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Tool: Pokémon Gen III Rom Hacking Suite

Now it gives me the first error again xD so I decided to film that as well, since I noticed there have been some updates but this issue is still going.


Can you PLEASE send me that image. I have asked for it 3 times, lol.:P If you want me to fix it, I need an image that doesn't work so I can fix it, haha.

I've been waiting about five minutes for the tool to open my ROM but it still doesn't... Is there a problem with my computer or does that happen to anyone else?

Resize the window. Every once in a while (very rarely in fact) the window doesn't refresh. I haven't had that issue since I recoded the loading sequence about a month ago, but it may still happen to some people. If it still doesn't load, make sure there are no errors hidden and then restart the program and try again.
Attention Ruby hackers

I made a tiny mistake in the ini and my reports box has been flooded with reports. In the AXVE section, I did this:

iconspritetable = 0x3BBD2eggmovelimit = 0

Now, if that doesn't look just wrong to you, then you may need a different hobby.:P Just kidding, it was my fault. To fix this, just remove that ending so the line looks like this:

iconspritetable = 0x3BBD20

Sorry about that.

For those of you that expanded pokemon and now are having issues with sprite loading:

Because I highly doubt you wanted 400+ blank images of nothing and palettes inserted when expanding, I decided to insert only one blank image and palette and then have every sprite point to it. This means that if you allow my program to fill the image with FF upon repoint, you could have some issues, as FF FF FF FF is not a very good LZ header.:P So, when you are dealing with the blank images and palettes, MAKE SURE YOU UNCHECK THE FILL WITH FF BOX.
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That solution didn't work. It still doesn't load. I can make a video and edit this post with it later if you want.
Well I tried it again in my other computer and it worked. It must be my computer then. But thanks :)

Also, like Wichu's Advanced Series, does this accept unindexed sprites?
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Well I tried it again in my other computer and it worked. It must be my computer then. But thanks :)

Also, like Wichu's Advanced Series, does this accept unindexed sprites?

Yes, in fact, in most cases (if there is any doubt of the stability) it reconverts to RGB and then reindexes. So yes, it will index for you. (You should have guessed this, as it supports Chaos' resource, which is unindexed.:P)
"Lord of the Tools"...such an awesome program nickname for so many different reasons.

It's wonderful to have a single, fully-featured program that alters so many features of the different Pokémon. Especially so for processes that were previously handled with manual hex editing and ASM inserting. 'Grats to you and any others involved with it, this will prove immensely useful for current and future GBA hackers out there!
This is REALLLYYY lord of tools, seriously, i opened up my clean firered and got a goosebump seeing tons of super-cool features like pokemon expander, move repointing, and such, you guys really did a great job, seriously

one more thing though, i still dont understand your dynamic ini system, i read the pdf, it says, its automatically reads the new offset of my rom, and wont screwed up another rom.

so, to add a new ini set for my rom, i should change my rom header to 0002/0003, or?
This is REALLLYYY lord of tools, seriously, i opened up my clean firered and got a goosebump seeing tons of super-cool features like pokemon expander, move repointing, and such, you guys really did a great job, seriously

one more thing though, i still dont understand your dynamic ini system, i read the pdf, it says, its automatically reads the new offset of my rom, and wont screwed up another rom.

so, to add a new ini set for my rom, i should change my rom header to 0002/0003, or?

On a clean FR rom, the last two bytes should be free space. So, I took advantage of this. What my program does, is it checks those two bytes. If they are FFFF, then it copies the BPRE section of the ini and assigns it an unused number. This number is written to the last two bytes of the rom. Now, it will read that number as the game code and load that section in the ini. Essentially, I am tagging each rom with a number that matches a number in the ini.
... That's it, I'm dubbing 2014 as the year of GBA Hacking Advancement. So many tools that I'll replace just because you and ShinyQuagsire are making such progress on fantastic tools that not only function, but are fantastic. To both of you I say, KEEP IT UP! (Another hacking tool for my team to support... I'm ok with this!)
On a clean FR rom, the last two bytes should be free space. So, I took advantage of this. What my program does, is it checks those two bytes. If they are FFFF, then it copies the BPRE section of the ini and assigns it an unused number. This number is written to the last two bytes of the rom. Now, it will read that number as the game code and load that section in the ini. Essentially, I am tagging each rom with a number that matches a number in the ini.

I just re-read your pdf, and now i understand, so its like your program differentiate roms by read the byte at FFFFFE (which is created automatically for clean rom, or manually for already repointed rom)

One more thing, the "unused number" you're talking about(which is used to replace section header), could be anything right(in hex)?

EDIT: Figured out everything, i mean, i can use it now, thanks, you and whoever helps this project is AMAZING
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Well, I tried using MrDollSteaks' awesome patch, and it did not work. Just wanted to make that clear.

Good sir, that is one of the least clear statements I have ever seen. Please tell me exactly what you did to load this rom. Did you change the gamecode to MrDS and then load it? What exactly did you do?

PS: If another person tells me his hack doesn't work when he and I both confirmed it, then we are going to have issues.
Ah, I apologize. Here's the error I received. It's within the attachment files.

Yup, I know exactly what you did. You are using the clean FR ini with his patch, which has a repointed move table. Sound like a good idea, right? lol, nope. First, go to 0xAC in the rom in a hex editor and change BPRE to MrDS. Then, go to 0xFFFFFE and make sure the two bytes there are FFFF. Once that is done, it should load fine.
Okay, I did it...now it works. Time to expand the amount of Pokémon :)

BTW, what I just told you was carefully outlined in the documentation. So, yeah, before you ask me any questions, just consult the documentation. I'll be happy to answer any more questions or clarify things, but I did spend time writing that for a reason.:P
Well, I tried using MrDollSteaks' awesome patch, and it did not work. Just wanted to make that clear.

Stahp makin' me look bad by harassin' KK!

But yeah no seriously, anyone who is using my patch, read the documentation.
Karatekid has spent enogh time developing this and making it work smoothly with my rombase,
I feel terrible when he gets questioned about it!

Anyways KK you superstar, great to finally see it here on PC