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FireRed hack: Pokémon: Liquid Crystal [3.3.xxxxx Live Beta]

There was beta 3? How far did it reach?
to my knowledge beta 3 was only released on his site on a sign up list to play it and i heard it was very buggy. but anyhow. OH BOY! I CAN'T WAIT! It's my favorite hack coming back from the grave!
In my opinion, easily one the best hacks to ever grace the PokeCommunity.
I knew this hack wasn't finished; there was alot of things in Beta 2.1 that made me go "WTF?" at times, but I stuck through it. In fact, this was the first hack I've actually finished, even before ShinyGold.
Like the others have said, cannot wait for 3.1 to be ready, and still can't believe this hack is back.(How long since 2.1 came out anyway?)

Hehe yea 2.1 had a few things bad. It was released around april 29th 2009 if i remember correctly...

Why don't you release Beta 3 like you did at The Pokemon World Forums? I've played through Beta 3 and it was awesome. Is OK for me to re-upload the Beta 3 or do I still follow the "rules"?

The rules still apply. And nah i wont release ti as that version is too old and outdated, plus its not ready for a release which is why i didnt publicly release it.

Can't Wait!! I Hope Gastly appears at Bellsprout tower this time

and the weather gets fixed.^^

They sure do ;)

There was beta 3? How far did it reach?

Basically not that far at all. Not even the first island was completed.
Oh, this is being restarted? Cool. I've played some of it, and I liked it. Can't wait for the new version. Glad you're back in business linkandzelda.
Oh, this is being restarted? Cool. I've played some of it, and I liked it. Can't wait for the new version. Glad you're back in business linkandzelda.

Hehe well not exactly restarted but more continued from where it was left off.
Man, I thought this was over when I seen the open beta idea over at The Pokemon World. But it's good to see you back in action, I cant wait to see what new features you have in store for us. :D
Oh man, LC is back! That's awesome. I can't wait for the upcoming beta. But damn, this thread's so dead, LC should be getting so much more hype.

Best of luck with future betas and projects LAZ!
this thread should have some banners, i wanted a banner for this hack.
I hope you guys fix some of the glitches, like the Amnesia glitch in Silph Co.

I loved this game when I played through it last time. Tiling was superb. Although, the weather effects seemed a little redundant or unnecessary at times.
Holy crap the seagull pimp is back. I thought you had given up.

...so were you pissed when HG and SS were announced?

Hehe well i wasnt the best bit pleased with hg/ss. It didnt capture any nostalgia at all for me...

nice job
love ur work brah
BTW who will be the final battle? (since Red won't be...)

The final battle? im not gonna reveal that but maybe you can work it out from the events of beta 2.1 and how they end...

can i also be beta tester

Sorry but, the list of beta testers is on the front page and the positions are full.

How about making a nicer thread? Like Pokemon Sienna's for example.

Tbh its not the highest priority. I would much rather spend time working on the beta when i already have a full thread which serves its purpose.

I hope you guys fix some of the glitches, like the Amnesia glitch in Silph Co.

I loved this game when I played through it last time. Tiling was superb. Although, the weather effects seemed a little redundant or unnecessary at times.

Amnesia glitch? care to explain im not aware!

UPDATES: Well im tested and i just finished Goldenrod City. already hit 7 hours on the game clock.
hey did you ever fix all the bugs with certain trainer's pokemon freezing the game? example being Silver's kadabra (I think) in the fight at victory road?
It's been almost two years since I played you game link and it's awesome to see you're back.

I know you are not trying to be Zel, but I enjoy your rivalry. Once he appeared you showed up with Liquid Crystal, too!

Best of luck to you my friend and I hope you do remember what you said in your previous thread. "You are determined to finish this hack"
Let's see then if you can take it to the very end, especially since your plot is very advanced compared to other hacks. (sorry guys, I've lost interest in rom hacks, so I may be unfair with some new rom hacks which actually might be even better than the old ones)

Considering glitches, I remember two freezing points, both of them being pointed out above. Although none happened to me, back at the days of glory I used to read that people's gameplay was crashed either with that Kadabra in the victory road or in Goldenrod City (sorry for spelling mistakes) during team rocket beating event.

Looking forward to see your progress!
Let your graphics man Zeikku to retake the job. I bet he will still amaze all of us.
Best of luck Link, now that the remake duo is back!
hey did you ever fix all the bugs with certain trainer's pokemon freezing the game? example being Silver's kadabra (I think) in the fight at victory road?

Well yes i fixed it twice as i lost the first fixed rom :(. I tested the 3 battles i was aware of which were Price's rematch and silvers kadabra and also Brendan's krumpurt. The battles didn't freeze multiple times so i hope thats not luck :P

It's been almost two years since I played you game link and it's awesome to see you're back.

I know you are not trying to be Zel, but I enjoy your rivalry. Once he appeared you showed up with Liquid Crystal, too!

Best of luck to you my friend and I hope you do remember what you said in your previous thread. "You are determined to finish this hack"
Let's see then if you can take it to the very end, especially since your plot is very advanced compared to other hacks. (sorry guys, I've lost interest in rom hacks, so I may be unfair with some new rom hacks which actually might be even better than the old ones)

Considering glitches, I remember two freezing points, both of them being pointed out above. Although none happened to me, back at the days of glory I used to read that people's gameplay was crashed either with that Kadabra in the victory road or in Goldenrod City (sorry for spelling mistakes) during team rocket beating event.

Looking forward to see your progress!
Let your graphics man Zeikku to retake the job. I bet he will still amaze all of us.
Best of luck Link, now that the remake duo is back!

Thanks for the glitches. I believe they both are sorted and don't worry Zeikku is on the job ;).
YAY ur back!
I played the last beta and I really liked this hack
Cant w8 for the orange islands,Will u make them a special league like in anime?
I know its too early to ask but still,When all of this is planned to come out?:P