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Diamond hack: Pokémon DarkDiamond

Should I replace the Galactic Grunt and Admin battle themes with N's battle themes?

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Spiky-Eared Pichu

NDS Hacker/Researcher
  • 257
    • Seen Oct 2, 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon DarkDiamond

    General information

    Base ROM: Pokémon Diamond (U)
    Creator: Spiky-Eared Pichu


    You live in Twinleaf Town with your mother, but one day you feel bored and you decide to go to route 201 with your best friend, searching for adventures. But, what's happening? Professor Rowan is being attacked by a strange person... His clothes are weird and have a xG logo on them... Could it be that team...


    • All 493 Pokémon can be caught
    • New storyline (more complex than the original)
    • New characters
    • New evil team: Team xGlite
    • New hero (Brendan!!!)
    • New graphics from HGSS and BW!
    • New music
    • And much more...


    Hack's name: giradialkia
    Hack's Logo: Mucrush
    Sprites: Coronis, minime010, Red6095, n0rul3s, spaceemotion
    Overworlds: Kyledove, Raven-Lux
    Music: xXchainchomp01, lala19357, Truearagon, tobinus, themutestranger

    Special thanks to my friend ArcNecrotech. This hack wouldn't exist without his great help :)

    If I forget someone, sorry, and please send me a PM


    Beta 2



    Current development status



    Demo Version - 100%
    Beta 1 - 100%
    Beta 2 - 100%
    Beta 3 - 5%


    • The rival's name doesn't appear when talking with him in Route 201. Fixed
    • When entering Lake Verity, the game crashes. Fixed
    • Brendan's backsprite has a minor error in the 4th frame. Fixed
    • Dawn talks as Brendan in the lab. Fixed
    • The name of many trainers appears glitched. Fixed
    • RAM overflows may occur during gym leader battles due to the song used.


    Beta 2.1 (Up to Veilstone City Gate): https://www.mediafire.com/?a81cxtajhgoehoh
    Update from Beta 2 to 2.1: https://www.mediafire.com/?5j5jws2f4urlcaq

    *To patch this file to a Pokémon Diamond (USA) ROM, you will need a small patcher called Tsukuyomi: https://www.romhacking.net/utils/519/

    Supporter bar

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon DarkDiamond
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    So bassically this is a GBA remake of a diamond version... I like it!
    But I'm suprised that nonone posted anything on the thread so far as it is two days old... anyway good luck as you have a lot of work to do with scripting and sprite inserting...
    Probably because of the name it isn't very appealing I wouldn't say this I a hack for me but I hope you succeed
    If it weren't for those DPPt tiles, this hack'll look good.
    You should try and use custom/default tiles, they're better! (b'-')b

    I hope you succeed in this hack of yours.
    If it weren't for those DPPt tiles, this hack'll look good.
    You should try and use custom/default tiles, they're betterin my opinion!

    Fixed, although you have a point about changing them- I know those DP tiles are perfect, but they're over used. I know they're appropriate for a Diamond... 'port', but I suggest changing them.
    Will you be changing the battle backgrounds too? I just think the DPPt ones look nicer with the DP sprites ^^.
    I will change the battle backgrounds to the DPPt ones, because the FRLG ones don't look very well. Also, this is not an exact port of Diamond to the GBA, it will have changes on the plot, and the name is not definitive, so feel free to say possible names for the hack :)
    After re-reading the story, yeah, I realised there'd probably be changes :)
    Names... Perhaps...
    *Pokemon SparklingDiamond (bit too letter-y?)
    *Pokemon RoughDiamond (bit... Meh).
    *Pokemon DarkDiamond.
    DarkDiamond sounds cool, but you'd need something to make it Dark in the first place, so... I dunno. Just my suggestions ;)
    Why does he need to change the name? The only reason I came into this thread is because for once I knew what I was getting myself into. I may look further into this if it nears completion, good luck.
    I like "Dark Diamond", and I can create a "dark" story. Maybe I could make Giratina, Zekrom or Darkrai the main legendary pokémon of the hack. And if I choose Giratina, of course the Torn World will be included. I will reflect this afternoon, and we'll see what happens...
    Hope this Hack Goes well ! :)
    Good Luck to you Sir/Madam :L :D
    And What about
    Having Primal Dialga to go with Dark Diamond ?
    Primal Dialga is a good idea. But I have a "beta" idea of a story: Team Galactic wants to find all the species of Pokémon to clone them and use them to conquer the world. But, because the machine they use doesn't work well, the Pokémon they create are shadow pokémon. With this story, we can make Primal Dialga or Shadow Lugia a part of it. What do you think?
    Sweet i want try it on gba i should pay on no$gba or others but my pc is to weak xD Keep the work! Bookmark
    Can a moderator or an admin change the thread title to "FireRed hack: Pokémon Dark Diamond, please? I want to change it, but I can't...
    I like more Primal dialga/palkia shadow lugia bored and BTW its 2gen and you creating 4gen
    Yeah that's a good Idea but stick with the Primal Dialga but you should chuck Palkia in their Shadow Palkia/Dark Palkia/Devil Palkia xD
    Awesome hack-rom!!
    I like those tiles, and the idea of a Diamond premake for GBA is good!
    Can't wait for the first release!!

    Nice! I would love to play as Dawn!!!

    BTW maybe you could make the rival different? Have the other sex be the rival? So if you are Ash your rival is Dawn and if you are Dawn your rival is Ash? That'd be interesting to do because that way both are in the game
    How to fix the house glitch:
    Just go to block editor, then save tileset 2, open it up in paint and move the house tile in a different place (the top) and I'm sure it'll be fixed. :)
    Anyway, you should change the tree tiles as they're overused.
    Good luck! :D
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