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FireRed hack: Pokémon: Liquid Crystal [3.3.xxxxx Live Beta]

Hi everyone. Been playing LC since last year. Just beat Johto and now exploring Kanto. And having the original GBC soundtrack is even greater.

About original GBC music, I have a question about GBP: Is it only me, or are some songs' playbacks buggy? For example, the New Bark GBP music gives me only some buzzes, instead of the flute-like neat noises. The same thing happens to other songs, like Kanto's overworld music from Route 6.

I'm using the latest beta 3.3.00512, using emulators such as mGBA, VisualBoyAdvance, and gpSP-rearmed. This issue happened in all these scenarios. Strangely enough, it's working fine on this video, for example:

Should I use another emulator, just like the "VBA for LC" in the first topic that seems like a VisualBoyAdvance build exclusively for LC? Or maybe are there any sound settings from the emulators we need to adjust, in order for the GBP songs to work properly?
When you say MyBoy, you mean the GBA emulator for Android devices, right?

In my case, I rarely use my cell phone for playing games. I use mostly PC (windows) and portable consoles (3DS, OpenDingux), and in those, we don't have MyBoy for it. Instead, we have these other emulators I mentioned previously.

But anyway, I still have MyBoy on my smartphone, and I tested it to see what happens. Turns out the same issue with GBP music also happens on MyBoy.
So trying this for the first time and game freezes during trade. Just started so no save. Nice.
It didn't freeze for me. Traded lots of pokémons from the original FireRed through two mGBA instances. Same thing for in-game trades such as Rocky (Onix) and even LC exclusive ones (Mareep).

But it's worth mentioning that, at least for real trades, there are some caveats:

1. The only pokémon center you can trade is the one from Goldenrod, meaning you'll need to beat at least 2 gym leaders, fight two of your rivals, and pass through Ilex Forest before reaching this city;
2. You'll be able to trade only Gen 1 pokémons, so you won't be able to trade your Cyndaquil for a Charizard for example (unless you get National Dex on both games);
3. I'm not sure you can trade with Gen 3 Hoenn games (RSE) because I haven't beaten Emerald yet. My hunch is you'll need National Dex on Emerald too, so no luck trading Gen 3 pokémons until then.
Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I made any appearance here. I want to update people on the status of LC and also on what I'm working on now and in the future.

First things first, what's going on with LC?
It may already be obvious, but development of LC stopped around 8 years ago. I never officially cancelled it, and whenever anyone asked me I would often say vague answers with a bit of hope that maybe one day development would resume. At those those times I had the intention to do so, but as time moved on I simply let go of that possibility. I'm 32 years old now and long since moved on to other things. So, as sad as it is to say, development will no longer continue for LC. But... it's not all bad news. I'm still around!.

What have I been doing instead, then?
I've been busy!

15 years ago I made the decision to start LC on a whim. And working on a project like that changed me forever and I had tremendous amounts of fun. After creating so many scripts and maps and story events it inspired me to want to go beyond ROM hacking and to create games of my own. So, 12 years ago just 3 years after starting LC I began studying and learning the skills required to be a game developer. It was my intention to enter the industry full-time, start my own company and then work on my dream games.

What ended up happening instead was me entering the web dev and devops/sysadmin industry instead, since I was focusing heavily on my programming skills. I naturally expanded out to websites and then servers and then Linux and then found myself as devops. And I basically stayed there until around 2 years ago when I moved country. It was then that I decided it was time to start becoming a game developer and realise my dreams.

I taught myself a lot of skills to be able to realise that dream of being a game developer. Being solo dev and doing things yourself isn't easy and requires a lot of time and effort, and skills. I made myself into a great programmer up until now but needed more skills. So I taught myself how to draw digital art like sketches and concept art all the way up to finished assets. And then I taught myself pixel art! On top of that, I taught myself how to compose and produce music in various genres. And finally, I felt ready to make my own game.

I already made my first game!
In the last year I worked on creating my first game. I wanted a project which would get my foot in the door of game development while testing my skillset in the process. So I came up with the design for a little casual game called Boatload!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Liquid Crystal [3.3.xxxxx Live Beta]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Liquid Crystal [3.3.xxxxx Live Beta]

Boatload is my first game so far and it's a tower stacking game. I know, it's nothing to do with Pokemon or LC, but I wanted to share it with my fans and this felt like the best place to do that.

The game released in April 2023 and is available (both free and paid) on itch.io for Mobile and PC!

What's going to happen next?
Well, I rebranded myself with a new nickname ElGatoPanzon. I have a new website, an Itch.io store page, a new Twitter and a Discord server where you can chat with me about anything. I'll be posting everything I do from now on under that name and in those places. If you'd like to stay updated check those places out for more.

As for the type of games I'd like to make, I have a looooot in store and only just getting started. Games inspired by my favourite series like Zelda, JRPGs like Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Golden Sun, MMBN, and of course Pokemon itself what started it all! I have a lot of ideas and I'd love to share those with my original fans: you guys!

Thanks for everything
I wanted to say thank you to everyone who played LC over the years, from the original 0.1 Beta, to Beta 1.1, to Beta 2.1 and then the overhauled Beta 3.1, all the way up to the last released Live Beta. I want to thank every member of the team (wherever they are) for the work they did with me. Even to this day I still get people messaging me or recognising me and it touches my heart that LC was able to reach so far, and I'm very thankful for that!

Oh, one last thing: consider this post as permission for anyone to continue/re-release/re-base LC into your own project, with full permission to release it with credits to me (linkandzelda) and the LC team for the original works, including crediting those mentioned in the official credits on the first page. Let the spirit of LC live on!

Hope to see some of you around in future!
Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I made any appearance here. I want to update people on the status of LC and also on what I'm working on now and in the future.

First things first, what's going on with LC?
It may already be obvious, but development of LC stopped around 8 years ago. I never officially cancelled it, and whenever anyone asked me I would often say vague answers with a bit of hope that maybe one day development would resume. At those those times I had the intention to do so, but as time moved on I simply let go of that possibility. I'm 32 years old now and long since moved on to other things. So, as sad as it is to say, development will no longer continue for LC. But... it's not all bad news. I'm still around!.

What have I been doing instead, then?
I've been busy!

15 years ago I made the decision to start LC on a whim. And working on a project like that changed me forever and I had tremendous amounts of fun. After creating so many scripts and maps and story events it inspired me to want to go beyond ROM hacking and to create games of my own. So, 12 years ago just 3 years after starting LC I began studying and learning the skills required to be a game developer. It was my intention to enter the industry full-time, start my own company and then work on my dream games.

What ended up happening instead was me entering the web dev and devops/sysadmin industry instead, since I was focusing heavily on my programming skills. I naturally expanded out to websites and then servers and then Linux and then found myself as devops. And I basically stayed there until around 2 years ago when I moved country. It was then that I decided it was time to start becoming a game developer and realise my dreams.

I taught myself a lot of skills to be able to realise that dream of being a game developer. Being solo dev and doing things yourself isn't easy and requires a lot of time and effort, and skills. I made myself into a great programmer up until now but needed more skills. So I taught myself how to draw digital art like sketches and concept art all the way up to finished assets. And then I taught myself pixel art! On top of that, I taught myself how to compose and produce music in various genres. And finally, I felt ready to make my own game.

I already made my first game!
In the last year I worked on creating my first game. I wanted a project which would get my foot in the door of game development while testing my skillset in the process. So I came up with the design for a little casual game called Boatload!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Liquid Crystal [3.3.xxxxx Live Beta]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Liquid Crystal [3.3.xxxxx Live Beta]

Boatload is my first game so far and it's a tower stacking game. I know, it's nothing to do with Pokemon or LC, but I wanted to share it with my fans and this felt like the best place to do that.

The game released in April 2023 and is available (both free and paid) on itch.io for Mobile and PC!

What's going to happen next?
Well, I rebranded myself with a new nickname ElGatoPanzon. I have a new website, an Itch.io store page, a new Twitter and a Discord server where you can chat with me about anything. I'll be posting everything I do from now on under that name and in those places. If you'd like to stay updated check those places out for more.

As for the type of games I'd like to make, I have a looooot in store and only just getting started. Games inspired by my favourite series like Zelda, JRPGs like Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Golden Sun, MMBN, and of course Pokemon itself what started it all! I have a lot of ideas and I'd love to share those with my original fans: you guys!

Thanks for everything
I wanted to say thank you to everyone who played LC over the years, from the original 0.1 Beta, to Beta 1.1, to Beta 2.1 and then the overhauled Beta 3.1, all the way up to the last released Live Beta. I want to thank every member of the team (wherever they are) for the work they did with me. Even to this day I still get people messaging me or recognising me and it touches my heart that LC was able to reach so far, and I'm very thankful for that!

Oh, one last thing: consider this post as permission for anyone to continue/re-release/re-base LC into your own project, with full permission to release it with credits to me (linkandzelda) and the LC team for the original works, including crediting those mentioned in the official credits on the first page. Let the spirit of LC live on!

Hope to see some of you around in future!

Far out, thats good to hear. Congrats on your work, its more than some of us could ever hope to achieve. Here's hoping someone picks this up soon.
Good morning, I've recently been playing through Pokemon Liquid Crystal hack rom and I wanted to know if the amulet coin is present in the game, if so where can I find it? How can I get it?

Thank you very much
hi! good evening, where can I find the black belt is the amulet coin in pokemon lquid crystal?
How's it going everyone? I have updated and polished up my walkthrough for Liquid Crystal, here is the link https://www.mediafire.com/file/dvoa...d_Crystal_Beta_3.3.00512_Walkthrough.rar/file

In the RAR you'll find the walkthrough document, screenshots for hidden item locations and a couple of video clips showing how to navigate a few Route 57 spots. A big thanks to LaZ for providing me with a lot of the information which I did not have when I wrote the initial walkthrough back in 2020. I wasn't even aware of how many errors and mistakes that the first guide had. I have reached out to Hacksrepairman and am now reaching out to anyone else with a request for the game to be cleaned of bugs and glitches, updated and completed. LaZ won't be doing that anymore since he has moved on to making his own games now so it's up to other people to step forward and do the job. I'll be glad to help with another walkthrough if that happens.
Hi LaZ,

I am very greatful for Pokemon Liquid Crystal. It is a great game. How can we get the source code to continue working on it?
Hi, even if its not complete, It deserves the time to play It? Is It a full experience? Thanks foe answering 😛
I'm thinking of making a rom hack called Pokemon Bright Silver, but I wanna make all the Pokemon available in different times. Do you think I should start a project like that?
Is there a way to change the time of the clock to capture certain Pokémon that appear only at night or in the morning?