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[Developing] Pokémon - Let's Go Mimikyu! v1.6


The Bionic Man
  • 133
    Hello, all. I apologize for the inactivity here. However, I think I have a (mostly) playable game now, so be sure to check it out! Download here:
    v1.6 Download Link (MediaFire)
    v1.6 Download Link (Google Drive)

    v1.6.1 Patch (MediaFire)
    This patch is needed to fix some glaring errors and mistakes from the v1.6 update. Replace any files in the data folder with these!

    This spoiler can be disregarded, as it is now obsolete. If you still need it for whatever reason, then go ahead and open it.

    Let's Go Mimikyu, as the title implies, is a game starring you and your Mimikyu! Note that the Mimikyu is always shiny, so you can focus on getting good IVs. As a starting project, it's meant to experiment with Pokemon Essentials's capabilities, as well as serve as my "ideal" Kanto remake (i.e. the missed opportunities Game Freak didn't take).

    More screenshots from the latest version will be coming soon! Keep an eye out for 'em!
    FEATURED SCREENSHOT: The Battle Tourney is now open for business! Battle strong opponents and win BP (Battle Points)!

    Shiny Mimikyu Starter (with a Special Move not learnable anywhere else)!
    Expanded "Neo Kanto" Dex (to include pre-evos and evolutions of Kanto Pokemon, plus lots of extras)!
    Custom Shinies!
    Post-Game Battle Frontier (Battle Tower/Tourney implemented)!
    New Dungeons (unlocked through story progression)!
    Start with Running Shoes/Pokegear.
    Custom Music Player (select a track in the Pokegear and have it play everywhere; select [Default] to return to the original game's soundtrack)!
    HM items are now converted to Key Items.
    New Type: Light-Type! One Gym has been converted to such accordingly with a new Gym Leader.
    New Gym lineups!
    Fight Team Rocket with their proper theme (remix from Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon).
    Rival gets a new theme (pre-champion battles).
    Featuring the Let's Go OST!
    Extra Trainer choices! Introducing new player characters Jacob (M) and Alice (F)!
    New Characters! Lillie, Khessi

    Lillie - A travelling trainer who has come to Kanto from Alola. She specializes in Light-type Pokémon, but can adapt to other types without much trouble. Initially, you find her in Vermilion City, with a certain Pokemon she doesn't know how to take care of. Her reasons for coming to Kanto are not known, but it seems she seeks to better herself as a whole by taking on many trainers across the world to build her confidence.

    Khessi - The ruthless boss of the Kanto Branch of Team Rocket. Her Pokémon are as diabolical and versatile as she is. A calculating mind, she carefully schemes to take control of Kanto in the name of Team Rocket, one systematic plot by one. Despite her cunning tendencies, it appears she's not the de-facto boss of Team Rocket, however.

    New and updated evolution methods!

    New Pokémon!

    Type Changes to accommodate for the new type!

    Other Type Changes:
    Psyduck/Golduck = Water/Psychic
    Zeraora = Electric/Fighting

    Change Necrozma's and Zygarde's forms by using "Essences" found in Kanto! There are five essences available in-game:
    Solar (Dusk Mane), Lunar (Dawn Wings), Star (Ultra) for Necrozma, and Incomplete (10%) and Cell (Complete) for Zygarde.

    New Difficulty Modes!
    EX - Raises opponent trainers' Pokemon levels a bit to increase challenge.
    DX - Same as EX, but can also add one or two random Pokemon to the trainers' team (based on base stat totals).

    The Light-Type:
    It is weak to Dark and Grass, and is resistant against Ghost, Fairy, and other Light-types.
    It is super-effective against Ghost and Dark, and is resisted by Light and Grass.


    A text file containing all the credits will be included with the game's download.

    Now looking for help on this project and (possibly) future projects! Currently looking for the following:
    Spriter - For custom and graphical improvements to Let's Go Mimikyu.
    Music/Audio - For custom tracks and remixes for certain songs.
    Scripter - Assist in ironing out bugs within the game as well as introducing new features. I can do a little bit of this (if given something to work with), but I don't know everything.
    You are by no means obligated to help on all my projects if you sign on. Just make sure you're active with the current project!
    Feel free to shoot me a message if you want to contribute! You will be added to the credits and have priority option for getting featured in-game! Which brings me to my next point...

    Curious how you can get a cameo appearance in the game? If you provide your trainer (as a sprite, with overworlds in GBA-style and in-battle in DS-style), you can contribute them to be added to the roster of post-game trainers to fight in the Saffron City Pokémon Fan Club! Space is limited to 9 other trainers at the moment. Be sure to include your desired team with your trainer sprites (outside Neo Kanto Dex is okay). Limit one, UNIQUE optional legendary to your team (No Mega Rayquaza or Ultra Beasts; consult the list below for claimed Legendaries). Custom Battle themes are okay; will be converted to OGG if not already for consistency.

    List of claimed Legendaries:

    Under construction... Something broke in the v1.5 release.

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    CREDITS (It's in another post since I'm having technical difficulties editing the main post.)

    Pokemon Icons

    Item Icons/various sprite work
    Radical Raptr

    PBS file editing
    Radical Raptr

    Pokemon Sprites
    Kyle Dove

    Gen 6 OWs

    Gen 7 OWs
    Mr Sunshine

    Disguise Script

    Kanto Maps

    Extra Battle BGs
    Sonic Team

    Party Switch Script

    Massive Outbreaks Script

    Difficulty Script

    Pronouns Script
    Fiona Summers

    Water Current Script
    Michael, Marcello, Reborn Team

    Following Pokemon Script
    Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, Venom12, mej71

    Phantoms Script
    Richard PT

    Water Current Script
    Michael, Marcello, Reborn Team

    PWT (Battle Tourney) Script
    Luka S.J.

    Transfer + "PvP" Script
    TastyRedTomato, Hansciec

    HGSS-style Trainer Card
    Mr. Gela

    G8 Forms Scripting

    Side Stairs Improvement

    "Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
    Poccil (Peter O.)

    With contributions from:
    Luka S.J.
    MiDas Mike
    Near Fantastica
    Genzai Kawakami
    Jacob O. Wobbrock
    Lisa Anthony
    and everyone else who helped out

    "RPG Maker XP" by:

    Pokémon is owned by:
    The Pokémon Company
    Affiliated with Game Freak

    This is a non-profit fan-made game.
    No copyright infringements intended.
    Please support the official games!
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    The idea is quite original, especially to see Kanto again with 7th generation Pokémon.
    Good luck with your further development
    I've always wanted to play a Mimikyu-centric game. I love the Pokemon. One thing I'll say though before playing the game is that I think this project is unique and expansive enough to treat it as its own story set in Kanto rather than an improvement on everything you felt Nintendo left out of the official Kanto remakes; apologies if I'm misunderstanding that part. I'm about to play the game so I may comment again with my opinion of it overall, but right now I'll say it looks really good and I'm looking forward to trying this out.
    Bug: The game will not run on my Windows PC unless it is set to English locale.
    Bug: The game will not run on my Windows PC unless it is set to English locale.

    Acknowledged. Since I'm the only one working on the game right now, I don't have the answer to that at this time. I will, however, consult with the community and see if we can find an answer.

    What the Shiny odds in this cause i want to find these custom shiny pokemon!

    Currently, the shiny odds are 8/65536, which can be converted to 1/8192 (the normal/traditional odds of finding a shiny in the wild). To make the game more interesting, I could raise the odds a bit so these custom shinies can been more easily seen. Thoughts?
    Bug: In the Viridian City Pokémon Center (and possibly others), after being healed, the nurse says "We've restored your Pokémon to \lfull health". I believe the "\l" is supposed to be a line break, but is being displayed literally. Also, the Pokédex says "Area unknown" for every Pokémon.
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    Bug: In the Viridian City Pokémon Center (and possibly others), after being healed, the nurse says "We've restored your Pokémon to \lfull health". I believe the "\l" is supposed to be a line break, but is being displayed literally. Also, the Pokédex says "Area unknown" for every Pokémon.

    I will check the Pokemon Centers, thanks for pointing out the typo. As for the Pokedex areas, I'm not sure why it says Area Unknown myself. Even I had that problem and couldn't figure it out, even though the encounters were defined. I will look further into these matters.

    EDIT: Seems like that was only in the Viridian City Pokemon Center (I checked Pewter and Cerulean so far, and they seem fine). As for the Area Unknown problem, I believe I might have forgotten some crucial data in the metadata. I'll investigate that now.
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    More bugs: When talking to the Poke Mart salesman in the Poke Mart (at least in Viridian City), when you are done, he says "Please come again" twice, first in black, then again in blue.

    Also, the Mystery Gift function on the main menu isn't working. The game basically freezes for a minute or two, then says "The script is taking too long. The game will restart." However, rather than restarting, as soon as you press a button, the game crashes with an error message "Script is hanging."
    Ah yes, that was something probably I forgot to erase. I'll check the Marts as well.

    For Mystery Gift, I was able to pick up the gift. I will try picking it up again to see what happens. Will keep you posted.

    Also, I have found the solution to the Pokedex Area bug; it's because I didn't set some information in the metadata (which I am working to fix now).

    EDIT: Also, what locale are you using to run the game (when it doesn't work)?
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    I love Mimikyu, so this is perfect! However, I went ahead and did the Mystery Gift event, but I got a lvl. 50 Victini, not a shiny Meltan.

    Other than the event not doing what it's supposed to, the game seems to be working just fine. Keep up the good work!
    I love Mimikyu, so this is perfect! However, I went ahead and did the Mystery Gift event, but I got a lvl. 50 Victini, not a shiny Meltan.

    Other than the event not doing what it's supposed to, the game seems to be working just fine. Keep up the good work!

    Before you go any further, please download v0.6 of the game! The Mystery Gift SHOULD be working and you should get the correct gift now... v0.6 also includes many bug fixes that you might find essential.
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    v0.6 is now live! Check the updated download link at the top of the post to get the new version! Be sure to read the changelog (either here or included in the zip) for some important updates that were applied!
    Bug: The game crashes if you try to buy a ticket to enter the museum. The error it gives is as follows:
    Script 'Interpreter' line 276: RuntimeError occurred.
    Script error within event 14 (coords 14,5), map 402 (Pewter Museum 1F):
    Exception: NameError
    Message: (eval):1:in `pbExecuteScript'undefined local variable or method `pbGoldWindow2' for #<Interpreter:0xa7e0c28>
    ***Full script:
    Interpreter:243:in `pbExecuteScript'
    Interpreter:1606:in `eval' 
    Interpreter:243 `pbExecuteScript'
    Interpreter:1606:in `eval'
    Interpreter:494:in `execute_command'
    Interpreter:193:in `update'
    Interpreter:106:in `loop'
    Interpreter:198:in `update'
    Scene_Map:163:in `update'
    Scene_Map:161:in `loop'
    Bug: The game crashes if you try to buy a ticket to enter the museum. The error it gives is as follows:
    Script 'Interpreter' line 276: RuntimeError occurred.
    Script error within event 14 (coords 14,5), map 402 (Pewter Museum 1F):
    Exception: NameError
    Message: (eval):1:in `pbExecuteScript'undefined local variable or method `pbGoldWindow2' for #<Interpreter:0xa7e0c28>
    ***Full script:
    Interpreter:243:in `pbExecuteScript'
    Interpreter:1606:in `eval' 
    Interpreter:243 `pbExecuteScript'
    Interpreter:1606:in `eval'
    Interpreter:494:in `execute_command'
    Interpreter:193:in `update'
    Interpreter:106:in `loop'
    Interpreter:198:in `update'
    Scene_Map:163:in `update'
    Scene_Map:161:in `loop'

    Corrected. Will be released within the next update.
    the game seems to crash when doing the magnemite for klink trade in cerulean................ i forgot to screenshot the error but can repeat the crash to get the error if need be

    also buying the magikarp from the guy outside mount moon is a literal waste of money as u dont get the magikarp from him nor is it added to the PC storage.......... not sure if that was intentional or not but i figured i'd mention it just in case
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    found another bug, this time its a warp that isnt supposed to happen....................... https://i.imgur.com/3WjKGh4.png immediately 1 tile to the left of my character in this screenshot (the tile they are facing) will warp you to the underground path that connects cerulean city and vermilion city meaning without teleport or if u didnt grab the tea yet u will be forced to trek all the way back thru rock tunnel just to get back to where u were