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Emerald hack: Pokémon CrystalDust [v3 PUBLIC ALPHA]

Ok, I haven't played this yet, but looking at your features list, I can't really see what exactly makes this different from other remakes?

Complete recreation of almost everything imaginable; sprites, sound, maps, events, and text all are almost perfect copies of their GBC counterparts, only slightly updated
Oro Sole? Not released yet, plus things are much different in fact
May be based off of Emerald, but most things are taken from FireRed, including sprites, tiles, battle graphics, font, animations, ...
Pure Gold? Nowhere near this close to finishing
Day/Night system; while not being the most original thing in the hack, it allows for more sense of realism
Almost a hundred hacks out there? Yeah...
No more Wally w/Zigzagoon against Ralts! Events like that have been ASM'd to resemble Crystal as much as possible
Not really much of a feature just a slight moderation to make it more like a remake. I guess, but it's better than Crystal Shards and discolored Wally
Ruins of Alph puzzles... in Emerald! While the colors aren't correct, the rest of it sure is
Played that in Liquid Crystal before, and I'm sure Oro Sole and Pure Gold will have it too.I know that it's not much...
Scripts are made to the best of my ability; no more exclamation mark without the sound!
Cool. Yeah.
No sound glitches; this hack uses 0xFF free space, and uses the built-in FR voicegroups
I'm pretty sure a lot of hacks have no sound glitches. Not many Emerald-based ones don't
have sound glitches

Comments in bold
Commented-comments in black, underlined bold.
Cool. I think this is even better than crystal shards. You havn't changed the world map in the pokedex yet though
Yes, I still have yet to do that.
Ok but I don't see why make another remake. I'll quote a vm I sent to someone on another forum, after they said something about Pure Gold being one of the only hacks they follow.
Keep in mind that this is just my opinion and I mean no disrespect to anyone.
It's in the progressing hacks showcase. I've tested it and it's a really great hack, the only bugs I found were a few small grammatical errors. Pure Gold....I'm not really too fond off. I mean, there isn't really a point, the only types of people who ever make remakes are either the really amazing hackers who can do ASM and stuff and make a bunch of tools, or the obsessed fanboys/fangirls who want to be the next Zel, or Gamefreak. The creators. After their remake, I can't really see a point in others. In fact, although Shiny Gold wasn't that good, I don't really see a point in remakes at all anymore
. It's like if someone makes a hack about Mewtwo attacking someones father, and a kid wants to find the Pokemon while on his Pokemon adventure, just to get his revenge and make his dad proud, all because they wanted to copy me (although I can't exactly see that happening anyway). Yes, I made Shining Platinum, but that was really just a small practice hack (hence all the bad jokes), to practice for my old hack, which failed (It's Pokemon Iron And Stone and it's in the crapbox if you still have the link and want something to laugh at). Also, most remakes are the same nowadays except with either "Brand new ASM features, because I can ASM hack, therefore I'm better than you!" or ""nyoo rivel", and it just gets really boring. The only "Original" remake I've seen, was Liquid Crystal, because it had so many extra features and sidequests. Other than that, they all really bore me now, no matter how much ASM or nyoo rivels they have.

What I'm saying is, do you have an imagination? If so, use it. Because people only make remakes because Zel did it, even GameFreak made theirs for crying out loud, and people STILL do it, because they want to copy Zel. Remakes have no originality at all, because the exact same thing has been done a million times.
Ok but I don't see why make another remake. I'll quote a vm I sent to someone on another forum, after they said something about Pure Gold being one of the only hacks they follow.
Keep in mind that this is just my opinion and I mean no disrespect to anyone.

What I'm saying is, do you have an imagination? If so, use it. Because people only make remakes because Zel did it, even GameFreak made theirs for crying out loud, and people STILL do it, because they want to copy Zel. Remakes have no originality at all, because the exact same thing has been done a million times.
I completely understand you. The reason that I started this hack was to finally have at least ONE finished GSC remake that stayed as close as possible to the original. I mean, maybe it's just me, but I like my GSC pretty much vanilla.

And yes, I DO happen to have an imagination. That'll be evident once I get to the Sevii Isles ;)
Heres a little video of the glitch. Don't look to the right of my video cuz theres some funny stuff!!! LOL

I see...
And what, exactly, did you do when this happened?
It's as if all of the variables reset or something...
It wasn't until I actually played this myself that I realized how eerily well the graphics/palettes/etc evoked the genuine GSC "feel" while walking about. Honestly, bravo.
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I guess we can try to back after every event and see if it will happen.
I guess we'll have to do that.
Do you remember, at least, what you had completed?
It wasn't until I actually played this myself that I realized how eerily well the graphics/palettes/etc evoked the genuine GSC "feel" while walking about. Honestly, bravo.
Thanks! It's true, the FireRed graphics do suit it.
Some ridiculous nitpicks:
- Aww, no animated staircase (for instance, in the hero's house)!
- Also, Youngster Joey battles you before the roadblock on Route 30 is cleared.
- DUDE's Hoppip has 40/35 Tackles. ;)

...Also noticed the [very] clever inclusion of your number in the Pokegear as a repairman. Slick. :P
I think I figured out what is causing the glitch.
I tried all kinds of ways to activate the glitch but this is the only way that works.
Oh, and if you are interested I think LaZ is releasing LC Beta 3 on thepkmnworld forums.
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Some ridiculous nitpicks:
- Aww, no animated staircase (for instance, in the hero's house)!
Emerald's engine has no way to do that, so...
- Also, Youngster Joey battles you before the roadblock on Route 30 is cleared.
- DUDE's Hoppip has 40/35 Tackles. ;)

...Also noticed the [very] clever inclusion of your number in the Pokegear as a repairman. Slick. :P
Thanks! I didn't know what else to put in for Mr. Stone.. :P
I think I figured out what is causing the glitch.
I tried all kinds of ways to activate the glitch but this is the only way that works.
Ahh. The infamous Ruins of Alph. I had to remove them as they were screwing everything up, so download the new patch now!!!
Oh, and if you are interested I think LaZ is releasing LC Beta 3 on thepkmnworld forums.
Please don't advertise other hacks and other forums, please.
Ah, no initial potion in the PC. XD
Same as in Crystal, remember.
To think even today ShinyGold is one of the biggest influences in the hacking community. This hack looks very professional, but I just have one tip, try to explore the Johto region more. Use HG and SS as an example, they changed the maps a little, added some more places, I think this hack would benefit if you did that too.
To think even today ShinyGold is one of the biggest influences in the hacking community. This hack looks very professional, but I just have one tip, try to explore the Johto region more. Use HG and SS as an example, they changed the maps a little, added some more places, I think this hack would benefit if you did that too.
Well, I might do that after I finish the original part of the game, but, like I said above somewhere, I like my Johto pretty much vanilla.
EDIT: Small update; Ultra Ball now displays correct text.
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What I meant about the shrine is that when you face it, you only face either
the right or left front side and it doesn't look good that way. It would be better if
you can face the center. It would be cool because then your game will have
that difference from every other remake.
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Instead of just complaining about how the world map doesn't look good all cramped like that, I come offering a solution. A while ago, I was messing around with some of the world map routines in Emerald and I managed to do this. When you finish with Johto and begin working on Kanto, let me know and maybe we can work out a deal. ;)
Instead of just complaining about how the world map doesn't look good all cramped like that, I come offering a solution. A while ago, I was messing around with some of the world map routines in Emerald and I managed to do this. When you finish with Johto and begin working on Kanto, let me know and maybe we can work out a deal. ;)
When I first commented on the map and how it looked bad that it was all cramped together, I had forgotten that Diego was using Emerald. But with this cool thing that you did, now it's possible to have a good looking map.