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Tool: Pokémon Gen III Rom Hacking Suite

Okay, time to discuss common errors.

-The 'gbk' codec error is something I have only seen when testing on computer from other non-Latin alphabet countries. This is because characters from languages like Chinese and Japanese require more than one byte to represent. The GUI library I am using cannot handle that unless it was compiled on that type of computer to begin with. (I think, since this library has been used in Chinese development) If your computer does not use any different or outlandish characters normally, then contact me. Not going to lie, the guy that was testing this for me changed his computer language to English and rebooted. Then it worked fine. If you want to compile a Chinese or Japanese version, by all means, let me know and we can work something out.

-The ascii codec errors are due to decoding text. The only accented character I have tested at all is the accented e from the pokemon logo. All others are untested and I have no idea if they even load. If you are loading an English game, then I can guarantee you that you are loading text from the wrong offset if you get an ascii error. This could the list of names, moves, or items, or the pokedex entries. If you are loading from a non-English game, I hope you checked your offsets. If they are right, contact me.

Also, I most commonly get this error when I am testing and constantly erasing and rebuilding the ini. I get it when I forget to clear the 0xFFFFFE number and end up loading Emerald with FireRed's ini. So yeah, make sure you are loading from the right offsets.

-I received this error twice in the past ten minutes: "List index out of range" and on the line above, it was in the function get_move_data. This error baffles me, as there is no way it could happen. Whomever submitted it, could you please contact me?
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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Gen III Rom Hacking Suite

As promised.

@joltix: This tool is compatible with fairy types, yes indeed sir yes indeed.
Best pokemmon data editor i ever seen and yes there is a bug in pokemon Evolution level

I just fixed this. Uploading now.

You sir/ma'am, have won an internet.

What do you think I came here for? To lose?:P And I'm a sir, haha.

I'm in love with this <3 does it work with hacks in progress?

If it didn't, we would have issues, right? Just make sure the ini is right for your rom. Read the section on the ini in the documentation, as it is special.
I just fixed this. Uploading now.

What do you think I came here for? To lose?:P And I'm a sir, haha.

If it didn't, we would have issues, right? Just make sure the ini is right for your rom. Read the section on the ini in the documentation, as it is special.

Yay ^-^ Thank you so much for this <3 I have never been so happy over a tool now if I can only find one that makes cry inserts easy :3
Okay, time to discuss common errors.

-The 'gbk' codec error is something I have only seen when testing on computer from other non-Latin alphabet countries. This is because characters from languages like Chinese and Japanese require more than one byte to represent. The GUI library I am using cannot handle that unless it was compiled on that type of computer to begin with. (I think, since this library has been used in Chinese development) If your computer does not use any different or outlandish characters normally, then contact me. Not going to lie, the guy that was testing this for me changed his computer language to English and rebooted. Then it worked fine. If you want to compile a Chinese or Japanese version, by all means, let me know and we can work something out.

-The ascii codec errors are due to decoding text. The only accented character I have tested at all is the accented e from the pokemon logo. All others are untested and I have no idea if they even load. If you are loading an English game, then I can guarantee you that you are loading text from the wrong offset if you get an ascii error. This could the list of names, moves, or items, or the pokedex entries. If you are loading from a non-English game, I hope you checked your offsets. If they are right, contact me.

Also, I most commonly get this error when I am testing and constantly erasing and rebuilding the ini. I get it when I forget to clear the 0xFFFFFE number and end up loading Emerald with FireRed's ini. So yeah, make sure you are loading from the right offsets.

-I received this error twice in the past ten minutes: "List index out of range" and on the line above, it was in the function get_move_data. This error baffles me, as there is no way it could happen. Whomever submitted it, could you please contact me?

I have had changed the computer language to English and it worked perfectly. I hope you could compile a Chinese or Japanese version for me and others. The Emerald Chinese version was used Emerald US version as a base rom, so I thought it is also compatible with this program. This error will happen is due to the Chinese decoding text. I could use the code to expand the number of evolution of Eevee in my hack rom successfully because I applied the code into US version rom and used the patch tool to compare with the original rom to create a patch. Thanks for your explanation:)
Holy crap, this exists. I thought this was a myth.
But seriously, a massive contribution to the hacking community, that should (I hope)
create lots of great hacks for the future.
I have had changed the computer language to English and it worked perfectly. I hope you could compile a Chinese or Japanese version for me and others. The Emerald Chinese version was used Emerald US version as a base rom, so I thought it is also compatible with this program. This error will happen is due to the Chinese decoding text. I could use the code to expand the number of evolution of Eevee in my hack rom successfully because I applied the code into US version rom and used the patch tool to compare with the original rom to create a patch. Thanks for your explanation:)

I will do my best. However I don't want to have to reboot my computer in 4 different languages every time I update. So, I need people to maintain other versions for me. If anyone would like to volunteer, be my guest.

Is it compatible with Jambo's safe flag&var hack?

Sort of. When you expand Pokemon, my tool applies JPAN's save block hack. This is the same thing you used to extend vars. So, you need to be careful. You will need to change the ram offset for expanding Pokemon if your flags are stored in that area. I followed Doesnt's tutorial to the letter, so his is the place to go for info.
A temporary fix: Just go into A-Series' INI, edit the tables, open the sprite editor and you can perfectly insert the image there. That way in the suite it will load perfectly. :)

Could you show a pic of which tables I'd have to change in the INI?
Could you show a pic of which tables I'd have to change in the INI?
That's mine right now. Since you don't need to edit the position, I'll give you the list you need to change:


and just list the total names. You have to add offsets for the icons if you want to edit icons too there.
Just get the offsets from the 0000 listing in the PokéRoms ini from the suite :)
That's mine right now. Since you don't need to edit the position, I'll give you the list you need to change:


and just list the total names. You have to add offsets for the icons if you want to edit icons too there.
Just get the offsets from the 0000 listing in the PokéRoms ini from the suite :)

I only want to add some new pokémon for my opponents, so I'd only have to use the frontsprites. If I changes the values to your values in the image you sent and add the total number of pokémon I added, I'll be fine? Sorry i'm not good with scripts.
I've been waiting about five minutes for the tool to open my ROM but it still doesn't... Is there a problem with my computer or does that happen to anyone else?