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Emerald hack: Pokémon CrystalDust [v3 PUBLIC ALPHA]

What I meant about the shrine is that when u face it, you only face either
the right or left side and it doesn't look good that way. It would be better if
you can face the center and to do that you would have to make it bigger. It
would be cool because then your game will have that difference from every other
Check the latest patch. ;)
Instead of just complaining about how the world map doesn't look good all cramped like that, I come offering a solution. A while ago, I was messing around with some of the world map routines in Emerald and I managed to do this. When you finish with Johto and begin working on Kanto, let me know and maybe we can work out a deal. ;)
That's a really handy bit of ASM work there.
And, since I like getting everything done as early as possible in development, maybe we can figure something out now. PM me. :)
nice hack, but I did'nd like the hero overworld.
Okay then.
Ohh yeah. My bad. Wow, what an embarrassment. What did you mean by "removing" the Ruins of Alph? :-o Just taking out the puzzle and quest stuff for now?

And when you say "fixed," do you mean the o15 download is updated [practically] on the spot?
By "removing" the RoA, that means that the puzzle has now been replaced with, "Would you like to solve the puzzle?" Y/N
And by "fixed", yes, that means that I update it "on the spot". :D
by any chance are you including the kanto starters in later on in the game?
Maybe... Not very likely, though.
Very minor bug, but protagonist gets weird colors when fishing, otherwise great hack! :D
Yeah, I know. Sadly, the sprite pack I got didn't come with those sprites...
When I first commented on the map and how it looked bad that it was all cramped together, I had forgotten that Diego was using Emerald. But with this cool thing that you did, now it's possible to have a good looking map.
Yeah, that rocks.
Also, by saying that you'd forgotten that this was Emerald, that must mean that I've done a good job of porting over FireRed graphics. :D
Wow, the shrine is fixed! Your'e like the first person to ever listen to my advice. Other dudes just say if I don't like it I don't need to play their game.
From the looks of it, this could potentially be one of my favourite ROM hacks of all time; up there with Pokemon Prism. ;) The amount of effort and how it looks like it will have all of the features of Pokemon Crystal are amazing, in my opinion. I have some questions:
  • Will you be able to decorate your room? I haven't really played the ROM much so I haven't checked. Additionally, will the decorations from Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal be in it? e.g.: the game consoles, the beds, the plants.
  • I'm wondering how Buena's Password is going to be done, assuming it is in it. XD
  • Will it just be the Battle Tower, or will there be the Battle Frontier. This also leads on to my next point...
  • What about features from Pokemon Emerald like the Pokemon Contests? Will they get ditched completely, or will they be in Crystal Dust in some fom? Just wondering because I kinda liked Contests. XD

I might get round to playing the Beta fully later. :) Can't wait until it's finished, and good luck. :D
Wow, the shrine is fixed! Your'e like the first person to ever listen to my advice. Other dudes just say if I don't like it I don't need to play their game.
Well, I tried your suggestion, and it DID look better.
If I think it can improve my hack, I'll add it in. ;)
Part of my awesome customer service.
i tried this hack yesterday ^^
it's very nice and bring the memories back...
BTW i'm new here, hello to everyone :D
Thanks for the comment, and welcome to PokéCommunity! :D
From the looks of it, this could potentially be one of my favourite ROM hacks of all time; up there with Pokemon Prism. ;) The amount of effort and how it looks like it will have all of the features of Pokemon Crystal are amazing, in my opinion. I have some questions:
  • Will you be able to decorate your room? I haven't really played the ROM much so I haven't checked. Additionally, will the decorations from Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal be in it? e.g.: the game consoles, the beds, the plants. I'll try, but that'll probably be added in after the Johto/Kanto part is completed.
  • I'm wondering how Buena's Password is going to be done, assuming it is in it. XD Well, the radio is planned for later, and, well, Buena's Password will come with it, obviously.
  • Will it just be the Battle Tower, or will there be the Battle Frontier. This also leads on to my next point... There might just be the Battle Tower in Johto, but Sevii will most likely host the rest.
  • What about features from Pokemon Emerald like the Pokemon Contests? Will they get ditched completely, or will they be in Crystal Dust in some fom? Just wondering because I kinda liked Contests. XD Again, Sevii will probably be a host to those kinds of things. My Johto will be pretty much the same as in G/S/C, although the new features will come in the Islands ;)

I might get round to playing the Beta fully later. :) Can't wait until it's finished, and good luck. :D
My responses to your questions are in bold.
Thanks for supporting CrystalDust! :D
This hack looks cool. I'm most likely gonna try it out, even though i'm tired of playing the endless amounts of GSC Rmk's
This hack looks cool. I'm most likely gonna try it out, even though i'm tired of playing the endless amounts of GSC Rmk's
Okay, nice to see you'll try out mine.
Is the game has day/night system?
or it just me who miss the night lol.....
Yes, the game has a D/N system. If you can't see it, either you have it turned off in VBA or your platform doesn't support it... or maybe something else.
so does it need Real Time Clock checked?
but the VBA i used does not have it :p
(Option-->Emulator--> Real Time Clo...O_o it's not here!!)
what version have it? :)
and thx for replying
yeah thx Diego for the link :)
edit: and then i realize i can't go to the ilex forest...
when i want to go into the building before ilex forest, then i'm suddenly out again :P
Last edited:
yeah thx Diego for the link :)
edit: and then i realize i can't go to the ilex forest...
when i want to go into the building before ilex forest, then i'm suddenly out again :P
What are you talking about? Can you maybe show me a screenshot, or at least explain a bit better?
Wait.... I remember another hack that had that problem... it was called Crystal Shards.
Maybe you're getting the two confused, or something?
opps :P
sorry Diego i got this two mixed up
I play both games (Totodile for Dust, Cyndaquil for Shards) and stop at same place( Azalea town) :(
anyway if i continue playing the game ,where did u end beta 1?
Hmm, I must say, this is looking pretty good. I like how you used Emerald as a base, I love the Emerald engine even though it is very similar to the R/S one. The Graphics are looking fabulous, and the scripts are nice too. I will have to play this when I have free time, it looks like a very interesting game. Good job, and good luck for the future! :)

Woah! This looks good!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon CrystalDust [v3 PUBLIC ALPHA]

Though, I noticed that it has a shade of yellow to the screen... Is it like that the whole game?
Woah! This looks good!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon CrystalDust [v3 PUBLIC ALPHA]

Though, I noticed that it has a shade of yellow to the screen... Is it like that the whole game?
i guess its the d/n system only..

anyway im posting this because diegoisawesome told me too
onto my post,
In reality there is many remake but this one looks good.
Its quite good and i certainly want to play it, been having nostalgic feelings with gold/silver games..xD..
They look almost identical to the original one and i am impress.
I am waiting for much much further beta then i will play it, and did you manage to fix the ruins of alph problem?
opps :P
sorry Diego i got this two mixed up
I play both games (Totodile for Dust, Cyndaquil for Shards) and stop at same place( Azalea town) :(
anyway if i continue playing the game ,where did u end beta 1?
If I did read correctly, I believe he ended it at the sudowoodo event.
Yes in fact, you did read correctly. Thanks for answering!
Hmm, I must say, this is looking pretty good. I like how you used Emerald as a base, I love the Emerald engine even though it is very similar to the R/S one. The Graphics are looking fabulous, and the scripts are nice too. I will have to play this when I have free time, it looks like a very interesting game. Good job, and good luck for the future! :)

Thanks for the cool review! I agree, Emerald is an awesome base.
Woah! This looks good!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon CrystalDust [v3 PUBLIC ALPHA]

Though, I noticed that it has a shade of yellow to the screen... Is it like that the whole game?

i guess its the d/n system only..

anyway im posting this because diegoisawesome told me too
onto my post,
In reality there is many remake but this one looks good.
Its quite good and i certainly want to play it, been having nostalgic feelings with gold/silver games..xD..
They look almost identical to the original one and i am impress.
I am waiting for much much further beta then i will play it, and did you manage to fix the ruins of alph problem?
Thanks for posting here and for answering that guy's question. I tried to make my hack as accurate as possible, but, sadly, the RoA have been deleted for now because they cause too much problems. :(

i guess its the d/n system only..

anyway im posting this because diegoisawesome told me too
onto my post,
In reality there is many remake but this one looks good.
Its quite good and i certainly want to play it, been having nostalgic feelings with gold/silver games..xD..
They look almost identical to the original one and i am impress.
I am waiting for much much further beta then i will play it, and did you manage to fix the ruins of alph problem?
Oh, the Day and Night System... xD

Yes in fact, you did read correctly. Thanks for answering!

Thanks for the cool review! I agree, Emerald is an awesome base.


Thanks for posting here and for answering that guy's question. I tried to make my hack as accurate as possible, but, sadly, the RoA have been deleted for now because they cause too much problems. :(
aww..thats too bad, but i focused on the "FOR NOW" which means it is still in fixing rite?
anyway, i am still looking forward to try this..