Platinum, but it's close to. You'll also be able to find a lot of evolution items on the map somewhere, such as the Reaper Cloth, Up-Grade and Protector.

    → A couple of the Poké Marts around the region have had some edits. Examples include the ability to buy Luxury Balls in Virbank City, Heart Scales and shards in Driftveil City, and any sort of evolution item you want in the Route 9 department store.

    → There have been some text edits; a couple of these are sprinkled references, but for the most part it's to made the item changes make sense with the dialogue. In addition, Juniper's speech at the beginning has been changed; this is the tip-off that you've got the hack working correctly.

    → One-time encounter Pokémon such as Cobalion, Virizion, Volcarona, Braviary etc. have had their levels raised in order to fit with the new level curve. In addition, there's also a much bigger variety of one-time encounters, mostly dealing with legendaries. Ever thought you couldn't find Articuno in front of Twist Mountain, or Kyogre within the Abyssal Ruins? Well, now you can! You'll be able to unlock a fraction of these around the eighth gym badge, then the rest sometime after the Pokémon League. Are you up to catching them all?

    → Some of the trades within the game have also been edited, and given much better IVs. Players will now be able to trade for a Togepi, a Gengar and an Exeggutor before the Elite Four is dealt with. Note that any trades with Yancy and Curtis are not changed.

    → New events have been added into the game. Apart from the aforementioned overworlds, there's also Gym Leader rematches outside the PWT, the ability to challenge Hoenn Leaders at various points in the game, Harlequins who will give out starters and even the ability to battle with Hilbert and Hilda! You'll also be given the keys for Easy Mode and Challenge Mode almost right at the beginning of the game!

    → The Pokémon that appear within the Hidden Grottos around Unova have also been changed. This is a primary way to get the starter Pokémon that you don't receive, but also has a large assortment of other Pokémon. If you play the Vanilla version, this'll be important in order to keep your Pokémon on par! Most Pokémon with useful DW abilities will be present somewhere.

    → There's also been some TM replacements. Say good-bye to Sky Drop, Quash and Struggle Bug, for they've now been replaced by Hurricane, Sucker Punch and Bug Buzz respectively.

    → All of these changes are well documented in PDF guides that come with the download. If you want to know what's been added or changed, simply consult them!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2

    → There are plenty of screenshots on offer if you want to take a look! Simply open the spoiler.


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2

    Kaphotics: I cannot stress how helpful Kaph has been in the creation of this hack; he's been great as both an advisor and a researcher into the workings of scripts in the game. He also taught me a little about RAM editing, which made testing some things that much easier. His LUA scripting abilities were also great for figuring out file numbers and co-ordinates! Truly a saviour.
    likeicareusewe/kidisnice87: Another very helpful contributor to the hack, he along with one other person worked as my helpers for BETA testing. Thanks to him, a lot of the bugs that would have otherwise gone unnoticed were ironed out before release. A huge thank you!
    Lazerith: My other beta tester, who is also a Pokémon hacker himself (Pokémon Origin Platinum is his work). Again, thank you.
    pichu2001: The scripting knowledge he posted over at Project Pokémon's forums was exactly what I needed to start messing around with scripts. It's thanks to him and Kaph that I was able to get things like the legends working correctly.
    Pokegirl4ever: The Genesect overworld sprite used in the game is her work.
    knivez69: The logos at the top were made by him.

    They're the main people who helped with this one, but my thanks goes out to any supporters and the people who've helped me out and suggested ideas along the way!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2
    Bugs and Errors

    → Keys unlocking will not be saved if you don't save your game before getting them. There's no way to fix this entirely, yet.
    → The King's Rock will not currently work on Slowpoke, so Slowking is impossible to obtain short of catching it in the Wild directly. Poliwhirl, however, is fine. If you're desperate, insert this new narc file into a/0/1/9 using NitroExplorer.
    → The Pokémon breeders aren't currently set with teams to help you EV your Pokémon. This isn't a bug per se, it's just an idea I meant to do that totally slipped my mind. Having it in the buglist should remind me to fix it, though!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2
    Version Updates


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2
    Download Links

    Patches & Documentation - Rapidshare, V1.1.
    Patches & Documentation - Sendspace, V1.1.
    Patches & Documentation - Mediafire, V1.1.
    Documentation - Rapidshare, V1.1.


    → There are patches for both the Complete and Vanilla versions available in the download. The Vanilla version cuts out the changes to Pokémon such as stats, level up moves, abilities etcetera and the edits to the power and type of some Attacks. However, using the Vanilla version does not prevent compatibility with the three new TMs in the game.

    NOTE: You are able to use your 1.00 save file with 1.1. However, it will cause most of the new events (so all of the legendaries, the Veteran in Giant Chasm etc.) to appear immediately due to the changed flag numbers. You can always just ignore them (including Zapdos, who has a gap behind it), though a New Game will be required for everything to appear correct. This includes even if you've caught the legendaries before!
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    This Hack Awesome I started a walkthrough already on my youtube channel.
    Hope you can figure out that key bug.
    **** yeah Drayano, you are my hero! Now I'm finally going to play this <3

    Much obliged, partner.
    Ah! It's great to see this out now! Great job! I wonder, are you going to change N's Pokemon that are obtainable with Memory Link if possible? Since the number of Pokemon available and the number of Pokemon he used in his first 4 battles in BB/VW is the same: 15. (That includes the Zorua gift. Which he happens to use one in BB/VW too in his 2nd battle)

    EDIT: Oh and for that Key bug? I got them just fine and can use them normally.
    Also looking at the documents, I'm sorta not happy that Eevee isn't the highest levelled Pokemon in Castelia City so now I can't use Repels to get it out easily. Oh well. XD
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    Oh! You finally made this hack! I've been waiting for this hack after playing Blaze Black and Volt White! You're the best, Dray!

    Edit: Can I know where is Covenant Ore?
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    Apart from a superb hack, your work in the presentation and documents is excellent and tasteful. Many thanks.
    Looks very interesting. Downloading now. I haven't completed White yet but I think I just may now :) After playing this hack
    Never mind. I don't have a Black 2 or White 2 ROM :|
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2

    Just a minor error. Text gets cut off.

    Oh yeah! In the Castelia gate house, there is another guy with the exact same script where if you get the Rare Candy from one of them, you can't get one from the other (It was like this in the original). But the thing is, that one says Bicycle instead of Shiny Charm.
    Aha, I was waiting to see this hack appear on these forums! Another excellent job Drayano. Oh and another thing, there is an Action Replay code that unlocks the Difficulty Key which works since I've used it on Pokemon Black 2.
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    Oh excellent, so in Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2... you can battle Hilbert and Hilda. Now that's exactly the sort of thing I was thinking would happen in Black 2 and White 2, but never happened. But thanks to the tools such as NPRE (Nintendo Pokémon ROM Editor), we can now make those things possible. ^^

    I really do like the different challenges in the hack, I'm planning a ROM hack of Black 2 called Pokémon LavaRuby, which I'll start once I've tested out the features on 3ds Max and set up the tutorial here on PC about map editing in generation 5.
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    wow, a hack of this pokemon game already?, i gotta say that you impress me, well, as soon i get finished with pokemon white 2, i'll try and get to do blaze black 2, by the way, i saw in the screenshots that you can battle hilbert and/or hilda, is that something that changes with versions right?, if so, in which version i get to battle them (ex: hilbert in volt white 2)?, and are they rematchable?
    Wow! Finally! This is awesome. It's about time anyway. I've downloaded it, and I am going to start playing it soon! xD;;~
    it's me again, i'm about to play it, and i have one question, when i get the shiny charm, for example, what are my chances of having a encounter with a shiny ralts (looking for a shiny ralts both in platinum and this hack)?
    You can challenge Roxanne an infinite amount of times (well, maybe not. I stopped after 4 times). Intended?

    Edit 1: You can do that with pretty much all the Hoenn leaders.

    Edit 2: Holy poo poo Zapdos!

    Edit 3: I think legendary scripts are wonky. I saw Groudon on my first pass through the mountain. Also saw Suicune and Mew too. I have 6 badges and haven't set foot in Humilau City. Didn't see Articuno or Entei though...
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    what i like about drayano hack is that he always include a "vanilla" version which is better IMO considering the myraid balance issues with modifying existing pokemon stats (many hacks that does this tend to have certain pokemon OP no matter how hard they try to tune it).