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FireRed hack: Pokémon Kanlara Ultimate (21/01/2020 - New Patch Out)

Guys can u tell me where the go goggles are? Thanks
That's answered in the FAQ/Tips section of the OP:


I reckon I've played as much of this hack as I'm going to, so I'd like to leave a review.

I have to echo BigBogMonster's praise of the design of the world. There is so much character here, from the very beginning when you leave your coastal town and travel along a cliffside route to the first city, being given the choice of facing a gatekeeper on the direct path or exploring around the back, stumbling across a lively park in the process. The dense, spooky forest located right next to a rainy route, the mountains that you only see glimpses of as you weave your way around them, the verdant date spot with all those double battles you fight... it feels like a living, breathing, cohesive world. Maybe there didn't need to be that many open desert areas, but I'll take a world that immerses me over a world that feels like it's checking off a checklist of biomes every time. I thought this aspect of the game was spectacular (for the most part, but I'll get to that).

I wasn't really invested in the plot, and not many of the returning characters really fit the image I had of them. I did like the ambiguity of whether returning villains had reformed, though.

The game was pretty hard, but to be fair, I have to expect some jank when I come into romhacks. I appreciated the option to bypass the second gym, because without being able to stall it out with Leech Seed, burn and switching, I probably would have taken that. The early game wasn't impossible for me, and I certainly felt more in control once I found a few Evo Stones. Speaking of which, I liked the item density in this game - there was plenty to find if I looked around, with multiple of the same TM scattered throughout if I wanted to teach Scald to two of my Pokémon or something.

Where this game fell flat for me was the final third of the game. The level curve was all over the place, which I think is because the creator changed their mind on when you got Surf and forgot to adjust levels accordingly. Then when it came to the endgame stretch, the water routes were very dull with none of the inspiration of previous land areas, and it just became a slog of a never-ending trainer gauntlet. Team compositions either got predictable (3 legendary dogs + 3 pseudo-legendaries) or ridiculously overpowered. The tower and the reused Victory Road didn't help matters, since I had nothing to distract me from the battles, which seemed to drag on and on. I was at least happy that my Demon Aerodactyl learned its sweet Demon-type move at Lv. 60 during the Elite Four... until I discovered that it was a 2-turn 125 power move with no semi-invunerability, and therefore my frail Aerodactyl generally just died to better Demon moves before I could use it. I did get to the Champion, but a 1000 BST Pokémon with a 180 power, 100% flinch move holding a Lum Berry that's more than 10 levels higher than my team? On a team with a number of insane Demon Pokémon and/or legendaries? I just lost interest at that point.

So yeah, a real mixed bag, this one. I had a lot of fun for a long time, but I feel the final third of the game wasn't treated with the same care that I'd seen earlier on. Overall, I'm glad I gave it a go. Don't use Demon Aerodactyl!
Guys where do you find the go goggles? I think I searched everywhere but can't find it ;-; Please help me
How do i access to kanto?

Go to Kahara Town. Then go west through the Kahara Desert. Northwest of it, you'll have access to the Endless Desert. Go north all the way and you'll reach the End of Desert. Missingno will be there. You can ignore it if you want. You don't have to catch or battle it to enter kanto. Past Missingno there is a house. Enter the house and you'll be in "Kanto." Cinnabar Island, to be exact.

@shiro36 As far as I know, Kanlara Adventures/Ultimate doesn't feature Kanto.

It does, technically.
To anyone who happens by this thread and is or has played Kanlara Ultimate, I have a question.

I just reached the town of the second Gym and obtained my first Evo Stone. I want to use the Demon form of Porygon, but if at all possible, I would like to evolve my Porygon now into Porygon2, first.

My question is, is it safe to evolve Porygon into Porygon2 now, or do I need to wait until I get my hands on the means to evolve into the Porygon line's Demon evolution?

Thanks in advance for whoever is able to help with this. :)
How many Demon Gems you can obtain in the game without cheats? And where can I get them?
How many Demon Gems you can obtain in the game without cheats? And where can I get them?

So far as I know, 2. The first is obtained after the 5th Badge, upon completing the events at Sena's Lab. The second can be obtained after the 7th Badge. Head to Sena's Grove, enter the southern Moss Cavern entrance, surf and climb the waterfall, and battle the Youngster. (He has a Level 66 Eelektrik and Magneton; not the worst opposition and not fully evolved, but do be cautious of the Level difference, just in case.) When that's done, you can obtain the 2nd Demon Gem.

If there are anymore, I've yet to encounter them. (I'm in the pre-Gym 8 point in the game.)

Note, also, that you can get 1 free Demon Crown, which works exactly the same way as a Demon Gem. As soon as you get Surf and obtain the 6th Badge, Surf west of Merryfall (the starting town) to the town there, and talk to the Brendan-lookalike in one of the houses. They have a single Pokemon, a Level 60 Demon Kingler (not as scary as it seems, so just be mindful of its Attack stat and you should be fine), and will reward you with the Demon Crown upon their defeat.

You can obtain more Demon Crowns from the second floor of the Nahara Library, accessible post Sena's Lab. One of the Channelers will trade 10 Dark Gems for 1 Demon Crown. Dark Gems can be farmed (via Thief or capture) from wild Sableye (50% Dark Gem; 5% Dark Matter), which are plenty plentiful in the southern Moss Cavern entrance area or the two areas leading towards Sena's Town, accessible from the water way in the northern Moss Cavern entrance.
Also Hm Surf lol :D

Are you wondering where do you get the HM for Surf?

If so, it's in Florina Town, the home of the 6th Gym. There's a "Surfing Guru" or some such NPC home, north of the Pokemon Center. (There's a sign denoting his house.) Talk to him to obtain the HM, and defeat the 6th Gym Leader in order to use it outside of battle.
Bro, I am always looking for Rom Hacks to play with new story. I just got what I needed. Can't wait to play it!
One question: Will cheats (Just rare candy) mess up the game (crash,etc.)?

Rare Candy doesn't crash the game and works fine but Pokemon modifier ain't working and will cause the game to freeze.
any plans on adding a randomizer for this game later on?

It's been noted by this game's creator earlier in the latter pages of this thread that this hack won't be worked on anymore. They said they've moved on and are working on their next Pokemon Fangame project.

Besides, part of the design ethos that apparently went into building Kanalara and its updated re-releases was to rely as much on the skills of its creator as possible. That's why it took a bit to incorporate things like the Physical/Special split and additional Pokemon, and why a lot of other aspects are strictly peaked at Fire Red's QoL progressions (like no out-of-battle effect for Abilities like Compound Eyes/etc, or the absence of many iconic or popular items introduced in future games that tend to be backported to romhacks of older games). I get the feeling that a randomizer mode isn't part of the creator of this game's skillset (they learned as they went along developing Kanlara) and also probably isn't part of their interest, too, if I had to guess further. (Not that I find such alt modes interesting, myself, despite how ubiquitous they tend to be in Pokemon Fangames these days, to the point where they're almost habitually expected, even when a randomizer wouldn't make any sense in the context of a given Fangame.)