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FireRed hack: Pokémon: Liquid Crystal [3.3.xxxxx Live Beta]

Yeah! 4sure one of the bests pokémons (including original and hack roms) i've already played, congratulations!
I am from brazil and a lot of friends wanna this release too!
Good luck and good work!
Ah, btw do u have any release date? Just try some date, it's terrible to see "Coming out 2011" since we r in JAN yet...
And this time... can u make a item location faq? Srsly bro, i can't find king's rock to put on my poliwhirl ._."

Well, good luck we r supporting!
The last beta was awesome, I really liked this hack; but Link, can you make again the sprites like, Charizard, Pikachu, Suicune, Gyarados,...? (For example)

And other thing, the champion music (Like Red & Lance) Why do you not use the same music from HG/SS, or similary? HG/SS are smaller than your hack, but i think, you can use some sprites or music to create "the atmosphere" of one remake.

Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Peru xD

Edit: I hope news from Beta 3.1 ^^
YAY ur back!
I played the last beta and I really liked this hack
Cant w8 for the orange islands,Will u make them a special league like in anime?
I know its too early to ask but still,When all of this is planned to come out?:P

There is not really a special league in LC just battles between the 4 leaders and then the Orange Champion. Maybe there will be some tough puzzles or something to make it different :)

Yeah! 4sure one of the bests pokémons (including original and hack roms) i've already played, congratulations!
I am from brazil and a lot of friends wanna this release too!
Good luck and good work!
Ah, btw do u have any release date? Just try some date, it's terrible to see "Coming out 2011" since we r in JAN yet...
And this time... can u make a item location faq? Srsly bro, i can't find king's rock to put on my poliwhirl ._."

Well, good luck we r supporting!

A release date? Well i cant say anything and will not as i never stick too them. Plus it puts pressure on me. But i can say this: I'm already tested and am up to ecruteak city. I have quite a few extras to still add in to the game but nothing major like new story stuff. So perhaps you can work out when the release would be from that. I can safely say it will be before Easter unless something major happens like a seagul attack!!!

The last beta was awesome, I really liked this hack; but Link, can you make again the sprites like, Charizard, Pikachu, Suicune, Gyarados,...? (For example)

And other thing, the champion music (Like Red & Lance) Why do you not use the same music from HG/SS, or similary? HG/SS are smaller than your hack, but i think, you can use some sprites or music to create "the atmosphere" of one remake.

Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Peru xD

Edit: I hope news from Beta 3.1 ^^

Well thanks for the offer but i need LC to have a different feel. I'm aiming for a nostalgia based new feeling which isn't like HG/SS. LC needs a unique atmosphere if you get me.

I havent planned on remaking those sprites for this beta even though they arnt exactly awesome I know.

i have made a request for a savegame for a other pokemon hack

please check that before someone delete this

its in the savegame exchange

Umm... I'm sorry but what has this got to do with the hack?

"other pokemon hack" shows that entirely...

Just a heads-up, can people please be sure to keep their posts topical and generally wholesome in this thread? I know there's a lot of excitement about the return (kinda) of Liquid Crystal, and its upcoming beta but if posts get too generic or SPAMmy then steps will have to be taken.
Hey this hack is back! It was one of my favorite hacks many moons ago (why didn't you come back and finish this sooner >.<).

Just a suggestion -- do you think there's any possibility of adding moves like Nintendo did when they remade G/S/C?

For example --
Charizard can't learn Thunderpunch and Solarbeam (both of which exist in Gen III) in Gen III, but it can in Gen IV.
So maybe you could add in stuff like that for various pokemon for various TMs. I don't know, just an idea to make each pokemon more variable.
Hey this hack is back! It was one of my favorite hacks many moons ago (why didn't you come back and finish this sooner >.<).

Just a suggestion -- do you think there's any possibility of adding moves like Nintendo did when they remade G/S/C?

For example --
Charizard can't learn Thunderpunch and Solarbeam (both of which exist in Gen III) in Gen III, but it can in Gen IV.
So maybe you could add in stuff like that for various pokemon for various TMs. I don't know, just an idea to make each pokemon more variable.

So your saying technically upgrading the learned moves and tms as they currently exist in Gen 4 or 5?
can you return the link center in CP's? U_U its the only form for obtain all starters :C and..i find a new bug...i select Totodile how my starter,and Silver too :S


PD:sorry my bad english i speak spanish
Hi Link, well, your hack is original and I understand the reason, but Link, in the case of Sprites, there are someones very ugly or weird, for Example, Gyarados looks like the Yellow Version (I think, in the red/blue version Gyarados looks more agressive) but is only 1 suggestion, the hack is yours, but i really recognize you did a good job in this hack. I prefeer one millon times your hack, before the HG/SS. ^^
Oh, it's back.

I wonder how will Orange Archipelago look like. Will they be similar to its anime counterpart?

Also, try to make the Orange Islands map look similar to the official one. It really annoyed me in Sergio's Naranja that his Orange Archipelago map was merely a broken Hoenn map.

Also, minor detail (from what I've seen on a screenshot) - why isn't Vermillion Harbor a building?
can you return the link center in CP's? U_U its the only form for obtain all starters :C and..i find a new bug...i select Totodile how my starter,and Silver too :S


PD:sorry my bad english i speak spanish

In the next beta there is linking capabilities in the Pokécom Centers only which are in Goldenrod City and the Orange Islands. That totodile bug with beta 2.1 was fixed a while back. Thanks for mentioning it though ;)

Uh, something like that without adding all the new moves Gen IV and V added. Think that's doable?

It's possible. If someone can get me a full list of changes comparing the differences rather than a full list of what they are then i can do it.

Hi Link, well, your hack is original and I understand the reason, but Link, in the case of Sprites, there are someones very ugly or weird, for Example, Gyarados looks like the Yellow Version (I think, in the red/blue version Gyarados looks more agressive) but is only 1 suggestion, the hack is yours, but i really recognize you did a good job in this hack. I prefeer one millon times your hack, before the HG/SS. ^^

Haha thanks. Some of the sprites are old we have a few planned possibly for this beta but if not it will be the next/final beta.

Very impressed, this hack has grown heaps. Dont know if its been mentioned (too lazy to look ^^) but hopeful your removing the weather?

Im not removing all the weather only the annoying ones like sandstorms. Theres an updated weather system which reflects the current season your in in real life like summer, winter etc although that currently only works for UK seasons. It's possible that in time I add weather patterns for other regions too. I will miss sandstorms so might add them in like 1 in 100 chance you get them.

Oh, it's back.

I wonder how will Orange Archipelago look like. Will they be similar to its anime counterpart?

Also, try to make the Orange Islands map look similar to the official one. It really annoyed me in Sergio's Naranja that his Orange Archipelago map was merely a broken Hoenn map.

Also, minor detail (from what I've seen on a screenshot) - why isn't Vermillion Harbor a building?

With vermillion and other maps ive changed it so there isnt an underhouse for the harbor, same with olivine city.

The orange islands maps will be nothing like what they are in the anime. Infact I'll be mapping each one from scratch and from my head. The town names are completely different unless i add a major event from the anime which is possible. From whats in the beta 2.1 i added the Gs ball event. Its important that people know that my orange islands wont follow closely the story of the anime, infact not at all. The only ones are events i pick out like the crystal onix, the snorlax and stuff like that. Also the island names will be used from the anime like valencia island and sunburst island but again, not the town names.

I hope people arnt expecting to play through the orange islands exaclty how they were in the anime because it wont happen like that. The plot for there is 90% custom and totally different.
Amnesia glitch? care to explain im not aware!

If you were fighting one of the Team Static grunts in Silph Co, I think towards the top of the tower, they had a Quagisre that if it used Amnesia, your game could freeze.
I forgot about another "bug". Well, when I was shopping TM's in Goldenrood, I bought Ice Punch, but my Feraligart, can't learn, and my Noctowl can learn (Is because Ice Punch Work like Reflect or Light Screen). The same way, thunder punch, and fire punch.
If you were fighting one of the Team Static grunts in Silph Co, I think towards the top of the tower, they had a Quagisre that if it used Amnesia, your game could freeze.

Ah that. That was also caused by the battle glitch which caused silvers kadabra to freeze. So its fixed too.

I forgot about another "bug". Well, when I was shopping TM's in Goldenrood, I bought Ice Punch, but my Feraligart, can't learn, and my Noctowl can learn (Is because Ice Punch Work like Reflect or Light Screen). The same way, thunder punch, and fire punch.

learnable tms have been also done to about 99% correctness. I'll ask that people post any oddities they find with them here after i release beta 3.1.
It's great to hear that you guys are back to making this the best you can.
I was upset when I heard it was cancelled and the then-called final beta was only being
released to a limited amount of people, to either continue themselves with your advice or
to just play to its limit...

But now that this is being continued by the original creators, I must say, I am extremely excited!

I did play it to my heart's content after I applied and you sent it on.
But now you're back.
Sincere good luck guys! Make this the best you can!
Good to see this back, LaZ. I've already played some of it, since I was accepted for the continuation, but it'll be interesting to see what you have planned for this. The Orange Islands is something that definitely caught my interest. Good luck, and I hope to see this project completed soon :)
Happy to know that one of my favorite hack is back in Business.
I Love Jhoto more than any other regions.
Hope New beta will be here soon and we can Play it again.
BTW, Is there will be any change of tiles or 4th or 5th generation Pokemon in the next version?
Happy to know that one of my favorite hack is back in Business.
I Love Jhoto more than any other regions.
Hope New beta will be here soon and we can Play it again.
BTW, Is there will be any change of tiles or 4th or 5th generation Pokemon in the next version?

This should help you:

Q: How about fourth generation poke?
A: Nope. There should be enough poke to have enough fun.
This hack is absolutely amazing. Great job. I found an issue though, when in the rocket warehouse in Mahogany, the trainer sent out a ditto, and when it transformed, it froze my game...

Also, I have a question, In the Q/A you said that the dogs will be like crystal, so are you saying that after I confront Suicune, Raikou and Entei will be free and we can find Raikou and Entei in the wild?