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Pokémon IV

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Jeremy was hurt. All of a sudden, everyone seemed to hate him.

Maybe I'll just lay low for a while, he thought, hanging his head.
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OOC: While I understand everybody is loving the idea of posting a lot, please keep within PC and Stantler's rules. 1 paragraph (at least 5 full lines of text) per post. Also do not flood the forum with OOC posts. Wait for the OOC thread to do that.

The response Isaac received was one he would expect: Some surprise, some awe and lots of confusion. What he didn't expect was a stern accusation of using Google. Never got that question before, he thought. Most people just ask 'O-M-G how did you do that?' Well I am glad she isn't creeped out. That is the other reaction which always ends badly. Isaac nevertheless smiled due to her innocent enough reaction to Isaac's "trick" and eagerly awaited her next few words as she prepared to speak:

"Okay well, since you didn't mention my name... the name is Kara. I am a coordinator, and my Ninetales doesn't enjoy the presence of Lucarios. I grew up in Goldenrod City, Johto; My passion for coordinating is on fire and I am on the professional circuit. Also if you were to ask me on a date, I would say no unless you could prove that you didn't google me, and that you weren't voluntarily hanging out with that ranger back in Vermillion. So now you get to tell me about yourself. Also if you do have 'powers' tell me what book I am currently reading."

Wow, she actually introduced herself. I am impressed with her and myself. Looks like I still got some of my charm. All that time with Byron and I thought I lost some of it to him. I am more shocked at the fact she almost took me up on my offer. I am 25 though, perhaps she should go for guys her own age. I shouldn't get too ahead of myself. I still need to convince her I didn't use Google and I don't think she would believe the whole 'I barely know how to access my email story.', Isaac joked to himself in his own mind. Isaac looked up to the sky for a brief moment. The weather was nice enough with clear skies and plenty of sun. Isaac took a deep breath in and with his mind clear, he was ready to respond. I am going to improvise and hope for the best, he stated to himself, confident and ready with his body language in sync with his newfound determination.

"First off, it is pleasure to meet you Kara. Something about your name does ring a bell. I think I watched one of your performances before one day on TV. You definitely have plenty of potential, Ninetales too. The media definitely doesn't you enough credit, but hey critics are paid to be complete jerks. Am I right?," Isaac shrugged his shoulders, chuckling a bit at his insult directed towards the media. "Don't worry though, you will learn to ignore it. I did." At this point, Isaac could imagine Kara's confusion due to his ability to empathize with her. Before clarifying his statement, Isaac cleared his throat in preparation. "My name is Isaac Rendell, the new Gym Leader of the Canalave City Gym in Sinnoh. I took over for Byron following his retirement from the training business. The old man still trains though, hence he is my replacement while I took a vacation. The ranger guy was the first person to catch my eye. I simply told him his clothes made him stick out like a sore thumb and then I zoned out. Eventually I decided to head towards Saffron since I heard it was a major city with a lot going on. Then I met you and something about you told me I had to talk you. Oh, to prove I didnt use Google: The book you are reading is Pride and Prejudice and you are near the end. Also part of you thinks I am stalker and another part thinks I am cute, and you are debating whether or not age is problem based on the fact your sister is seeing a guy eight years older. Yeah, I forgot to mention I have some Aura-based abilities. A man named Riley showed me a few tricks during my training at Iron Island before I became a Gym Leader since he said I have some natural talent buried within me. I am not very good, since the best I can do is telepathy. I use it mostly in battle when Luke here is fighting. It is a cool trick but Aura training takes lots of patience and time that I don't have. Hell, I am 25 and I only had 1 girlfriend my entire life. I have to find some life partner eventually" Isaac laughed pointing towards Lucario who proudly stood with his eyes closed and an expression of pure confidence when he acknowledged their partnership.

As Isaac closed his statements, a small girl who stood no more than 5'2 approached, apparently recognizing both Isaac and Kara to some extent. Of course, though Isaac was second hand recognized:

I sorta recognise your face from somewhere but I just can't place it. Though I know I've never met you... And I've met a lot of people... Argh, this is embarrassing..."

Figures, she knows an up and coming Coordinator but not a Gym Leader. I blame my lack of fans and establishment. Byron had both; lucky him. But wait a minute. I recognize her....she is a TV star right? Something of that nature.

"Well, funny thing is I recognize you. You are.....Tierran right? Some TV star right? My little cousins love your stuff. My name is Isaac. I am a Gym Leader, hence you probably recognize him to some degree. I was on the news a few years back when I became the new leader of the Canalave Gym, replacing Byron." Isaac felt like a broken record at this point, having introduced himself twice in less than 5 minutes. Now Isaac shut his mouth, awaiting a reply as it was the girl's turns to talk about themselves and such.
Jenny felt bad for Jeremy. He was really upset. "Guys, is it really useful to just bash on him? We all need to think of something to do." She put her arm over his shoulders. "Maybe we should check it out, just in case. Whaddya say?" Jenny smiled at him. Her friendliness was kicking in. Though she seemed to also secretly like him, though she'd never want to say it out loud. She slightly blushed, at just the thought of admitting it.

'Keep cool, Jen.' She thought to herself. Then she breathed some air. "After we look at the top floor, we can check that way. Who knows what up there? Besides Hitmonchan and Octillery, of course." She announced. "What do you all think?" Jenny grinned at them all. Hopefully everyone would agree with her, otherwise she wasn't sure of what else to do. She made sure her hair ties weren't becoming loose, as she didn't want to seem extremely worried and wanted to rush.
"... It seems that everyone ran off, eh Summers?" Asked Chris as he withdrew Raichu. "Don't rush, or you will get into an ambush. Even the fourth greatest trainer in the past 50 years on record was killed by trying to rush through here." After saying that, Chris walked into the building.

'Well, you are a little calmer than before. I still want to kill that Spindia that beat that electric... thing.' Said Espeon before coming out of her pokéball. 'How will we actually find a challenge?'

"Well, if I'm right... Rocket Agents aren't the smartest, and seeing as the kids won't have the patience to go on the elevator, well with the exception of the Rangers, we should get to the floor I need to get to." Said Chris as he and Espeon walked into the elevator and pressed Floor 9. The doors slid closed, and in half a minute, the elevator stopped and the doors opened, showing three Rocket Grunts. "You know what? In hindsight, I really should have seen this coming."

"Come out, Arbok!" Yelled one of the Rockets, but as it emerged, Chris ordered Espeon to use Psychic, knocking the Arbok out instantly. "Wh-what? How?"

"Type advantages rock, don't they?" Asked Chris before kicking the Rocket Agent into the wall, knocking him out. Chris walked out of the elevator and ducked to the floor, the two Rocket agents tackling each other, knocking the two out. "Pathetic, I take back the weakest rocket agents comment. You three are pathetic. Are you even Rockets?" Chris then walked down the hall before jumping back, two Jigglypuffs were right in front of him. Chris quickly placed his ear plugs in his ears hefore they could sing. "Espeon, use Psychic!" One of the Jigglypuffs was then thrown into the other, knocking them both out. Two rocket agents then jumped out with shotguns and aimed at Espeon.

"Ha!" Laughed one of the Rockets as he got ready to pull the trigger, but Espeon was quick to use Psychic, aiming both guns towards the other Rockets.

"Shadow Ball on the two." Said Chris. Espeon shot a powerful Shadow Ball, hitting the two, knocking the guns out of their hands, and blowing them into the wall. Chris turned around and was staring down the barrel of a gun. The shock allowed him to duck just before the Rocket could pull the trigger. "Espeon, Quick Attack! Then scan to check for more Rockets!" Espeon slammed into the Rocket agent, knocking him out, before focusing on something.

'No threats left on this floor. All targets are on the floors below, concentrating on the other kids.' Said Espeon. Chris looked around, just in case. After a moment, he ran through the unconscious Rockets, taking the key card from a Rocket, allowing him to pass up to the tenth floor.
Summers turned to see Robin speak, looks like he is somehow familiar with this building but he too didn't seem to know what was going on, questioning him would be pointless.

Then Summers looked back, out of all the people Summers met thus far, he was extremely impressed with Chris and how he took care of things. He may seem a bit rough around the edges but there is a bond between him and his Espeon. How they fought together and over came obstacles, so this is a Pokémon Trainer.

"I am very impressed." Summers told Chris, following him to the top floor as the other trainers followed.

He walked around and followed Chris to the tenth floor, there were no rockets here, instead there were...

"What is this.." Summers mutters as he finds a lab with large tubes containing all sorts of stolen Pokémon. The Ranger walks over to one and puts his hand on the tube,

"So.. intel was correct." He says to himself, Pidgeot hopping over looking in awe.

As he looked around some more he was able to find scattered blue prints on a nearby table with a computer reading an error message, it looked busted and the blue prints were intangible, just bits showing something...

"Looks like Team Rocket is back to experimenting with Pokémon." Summers explained to everyone around him. "Using the technology and resources of this company, they seem to have gotten the finance to do this under the table." He explains as he looks at the Pokémon trapped within the tubes, floating in liquid asleep.

"Whatever they are planning is big, however.. where are the rest of the stolen Pokémon?" Summers asks as the lab he stumbled in only has three tubes, most of the instruments broken, looks like Rocket knew they would be compromised.

"Whoever is in-charge here must be at the top floor... but first." Summers looks back at the tubes, "Pidgeot use your Air Slash to break the tubes." He asks of it, Pidgeot flies up a bit and flies between the tubes at blinding speeds, the tubes shatter with the liquid flooding the floor, the sleeping Pokémon stumbled into the floor, slowly awakening from their forced slumber.

Summers smiles as the Pokémon flee the building, "Now all that's left.." The trainers having the card keys at hand, they travel to the top floor to see what is going on.

The elevator opens outside a helicopter could be heard leaving the scene going off into the distance as laughter could be heard,

"Ah, look bro, some trainers are here." He laughs. Another voice speaks, having an accent, "Haha, right brah, bah looky at dah losah, what up wit his red outfit, eh?"

They both start laughing when Summers looks around trying to figure out where the voices are coming from when the lights of the floor turn on, two men stood in front of him, dressed in white rocket uniforms, one has a big blue Afro while the other has a green Mohawk, strange looking Rockets.

"Give us yo' Pokémon brah, or we'll take'em,eh!" The one with the mohawk said and laughed loudly, clutching his large fists.

Summers extended out his arm, his styler charged.

"Oh looks like he wants to play, well that fine.. hehe.. once we are done playing with all of you, we well bring your Pokémon back home with us for a nifty reward." He smiles as he lifts his face up eying the trainers, his afro making it hard to see what he is looking at.

Suddenly the mohawked Rocket took out a Pokéball and throwing it to the ground, "Go Dodrio!" He yells as a Dodrio appears out from a flash of the ball.

"Hmph, get them Kangaskhan." The afro rocket yells as he hurls out a Pokéball, a Kangaskhan stomping the ground,

"Kanga!" It roars.

"Remember us well trainers, as Abbey and, I, Demarco, are about to steal your Pokémon! Rocket Brothers attack!!" The two laugh having complete confidence with their evolved Pokémon.

Dodrio gaws and charges towards the trainers as the Kangaskhan punches it's fists together, ready to battle.
(ooc: I am writing this with the assumption that the afroed one is Demarco, and the Mohawked one is Abbey, because it wasn't too clear. I will edit this if you need me to, though.)

Chris saw the two Rockets, having both a Dodrio and a Kengaskahn out. "Oh, crap. These guys again. Listen, I think Espeon can handle Kengaskahn, can you handle Dodrio, or at least hold it off until the others are here? Because if they both get on a pokémon, then they will overwhelm their victim." Whispered Chris to Summers. "Besides, I have a bone to pick with Demarco." Demarco just laughed.

"Aha! You can't beat us, Chris. Your Espeon was easy to beat last time!" Laughed Demarco as he pointed towards Chris. "You will be easy to beat this time too! Kengaskahn, Mega Punch on the Espeon!" The Kengaskahn dashed in to punch Espeon, she jumped back, but was knicked by the attack, still getting injured by a good majority of it.

"Espeon, use Psychic!" Yelled Chris. Espeon leapt up into the air and lifted the Kengaskahn into the air before throwing it back, but Kengaskahn wasn't too hurt. "Crap..." Demarco smirked at that.

"Kengaskahn, use Hyper Beam!" Yelled Demarco. Chris' eyes widened as the powerful pokémon fired the attack.

"Espeon, use Protect!" Yelled Chris in panic. Espeon's jewel flashed for a second, and a green dome protected Espeon from the attack. "Now, use Quick Attack, followed by Psychic!" Espeon jumped from her spot and slammed into Kengaskahn, not hurting it too badly, but that was followed up by a powerful psychic wave, causing Kengaskahn to fly back into the wall, actually making it show signs of pain.

'This thing is going to pay. It beat me once before, I must have revenge.' Said Espeon, kind of happy that she managed to deal Kengaskahn enough pain to make it feel it.

"Was that your best shot?" Asked Demarco. "I think you need a little more juice than what you have. Kengaskahn isn't even breaking much of a sweat, are you?" Kengaskahn made no reply to that. "Kengaskahn?" Chris looked around to see what could be used to incapacitate the Kengaskahn, or at least hurt it.

"Espeon, use Psychic to throw the desk on Kengaskahn!" Commanded Chris. Espeon focused her Psychic on the table and tossed it at Kengaskahn. The Kangaroo-like pokémon punched through the table, making Chris' plan go down the drain. "Oh, crap."

"Ahaha! You are still as pathetic as you were last time!" Laughed Demarco, but Chris wasn't about to give up. Not this early, he had to win, or at the very least hold it off. "Kengaskahn, let's end this fight, use Mega Punch!" Kengaskahn charged towards Espeon, with the intent to kill, which was perfect for what Chris was about to do.

"Okay, Espeon, use Psychic on the tables behind you!" Commanded the trainer. Espeon sent the table at Kengaskahn, who simply punched through it, but unfortunately, the pokemon didn't see the second table, and was hit hard by the small table. "Now, use Quick Attack, and one last Psychic to propell you faster!" Espeon looked at the pokémon, who was grasping at it's head in pain. She jumped forward, and by her own influence, doubled her normal speed, slamming into Kengaskahn, causing it to skid back. Espeon, now having a splitting headache, jumped back, obviously happy with what she did.

'Did I finally beat that thing?' Asked Espeon, but when Kengaskahn glared at Espeon, it was clear that it was still able to fight. 'Oh, man. I may like to fight, but this is getting rediculious.'

"KEEEEENNNNGGGAAAA!" Roared Kengaskahn, now pissed off at Espeon. Chris' eyes widened, his Espeon was weakened, and she was his strongest pokémon, but she couldn't beat this pissed off normal type pokémon.

"Kengaskahn, finish it off with Hyper Beam!" Laughed Demarco. Kengaskahn quickly charged started charging the beam.

"Run around, Espeon! Don't stay in one spot too long! Make sure that attack doesn't hit you, or it's game over!" Yelled Chris. Espeon growled as she stood in the same spot.

"FIRE!" Yelled Demarco. Kengaskahn launched the powerful attack, but as it came within twenty feet, Espeon jumped out of the way, the Hyper Beam slamming into the floor, creating a hole in it. "Crap, you missed, worthless trash! How could you not hit a pokémon barely strong enough to keep itself standing!?" Kengaskahn just stood there, not caring about much more then killing the thing that actually caused a good amount of damage.

(ooc: And that's it. I figured that these two would either have really powerful pokemon, or really weak pokemon, so I decided to go with the powerful route, and have Espeon barely able to stand up to Kengaskahn. If it was meant to fight Summers, I will edit the post to hold off Dodrio.)
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((OOC: Haha this was a little crazy post... I chose to put your whole speech her, and I had Kara comment on them in her mind. Have fun, I think I will be using a lot more thoughts around you I think it will be interesting with a character that can read her feelings and thoughts. Have fun with this. Oh if you would rather me bold the stuff my character is thinking just tell me, it might be a lot easier to follow. Kiarra you are a very good roleplayer, out of my league... I love reading your posts, thought I would let you know.))

Hmm... there has to be some kind of trick... I mean he can't really read minds can he? I guess we will find out if he knows what book I am reading. Kara second guessed herself from her previous reactions. The unsure teen was split in two, curious to how this stranger knew all about, and she was quick to be skeptical.

The man commenced conversation once again. "First off, it is pleasure to meet you Kara. Something about your name does ring a bell. I think I watched one of your performances before one day on TV. You definitely have plenty of potential, Ninetales too. The media definitely doesn't give you enough credit, but hey critics are paid to be complete jerks. Am I right?" It severed her like knife. Is that a complement? Is that a bash on the media? There was no way he meant that to be hurtful... but it did. The girl struggled with her mind once again. Critics are paid to be critics... to critique us. I have yet to get even a neutral article written about me, everything has been negative. Even my victory was bashed. I don't think he knows it; I don't think he meant it to be mean. Kara was coming to a realization, she had been hoping that no one knew about what the magazines and commentators had accused her of. Maybe he follows contests and knows what the media says about everyone. Perhaps that is how he knows so much about me.

"Don't worry though, you will learn to ignore it. I did," He continued his speech. Like he did? Is he a coordinator? No, I have never seen him before and he wouldn't be exposed to much media at a lowe... wait he is too old to be in a lower circuit. The jumbled mess that occupied Kara's mind was stirred once again.

The older boy cleared his throat and began speaking again, "My name is Isaac Rendell, the new Gym Leader of the Canalave City Gym in Sinnoh. I took over for Byron following his retirement from the training business. The old man still trains though, hence he is my replacement while I took a vacation. The ranger guy was the first person to catch my eye. I simply told him his clothes made him stick out like a sore thumb and then I zoned out. Eventually I decided to head towards Saffron since I heard it was a major city with a lot going on. Then I met you and something about you told me I had to talk you. Oh, to prove I didnt use Google: The book you are reading is Pride and Prejudice and you are near the end. Also part of you thinks I am stalker and another part thinks I am cute, and you are debating whether or not age is problem based on the fact your sister is seeing a guy eight years older. Yeah, I forgot to mention I have some Aura-based abilities. A man named Riley showed me a few tricks during my training at Iron Island before I became a Gym Leader since he said I have some natural talent buried within me. I am not very good, since the best I can do is telepathy. I use it mostly in battle when Luke here is fighting. It is a cool trick but Aura training takes lots of patience and time that I don't have. Hell, I am 25 and I only had 1 girlfriend my entire life. I have to find some life partner eventually." He ended his dialog with a chuckle and glance to his Lucario. The pokemon looked a little cocky to Kara, but she was not a professional mindreader, not like this guy claimed.

She didn't catch why Isaac was laughing mostly due to the amount of information hurled into her, already struggling mind. Okay... what just happened? His name was Isaac. That's not too bad of a name. He is a gym leader? Okay that explains why his Lucario looks so tough... and cocky. Byron? Who in the heck is Byron? Hmm... so he wasn't just hanging out with that ranger, good now I can talk to him again. Kara's brain was now racing with emotions, thoughts, and theories. He could have seen me reading the book in Vermillion... but that's a stretch there were a lot of people on that street. How... how is that possible, for him to know my sister was dating some one older then her... that I thought he was cute? He can just read my mind? Just like that?! How embarrassing he knows I think he's cute... and well he is a good amount older then I, I wasn't really serious about it... Aura based abilities? What? I have no clue what that means... I wonder if normal people could learn to do whatever he is rambling on about... that sure would help with me and Ninetales' communication problems. Her constant commentary finally came to the end.

"What are you talking ab..." Kara was cut off by the arrival of a female.

"Ah- sorry to bother you, but you're Kara Thornse, aren't you?" Kara nodded, but the girl hadn't finished talking. "And that's your Ninetails! Wow, she's so pretty, and her fur looks so soft! I'm sorry." The coordinator managed a smile but again found no time to divulge into the conversation. Turning to Isaac she continued, "I sorta recognise your face from somewhere but I just can't place it. Though I know I've never met you... And I've met a lot of people... Argh, this is embarrassing..." Kara couldn't understand why she was more recognizable then a gym leader, but maybe she was more famous then she had realized. She stated she was embarrassed, I guess I can see why. It takes a lot to introduce yourself to strangers. She tried to picture herself doing that to a stranger, but couldn't imagine she would have the nerve to do it. Kara tried to re-enter the conversation but failed again this time out trigged by Isaac.

Isaac shared his story once again, this time to the new arrival,"Well, funny thing is I recognize you. You are.....Tierran right? Some TV star right? My little cousins love your stuff. My name is Isaac. I am a Gym Leader, hence you probably recognize him to some degree. I was on the news a few years back when I became the new leader of the Canalave Gym, replacing Byron." He ended waiting for a response by either of the two girls.

Kara couldn't believe her eyes. Her childhood idol was standing in front of her. She remembered the countless times she had watched the child prodigy on a T.V. screen. Kara recalled that Tierran was around the same age as her and it was part of the reason why she had loved her so much. She felt as if she could relate to her. As she had grown older, Kara had lost touch with T.V. mostly focusing on becoming a coordinator or just on school. "Holy... I... wow... I remember when I was younger I used to dream of meeting you. Wow that was a long time ago, not that you're not current of anything... I mean... ugh now this is embarrassing for me. I haven't seen your new stuff considering I've been busy with my journey... ugh I am sorry this is so humiliating."

Kara took a deep breathe, Okay I will act like she is just like a normal person, I am sure she is sick of attention just based on her performances. I know I am sick of the media. "Sorry about that. It's a pleasure to meet you. Muuch... I mean your Smoochum is quite the cutey as well," in attempt to regain any respect that she had lost moments earlier Kara played the cool card.

As interesting as it was to be standing in the presence of arguably the most famous idol of the current day something still tugged at Kara's mind. The ability to read someone's mind? What if I could put that to my own use? What if I could read what both my pokemon were feeling... I could respond to them accordingly. That would be an awesome tool to put to hire. Although he said he naturally had talent. I wonder if normal people can do it... maybe I have some aroma erm aura in me too, or however it works...
(ooc: It's fine, that's correct actually. Yeah I think I rushed it a bit too much.)

Summers eyed Abbey, his Dodrio racing towards the ranger,"Yea! Rip'em a part Dodrio!" He yelled at the three-headed bird. Summers extended out his arm, activating his styler,

"Pidgeot, I need your help. Use gust around the disc." he told his partner, the Pidgeot already soaring into the air.

"I won't let you get away with this! Styler activate!" He shouts as he twirls out a disc with a line of light following it, it moves his hand around, controlling it as his Pidgeot flaps his wings creating gust winds around the disc, making it hard to see, confusing the Dodrio.

"Dodrio! Tri-attack dat bird!" Abbey shouts,

"Gaw! Raw! AH!" All three heads scream out as one shoots out a beam of ice, the other fire and the last electric, the beams shooting out like lightning, smashing around randomly as they try to hit the Pidegot.

"Pidgeot look out! Create a whirlwind around the Dodrio!" He shouts as he twirls the disc around more, Pidgeot flies down more and quickly flies around and around until he creates a a mini-twister surrounding the Dodrio.

"Keep it going just one more.." Summers says as the Dodrio flashes.

"Wha dah... Dodrio!" Abbey yells out but the Dodrio doesn't respond. "Yous good fo' nothin' Pokémon! You were a waste of ah steal Dodrio!" Abbey says cursing afterwords.

Summers turns to see Chris is having some problems with the Kangaskhan, as it readies another Hyper Beam, Summers gasped and yelled out,

"Dodrio, jump on his head!" Summers shouted, The Dodrio races over and jumps high up with its fast legs, landing hard on Kangaskhan's head, flipping him over,

"Kanga?!" Kangaskhan falls over stunned.

"Good, thank you Dodrio!" Summers smirks as the Dodrio then flees the scene.

"Abbey! What's the big idea?!" Demarco shouts out upset as he grabs Abbey by the collar, "Dat wasn't me brah!" Abbey whines.

Demarco pushes him away and calls back Kangaskhan, "This isn't over yet, not by a long shot. We WILL steal your Pokémon, Team Rocket will rise up once more! Hahaha!" he laughs as he throws a smoke bomb laughing.

Summers runs over, coughing in the smoke but the two rockets are gone.

"..Darn it.." Summers mutters, he wanted to question them but it was too late. He waves his hand around to get some of the smoke away,

"Hmmm..." He inspects the window, escape ropes tied. He looked around when Pidgeot lands,

"Pid! Piiidgeot!" Pidgeot shouts, Summers walks over and sees a black object on the ground, it's small, upon closer inspection its a mere USB drive.

He turns to look at Chris, "Looks like they dropped something." He wiggled it in his hand as his styler starts going off, Summers looks over, the image of Tracey appearing once again,

"We lost the signal at Saffron, I assume you took care of it?" She asks,

"Yes, I also managed to find some experimentation on Pokémon, though I was unsuccessful in finding the stolen Pokémon." Summers frowns a bit, feeling that he was too slow, "But I did find this." he shows the USB,

"Good job, connect it to the styler, I'll upload the data from my end." The operator explains. He nods and attaches the USB drive to his styler.

"Hmm.. interesting there is decrypted coding here." She says slowly and then explains, "The code reads as follows: Coordinator in place, commence operation: Grand Festival." she tilts her head, "Summers, do you know what that could mean?" She asks puzzled herself.

"Coordinator, Grand Festival... hmm..." He asks himself the same thing..
(Occ: Wow, good story developing! x) )

Robin felt usless, as his teammates had battled almost up to death, the dust and the smoke rising all over the air made him cough due to his allergies.

Wen it was all finished, Robin walked alongside the trainers, feeling crushed.
Suddenly, a shadowy figure aproached them.

"Hit!"- Shouyted hitmonchan, happy to see his owner.

Hey Hitmonchan,Octillery, was dad around?.-

There was a worried look a octillery's face, but hitmonchan happily noded, giving his owner the message that it was all ok.Hitmonchan aproached Robin, handing him a very shiny, tiny amber stone.

Oh, did you find this?.-

Chan!.- Nodded the hitmonchan.

Well,...was It Summers, Do you know something about this?.- Asked robin, handing the item to the ranger who inspected it.Robin directed his sight to octillery.

Hello Octillery, did you find the "Doomballs"?.- Whispered Robin to his pokemon.

Octiller!.- Suddenly, a set of 15 black balls with a "R" logo in them popped out of octillery's canon mouth.Octillery seemed relieved of having to carry all thos pokeballs inside of his stomach.

Robin walked to the trainers, who were a bit excited about allk the fuzz.

You guys, lsten to me. I want each one of you to have one of these balls, that were developed for team rocket by this company long ago.Don't ask me wath It'll do, but I'll tell you something, Don't use it in worthless pokemon.-

Robin handed out the Pokeballsmm abd he seemed quite annoyed of having to give them away, but he remained with some for himself, so it was Ok.
((Aww, thanks Vindicated. x3; But really, I'm not outta anyone's league, I'm just someone who loves to write. ^_^;; You're pretty awesome at writing yourself though. :D))

The fair-haired man was the first to communicate back to the small teen, who stood at a very casual ease with a whimsical smile upon her face, instantly feeling more comfortable due to being within the presence of others who quite possibly knew the area better than she did.

"Well, funny thing is I recognize you. You are.....Tierran right? Some TV star right? My little cousins love your stuff. My name is Isaac. I am a Gym Leader, hence you probably recognize him to some degree. I was on the news a few years back when I became the new leader of the Canalave Gym, replacing Byron."

"Oh, yeah, that's me all right! Tierran Stone, PokeNova's Cosmic Princess- well, that's my title at least," she smiled enthusiastically up at Isaac, who was considerably taller than her (though in all honesty, most people were when she was in flat shoes), and absorbed his face once more with her wide grey eyes, matching what she saw to the information she had just learned and the vagueness lingering within her memory. "But hey, I know who you are now- I was in Canalave a while back promoting some new soda or other and yeah, there was some hoo-ha about a new guy running the gym. You're cuter than you were on the TV programme we watched in the hotel," came her nod, the female rocking gently from side to side after delivering a typical 'idol' smile, just as her management had taught her to do.

"Holy... I... wow... I remember when I was younger I used to dream of meeting you. Wow that was a long time ago, not that you're not current of anything... I mean... ugh now this is embarrassing for me. I haven't seen your new stuff considering I've been busy with my journey... ugh I am sorry this is so humiliating."

"Huh?" Tierran was somewhat discombobulated by the demeanour exhibited by the young woman in her presence, though unpeturbed by her words.

"Sorry about that. It's a pleasure to meet you. Muuch... I mean your Smoochum is quite the cutey as well."

Releasing a mirthful laugh, Tierran shook her head and shifted her weight on one hip, a hand planted on that same side of her ilium. "No way, the pleasure's all mine!" This was a genuiune outburst, sincerity glimmering behind the glasses that corrected her vision. "Seriously, it's pretty cool to meet you too- your contest stuff is utterly captivating! Because well- I'm getting into contests at the moment! Muucha and I aren't very good at battling just yet, so we're not so clued up on trainer stuff like gyms," she threw an apologetic glance to Isaac but momentarily focused back on Kara. "To be honest, I'm not doing that much at the moment. I'm actually on hiatus right now..." A brief, subconscious frown surfaced, though she neglected to elaborate on the reason as to why she was taking a break from the realm of glamour- there was no obligation, was there? The announcement of her temporary absence had not yet been published, therefore she could keep quiet and not feel any guilt. "Ohh!" She clapped her hands together suddenly, seemingly remembering something important. "Muucha, this is Isaac, Canalave's Gym Leader, and you recognise Kara, right?"

"Smoochum!" The Pokemon, who had been dividing her time between staring in awe at Kara's Ninetails and dithering over whether or not she should gather the daisies that were taunting her in an adjacent patch of grass, waved an arm to the trainers, just as she too had been instructed by their agency when greeting people.

"Good, good! Though... I should get going to Saffron City, y'know? Places to see, things to buy- and then home in time for dinner. I'm learning this whole 'normality' thing day by day!"

... And failing miserably. I can't even wander a couple of yards without having someone around me, so how am I gonna get all the way to Saffron? If I rely too much on the idol thing, then I'll attract way too much attention and Magi'll have something to read in tomorrow's paper!

"Wait a sec, I've got an idea!" Tierran began eagerly, barely allowing for them to react to this annoucement. "As a way of saying sorry for crashing your date, I'll treat you two to lunch- I can get you seats practically anywhere!"

Congrats Rita, you just contradicted yourself. Nothing new there, she mentally berated herself, the actress feigning casuality by folding her arms across her chest and staring into the distance as she awaited their responses.
HAI GAIZ!!! Sorry I'm late Stantler :P

Here it goes:

Name: Adele Truman
Title: Trainer, dabbles in Contests and Breeding too
Age: 17
Gender: Fee-male
Birth Date: 14th of January
Birthplace: Lilycove City
Height: 5'8
Weight: 65 kg.
Role Model: Both she and her twin sister, April, admire their older brother Derek who was a very successful trainer. She also admires most female gym leaders as she aspires to be one, one day.
Group: None.
POKéMON: Ampharos , Stantler and Vulpix

Appearance: Adele is tall and slim, with a willowy build. She has a slight curve to her hip, and an ample chest. Although she is thin, she is barely athletic and her weight is just a product of her superior metabolism. Adele has shoulder length, dead straight strawberry blonde hair, a pale milky complexion and small grey eyes. Her features are delicate, with a ski-jump nose, and soft pink, pouty lips with a dusting of freckles across her adorable nose. Adele takes great pride in her appearance and was obsessed with fashion whilst growing up.

Adele dresses neatly and plainly, often in a pale blue turtle neck, dark denim jeans and plain white tennis shoes. She has a brown leather shoulder bag which she carries her possessions in, and she is often seen with her i-pod plugged in, listening to her favourite bands including Radiohead and Angus & Julia Stone.

Adele carries herself with a great amount of dignity, despite her moody personality. Her posture is perfect and she has a habit of jutting her chin defiantly when in an argument and also has chewed her fingernails with great determination ever since she was a child.

Personality: Adele is often described as a mixed bag. She can be incredibly moody, and her moods can change very quickly. Most of the time she is morose and melancholy, for no particular reason, she just tends to let herself get depressed over issues like poverty, war and cruelty to Pokemon. She can be extremely argumentative and stubborn, and openly expresses her opinions on everything. Adele is confident, and never shy, but can often rub people the wrong way.

When she's not arguing or moping, she's usually content. She likes silence and one on one time with people, and relaxing whenever she can. Adele can be very easy going, and when she is she gets on with people much better.
When it comes to Pokemon, Adele is a focused and skilled trainer. She battles strategically and takes great pride in training her team. Adele has a very passionate nature and it is evident in her tone when she is talking about her opinions, Pokemon team or even her favourite dinner (Spag bol)

History: Adele was born and raised in Lilycove City to her doting parents Gary and Rose. Unfortunately, Gary and Rose didn't exactly dote upon each other, and they chose to divorce when Adele was nine. The divorce greatly affected Adele, she did not get on very well with her mother, and never has, and always related better with her father. Despite this, Gary moved to a different region (Goldenrod City) and Adele and her siblings only see him once every few years.

From then on Adele began to act out, by the time she was twelve she was smoking and dating much older guys when she was only fourteen. She fell in with the wrong crowd and in a desperate attempt to discipline her, Rose sent Adele to boarding school until she was sixteen and Adele left on her own accord, travelling around the regions, exploring and learning. This calmed Adele down, especially when she was able to live with her father for a couple of months. However, April and Adele rarely spoke and since then a rift has grown between them resulting in several intense fights. Adele also rarely saw her brother Derek, who was off making a popular name for himself amongst Pokemon trainers. His success inspired her to train and capture Pokemon and she decided to start seriously training the Mareep her father gave her many years ago. Shortly after, Mareep evolved and then evolved again into the brilliant, wise Ampharos that Adele favours. Her Stantler was caught when visiting her father, and holds symbolic importance for their relationship and finally her Vulpix was found in the Kanto region, where the curious Pokemon stalked Adele and her team for many miles, until Adele chose to battle and capture the fire Pokemon.

Rival: Her twin sister mostly, who is also a trainer

Extra: Hi Stantler!! *waves*
((OOC: Here it is, since we are in dialog it is a bit short, so I implemented the flashback tool that I will randomly use to share important events in my character's life.))

Purely out of fame Kara had never... been asked to have her picture taken, signed an autograph, gotten anything free. In fact before her recent victory no one had even recognized her wondering the streets. It seemed to her that critics did not decide whether the coordinator was good or not, her performances had been good enough to attract attention from two well known characters. Just today, Kara's popularity seemed to be respectable. With her face being recognized by more and more people her confidence was growing. However, popularity also brought a downside. She would be expected to get better and better, she would have pressure for the first time on the professional tour. She would be expected to give a lively performance. Her next contest, in Saffron, was a very large ordeal. In fact it would be broadcasted all off the world, and it would be the first time Kara would be performing on a national channel live.

Tierran introduced her Smoochum to the two strangers. Its petite body extended its small arm. Kara surprised to get such a greeting from such a famous figure couldn't help smiling and returning with a wave as well.

The superstar set another statement in stone, "Good, good! Though... I should get going to Saffron City, y'know? Places to see, things to buy- and then home in time for dinner. I'm learning this whole 'normality' thing day by day!" Normality. Ha. I wish I could go home and just chill at my house. I had such a good life, now its all work and critics. Wow. I think my life is bad? I can't believe how much pressure Tierran is always under. She can't do anything considered 'wrong' to society or the media would make it front page of every newspaper, magazine, and early morning talk show. That would be so hard, I am sure she has to think about everything she does... even the people she hangs out with. Tough life.

"Wait a sec, I've got an idea!" Tierran seemed to have come up with an epiphany. As a way of saying sorry for crashing your date, I'll treat you two to lunch- I can get you seats practically anywhere!"

Date!? HA! Does she really think that? Oh well I will let it slide, it is way more embarrassing for him then for me. "It's not a date. Anyways, I am up for anything that is in Saffron. I have to register for a contest today though, then I am free to do anything." Kara explained that she too was heading to Saffron. I really do need to register today, or I will be left out of the contest and lose a lot of publicity... Her thoughts were interrupted by her pokemon. Ninetales had risen from her resting position and brushed its owner's hand. Kara naturally responded to its plea for attention and started stroking its soft, yellow fur. Figuring she made it quite clear that she was open to the idea of eating and traveling to Saffron City she waited for response of the man with 'psychic powers'.

Kara hadn't pet Ninetales in around year. Every stroke brought memories how things used to be.


The egg shook vigorously from with in the case that resided beside a bed. A relentless fury of scratching and biting finally freed the prisoner of the shelled jail. The girl watched as her first pokemon breathed it's first breath and took its first step. The first thing the creature saw was Kara. The following week involved Kara mothering the newly hatched pokemon. Feeding it milk through a special bottle, protecting it from predator Pidgeys, taking it out on walks, and most of all loving it. This was the birth of a new friendship.


Years after the hatching of Vulpix, Kara and her friend had reached the peak of the Junior Coordinating Circuit. One more win would provide the breakthrough would promote Kara to professional status. Contest after Contest Kara found herself losing by small margins, and pressure began setting in. With only one more contest left within the calendar year, Kara had to give herself an edge. In desperation for the win, she traveled back to her hometown of Goldenrod. Their she purchased a fire stone, and without asking anything to her partner evolved it. The contest finally rolled around and Kara earned the much needed victory by a landslide. Ninetales out preformed its former form, but out at a cost. The relationship between the two partners seemed to have lost something. It was no more a relationship it was a partnership dictated by what Kara thought was best.

*End of Flashback*

Purely out of fame Kara had never received fan mail, been asked out, or been offered a sponsorship. Purely in the pursuit of fame Kara had strained the relationship of her once best friend.
"Thanks, Summers. If it wasn't for you, I would've possibly lost, and Espeon would be dead." Said Chris, looking at where the Rockets were. "And what's this about the Grand Festival? Hmm... it seems that they have buisness there, appearantly."

'That much is obvious.' Said Espeon as she sat down. 'Well, isn't it about time we go? I mean, you usually follow any lead to Rocket activity, and the Grand Festival isn't too far off, last I heard.'

"Hmm... Normally I would, but I need to find Kyle. If he were with us, then it won't be as hard." Said Chris, as he walked towards the door. He looked at the so-called 'Doomball' and put it in his bag. "Besides, as much as I hate the idea, he has a flying pokemon. I don't... yet. Besides it'll be another ally. I will see you around, Summers, sorry I can't stick around. Espeon, get ready to use Psychic on us." Espeon yawned as she jumped on Chris' head. "See you around." Chris then jumped out of the hole in the wall. "Quick, use Psychic to slow our descent!" Espeon's jewel glowed, and as the two passed the fifth floor, he slowed down quickly, and by the time he reached the ground, he was pretty much at a stop.
"Any time Chris, you take care of yourself. Remember you have to keep your guard now that we know for sure Team Rocket is back." Summers tells him, smiling after.

With their farewells and a strange Pokéball at hand, the trainers left with the Ranger, seeing how they saved Silph co. The police arrived shortly after the incident with Summers explaining that Team Rocket was terrorizing the city.

Soon Saffron City was back on it's feet with everyone awake now, the day seeming like one bad dream. Though it did take awhile for things to start rolling once more. It's late noon as the city starts to come back alive. Summers walks down the streets thinking with Pidgeot soaring above him.

"Hmm, coordinator?" he mutters himself as a bunch of trainers pass by, a Blaziken and a Squirtle following.

"Hurry up Maria, sign-ups are almost closed! Team Rocket didn't put that on a hold!" One boy says as he runs with his Squirtle closely behind,

"Slow down Sam!" She chases after with her Blaziken running.

"Sign-ups?" Summers asks as he follows the trainers out of curiosity.

He was soon led to a large tent. It's red with white vertical stripes. In the center at the top is a large symbol of a blue Pokéball with a mechanical entrance at the bottom. The trainers are running within when suddenly an announcement went off,

"Pokémon Coordination Circuit is about to commence, all Coordinators must bring their Super Rank Pass in order to participate. To all those spectating please enjoy the show as this is the Grand Opening of the renovated Saffron City Pokémon Contest Hall."

The announcement says and then repeats itself after a pause.

Summers gasps and stops in his tracks, "That's... that's it!" He turns to everyone and then runs to the Contest Hall, passing by the Saffron Dojo on his way, over looking it as he spots something from the corner of his eye.

"Wh-what the.." Summers stops in his tracks as he see's a Lucario walk out of the dojo, but that's not what catches his eye, it's the figure with the Lucario. It's a girl, that alone is clear, all dressed as if she were military. Her clothing reminded Summers of the Rangers in Summerland over at Fiore, however she didn't have their insignia.

But what struck out the most about her is the fact that she looks like a Lucario herself but orange. Is it possible that it is in fact a Lucario? Lucarios have been known to mimic humans and even be able to talk but to this full extent?

Summers scanned her with his styler however no entry was found, "Who's that Pokémon?" he asks himself confused.
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"Alright, I give," Arlene gasped, her supply of energy exhausted in an attempt to outmatch her favorite Pokemon, Snake - a female Lucario. She was the most experienced in her squadron of three, among a powerful but bashful Ninetales named Fate and a downright bizarre Linoone. They were in the middle of the Saffron Dojo, where training Pokemon was encouraged - but not quite in the way that Arlene had been doing with Snake. The Lucario was extremely resilient not through just fighting Pokemon, but through sparring with her master, through learning human martial arts and extensively honing her techniques with Aura with the supplement of hand-to-hand styling.

All of the pistons firing at full blast in Snake's muscles halted,the excess steam rising through her windpipe in a rough exhale. A sigh that let out all of the tension in her sore body. With that, the Lucario slowly and painfully released the red fox from her rather contorted and painful-looking pin on the hardwood floor, causing her joints some hurt in the process. Sweating profusely and defeated outright, the vixen still on the floor was panting heavily and erratically, unable to quite catch her breath for the moment. Snake held out a paw, which Arlene took and was helped back onto her feet by.

Garb in a toasty orange fur that covered her whole body with the curves of a supermodel and the boobs to match, Arlene was a sight to behold. Not necessarily from her corporal beauty in itself, but for the fact that she was the only red fox in all of Kanto - hell, possibly the whole known world, for all anyone could guess. Her stark-black tanktop - not quite formfitting - down to her combat boots of a similar color - spoke of pure practicality and a cunning eye for perfection. And the fact that she had been sparring with a Pokemon was another nod to her demeanor as well.

With Snake, Arlene's sharp green eyes pointed her body in the direction of the door, confident of their hard day's work together. They had not just trained and battled each other for weeks now; they had created art. The connection between trainer and Pokemon was so much more real in the heat of combat, and Arlene always loved the feeling of that certain brand of adrenaline lubricating the masterful machine of her brain and heart intertwined. She was sure Snake felt the same - growing up with Arlene as her master, the Lucario had found training personally with her master to be quite... Palatable, to say the least, and a life-giving fuel at its height.

"That was really fun, master," Snake noted with a sharp smile as the two exited the dojo's main doors, "as usual. Your kicks never cease to amaze me."

Arlene smirked almost smugly, although she didn't intend for it to come out that way. She wrapped one lithe, toned arm around her comrade's shoulders in a friendly gesture as she responded. "Your Drain Punch has become incredibly potent, I couldn't believe I was still conscious after those three hits!"

Snake, being as modest as she was, blushed mildly and looked down. "Nah... I'm not that great yet. You outmatch me in melee, easily," she said humbly, lowering her head - the height difference between the 4' 2" Lucario and her 5' 2" trainer accentuated the humbling gesture. Arlene's smirk turned to a grim chuckle as she scritched behind her Pokemon's ears affectionately.

"If that were true, I would have beaten you today, Snake."

Snake turned and smiled up towards her trainer, and for that moment of silence, there was an unspoken bond between the two... Unbreakable. Well, mostly unbreakable... Until a new voice entered the scene.

Who's that Pokemon?" a male voice erupted from the silence only feet away, to which Arlene's attention snapped, her sharp, deep and intelligent green eyes piercing the human boy intently, searching for an answer to the question of what he was asking.

She heard the tell-tale beep of a styler - the one in his hands - and the accompanying digitized voice proclaiming that the little device had no goddamn idea what Arlene was. Her ears plastered to her temples, the vixen frowned and her eyes grew slanted in a kind of emotional response that would have been proportional to being mocked by a bully. The styler would have caught that Snake was a Lucario if it were aimed at her, but it was clearly intended to deduce Arlene's species.

"Hey..." she said, downed mid-flight (so-to-speak) by the device's inability to determine her species in addition to the boy's haste to assume she was a Pokemon. Then again, she couldn't quite blame him for the latter. "I'm not a Pokemon," she finished her statement, her frown and furrowed brow remaining painted on her face.
Summer lowered his styler and when he saw her face and heard her words, he felt ashamed, he shouldn't of done that, especially a Ranger of all people.

"Oh, please excuse me." he asked of her becoming more polite correcting his throat. As he saw more of her she didn't look so much like a Lucario but perhaps a Ninetails standing up? No, she is something different, nothing he ever seen before. Though Kanto is nothing he ever scene before to begin with.

"I'm.. new to this region." He explains, his voice growing a bit softer, he makes a small bow, "The name is Summers." He stands back up, "I am a Pokémon Ranger." He tells her before she makes any sly comments about his outfit, it's not very popular among the trainers in Kanto apparently,

He looks over and spots her Lucario, "You're Lucario is in great shape, you seem to be taking care of her well. I am glad." He smiles, "All the trainers here in Kanto seem to really appreciate pokémon." Summers explains, though he isn't sure if this is helping, maybe he should leave before he insults her by mistake again.

"Anyway, please be careful, the stolen Pokémon of Team Rocket's raid still hasn't been found." He warns her, not wanting her Pokémon to share the same fate.
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